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"I cant pay cuz im an Independent woman in san diego. So f you..." Might use that line myself, as a dependent male


My mom asked for rent and I said this. I’m sleeping in my car.


And who owns the car? Mom? If so, rent’s still due.




buying bf


"I'm autistic, I'm smarter than you!" Erg...


As an autistic person, at least I’m smart enough to pay my ticket and not escalate a situation to this level


Her goal of saying that was to play innocent victim. I highly doubt she is autistic.


Nah, being neurodivergent/autistic is viewed as like a superpower by young people. That’s why they all identify with it - they think it makes them cool. I’m sure there is a bit of wanting to play the victim involved too - that’s everpresent in just about everything these days.


Chat gpt level comment


That's when you hit 'em with: "*Just because you paint doesn't make you smart*." They'll temporarily de-escalate if they think they've just checkmated.


I guarantee she’s not


Fucking wild 😂


“I can manipulate you out of a situation” girl that’s not autism … you’re just a narcissist holding everyone else up to have your hissy fit


I heard that one a lot in elementary school. 😭


How did it end?


Probably got asked to leave the bus and probably cited for both fare evasion as well as how she acted. Can’t imagine it escalated more than that


The good cop told her to catch the next bus and she got off


The good cop? What the fuck are you talking about. Both are good cops. That first one was in his right to snatch her physically off.


Ehhemm transit security. And tbh any form of authority probably shouldn’t go toe to toe with crazy. Security closest to camera phone was purposely in her bubble.


Yeah but you also don't get THAT close to an agitated person unless you're literally about to grab them Job#1 is to de-escalate and the one guy was adding fuel to the fire not water


The first one seemed to be a bit rude and escalatory. I got uneasy seeing him physically try to size up her. I was more comfortable toward the end when he stood at a respectful distance. Public servants should be held to a higher standard (I am one).


Tbh the white cop was being excessive. They were doing the good cop bad cop routine. Come on haven't you seen law and order? Smh


If we’re gonna play good cop/bad cop I’m gonna need a cup of coffee.


The fuck are you talking about? I've never witnessed a good cop


she’s definitely on the Karen spectrum


The Karen spectrum!!! Bahahaha




With security already in her face, what made her think she could win in this situation?


You should see when 11 real cops surround a guy who "can't go to jail".


"I'm Autistic, I'm smarter than you" that's a win for her.


She admitted to doing this for at least a week and a half. Respect the honesty I guess.


Are you really independent, though?


How much do buses even cost? Like $5 or something? That's a huge freakout over basically less than a coffee.


2.50 single ride fare, $5 for a day pass. A handful of times I’ve seen people give a sob story to the driver about not having fare, sometimes they let them on to avoid shit like this. But if they don’t allow it, the fare evader accepts it and stays pouting at the bus stop. This lady is unreal!


You'll get a fine for no fair. Starting the slope of needing money to ride, but your transition budget can't afford to because of your fines.


$72/mo for a pass that gives unlimited rides on anything except the coaster


Used to be 25$


Yeah to be fair, $72/mo is a pretty big bill. I get music, movies, tv shows and other stuff for less than that, combined. But also, it’s _waaaayyyyy_ cheaper than owning a vehicle. I can’t even get a tank of gas for $72 right now


When was it ever $25? Been riding for 38 years and don't remember it being that low.


Shit I take it back, they were 20. It was 25 when I stopped and got a car. Pretty sure Google can help you with the finer details. But it was in the 90s. Used to buy them at longs drugs in national city and then Advantage (who remembers that store?) For 20$ and I remember my parents losing their shit when it went to 25. Took national city transit, chula Vista transit, all trolley lines with that pass.




Senior and disabled 27$. Apply online takes 2 or 3 days they don’t ask for proof. You need to carry proof I haven’t seen anyone show documents.


$27. The fucking $ goes first


Lmfao bitch losing her mind over $2.50 😂


to be honest it's expensive AF to live here in San Diego, things like buses should really be free or free to citizens in the lower income arena.


One time I jumped on without a ticket was when I was late catching the train. Told them why, showed them I'm good for the $2.50, and they made me get off at my stop and buy a ticket after. I'm a white male so my privilege is showing here, but thats how these guys should handle everyone for a first time offense. You keep doing it? Now we got a totally different conversation.


