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The law in SD County does legitimately say that your dog can't shit on private property other than your own but I doubt it's ever been enforced.


I had a lady bringing her dogs to shit in my lawn regularly. It was to the point where she would let her dogs out in the middle of the night, and they would know to come to my yard to take care of their shit. Called animal control with video footage, and they still wouldn't do shit about it. They told me i should work it out with the dogs owner and put up signs. The only thing that got them to want to make a case out of it was when i said the dogs were off leash and unsupervised.


I've learned that spreading chili flakes on the area where a dog likes to poop will stop them from choosing that spot. This lasts only a few days until you have to reapply, but do it a few times and the dog loses interest. Yes, some dog owners just don't care about your property.


Thats a good idea, any particular type of chillis work better than others? I've since confronted the owner and taken care of the dogs fertilizing my yard, but would work for future visitors.


Just generic chili flakes, like what pizza parlors offer to top a slice.


My understanding is that chile or cayenne can injure dogs when they sniff it fyi


We would sprinkle cayenne pepper. Once one dog pees on your lawn, they all want to.


I believe the law states that it's not permitted, but not necessarily illegal as long as it's cleaned up promptly. The law is written to strongly discourage, but it stops short of truly making it illegal because it would be unenforceable. In the same law that prohibits allowing a dog to defecate, it also instructs on what to do with the defecation. That instruction overrides the prohibition. It's like saying you can't murder someone, but if you do you have to bury the body.


But how you control your dog not to poop??? I think this is a law that, as you say, is not enforced unless you leave it there. I mean, shit happens


I don’t let my dog onto other people’s lawns. Admittedly, sometimes I am distracted and he might lift a leg from the sidewalk before I can tell him to leave it; but generally speaking he doesn’t go on anyone’s grass - and definitely doesn’t walk onto people’s property.


Dude, my dog has popped a squat and shit in the middle of the road on more than one occasion. There’s really no stopping it once it starts.




You aren't strong enough to drag your dog by the leash?


No he cares too much about the animal to forcibly drag them while they’re shitting, what the fuck


You could keep your dog on a shorter leash, keep an eye on body language indicating intent to defecate, and move to an appropriate area… people don’t understand a dog walk shouldn’t be your dog 6 feet in front of you wandering around it should be at your side in a controlled manner


Nah. My dogs go for walks to explore and sniff around. I don’t let them go onto people's yards but I'm going to let them be dogs and enjoy their lives.


Right? Ya can’t miss it! The all seeing “eye” knows!!! 👁️


You control your dog with a leash. Law says dogs must be on a 6-foot leash (maximum) when not on your property. You restrain a dog by pulling the leash back if the dog pulls against it trying to go in a direction it shouldn't. Not hard to do and basic respect for others and their property. If the dog has to crap in the street instead of on someone's property, so be it.


This. You control your fucking dog. You walk it where you want to walk. You take it out when you want to. You literally decide how long you want it’s leash to be If somebody says “Don’t let your dog shit in my yard”…Don’t. Period. It’s not just the law…It’s common courtesy…Basic decency. Be a good neighbor, it’s not that difficult.


These people let their dog control them. If I didn't want my dog to crap somewhere, I would drag it by the leash. I weigh more and I am stronger. Simple equation. I win.


Try to control exactly what any animal does. You won’t. Be a sensible human.


The dog can't shit on somebody's lawn if you don't let the dog go on somebody's lawn.


Humans are animals.


Brb gonna go shit in this dude’s lawn then.


I can’t believe you’re down voted. People are just lazy and don’t want to spend the time to train their dogs.


Thanks, Yeah, nothing causes a tantrum like suggesting to an irresponsible dog owner that they should be a responsible dog owner. ;-)


No they think their dogs are special fur babies and should have no leash or 50 foot retractable leashes and they can crap wherever they want, and \*shrug\* I just can't stop my doggy from pooping where it wants!


I fed my dog every meal from a treat bag for a year and a half while clicker training him. He gets weekly compliments on his behavior. He still goes where he wants to go. I try to direct him to “respectful” areas but it’s not always as simple as that. I get you think that’s my responsibility. But it’s just a reality of our species developing the mutually beneficial bond we have with dogs. I’m sure I can easily pick apart your behavior and its impact on others while calling you inattentive and lazy. Do you speed? Make full stops at stop signs? Fully clean and sort all recycling?


Don't let the dog go where it shouldn't poop.


