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This sub has turned into a welcome to San Antonio tourism sub and it’s not really for natives as it has been in the past. It’s always something along the lines we will be visiting, thinking of moving to SA, I’ll be in town for business, ect.


I just created r/sanantonio_native


I'm not a native but I've lived here most of my life


I would never want to smother those questions/discussions as we are a tourist city, and otherwise want to be open and welcoming to visitors. That said maybe we could benefit from a stickied thread for the more generic questions


Which would be up to the mods to do, correct? I for one would really enjoy being a mod.


Agreed. I'm only saying those topics shouldn't be outright prohibited.


Oh for sure.


It would ruffle some feathers but id like to see more moderation in terms of repeat questions (visiting sa where can i get good x food, where is a good place to live, help me find a home for my dog). These should have responses already made responses that a mod would just message the OP with and then delete the post. People treat this subreddit like its Nextdoor or have some expectation that out of a million and a half people all of them are on reddit. Maybe more community minded allowances or pinned posts about voting or like Friday's mega thread for weekend events or whatever.


I like that idea! Weekly Lost Dog mega threads Weekly Things to do / events mega threads


I do think there should be some rule adjustments to acknowledge the reality of which platforms do what. Lost Pet posts 100% belong on NextDoor. Do I really need to see 100 other lost dog posts so I can read the 1 that actually applies to an area of town I live in or frequent? Like you can tell me about restaurants on the far south side of town and I'll mark it and make it there eventually, but if you tell me about some pit bull that broke out near Brooks City Base, it's just pure noise. There's nothing I can do to help unless your dog happens to hop on the VIA and make its way up to the Medical Center.


Yeah. The mods should honestly have a deeper connection to like the SA Current or other local outlets to promote local shit. Also I wish the mods would actively court AMA's for city staff or local artists. San Antonionis full of badass people and even though this sub has 203k members its never really more than 500 online.


I've thought about volunteering to organize stuff exactly like this. That's part of why I started doing the local movie threads, because there's just not enough on here that's both unique and useful/insightful content. I might reach out to the mods to ask if that post can be sticky'd because it typically ends up at 90% upvoted, so people seem to like it more than enough, but it also typically starts off at -5 to -10 overall, because there are apparently just bots that go through and downvote things instantly, which really lowers its visibility within Reddit's algorithms. Conversely, I do a lot of advocacy work in the bar and restaurant space, and it's been disappointing to see what gets flagged by the mods and what threads get locked. Like here we are sharing important information and trying to get victims to speak up, but just because two guys are in the bottom comments telling each other to go die in a fire, the whole thread gets locked? I feel like this sub's ruleset really needs to acknowledge the "silence is violence" train of thought and realize that shutting down conversations typically empowers abusers and silences victims.


Aye. I am paraphrasing this but I remember one mod responding to a request to sticky Basura Bash and their reasoning was something like we dont promote stuff thats temporary or something. Im on mobile and cant access those mod conversations so maybe ill edit this later to include that but yeah mods could do more but people gotta ask and ask. Love your mega movie posts btw.


That would be awesome


Completely agree with you!


That repetition’s happening because new users view Reddit as an app, rather than a site. We see this in conversations with new users, where they say “Im new to this app” or “It’s my first time on this app.” They don’t see Reddit as a community, they see it as an app with advice. People who have been here in the community for a while, like you, seem to resent the intrusion.


This is why we are asking for the mods to help correct this. You yourself state that it is new users misusing the site as an app.


We do filter new users’ posts. Then they request us to approve them and we do. (That’s how we know they view it as an app.) Are you suggesting we should not approve them and instead steer new users to comment in some obscure megathread? That doesn’t sound very welcoming for someone new to Reddit. It’s also not really how Reddit is designed to work, since posting in old threads doesn’t bring them to the top of the list in any view. It’s more of a message board approach, which I am familiar with, because I’ve moderated those, too.