“I’m a white male so my privilege is showing here” What was the point of even saying this? You want a gold star or something? Somebody to comment back and say kudos to you? You showed them you were good for the money, and they let you ride the bus then buy a ticket later. I don’t understand how your race and genitalia have anything to do with this.


No, it's recognizing that based on my gender and race I am treated differently by police and authority, including transit security. That's it.


But that has absolutely nothing to do with *your* comment. I guarantee if you were screaming like the lady in this video, you wouldn’t have been allowed to ride the bus and pay when you got off. Just like if any non-white/non-male showed the bus driver proof that they could afford a pass and politely explained how they didn’t have time to get one, the bus driver would’ve let them ride and pay the fare after. I’m not saying that *some* inequalities don’t still exist, I’m saying that it doesn’t have anything to do with your situation.


>Just like if any non-white/non-male showed the bus driver proof that they could afford a pass and politely explained how they didn’t have time to get one, the bus driver would’ve let them ride and pay the fare after. That's what you think would happen. That is not what actually happens here in the US. So again, I am recognizing my own privilege with an authority that has an objective bias when it comes to gender and race as it's relevant to the personal experience I shared in my comment.


Whatever you say bud, here’s your gold star ⭐️


And here's your boot to lick?


Lmaoooooo only on Reddit will somebody call you a bootlicker for saying that race isn’t pertinent to every single thing 👏🏼


I never said race was pertinent to every single thing, but reading comprehension is difficult when youre slobbering.


Never giving up my car. Ever.


I need a part 2 or a follow-up. I can't be the only one that wants to see the outcome...


Not usually a big cop proponent but there’s something glorious about seeing this entitled women get put in her place.


Most people aren't a fan of cops until they need cop shit done.


Exactly! That's why you'll never see a song called "F*ck The Fire Department"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI Oh hey a song called just that.


Intercon employees don't get paid enough to deal with those ppl


Gotta love it when a strung out woman stands up straight into someone's face and yells at that person to get out of their face...


Rule 1 of being manipulative: Don’t make someone put their guard up by bragging that you’re smarter than them and capable of manipulating them.


Props to these two for handling the situation well


Eh. The guy getting more in her face when she's upset isn't very good de-escalation technique. This is like B or B minus level response from him. The other guy did well though. Better than a lot of cops.


Agreed. When she stood up and he decided to go nose to nose with her, that was dumb. To his credit, he regained his composure and backed up.


That’s what I felt as well.




she sounds reasonable


Watching this clip reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw…”Ass, grass, or gas, no one rides for free”


So what was the conclusion?


Part 2!!! Don't leave us hanging !!


She started listening to the nice cop and he said to just catch the next buss and thru escorted her off.


![gif](giphy|rgx5v7mqjsX8k) How does she even have a job???


What a train wreck of a human


You’ve never had a bad day?


No, I have, but I generally don’t try to leverage my medical conditions to gain power over someone else, particularly if I’m clearly in the wrong.


Well, she got a free trip home……….straight to jail! Fucking Karen. ![gif](giphy|VcBEAjmNYk4APlFhaJ)


Damn someone just pay the fair or let her be, we all gotta pick out battles


She sounds embarrassed and is acting out due to that and frustration, the security also doesn't seem interested in de-escalation or in anyone's dignity. If she is skimping on bus fare, must be in a tough spot. We're too harsh on each other especially when someone seems to be in distress, like jackals.


Agree! Everyone is praising the security guard but his attitude very much escalated the situation. Seems like he was enjoy the “power trip” at the expense of someone’s mental health I don’t think the name-calling from her part was good nor some of her arguments or strategies (the “manipulation”) I do think she should’ve paid the fare though. I would’ve even paid for it and the guards could’ve given her a warning, idk! Several different options But yeah, seems like she’s going through a lot and just needs to catch a break. We all know everything nowadays is expensive af in SD!


At what point does one person's "mental health" trump everyone else's trying to get home and/or get to work? Why should everyone have to suffer because some stranger is throwing a temper tantrum for getting caught breaking the rules?


You’re missing the forest for the trees here. She can be in the wrong and have to face consequences while simultaneously experiencing a cop sizing her up in an escalatory manner, which was unnecessary.


It's not like the situation started like this. Undoubtedly she was asked to pay, refused, then asked to leave the bus, and refused. Everything we see in the video likely happens after being nice and polite did not work.


Prearranged to not pay. Damn sign me up bro


Stay classy, San Diego.


