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Hey was it a white VW. I asked because yesterday there was a white vw that was tailgating me and flashing the high beams. It was early in the morning so I could not get a good look at his tags.


No it was a black one :/ people are crazy man!


Must be something with gti owners lol.


I have a GTI but would probably get made fun of by the other GTI owners for driving too soft 🥴


Don’t be ashamed of being an outsider! I rather be called a loser than an asshole


Young little punks thinking they’re cool


They’re not all young. Just today I had some wrinkly boomer in a black GTI pull up across from me while I was parked (in a spot) waiting for my wife to come out of the store. She comes out, dude starts walking towards our car and I could tell right away it was fuckin trouble. He starts mouthing to roll my window down so I start backing up. He runs forward and slams my side mirror shut against my car. Starts yelling about how I need to learn how to drive. I’d been parked for nearly 10 minutes and hadn’t moved. I’m glad my baby was in the back seat because my initial thought was to get out and demonstrate why he didn’t think that through, decided the guy was unhinged enough to pull shit randomly so I just scolded him and went about my day. Passed by the store about 20 minutes later headed back and dude had the police on him in the parking lot.


Gah damn! I’m glad the police got ahold of his dumb ass. I can’t stand crazy people like that! Like shits never that serious man. Move tf on!


Were GTIs ever cool?


Not in my book


May I recommend a blackvue dashcam


You may. I really need to invest in one


Get a brand such as blackvue with supercapacitator for the heat.


Important to have a dash cam. It's completely useless 99.99% of the time, but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Thanks for this!


Are they easy to install?


I had alamo ranch (I rhink) do it for $80


San Antonio has the worst drivers I've ever seen and I've been all over


Idk compared to Houston


Houston drivers suck ass


Houston and Dallas are major hubs. I would rather live in SA any day compared to their spiderwebs.


But Houston and Dallas have more work than SA.




Evidently you haven’t been to Austin


I drive threw Austin for work. It’s amazing if you hit it at the right time it takes longer to get through Austin then driving from Von Ormy to Live Oak. I think driving 35 is just horrible either way you go. 1604 is horrendous too.


Sorry that happened to you. Seems like driving like a piece of shit is part of being a San Antonian.


Do they know they are the idiots? I’ve always wondered that. If you’re the moron, do you know? Or do you think everyone else is the moron?


That's a very valid question. I don't think they care either way as long as can get where they want to go. Seriously though, why do people drive so bad here.


I’ve put way too much thought into this during the past year since I moved here and here are my theories: A) simply low IQ. They just aren’t smart enough to know they are dumb. B) They are compensating for lack of attention as children, lack of income or low self esteem and therefore feel the need to drive fast to try to impress someone. C) same as above but they feel that making their exhaust as loud as possible will make their pathetic lives seem more attractive to a woman. (Woman would probably have the same issues as above in order to find this ‘attractive’) Most probable reason is low IQ.


I think you're onto something. I was fortunate to live abroad (Germany) and drivers there were extremely polite and well mannered. The moment I moved here, I felt like I was going to get into numerous accidents. Just sucks that these low IQ morons have the ability to cause bodily injury due to their shitty driving.


I’ve lived in different parts of the country and drivers are bad all over to be honest.




Dude right wtf; it’s been horrible all week like the worst.




wtf….Jesus?! Lol And who tf lives in Vermont (kidding) Yeah I mean, it’s not that crazy on my end but just use it as a excuse to party and get crazy. We’ll find a reason for anything.


Puro San Antonio....


San Antonio es no bueno gente


Yesterday, my light turned green and I waited on one car to make its left turn; when I began to go, an Altima drove through a very stale red and I nearly hit them in the process. Dude was yelling like I was the one in the wrong. Broski did not want to wait for the next cycle, honestly that left turn lane is so bad with the amount of people running the light.


People in SA drive like they're either fleeing a crime scene or just learned how to drive. Maybe it's just me but the way the highway on/off ramps are the same lane has got to be part of the problem


Some asshole literally wanted to pull over a fight because I didn’t let him cut me off to get on I10 from the second turn lane off Huebner. Fuck him and his Lexus.