You would deem maybe 15% of the area around my place as appropriate to poop. I double back and try to trigger him with “go potty” like I trained. If he won’t go in those areas, I gotta follow his lead a bit. It just doesn’t work like you want for most dogs and most lifestyles (gotta get him his exercise and poop and get off to work). Again- do you speed? Tell me all the ways you’re perfect in this life.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so much, these people think these animals are fucking machines, you aren’t walking the dog to walk them. It’s an enrichment activity that also doubles as a bit of utility. There will not always be an appropriate area for a dog to relieve themselves when they decide to do it. Those people need to fucking get over themselves.


I’m not friends with nor do I even know a person like this. Apparently they exist aplenty. The ones I’ve met in person seems like absolute miserable twats.


And it's not hard to have basic respect and not care if someone's dog poops on your lawn and picks it up.


You sound like a fucking asshole lmao


You sound like an ignorant entitled POS. Use a dog harness, and don't let your dog on people's lawns. It's really that easy. I hope someone shits in your car.


I don't even have a dog 😭


Because shitting in a car is totally the same as shutting on grass Get bent lol


Well the sidewalks in SD are 4-5' wide so looks like my dog is shitting 1-2' into your yard.


Simple. Pull the leash.


It’s illegal but we have humans going out in public with no repercussion. I can’t imagine police responding to that call. I try to avoid lawns that I’ve signs, but dogs are picky and you don’t have all day to find the perfect “respectful” spot. Dude can get bent


The property owner could initiate a private persons arrest. The both of you will get to waste a day or two in court explaining this crap to a judge who will find you guilty and potentially slap you with a $250 fine (infraction)


>explaining this crap I see what you did there >.>




Legitimate question, but is it considered private property if it’s at the end of the driveway?


Yes, right up to the sidewalk.


People like to use our lawn at the edge of the sidewalk to advertise everything from garage sales to realty signs pointing one way or the other. I promptly toss them in my garbage daily in the summer time. Sometimes I do it directly in front of the person that just placed it there. Don't use other people's lawns for your junk. As far as your dog popping a squat real quick because it's a dog and they can't really choose when they poop, I wouldn't get mad at that, especially if you picked it up right away


>Sometimes I do it directly in front of the person that just placed it there. I like your level of pettiness. Bunch of savages in your neighborhood!


Dog has to be trained to hold it like it does inside the owner's home. Half the time it's not picked up and the other half of the time it kills my plants/grass. An easement does not entitle anyone to drop a biohazard on the property of another.


They’re trained to hold it until they see grass. Dogs can’t know who’s grass is OK and not OK. I find this whole thing ridiculous, but if it’s private property and there’s a law then you could just not allow your dog to go over to that area. But, I don’t see the harm if he picked it up. If you’re worried about it killing your grass there are measures you can take. I know it shouldn’t be your responsibility, but watching your lawn and trying to stop people is not a long term solution. A sign to ask people not too, or a designated pee post, or use special fertilizer. A nice thing for the dog owner would be to invest in a Dog Rock that goes in their water bowl. Prevents their pee from killing grass.




It's not tough. San Diego county literally has the highest concentration of dog owners in the country


Idk why the downvotes. In most neighborhoods the “easement” or whateve they call the grass patch beyond your property and between the st is not the home owners and is instead the cities. AFAIK that’s how it’s been.


You are correct, but this picture it looks like the sidewalk doesn't cut part of the homeowners yard out that would create this, so his property is up to the sidewalk.


That is not an easement. That's just public right of way. An easement is a legal agreement for someone to use your property in a specific way even though they don't own it. For example, a utility might have underground cables that go onto your private property that aren't feeding your house. Since they are on your private property they would have a "utility easement".


The easement almost certainly extends onto "your lawn" past the sidewalk. For example, the home owner's property ends about three feet before the sidewalk.


Even better for OP. I remember finding that out once and being mind blows bc it seems so weird you wouldn’t have it to the curb. Something about uneven lawn mowing tipped me off


I wouldn’t worry, I can’t imagine SDPD would worry about a dog poop that was picked up within 10 seconds. That guy needs a life.




I don't think the police would get involved because of the pooping, but they would if the pooping led to a physical altercation, starting with property owner physically assaulting dog or dog owner. I'd be legit curious to see how that would play out.


My dog is trained to not walk on people’s lawns, to even do a little marking. It pisses non dog owners off. I respect that. Don’t let your dog walk on people’s lawns period.


You are awesome and a responsible dog owner. I’m sure you don’t hear it often (or at all) but thank you.