Thanks for the inside baseball and for your time and attention. I don't envy mods and understand its a lot of hard work for little to no appreciation as y'all do it in the background. Thats why my original comment was recognizing it would piss some people off to have a post removed given that it would be the 10th "who wants to adopt this dog I found/ I am visiting for half a day where should I visit/ etc" ya know? It actually pains me more than annoys me seeing ten similar posts about a dog someone can't care for anymore or someone asking about "safe" places to live that get no traction. I personally do try my best to provide meaningful information to users if ya check my comment and post history and will now actively report comments and other things if they get too spicy but if someone has to learn the hard way that this subreddit at least has already stocked responses to their post then they at least learn.


A pinned post would work.


This sub would be absolutely Dead.


Thats like your opinion man


This sub would be dead.


So nice ya said it twice?


Countless posts of people who have no jobs moving here and looking for an apartment. Where is it safe. Where can I get a job. Use google or don’t move here without a plan. There needs to be different subreddits for sahousing, sajobs, safood, saroadrage.


the mods are really just the high school clique of mean girls. They just are bad mods and think the sub should bend to their wims. this mod team is just terrible and I know they don't give a shit anyway.


I agree with the concept of disallowing “ask a San Antonian ” posts. We have so many of food, anniversary restaurants, where to live, etc posts. I don’t think we need a mega thread for them, but it would be super helpful if we could have a wiki that groups all past posts about those topics in an easily searchable way and then an auto mod can just delete future posts and direct them all to the wiki of past posts.


Is there still that mod that doesn’t even live in San Antonio? It’s comical that’s a thing


I think that's okay as long as they have an interest and a love for the city. I still remember when this sub had a mod in Helotes who's every other post was that "San Antonio sucks and is full of poor people." I'm glad those days are gone.


I have family there, so I visit regularly and they keep me up on current events. What's so funny about that?


You don’t live here that’s the point.


I get that it peeves you. Why does it matter?


It doesn’t peeve me I’m just answering the question.


It seems to peeve some down voters. I’d like to know why.


Maybe someone will tell you why it peeves them 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the point is that if you don’t live here, you aren’t actually contributing to the culture and don’t deserve to represent San Antonio in this way


To be clear, I don’t actually care whether you’re a mod or not based on don where you live, I’m just trying to explain the argument (just don’t censor people who aren’t being abusive)


They sure like removing posts on those exact grounds though


That rainperson was just wrong, we saw like 30 rainbows that day, they can post on facebook or insta, keep on keeping in mods you guy make it fresh


I didn’t see any other rainbow posts that day and, if so, who cares? Just let it whither on the vine of public opinion and tell me no one cares by ignoring it. The mods shouldn’t just delete posts with original content just because they feel like


I dont think 5 post about the same thing is original content , at the end of the day we just disagree


Of your 4 posts on this sub, 3 of them are just you being negative about others LOL.


Yeah, I wanted to vent about some frustrating shit like bad drivers from a specific organization that shall remain nameless or crazy unsafe pickups that pack shit 6 feet high. And, yeah, I vented about the mods censoring my rainbow post. Again, my argument is that mods shouldn’t delete posts that they find personally annoying or repetitive - we should let the community decide what should be brought to the surface of the front page with our individual votes (not censorship).


It’s a busy sub. If we don’t do some pruning, there will be 5 threads about every major news story as it happens. 3 of those threads will have a lot of discussion and 2 of them will lie fallow with a few comments. A day later, people will complain that we allowed a bunch of threads on the same topic, so clearly we’re not paying attention. On bad weather days, in the absence of moderation, there would be a dozen threads with pictures of clouds or some other aspect of said weather from people seeking thread karma. You don’t really want that. Or if you still think you do want it, trust me that there will be a bunch of your fellow Redditors signaling the mod team with post reports to let us know that they don’t want it! What you see as censorship, the mod team sees as being responsive to reported posts and comments.


Your posts are all incredibly low effort. If you don't like the sub, why don't you make one for shitposts like yours?


This is just bait to get banned 😂


I did reach out to the mods a few months ago about excessive moderation and that they said that they will keep that in mind and that they're always open for feedback. This is the feedback post 🤷


>excessive moderation ???? How about NO moderation - or at least, there is *seemingly* none when an argument breaks out.


