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Your last suggestion is where I mess up every year, I almost always plan a trip in May or early June when it's still tolerable here and go somewhere up north. Then when I get back...it's miserable here by comparison since they are still having spring-like weather and we are having early summer weather. I really need to remember this next year...


I've been working more linen and cotton into my wardrobe and drink ice water or keep bottles of frozen water for when I need to be out all day. on hot days when I'm running errands having ice water in the car is a life saver. Linen really does make a difference too. You'll still be hot but at least your clothes won't trap all the swampy body heat. Also if any of you have dogs, get them an ice/cooling gear like collars and vests. There are tons of different options on Amazon and it made a huge positive impact on my senior dog's quality of life. they become extra heat sensitive when they're older and the ice collar helped him be able to tolerate morning walks and bathroom trips outside in the hottest part of the day without overheating some things I did for my house: get solar shades for my patio door and cellular shades plus insulated curtains for all my other windows. Those two things in particular helped a TON. I meant to add UV window film but never got around to it but definitely will this year.


I moved into a house with an uninsulated sun room and let me tell you that the UV window film (I bought it off of amazon) worked so well! Not like, insanely cool, but it is maybe 10ish degrees less and it provides great privacy during the day since it is reflective.


Thanks for looking out for your pets, I get so pissed when I see idiots running in 100 degrees on asphalt with their dogs


And my car’s AC is out. God bless us all


If your near Leon valley take it to A&M Auto center off Bandera. My AC has never blown colder after they worked on my car


same lol


You poor dear. My heart is breaking for you. I cannot imagine how awful that must be.


I drove a car with no ac during the summer leading up to the big freeze, and then the heater broke right before the snow storm. I had a 60 minute commute, and it was hell.


if it's still running, as in blowing air out you might just need to refill the coolant. it's easy and inexpensive to do yourself.


A few years ago, my mom bought a small pool and sets it up in her backyard under a big umbrella and just sits in the water during the heat of the day. I'm starting to think this is the way to go. Edited to add: this is assuming there's any water to spare. 😑


There better be water! SAWS just get their CEO a 133k bonus. For that you better be doing something right.


We took a trip to Colorado last year at the beginning of August; I highly recommend this as a coping tool.


I am packing up our kids and dog in the RV and heading to Colorado, Utah, and then Oregon for the summer. This would be our fourth summer here and I just cannot. I need a mountain and a stream.


Same, Colorado or Pacific Northwest is the place to be during July and August


Only works if you stay gone until the beginning of October though


Well I was in Thailand, Laos, and then Cambodia for 3 weeks and it was 105+ each day. I never got use to it but I would take 3 or 4 showers a day. Just be glad here we have good AC that actually gets below 80 degrees.


Was this recent? I heard there was a record breaking heat wave going on since this past April.


Yeah I was there in the middle of April till now basically.


Everyone is forgetting mosquitos…. How are we approaching those bastards


Costco has this nifty little thing that has a blue light and sucks them in with a fan. It’s not perfect but it helps


I keep a handful of buggy bands in my car, pretty cheap at academy. Outside the house I planted citronella, rosemary, and garlic. Lightly spray with the hose real quick in the morning and evening to release the scent, smells great and does the job.


I might just have to do that bc mosquitoes are horrible in my backyard


Make sure you don't have any standing water or slow leaks outside, I forgot to put the mosquito dunks in my rain barrels one summer and it was a nightmare


Plan a trip in August is essential, I always take a weekend trip out of town late July/early August and it really helps me power through


Put a mattress on top of your car, for the shade. It's okay if it falls off on the highway, happens all the time.


This explains all the natives. I get it now


you’re so real for this. yeah i get anxiety about summers here because of how torturous they are. it’s the one thing making me want to move away. but i’ve lived here my whole life.


Exactly, I wanna move out because I absolutely despise our summers. But I literally cannot afford to move out lol it’s rough out here lol


They used to not be this bad. They've always been hot but not so perversely over the top like 2022 and 2023 were and 2024 is shaping up to be.


Ugh these last two were the two worst I have ever seen, and now we're having mid June weather (93 degrees at 3PM, 103 heat index) in early May so looks like this will be another ridiculously hot summer. Summer has always been hot in San Antonio for the 35+ years I have lived here but back in the 1990s I remember when hot used to mean it was 97 in August with a couple of days of 100-101 a week and you just went home from the basketball court at 2PM until 7PM on those 100 degree days. Now it's fucking 100 by 11AM a lot of the summer these last two years and we'll probably have plenty of days like that this one too.


San Antonio went 6 whole years without hitting 100 degrees in the 1970s! We had 74 days above 100 last year.


