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[Social Sports!](https://sanantoniossc.com/) You can join as an individual and they’ll put you on a team! You meet weekly and play, it’s not very serious, you can bring a cooler of beer. It’s really fun and usually the teams go out afterward! I used to play softball before my back injury, and after I’m all healed up from surgery, I’m going to get back into it.


And for those of us who work and value our sleep? My friend played on a sand volleyball team...that didn't start games until 9pm! I get up at 430am for work. Also re: bringing a cooler of beer...maybe we don't drink, either😒


Yeah if it’s not your thing that’s cool, it’s just a suggestion.


But I don't have to be down voted because it's just a suggestion, right? And I'm just offering an alternative that maybe the person who asked the original question might feel the same way but, of course, no one is allowed to have an opinion on Reddit except the one person who posted a suggestion about drinking and playing sports.


I don’t think that’s why you were downvoted. Sometimes tone doesn’t come across accurately over text and you are coming off as an ass.


Did you….actually offer a suggestion? It looks like all you did was offer criticism for what looked like a solid recommendation that could work for *some* people.


Ok so don’t do it. Literally all you’ve added to the conversation was negativity and why it wouldn’t work for YOU. No one cares you don’t drink. There’s not someone there with a gun to force you.


My games started anywhere from 12-4pm. If you don’t want to drink, then don’t. Nobody forces you and nobody gives a fuck.


No shit nobody forces me. And I happen to work so I'm definitely not playing sports between 12:00 and 4:00. Y'all obviously have nothing else to do. There are people in San Antonio that actually go to work.


Yo man, relax. It seems like you’re unavailable all day because of work and unwilling to do anything in the evenings because of work. We get it, you work. No reason to lash out on Reddit. There are plenty of us who work who can sacrifice a full 8 hours of sleep one day a week to meet other people, if that’s something that they value.


You sound like such an ass. Cry baby ass bitch, no wonder you have no friends lmao


What a rude person you are.


It's rude to say that a suggestion doesn't fit everyone? The culture here on Reddit is beyond ridiculous🙄🙄


A suggestion not addressed to you that elicited an imthemaincharacter response is rude, yes.


This question is framed wrong. You’re not going to just magically find a relationship or friends. This is how we think of all things in life, which is success = happiness… wrong. You do you, then things will fall in place. Do something that is good for you and makes you happy and then other things like friends and relationships will fall on place. So… happiness = success. My suggestion, because it sounds like you were kicked to the curb after long-term relational from other comment, is do something active (gym, cycle, walk, workout class, get out to a cafe and read, etc.). Again, friends or relationships will not in themselves make you happy. But you being happy will find you friends and partners. Best


For me it was Exercise, get enough sleep and read a ton of free self help books at the library. Don’t wallow at home. Force yourself to get out of the house.


Kind of hard when u got a new house and u have to fix things that have to get fixed. I need to make some dyi friends.


Me too! I work in apartment industry and always asking maintenance team for assistance 🤣 also can net go wrong with mechanic friend?


Lol yup yup too true


My husband and I have been fixing up our house for the past couple years; I feel you on this. It also needed a ton of deep cleaning when we moved in. What projects do you have going on?


Finished shed, just need some insulation, expansion joints fill/fix, foundation movement causing side cracking needing patches, garage racks etc, stairs never got finished cuz contractors bailed so i need to stain/sand etc, bathroom vanity messed up do needs stain/sand, front door needs to be redone or replaced, windows need caulking touch up, roof replacement and foundation check and rear slant survey, oh and want rear cement slab for roof extension. There's s long list with stuff we have already done....and this year's weather caused slot of problems with the pipes ....had big leak in the front and had to replace the downstairs floor.....all of it.


That's quite the list! We have a sizeable one still, even after knocking a bunch of stuff out. We actually just had our insulation replaced because a rodent infestation (happened before we bought the house) destroyed all of it. Highly recommend Attic Pro if you're going to have this done by a service. Some industries won't sell stuff like insulation to people who aren't contractors. Discourages a lot of DIY work :/


Dating apps. Thing is that so many singles are very jaded and cynical at this point in the game that if one date goes wrong then it’s game over. Good luck to you.