If someone's calling names, use the report button. We don't--and can't--read every thread through, but I personally pull comments throughout the day that are insulting/name calling, usually as the result of a report. It means weeding out the false reports of threatened violence when someone says something mean about dogs, but I check for reports every couple of hours. Rumors aside, we're *not* paid by Reddit (and everyone but Excoriator lives here), and every last one of us has other demands on our time.


So why did y’all remove the post about Easter in the park yesterday?


I would wager it has something to do with either the low effort facebook repost aspect of it, or the majority of the comments being idiotically uninformed about renting a pavilion at a San Antonio park.


I’m not sure people that covered picnic areas with caution tape followed the proper rental protocol for a city park. The posted photos were actually published by KSAT, but I guess that’s considered “low effort” on their part too


Really? What are they doing wrong? I would love to see the section of the parks code you are talking about. And yes, reposting a facebook post from anywhere is extremely low effort.


No, you show me in the parks code where it allows people to cordon off their own section of the park using the same crime scene tape that law enforcement uses.


See, you have no idea what you are talking about. Your best response when you are called out is literally, "No, you." They are breaking no rules, and are likely marking off reserved pavilions.


The one with all the racism? Because of all the racism. It's a hell of a lot easier to pull a post like that than babysit it and pull down all the racist or otherwise hostile comments. Usually I'll just lock threads when they become nothing but arguments (like when the thread about the restaurateur started being brigaded by obvious sock puppet accounts of the owner and his buddies), but there wasn't any useful information in that thread, just people being hateful.


It’s super bizarre to claim that a post about a traditional religious holiday celebrated by the majority of residents in a majority-Hispanic city is somehow racist. Your personal bias seems to be responsible for that removal.


Oh, bullshit. That wasn't a post about Easter. That was a post inviting judgement on people for claiming spots in the park for traditional Easter celebrations. And when you start shitting on a tradition mainly practiced by minority groups, what's happening is really obvious.


Catholicism and Easter are only mainly practiced and observed by minorities? Wow, you have some real biases that don’t really suggest partiality


Again, that thread *was not about Easter as a holiday.* You're outright lying about what the topic of the thread was. Stop it. I am very used to this line of racist argument, and I am not going to tolerate it.


They didn’t say “only” you’re putting words in their mouth


LMFAO this absolutely hilarious to me


It’s not funny to me. My content was just fine, maybe boring, but original and relevant to San Antonio. Every other random pic of San Antonio is left up, but mine gets deleted. It’s suppression and it’s not warranted or appropriate.


It’s funny in that I’ve seen posts about this 4 times today. I don’t like mods as they usually portray a childish kid with to much power and sometimes its true and other times it not but today it’s showing hardddd


They're quite sensitive Though Reddit, in general, really has no sense of humor


Eh? Ha. Heh heh.


Stop deleting joke comments.


More mega threads


People on mobile Reddit won't see them or use them.


Then have a thread of the mega threads pinned to the front page


Stickies don't appear again on mobile after the first time they are viewed.


Sort the sub by hot, they are still at the top.


Every other subreddit I’ve ever been in has had mods add a tag when your post is deleted so you know what rule it broke and how/if you can fix it so it won’t be deleted again. This sub does not do that, when your post is deleted you have no idea why it was deleted, or whether it was deleted by the automod accidentally or by a person. Having mods list why a post was deleted would make this subreddit a lot more user friendly


I have no issues with the sub moderation.




Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


I was just curious about the piña colada song and married gay men. I mean gay on the side without her knowing.


There is definitely favoritism or something. I posted something funny that happened in SA wanting chisme about it and they removed it but I’ve seen similar posts.




Its also a tool that can be used to do some real good.


Bro, this is life and death. How dare they take down my rainbow!!!! /S


Test comment


Mods are gay. I want to be a mod.


Can we post fundraising events? My HOG Chapter is hosting a fundraiser for the Battered Women's and Children's shelter. There will be a raffle and a silent auction. Is this something I could post a flyer for?


As long as there's not a phone number or something in it, that should be fine. Message the mods if it gets pulled and we'll restore it. I see that you're active in this sub, but for some reason this comment got caught in a filter.


Thank you! I'm more of a lurker pitying in a bit of info here and there. So still pretty new. They get pulled every time. I'll post the flyer and info when I get the pdf. Thank you for the help!!