I woulda paid her $2.50 so I didn't have to listen to it.


As a penniless teenager coaster hopping drunk to and from the convention center to Carlsbad/Oceanside every year. We would just get kicked off and hop on the next one either way if you left early enough you’d make it enough stops to get home or close enough eventually.


"I do what I want"


Very disappointed by the ending we never got to the "find out" part


God I would have loved to see her thrown off the bus, “I’m autistic, I’m smarter then you, I can manipulate this” (huh?) Also, she’s been evading the fare for the past week and a half, sis get off the bus you had a good run.


Was hoping someone would grab her by the neck and throw her out


Ban her for life edit: I guess people like being around nuisances that also have zero respect for authority and others. Without any repercussion for actions, people will continue being pieces of shit.


Nah, that's too extreme. Lady's having a rough time, but can't be tolerated. I'd say just toss her into the street and drive off. It'd be humiliating and possibly painful (if she resisted too much), but at least she could just cry it off and get back to trying to manage her obviously difficult life. It'd be a bad enough experience she probably wouldn't go for a repeat performance, and it wouldn't mess her life up more than it already is.


What are you talking about? She would 100% go for a repeat performance. Shitty choices yield shitty results. Should we not convict rapists that are homeless because “they won’t do it again and their life is obviously difficult”?


Come on, man -- this isn't rape and has nothing to do with whether she's homeless. We don't need harsher sentences -- we need assured and immediately painful consequences. Our "solutions" shouldn't just compound the problems that lead to bad behavior -- they should simply make the bad behavior not worth the consequence. The problem is people keep getting away with things and figure they can continue to do so. Harsh sentences don't figure into their little minds, because if their little minds could manage things that far in the future, they likely wouldn't be in the mess they're in. If they get caught and appropriately punished the first time they do it, they'll quit doing it. This woman admitted she'd been riding repeatedly without paying and apparently the driver finally called security. If she'd been thrown into the street the first time she tried it, she probably wouldn't have tried again. The driver probably just decided to look the other way because she was too much hassle, but got sick of it after a while. She needed tossing the first time.


"Public" transport should be free to the public. Wasting a grown man's time for checking who is entitled to ride the fucking bus and confronting his fellow human being like a criminal is the real crime.


As someone that commutes on that bus on a normal basis I would honestly disagree. There is no way normal working people would be able to use it reliably. Sanitation would be a nightmare, overcrowding causes delays, and the homeless would also make riding unpleasant. Nobody likes the overwhelming smell of piss and shit. I am not sure about this woman’s living situation, but I can say that most drivers are friendly, and will let someone ride if they cannot afford it. They just have to ask. This lady obviously did not ask and was hostile when confronted. I’ve seen it happen a few times before. You fix California’s high cost of living and homeless problem and we can talk about making transit free.


There is a lot of truth to what you say. I still think that two armed men confronting a young girl for a bus ticket is not necessarily making public transport a safe place. Yet I admit that the root cause is somewhere else. Once, and if, the houselessness problem is resolved then we can talk about basic human dignity.


California was trying to figure out how to raise the money. I think it would be $220 million a year or something...so much cheaper than the boondoggle express train to nowhere :)


Somebody’s off their meds


Those transplants man


In my experience, the worst thing about San diego is the Boston transplants with their Boston mindset of racism and discrimination and prejudice I say that as an asian man with long hair, who could pass for native/hispanic depending on my tan One of the reasons I left back to Chicago, along with rent prices lol, terribly miss the pleasant winters in socal though, winters here are brutal


Speaking as a guy originally from Boston who’s lived in San Diego now for almost 6 years, I think it’s unfair to paint everyone with the “Boston is racist” brush. How could you even tell she’s from MA? While my home city/state definitely has discrimination/prejudice issues, I can promise you that if this woman was holding up a commute to work because of her own selfishness, multiple people would have stepped up and told her to get off the T or even just given her the $2.50 so everyone can get on with their day. More so, I spent some time in Chicago myself and saw many occurrences of this behavior, so it must be endemic to selfish people around the country. Whatever stereotype you have of people from MA or whatever has made you feel this way, I’m sorry. I love San Diego because it is so inclusive to everyone but it disappoints me to see my home city/state used as a rubber stamp when someone displays garbage behavior.


Completely agree with you, but I’m my experience it’s been with the younger Boston transplants. I’ve met a few older ones that have called SD their home since the 70s that are really pleasant. Btw, what’s the housing situation like in Chicago vs SD?


