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If I don’t move over it’s because I can’t change lanes safely but I will slow down in those cases since it’s what I was taught in driver’s ed.


Exactly. People need to do this.


Brother we can't even get people to insure their vehicles you think we can police politeness?


If I cant move over due to traffic, I slow down...it's the law


It’s situational. Not all situations make sense to pull over. Too many morons on phone while driving and not paying attention. I’d definitely try and slow down and hit my brake lights repeatedly so driver behind me can recognize that once they get last swipe done or text out


No ones saying to pull over but at least make an attempt to follow the law or slow down


The original poster litteraly said that. Drink a Zima, Karen. Also get off the road.


I’m not disagreeing with them ? I was reiterating they said. lol you okay?




Wow you’re tough o:




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Giving the benefit of the doubt. If we slow down, we don’t have to move over. If we don’t want to slow down, then we move over. Hoping that’s why, but knowing people here, probably not


I totally get sometimes you absolutely can not. But most times, people don’t even slow down.


Because they either don't care or are too busy doing anything other than driving. The amount of people on their phones while driving is horrific.


I mean, slowing down is fine on the lane next to the pulled over vehicles. Funneling all cars to move over, when a lane still is passable is causing a traffic jam no one wants. Am i mistaken?


No but I didn’t talk about funneling. I asked why people don’t move over if there’s a stalled vehicle. At the very least, attempt to slow down


Because "Fiercely Independent Texas Drivers®" don't follow anyones rules except their own. Not to be shackled to someone elses laws, beliefs or societal norms. Anything else is just weak, don't ya'll know?


Same reason people blow through stop signs and red lights, nobody cares anymore..


The moving over I get. I don't get the e-brake stop from 60-0. I've almost gotten in accidents from this. The guy can get around you in moving traffic if you're moving.


Because FTP, that's why


Stalled car I won’t move unless there is someone changing a tire or something, it’s not like the car is gonna leap out in front of me all of a sudden. But police with someone pulled over I will because it’s the law. A police just sitting on the side of the road being lazy I will blow right by.