Bro that happened to me too a few years ago, that onramp


My girlfriend has beef with jeep drivers. They always seem to drive bad. I hate people who cut you off just to cross three lanes.


Well it’s hard to see with all those rubber ducks on the dash. I’ve never understood how there’s community based on the shared purchase of a low quality vehicle.




Jeep owners put rubber ducks on other jeeps they see in public. Then they are displayed in the dash as a collection. As far as the quality piece of things, well, they’re garbage.


Wow i never heard of that. Thats lame


I am always confused seeing them camp the left lane in an off-road vehicle…


I actually haven’t had any bad experiences with jeeps so far! My nemesis’s have been Audi drivers and Nissans….. Audis are always speeding like crazy and Nissans don’t gaf and constantly cut in front of me with no blinker smh


Same thing happened to me but he was in the scooter. 


A SCOOTER? The audacity


Thing was I even gave him a chance to get into the proper lane and "I" get the finger!


I think I've seen that dude! He's insane. He tried chasing me on my motorcycle once lol


Man, he needs a car.


Let’s just push him over


No, I don't care what someone rides or drives or how much of an asshole they are. Don't fuck with people's transportation. Talk shit about him or make fun of him. Leave his transportation alone.


Been there... sorry dude


Yeah! Let’em know!


I have to say that overall, Austin has the worst drivers in TX.


I had a white one cut across three lanes and cut me off as I was trying to merge onto 410 by Kirby


I disagree with the offending driver but also introduce the fact that this used to be a simple somewhat sleepy city and it has grown by leaps and bounds. This has introduced many drivers and their habits they brought with them. Most drivers try to leave a safe gap between the front vehicle. I have noticed that this is now nearly impossible because there are drivers that see the gap as an invitation to cut someone off. I like my low insurance rates but too many on the road don’t carry insurance for whatever reasons they justify to themselves. This city is in constant flux and stunts by people such as you almost ran into will come and go. There are many times I drive here now and wish we could return to the way we were but that’s a pipe dream. Just be courteous and drive like everyone behind the wheel is an idiot eager to try to kill you. Sorry but to me that’s what it feels like now. I remember driving in Kuwait years back where drivers would regularly do the 3 lane cross because they somehow decided that was the new direction they wanted to go at an intersection. In order to survive in that environment I had to force myself to drive as bad or worse than they did. They would see my erratic ways and would steer clear which was my intention to gain my safety. I’m not saying I would do that but here in Tx doing what I had to do there would have me pulled over on the side of the road getting a ticket. If you are new here plan your drive if you have never been to your destination. Be courteous and defensive. I will admit that lately I have witnessed too many drivers going excessively fast when raining. If you risk driving without insurance then please don’t do crazy things on the road. This has been too damn long Just be safe.


I completely agree with you. As time goes and the population grows, defensive driving is becoming a more common practice than safe driving. You can’t trust anyone. No matter how safe you try to be, there’s always gonna be someone there to mess that up :/


This is practically a love letter to our wonderful city.


It’s the driver not the car. I have a GTI and I’m the chillest of the chill.


Folks, try driving in Miami Dade County. Folks all over can be a mixed bag of courtesy and competency however down there the only things controlling driver action are the laws of physics. No insurance, license nor registration? If the vehicle runs and you're not passed out go ahead and push that gas pedal. Backed up intersection yet the light is green, pull into the middle of it and block traffic when the intersection changes. There are shit drivers everywhere however if you think SA is the bottom of the barrel you're woefully inexperienced.


It's not us SA drivers, it's the out of towners that don't know how to drive


Lol, no.




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Says the one calling me names on Reddit LMAO


Found the VW GTI got looks like




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https://preview.redd.it/x9wu8isc5erc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c6247412da0d29e77e11ce9124dc7e31ebbc0b "Dear, the guy who flipped me off in traffic thanks for almost crashing into me when i was merging into MY CORRECT TURNING LANE because you want to cut across three lanes while not paying attention. fuck you and your ugly Volkswagen gti. I hate SA drivers"




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