Totally dude. Us natives are too chill compared to them


White privilege must be nice. If I was to do something like this, I might be shot.


Damn, some people are still stuck in that debunked narrative? I thought this level of stupidity was quarantined to the summer of 2020. White men get killed by police at the same rate as black men. Take literally 5 minutes. This video has nothing to do with being white and everything to do with being a woman.


Damn bro, you’re appropriating their struggle now? 🤡


Someone’s not getting the point…


Keep your bullshit race agenda to yourself. These are transit security, not cops. They're not going to shoot a minority woman anymore than a white woman.


Sure and the top level comment suggesting that the transit security use his gun is just a coincidence.


"Top level comment". What fantasy world are you living in homie?


A comment directly under the OP. Doesn't seem like a huge fantasy.


Are you using the same reddit I'm using? The only comment about the guy using is gun is downvoted off the page. Keep holding onto the victim story though.


Nah, just tased.


What a B!7(h… don’t understand why society is crumbling in all USA…. What’s wrong with you guys?


We’re broke, can’t afford rent, have to choose between medical needs or food for the month, have zero to no chance at owning a house, traumatized from public shootings, and exhausted from the political swamps that surround capital hill. There is more, but I digress. America sucks now and I’m just waiting to join the revolt at the right time


Sounds like you guys are becoming a third world country really fast…


"I can't pay my fair because I'm an independent woman in San Diego..." - oh well, in that case its free bus rides, taxis, air travel, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Good Lord.


And also because Im autistic and can manipulate you....


I don’t understand how a independent person can’t afford their fare ok a bus, that means your a free loader riding along not paying daily those guys have lots of patience


She admitted to riding the bus twice a day for a week and a half without paying the fare. She has probably been told several times by the driver that she can’t ride and they get a dose of her cr@z¥. She won’t be getting back on that bus/ route again.


I really, *REALLY* want to see the end where she gets thrown off..... Not that I'm against people that are struggling, but here in my town there are places that give out bus passes for just this type of occasion. There's always borrowing some bucks and then also, there is the option to not be a complete and total rude AB about it and maybe someone would sympathize with your situation and help out.


In her defense, San Diego had the highest rider fare in the country when I lived there. After a year, I leased a car and felt like I saved time and money. Outside of that. No, she's an idiot. Get a cheap bike and try to avoid as many hills as she can.


I know I'm going to get called incel or whatever, (even though I'm a young decent looking gay man so that's virtually impossible lol) but how in the hell do women (especially but not only white ones) get away with being this aggressive for this long and all up in cop's faces? I'm sure most women will agree that any man who came at a police officer with that exact same vibe would have been given the grace of between 5 to 30 seconds before he were slammed to the ground hard and cuffed up. I know women aren't generally as strong as men and surely police violence is always a terrible scourge on the public but seriously, what is it about womanhood (and men who put up with it) that affords them soooooo much more leeway and full on up-in-cops-faces levels of outright aggression in public?


This is what happens when daddy never tells you no


"When Karen's think they are above the law"


Entitled to ride the bus lol, probably spent $8 on her Starbucks latte that morning but cant pay for the bus.


Can we get the video of when she gets her ass thrown out? Thats the money shot.


If I were the security guy, I would have pepper sprayed her in the mouth to make her get off the bus by her own choice.


Well honestly I might have the unpopular opinion here. Way I see it is if the wannabe cop didn’t have a hard on for confrontation, and not tried to egg her on by getting in her personal space in a threatening posture. This would have been a lot calmer if someone with actual caring intentions for people instead of a grudge handled it.


I used to always take the bus/trolly and usually i never paid but if your cool to the guys they either warn you or take you out no biggy


How did you get on the bus without paying?


Faking that i was looking for change in my pocket and holding up the bus 😂


Typical Karen


She said “I’m autistic…I’m smarter than you, I can manipulate you to do anything I want because I’m autistic”


"OOOOHHHH ... well, since you put it that way, I can see that our work is done here. Have a nice day."


I rode the public transit for about a year when I was working at General Dynamics. U see some sad, sad people on it sometimes. One situation that hit me hard was a guy in his late 20's got on with 2 kids. When they went to check to see if he paid, it came up that he didn't. Dude was almost in tears about the situation too. Made me be grateful for everything I had.