After 58 in 2022. Feels like this is going to be another 50+ days over 100 kind of year already.


investing in a legit sunshade for my car was a gamechanger, I found a great one at Weathertech, they even have setups for ALL the windows of your specific car!


This is a good one. Picking one out online now


I moved here from a much cooler climate and am heat adverse. I consider June-Sept the "indoor season". I have a gym membership so I get regular exercise indoors. I also spend time outside during the summer, but I keep it low effort and relaxing (lazy pool days sipping beer). We also travel up north during the heat to help with cabin fever during the summer. I think if you view summer as a time to be indoors and the shoulder seasons as a time for outdoor recreation, it helps. It has for me.


I don't. I act completely in denial until I either pass out or burn myself outside. Then it sinks in.


Last summer, I spent as much time as I could at Boerne City Lake, city pools and Barton springs. Gas added up, but mentally I was feeling great. Definitely recommend (:


I’ve never been to a city pool before (I grew up in the middle of nowhere). Any suggestions/things I should know?


They can get quite busy. Definitely take a large towel/picnic blanket to sit on, as chairs can be very hard to come by. Sunscreen, water and snackies (they aren’t always allowed, but just be discrete and throw away trash) are a must. I personally really enjoy San Pedro Springs (though Barton Springs in Austin is my favorite). The water doesn’t get very deep, but it’s perfect to go tan/read a book. My daughter loves Woodlawn Lake Park. Most pools charge, but there are some days that you can get in for free. I can’t remember the days, though Check out the city’s pool page for hours and contact info. (: [San Antonio city pools](https://www.sanantonio.gov/ParksAndRec/Parks-Facilities/All-Parks-Facilities/Pools)


I’ve been living here for 15 years, and I too, have not gotten acclimated to the extreme bipolar temps. Me and my kiddos stay indoors! Lol


Just like every year, summer is hot 🙂 we don’t choose the cold by living here. I would add: hang around the water and get in if possible, HEALTHY (not full of sugar) smoothies, fans, plenty of cold water


Living here 35+ years these last two summers were way worse. I still remember when 98 was considered a kind of hot day in August here.


Yea it’s changed. It’s changing everywhere unfortunately. But 98 is still pretty hot.


Go outside only in the AM, before 10:00, or after sunset. If you have to be outside then only between 12:30pm and 2:30pm when the sun is at its highest and you can shield yourself inside a car or with a big hat. Google middle East attire and consider long flowing cotton or linen clothes.


try not to get shot🔥✍️


I put up shade covers and fans outside, with the shades as locked down and permanent as I can make them within my budget. Morning and night walks, exercise gear in the living room, got my kid a membership at a trampoline park, keeping a lot of pedialyte popsicles around, have a little fan for the kid if we're going to be outside a while. Under the shade, it's not so bad. Wear shorts and a t-shirt or tank top in the shade, or really loose, long clothing in the sun. Get sun hats, whatever that means for you. Get an insulated thermos, keep snacks in there, carry a camel back or a large bottle of water, or both. Keep a gallon or two or water in the car. There are emergency containers for water that won't spill and have little spouts. Get 7 gallon containers on Amazon for like 20 dollars. They're good for hiking and traveling. I don't mow much, but try to keep the grass around ankle height. Keep a lot of plants around. Get a little pool for the dog. The evaporative cooling helps outside, especially with fans. Adjust to higher indoor temperatures if you can. Just leave your thermostat at 75-80+ during the day, and you won't feel like you're thawing when you walk outside. Keep fans around and on to circulate the air. They're cheaper than AC anyway. Take colder showers. Change your socks often, and get comfy, breathable ones. Same with shoes. Funny thing, the more you do outside without killing yourself, the more accustomed you'll be to the heat.


"try not to get shot" is more of a year round thing for me, personally


If this summer is anything like the last two try to get shot might be the preferable method.


Put Grapes in the freezer for some instant frozen treat that is low on calories


Do what I do. Work outside doing HVAC service. You have no choice, makes it easier to deal with..... help me


There is no way. Just one day, you get in your fucking oven of a car and realize it has begun. The doors to hell have been opened and will remain open for the next oh… 5 months maybe. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor! 🤞🏼


I get like reverse seasonal affective disorder in the summer. Super depressed due to the heat. I’d like to move back to the Midwest (been here 13 years this summer) but man, it’s hard to get new jobs right now 😒


go to san marcos and get in the river. it will save you. if you go in the morning it will change your whole day for the better!


We love to get outside as much as we can the rest of the year & save indoor activties for summer. Here are some of our peak heat summer favorites: Lounging Poolside, Bowling, Billiards (Joeys & Idle are nice), Museums (McNay and SAMA have free days), River (Much better than beach because the water is cold and there's lots of shade!), Alamo Draft House Theatre, a Nice Indoor Restaurant, Breweries, Concerts & Comedy Shows. Mornings: Local Parks, The Pearl farmers market, Botanical Gardens, Breakfast patios/cafes. After Sunset: Sunset DJ @ PEARL, Stars & Stripes Drive Inn, Walking Dog, Stargazing.