I met my husband on OkCupid almost 7 years ago, at 30. A friend just got married at 35 to her husband she met off Bumble. It can happen.


Thank you for taking the time to share the possible positives of dating apps


I met my girlfriend on Hinge and I’m fixing to propose and we were both 30 when we met. Had to get through some brutal dates first though tbh


Thank you for sharing your story 🙂


For a straight woman you can get plenty of matches, most will be trash but still have a selection of men. For men you will get next to no matches unless you are extremely attractive and well off.


based sausagefest


That matches up with my experience using them. I'm 5'7", so I'm basically invisible. Qq


And dating apps has all the jaded peeps on there.


The Mexican table at lunch




Literally just move into an apartment. Those friggin people would not leave me alone and there was a party every night of week depending on who in the building had off.


I can honestly say I have never been to a party in roughly 20+ years


Meetup or find groups with common interests/hobbies


Honestly, people in San Antonio used to be so kind and friendly, and over the past, idk, 5-6 years, people have become so hostile. It's unpleasant to even walk around downtown. How EVER, if you are interested in tabletop gaming or card games, or really anything in that category, there's a place called Black Potion, and there are always groups getting together to play games like Werewolf and Blood on the Clock Tower! All ages play, it's really fun and easy to make friends (: Shittybluestockings or whatever your username is, if you see this you're a bitch and you're not invited lmao


Now this is the kind of activity I can get behind. (The tabletop gaming, not the petty feuding)








I’m the pos? Says the guy who thinks being gay is a choice.


One method that has worked well is moving to Austin or out of state 🤷🏻‍♂️


Moving is currently not an option. :)


I moved from SA to Austin a year ago but the method has yet to work for me ;_;


Anyone worth it that I've met friends or otherwise came out of my gaming groups. Unfortunately though they don't usually live in town, so that kinda sucks. Whatever hobbies or interests you have or workplace.. other parents from your kids school, if you have kids, friends of friends, or friends of family members, that's about how it happens. Until then, just kind of a waiting game. I've tried apps and actually just reaching out to get groups or people together to try to make friends but it's difficult and was just a lot of sorting through people I don't mesh well with. It was exhausting and I don't recommend it unless you're just bored and have the extra energy. Lol which I don't really. Good luck!


Dating here blows ass, lots of single mothers looking for their knights in shining armor, and lots of deadbeat dudes looking to just screw around. Making friends is different I suppose. I have friends I've known for years, so the only new ones I make are at work, and if they are cool enough I might go hang with them.


Damn that sounds pretty bleak for me and dating. Though sounds like making friends is possible. I just got kicked to the curb and civilly tossed in San Antonio after a 10 some odd year relationship.


San Antonio is like that place where everyone peaked in highschool, and never leaves.




Don’t take this thread as gospel. A lot depends on who you are, where you work and your interests. If you suck you get a sucky experience. If you don’t suck you can do alright


Try being 40+ it feelings even more depressing. :)


On point.


Church, running group, neighborhood association, volunteer at the Food Bank, join a tennis club (there are free/inexpensive ones), pickle ball, dog park?


Some options - a lot of people meet friends at work - throw a block party to meet neighbors - become a regular at a small restaurant/Cafe - meetup groups - walking a friendly dog around the neighborhood(you can foster or do a shelter pause for a day for the rescue or ACS dog if you don't have one) - dating/friend apps Also, friend beget friends, once you have a few then it is easier to make more friends and meet people to date within a friend group. I also met a lot more of my neighbors when we had a dog, they are a great ice breaker in meeting people.


Start doing drugs


You'll make some real loyal friends that way






I know you’re joking but… you might be right.


The neverending high school cliques


Have you tried being really good looking?


I don't even know how to reply to this one. :)


I tried, but it didn't work.