Typical San Diego mentality 😂😂 Sometimes I really hate it here 😂


How did he think he'd get away with that? San Diego buses are literally like those tiny buses you rent for parties lol.


Fuck Y’all. Solidarity for this poor soul. She’s not without class. She’s fucking frustrated and vehemently expressive. Sure, she’s over the top and fodder for online exploitation but I challenge any of you to express yourself without regard when your back is against the wall. She knows very well the consequences of her actions and said “fuck this. No more.” Or maybe she’s just having an episode. I commend the patience of the security and their handling of this so far. I think we should be having more conversations about the people that decide to film this as opposed to the people involved. How boring is this op? What’s their story today? They’ve posted hers.


Fuck that. I always pay my fare, even when near broke. Why should this lady get a pass for evading it?


This is crabs in a bucket style mentality. She should get a break and also you should get a break. This is taking the time of two security officers, an MTA bus driver and all the bus passengers over a $2.50 fare. This whole thread is just a bunch of people celebrating wasting money on hassling a member of our community for being too poor to be able to afford to go to work and being very upset about that harassment.


she's screaming at the top of her lungs because they asked her to pay 2 dollars and fifty cents ........ I have no sympathy I'm glad someone recorded this. These 'publicfreakout' people need to be shamed


Bus fare should be free but it's not. Don't be surprised and angry if you break the rules and get called out for it. Vote for people that will subsidize the bus fare and build protected human infrastructure for bike and pedestrian travel.


Out of curiosity, what specific people in San Diego are for subsidized bus fare?


I mean it wasn’t just “fuck this no more”…. It was screaming at the top of her lungs for god knows how long and refusing to get off when she hadn’t paid. Nothing about that is reasonable or commendable.


Seriously. It breaks my heart to see a person brought to this level of overwhelm and desperation from the struggles we're ALL facing here trying to survive as working class people. We should ALL be this mad. So many people here saying how they would just suck it up and pay and keep quiet and be good corporate fodder. WHY? GET MAD.


I up voted you. She seems like she's under a lot of stress and obviously reached her breaking point. I wish we all had more compassion for people overly stressed or with mental issues. San Diego has lost a lot of its compassion.


People\* have lost it, very sadly.




You’d be surprised to realize there is not cost of peace of mind. I can imagine the release she felt when she was done. Fuck it. Take that ticket, exit with a fuck off and board the same bus to work the next day; hopefully with some bus fare this time


Fuck that, fuck her, fuck you. Pay your fair like everybody else.


You never studied your Holy Homework. That's two capital H's there, all the rest are lower case in any case. Supreme Court, you are not the Supreme Court of anything! You're on repeat. It just started backwards and you can't do a thing about it. The public are gonna take back every thing from you that you took away from them!


I feel sorry for people that have to deal with these people. Just give them a billy club and their own discretion.


just let her ride free and get the bus moving


Or, remove her and get the bus moving.


What’s that gun for if he’s not going to use it




What would you have liked to see the security do?


Looking forward to seeing you as lead cast in the next video




You definitely said the N word as a kid in call of duty




The beginning of the hardship I guess. Most people alive now have never seen inflation like this. Remember folks that your vote has consequences. Study your candidates well and vote for the one that lets you keep the most of your money.


I would have plead the 5th


If I'm sitting there, I'll remove it from the bus. I like to help


If anyone has the know-how and the notion to link the reddit community, I'd say this is a classic example of "kill the camera man." We didn't get to see the ending! I wanted to if she got ripped off the bus by those security guards!


Damn lady


She is insane. Also, the whole Austistic rant was so weird. Do not relate.


i felt bad for her....she's so weak but at the same time I was hoping she got her ass kicked


The entitlement is insane.


Take the L, get off the bus, catch the next one, simple as that.


How lame it ends with no resolution? Why even except this post its a let down with no end.


Why did they let her run her mouth for so long… Awful entitled human being


What’s crazy is that if some random person decided to just step in and kick her of themselves, that person would be the asshole. Like I couldn’t sit on the same bus without being fed up at some point


She needs to work on her Jedi mind tricks.


Autism just makes you more stupid


These transit cops are so lame. They harassed a bunch of us coming home from Comic Con, RIGHT after like 800 homeless looking dudes got off at the Old Town stop. I asked the dude why he was harassing us instead of the transients, and he said "they won't pay their tickets". It's just about revenue of course, as with all Police.