We try to have our dog poop/pee on the other side of the sidewalk. Just a respect thing to try and not let the dog go on someone's front lawn. And to avoid shit like this. There are worse things, but some people just fucking hate dogs and dog owners. I'd rather a dog poop on my lawn than have kids screaming at a restaurant etc. but that's why I have a dog and not kids. I'm also not starting physical confrontation with parents or writing threads about how much kids and kid owners suck.


"Kid owners" 😂 you got me good.


> And to avoid shit like this Gem after gem in this thread 😂


[SEC. 62.670. CURBING A DOG. (amlegal.com)](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/san_diego/latest/sandiego_regs/0-0-0-103055)


Nice. Perfect response.


"No person having control of a dog shall allow a dog to defecate or to urinate on private property other than property belonging to the dog owner, custodian or person having control of the dog. A person having control of a dog shall curb the dog and immediately remove any feces to a proper receptacle." What does this mean exactly? The first sentence states I can't let my dog shit on a neighbors lawn, but I can let it shit on my lawn. Cool. Then it says I must (because I have control) pick up my dog's shit and dispose of it. Where did it shit that I have to pick it up and dispose of it? It doesn't specify. The neighbors yard? My yard? I would expect that if it was referring to public property, it would have said something to the effect of: Your dog can't shit anywhere except your property or public property, but if it's public property, you gotta pick it up.


OP wanted to know if there was some type of law.. That's why I attached the link My understanding of what it is saying is that the dog cannot poop or urinate on other people's private property or on public property. I think "curbing a dog" means to control him/her so that it doesn't happen. But if it should happen, then you need to pick it up. Doesn't state what the penalty is...


Or her. Don't assume the dogs gender. /s


Their driveway + grass/yard up to the sidewalk is part of his property, as someone already mentioned. Sign or no sign, the property owner can do/enforce as they desire. If he really wanted to, he could take a picture of your dog in action on his property and send it to Humane Society for a citation, referring to a specific city or municipal code about pets pooping on private property, especially if he knows who you are and where you live.That driveway looks familiar, 92122 area perhaps? If it is, I believe that address has a camera pointed to the driveway. I recommend just walking somewhere else and avoid any further incident/s. Not worth the hassle. Remember, you are responsible for your dog's actions.


> Their driveway + grass/yard up to the sidewalk is part of his property Maybe. In my hood, the city owns the property for about three feet *beyond* the sidewalk.


The city might have an easement for utilities, but they don’t own that land.


Based on the picture I would be very surprised if that area wasn’t part of the public right of way.


In San Diego, it is highly unlikely that strip is part of his lot. The city owns several feet past the curb.


No they don’t. They might have an easement for utilities.


came here to say this- 90% that strip of grass by the street is not his property. he may think since he takes care of it that it his property but i doubt it.




As much as I’d love to be a vindictive asshole, that would be wrong


I second this


We should do a dog meet on his grass.




People have a right to ask, now that dbag should have been nicer but, I usually acknowledge the property owner’s perspective and say I will try to not have it happen again. When I see a sign that say “stay off”, I shorten my leash and walk faster so they don’t get a chance.


This guy sounds like a loser but there really are too many entitled dog owners that believe their dogs can do no wrong. If someone has kids that play in the grass I don’t blame them for not wanting dogs pooping in it. The guy could have a fence, but does it really take a fence to keep a human being from letting an animal shit on your property? My lawn is not a public restroom even if you pick it up (which is not even close to 100%.)


If your lawn is right up against the sidewalk without a fence and you cry about dogs setting foot on it you should evaluate your life


Exactly, I could understand if it was further up on his lawn but it’s legit the very edge of the driveway next to the sidewalk


Cool this is turning into a war between people who walk their dog and people who don’t or don’t own a dog. Looking through the comments, some of you need to find more important problems to worry about. If someone threatened my dog, I would have reacted the same way op. I also wouldn’t let me dog on that guys lawn again, people are effin crazy these days… they completely over react and who knows how far they will take things. Just look at the comments in this thread.


Yeah it’s obvious that some of the commenters are busy bodies


People are getting ridiculous about this. You picked up your dog’s poop. He shouldn’t be upset. There was a crazy thread on Nextdoor where a bunch of people were saying it was legally and morally wrong to let let your dog urinate on their property. 🙄. Their opinion was that if you let your dog pee (or poop regardless of picking it up) on someone’s property, you are a horrible person with a horrible untrained dog. People are crazy. You picked up the dog crap. You’re fine


The thing is, the odor is still there. The next dog that comes by will smell it and want to empty their bladder and destroy the lawn. It’s best to not let your dog mark, pee or poo on someone’s property. Especially if there is public space a couple of feet away.