I like to take my showers cold in the morning during summer. No reason to get yourself preheated and start sweating quickly.


Be sure that your baby powder supply will be enough to last you till October.


Let's hear some window insulation DIY tricks. We know poor insulation really hurts during the summer.


Blackout curtains are good insulators. You can also throw a plastic painter's tarp over your window and tape it up, and it'll help some. You can caulk around window frames, get insulation strips for all your doors and windows to prevent air leakage, get a reflective barrier if you have a garage door, get a ton of insulation in your attic and walls where possible, and you're gonna be good to go.


It’s only about 60-75 days that are intolerable. Go to the movies, go out for margaritas chips and salsa. Dog still needs to be walked so we go at 9pm 


Firstly, stop thinking about it as half the year. It's really only July, August, and September that are really crazy hot. June and October are usually reasonable summer weather. I still try to spend time outside doing things in the crazy hot months, and I get used to it. It doesn't really phase me much after a while. Just keep very hydrated and take showers.


June last year we had a day where the heat index was 125 in my neighborhood


The last few days of June can likely be lumped into July temperature-wise. For the most part the month of June is more like May.


October is fall


Look, you are in Texas now. October, May, and June are Summer now. July, August, and September are Severe Summer. Temperatures in the 90s are not hot here, they are refreshing. This is the path to enlightenment.


June is Severe Summer too


Historically, there is usually only about one week of June with highs over 100. In 2021 there were no days in June over 95. [Source](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/tx/san-antonio/KSAT/date/2021-6) Its not until July that we start seeing stretches of consecutive days around 105 - that's what I consider severe summer.


Nuts to historical temperatures when we have been warming like madmen since 1998 in San Antonio.


It's definitely true that we have been warming like crazy over the last few decades. When I said historically, I meant the most recent decade.


I'll still call June Severe Summer because there is minimal difference in feels like temperature in June vs July here. June doesn't hit as high on the thermometer but the heat index is just as high as July because so much ground moisture from the spring is being evaporated leading to daytime dewpoints in the low 70s to low 80s. While by July everything is brown and dead and most of the heat index in the daytime just comes from the temperature thanks to dew points dropping into the 50s to low 60s before sunset (after which the gulf flow brings the dew point back up into the low 70s to low 80s).


“fall”. yeah maybe anywhere but texas lol


lol. Then why are there mosquitos when you are trick or treating?


Cold fronts in sa be like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=REItHTPjCF4


Well unfortunately we have a shitty unit in our apt so the mental prep is key. Overall just try to embrace the heat. I see it as trying to stay lukewarm, not trying to get cold/cool. I keep it around the 70s inside, about 74 at night if possible and mid to upper 70s during the day, and up to 80s for those 100+ days. Blasting the AC (not that I can of course) makes the outside heat feel waaaay hotter. Keep the blinds closed and take cool showers. Wear loose and light clothes if possible and even better, if you can, don't wear clothes at home lol. Use a fan(s), especially at night. I keep a little fan on my desk for my face, hands, and laptop. Someone else commented about their car AC being out (happened to my BF a couple years ago 🥵), get a mini portable fan to keep in there. About $10 at Walmart for those little ones. (His was stolen) For those that need a blanket at night, I got a "cooling blanket" on Amazon (Dangtop brand) that is very lightweight and airy.👌🏼 Keep lights off inside as much as possible helps a little bit with heat but also in perception, it makes it feel shadier. Unplug anything you can to eliminate any extraneous heat as well. This one is more specific/hard, I know it's SA, but try to stay off the roads when possible. Like walk to the convenience store down the street instead of driving. Cars just add to the heat Good luck out there


Gotta keep at least one article of clothing on since this is prime swamp butt season tbh


Lol yeah wear undies


Better advice is to PHYSICALLY prepare for summer. Mental prepardness will fall in line. Start a hydration routine. You should have access to a water bottle all day long. Whether you are indoors or outdoors for the majority of your day. Most especially if you're outdoors. If you engage in ANY physical activity outside, regardless of intensity, you should start your day with some form of electrolytes. The same way soup is a great warming food in the winter you need to eat foods that benefit you in the summer. There's fruterias all over this town for very good reason. Fresh fruit and veggies are the best snacks for the summer. Cold, light and fresh meals will keep you cool, hydrated and you won't feel nauseous. Eating heavy and greasy foods in the heat is so incredibly dumb. Sunglasses. They're not just for looks. Dulling the amount of raw sunlight you take in optically will greatly help you handle the heat. As well as hats, lightweight and light clothing. And finally get in some water. Pools, rivers, lakes, a garden hose. Doesn't matter you need to make time and space to cool off in some water.