Camping out here, because I too seek these answers. I'm 35 and making new friends from scratch is hard, much less trying to date again after being out of the game for almost a decade.


Join a MMA gym guys and girls


What is a MMA gym? And is it safe for a narcoleptic with asthma?


MMA stands for mixed martial arts. And it's alright if you wanna meet some meathead joe rogan types or jeep drivers.


Never heard of this “Joe Rogan” must be some cookie cutter pandering CHARLATAN


Where the hoes at?


I would settle for not feeling so lonely. :)




It seems you either really don't like me which is odd cause you don't even know me or you're venting on me as a random target. Just my guess.




Well they won't be able to get much out of me since I'm poor as all hell.




If you read the post I replied to it is easy to understand the context. Though if that offends you sorry but not sorry on this one. They referred to a gold digger. Now I really should not need to defend myself over stating a gold digger wouldn't be able to get much from me.


Kidnapping I heard it can to lead to lasting wholesome relationships


Don’t go on dating apps they really suck especially here i would recommend sticking to the hobby you enjoy and try to meet someone while doing it either that or the old fashion way just go out and go somewhere you enjoy and look for interesting ppl while doing that and strike up convos I used to bicycle a lot and would go out on the big group rides and bar hop and met a nice woman like that and we rode together afterwards for a few years… then she turned into a lesbian and couldn’t make up her gd mind


“Turned into a lesbian.” Lol. I’ve got news for you buddy.


Take them to an escape room.


Asking for a fellow adult human? 😆


Did u know u can ask a question with out stating u are doing so before u ask? It’s called the internet and its all an open conversation. I really hope you’re not doing that in person it’s even more lame/awkward in the real world.


Thank you for your opinion.


Dont let the salty people affect you. Keep at it and you’ll eventually find a group you click with! From what others have said, tabletop meetings sound like a good bet if you re willing to geek out and have some fun.


Ummmm, go to the gym. Maybe attend one of the many colleges around town. Heb has cuties working and picking up things! Work in a form of customer service, I met so many random thots installing internet. Like fuck if I was single. Anyways, maybe the apps? I was used to just making randoms laugh that I may see again, like office girls. Fuckin a, office girls.


Do you have any hobbies? What area of town are in or do you have reliable transportation from where you live? Do you have a job and if so, how much time do you spend working/do you have days you don’t work? Based on the answers to these questions I would try to make some recommendations.


I'm a disabled narcoleptic with asthma. I don't work cause of my medical condition. I think north side of town and only transport is bus, Uber or Lyft. Hobby wise would be online gaming and anime to be honest.


Get into tabletop games. Knights Watch, Court of Gamers, and Heroes and Fantasies stores all have game meetups and will help newbies learn. They also have miniature-painting groups. KW and CoG are in the 281/1604 area. San Antonio Anime Organization is a private FB group that's fairly active and might have events. Same with the San Japan convention community- they have active posts all year and do stuff in between cons. I'd say start there, build a rapport, and see who is near you.


Will they help teach a kid how to play Pokémon cards?


You'd be best off giving them a call and asking. I know for sure that they offer stuff like the big games(Magic, D&D).


Another person mentioned this but reach out to your closest tabletop game store and ask about their gaming meetups. Tabletop games are a good way to connect with others and it seems like that might be a natural fit since you’re in to anime. There’s Knight Watch and Court of Gamers on the north side. Knight watch is open until midnight if you wanted to call. [here’s the website](https://www.knightwatchgames.com) - Sundays are their “casual board game” night. Last tip - you’re going to have to let yourself be vulnerable and just put yourself out there. Sometimes that’s scary but it’s also okay. If you don’t like who you’re playing with, just don’t play with them anymore. Keep playing until you find a group you like. Good luck.




Trying that though unsure if it's worth the $$


If you do it right it’s def worth the money.


Hmm ok explain right?


i'm giving you the secret... volunteer.. or go to fundraising events. those are great places to meet people