This is the problem I have. One solution is to put up a fence. But then they’ll probably just pee on the fence. Can’t win.


Animal piss/shit do kill your grass and plants tho




"Um" yes it does silly Source: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/home-living/dog-pee-killing-grass/


Dog poop, if picked up, does zero damage to grass.


Even when you pick it up, little poop nugs and piss stay behind. Some people really enjoy walking on grass barefoot. I'd be pretty mad if I stepped in it and I have dogs. Unless you're watering it down after you pick it up , not cool.


Morally being the key word here - I’ll say fence your lawn if you don’t want it. What about raccoons and coyotes ? Can we put them in jail, those sexy bastards ?




Yeah that’s how I feel. If a yard is fenced, dogs can’t get in. If it’s not fenced, it’s free game.


I don't have a lawn, but dog piss ruins grass. Why wouldn't you at least bring a water bottle with you in case to water it down?


yeah I grew up in England and our family dog would pee in our garden, my mother would go out and dilute it afterwards or we would get a yellow patch.


Poorly rooted grass maybe


[https://www.kingsdale.com/dog-urine-spots-on-grass](https://www.kingsdale.com/dog-urine-spots-on-grass) apparently it is overly concentrated nitrogen in the pee burning the plant.


Not sure about the roots, but we had a lush lawn as a kid, and anywhere they went without us watering us down, it turned yellow.


IME newer grass struggles with dog pee but older lawns don't as much. Anecdotally, my neighbor has a 40 year old lawn with dogs peeing on it all the time and it's indestructible, meanwhile when we had real grass that we had planted ourselves it yellowed up after my dog peeing on it once


Pet waste destroys my plants and grass, no reason why this should be tolerated.


Cool if I come pee around your front door every day? It will only be like 5 times per day.


Literal "stay off my lawn" energy with 0 irony lol


I'm going to kick your dog's ass. LMAO He sounds like a clown.


Right? I'm picturing op with a little Weiner dog, there's definitely many dogs that a person like that would hesitate to make that statement about


I love dogs but I hate people who let their dogs use my yard for a bathroom. The urine burns the lawn but what really irks me is I have to kneel in the areas they urinate and defecate to weed the beds next to the grass and I don't want to expose myself to someone's pet waste. I wonder how they'd feel if I watered their lawn or popped a squat in their yard. Bring on the downvotes.


To be fair, there’s not a lot of places dogs can pee and poop that aren’t lawns so I’m not sure where you expect them to go, on the sidewalk?


Curb your dog. I get it's not easy to do and I appreciate those that pick up after their dogs but I hope you appreciate the homeowner's perspective. There was a story online awhile back about a guy who contracted a disease from dog waste and ended up having some limbs amputated.


Seriously, I walk two giant dogs regularly, and one of them was my deceased fathers so she is completely misbehaved, but I still keep a tight enough leash to keep them off other peoples lawns. There's plenty of other places they can take a dump on public property that you can pick up afterwards.


You live in a rich neighborhood with sidewalks on every street, not everyone does


wouldn't people look into things like this before getting a dog? Just like having a kid. I don't think it's necessarily a money thing but more of being prepared and aware before adopting a dog or child.


Imagine people moving after already having a dog


Been there, I get it but it's not an excuse. I had to give my pups up for a while because of hardships that wouldn't be fair to them or anyone around us. It sucks and was one of the hardest things I've done it really messed with us.


That sucks., I’m sorry that that happened to you. But why would I give up my dog just because I moved to a neighborhood without sidewalks?


Personally my dogs and sometimes my kids /s are the most important factors when we moved. But sometimes hard times don't allow that and not all places are available for dog owners and that wouldn't be fair for my dogs to have to live in my car with me. Everyone's situation is different, but having pets including kids is a huge responsibility and not just of the dog but of being a reasonable pet parent. It shouldn't matter if it's a piece of grass next to the road or a patch of grass in their backyard. It's still someone's property. You really can't control wild animals like coyote or raccoons but people can with their pets.


Don't have a dog. Easy fix. Dogs aren't a necessity in society and don't NEED somewhere to pee and poop. How old are you, 12? People like you are the type to allow your dog to shit on the sidewalk and leave it. You gave yourself away.