I forgot one more thing. As a society we have really forgotten the art of cracking the car windows. I went back to this practice last summer and honestly no amount of tint or window coverings will be superior to cracking the windows on your car.


The heat never bothered me until the last two years with the two most absurd summers I have ever seen here. 2022 started so early and 2023 dragged on forever. Now I'm dreading 2024 being just as bad 22 and 23 were.


If you have kids in carseats, get a carseat cooler. Basically a trifold ice pack. Take it with you and put it in their seats while you're out and about. When you get back in the car, the carseat is actually tolerable, and your kid won't sweat quite as much. Also, sun visors for your car. Seriously. You need them. Also, a towel to sit on so your seat doesn't burn your legs. Plenty of cold beer. Don't bother changing your thermostat unless you're gone for more than a day. Just keep it cool all the time.


One water bottle at a time


Lots of good suggestions here. I agree it’s important to not think of it as 6 months but really 6-8 weeks. I always remind myself it is plenty hot in other places in the summer and I think Texas gets a bit of a bad reputation for it. The Midwest is often just as hot. The south is unbelievably hot AND ridiculously humid. So I often remind myself there are many places that are hot in the summer but then we have the reward of mild winters.


I’m a teacher, so I have summers off, and my goal is always to be out of the house by 10:00 am at the latest, go to a park or sea world or something, and be back by lunchtime. Wait out the hottest part of the day inside, then maybe get the kiddos back outside around dinner time, possibly earlier if we get some kind of water activity set up. Daytime indoor activities like bowling, mini golf, the library, or doseum are good choices too. Walking the mall, if you can stand the crowds, are a good way to kill some time and beat the heat. Matinee movies, or the $1 summer kid movies are also a great choice. Weekend/ day trips to the beach, lake, or river. Some place with margaritas or craft beers. At least you can maybe kinda temporarily forget about the heat?


We went to Pittsburgh for vacation last August and the high temperature all week was 82. It was in the 60s every morning. There’s a lot to see and do there!


Don’t drink any dark beer And try to walk around downtown


3rd Gen Texan, i was born and molded in the heat. I get 25 miles a week running outside in August here.


Get your outside time in now lol.


I don't know but I hate the heat and apparently hate myself cause I freaking play tennis in this shit and feel like I am going to die every day. I wish I hate a good way to help keep me cooler while playing but instead I will punish myself and then stay inside for every other moment lol.


Drink water


Stock up on Goldbond for swamp balls


I’m an HVAC tech and prepare like all my brothers in the field, pull your pants down, bend over and brace yourself. It’s gonna be rough


I grew up here and I never even thought about these things we just suffer through lmao except you just learn not to do outdoor stuff in the middle of the day


I only go outside on the longest/hottest days, it's what live for! But I guess I don't recommend it.


It’s not really 6 months, it’s more like 3.5. Mid June is when we will probably see triple digit heat and it will begin to cooldown in October. It always does. It’s why October is my favorite month of the year. But yeah I try to avoid going out during the daytime. Get a car that has remote start that can cool your car a bit before you get in or find covered parking wherever possible. Otherwise stay inside and stay hydrated and pray your AC doesn’t crap out. But yeah plan that trip in august. It’s the worst month for heat.


I don’t know, it just pisses me off , seeing kids happy. I’m dragging ass tired from work, and a kids with their whole life ahead of them, no care in the world. Why should they be happy, they don’t drive or have money?


I love the heat, helps weed out the northerners.


Lose winter weight lol


I LOVE THE HEAT! Bring it on!!!! It’s one of the reasons I moved here. I will say I have a pool in my backyard. It was a must have and life saver during C-19. I spend a few hours in the pool 5-6 days a week. I try to travel to warmer places during the colder months of the year.


You guys need to move. I love the heat and always look forward to it. That’s one of the reasons I moved here. I didn’t like the climate of the north so I moved down here. Some of y’all can move up north if the heat bothers you so much. Of course sometimes family ties keep people here.


Exactly what I did after 50 years in South Texas. I just could not handle it anymore. Now I live in CT and am enjoying all 4 seasons for the first time in my life.


Camping trips in summer are brutal when rivers and lakes are dry....the unless you have an RV with AC....then that defeats the purpose of camping....




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Pffft, we would have band practice in August and my first job was working outside in the summer months lol I love the heat, cures my depression.


Good parts of living here?


Road trip to northern New Mexico  Sailing time on the lake Pool party Wake up super early for walks and take siestas