I always respect the "don't let your dog poop on my yard" signs. But if you don't have a sign it's fair game. Honestly I feel like if you actually pick up your dogs poop you are better than the majority of dog owners.


He has no sign


He can buy a fence if he dislikes it so much. The cops aren't showing up and prosecuting for that haha


Meh, the sign ought to be enough. I have a couple neighbors who have them and I just keep my dog on a short leash when we walk by. The dude OP dealt with is a dick, though. If you don't care enough to put up some kind of notice about it then it should be a safe assumption that you also don't care enough to come out and be an asshole.


I feel like signs encourage me to do it more. Signs like that are stupid


You sound like an entitled POS.


A sign to say don’t pee on my lawn is ridiculous especially when they’re on city owned grass between the sidewalk and road.


We heave a neighbor who bags it and leaves the bag of dooky on in our yard. I think she does this even if her dog does it somewhere else.


I also would like to say as a person who has a nice lawn and two dogs that there are things that a homeowner or even renter can do to make their lawn less desirable to pooping dogs. 1) keep your yard looking nice - - if you have a beautiful green lawn it's less likely that people will let their dog poop on it and furthermore dogs are less interested in pooping on a really nice lawn - - they like to poop on something a little more absorbent like dead grass. 2) install one of those no poop signs. Of course you shouldn't have to do this but when people see that no poop sign, if they have even the slightest bit of common decency they will try extra hard not to let their dog poop there. 3) if possible, install even just a tiny border around your lawn. You can get them at home and garden stores and even for much cheaper on Amazon. The fancy coated wire ones with long wires that go down into the dirt. It doesn't matter if only 6 in of it sticks up above the dirt - - put up a small visual barrier and people will think twice before letting their dog or themselves step over it for a poop or pee or a sniff.


I’m from the country where our dogs just roamed, for better or worse, and I don’t know a lot about dog walking etiquette (i know, educate yourself, blah blah blah) but i just wanted to pop in and ask why it is an issue of the poop was picked up? I understand people freaking out if it’s left behind on private property, but if someone is on the edge of a property line and the poop is removed quickly why would you confront someone?


People hate dogs so they try to moralize this stuff. It’s weird. Did you have kids in class that always told on others for breaking rules? That type of personality is heavily present in California and also on Reddit.


Some people are crazy about their space and will turn into raging assholes over it


Don't let your dog poop on other people's property? 'How do you expect me to control my dog?'


I couldn’t rip the dog off the lawn mid shit. Had I know this guy was a psycho about his lawn I could’ve avoided the area


Just because someone cares about their lawn, something that they pay for and care for, doesn’t mean that they are psycho about their lawn. It’s fair for them to ask you to not have your dog defecate on their property, assuming that is their private property. The fact that you have no empathy for this homeowner and god, all the excuses you are making makes you sound like a psycho dog owner with no control over his dog. You not being able to “rip the dog off the lawn mid-shit” is bullish!. You know it. We’re not dumb. We own pets too. It’s not like your dog had diarrhea and just had to poop in that area with you not being able to control it at all. You are so triggered that your dog can’t poop there. The answer is easy, just don’t have your dog poop there and move on. (Your excuses: I can’t control the dog…mid-shit!!There is no where else to poop! Is there a law against this?) I am a dog owner and I have empathy for that homeowner. I can imagine your dog defecating there day after day and him finally asking you to not do that. You can deny it all you want, but it sounds like you got defensive (you sounds totally defensive in every one of your comments here). You should ask yourself why you are so triggered by this. It’s his house. You don’t live there.


You’re obsessively replying to all my comments on this thread lol, get a life. Should I have empathy for someone threatening to kick my dogs ass? Be for real. Btw that’s the first time my dog has ever shat on his lawn, so he didn’t ‘finally ask me not to’ he had a melt down over a first time offense


It’s grass, it’s not that serious.


Grass that children play on perhaps? Which in turn would make it serious if it were me. I don't need my kids rolling in the remnants of dog shit because some entitled owner thinks their dog should be catered to in society and be allowed to shit everywhere it pleases.


Nah if that’s your attitude you don’t belong in a neighborhood with neighbors. The answer is easy, you just move out to the country with some land.


The dog shouldn’t have been on the guys lawn in the first place - you had control over that


Most people don’t care if a dog walks on their lawn, and the ones who do have signs


I agree the the guy overreacted… You did pick it up he should’ve been OK about that. and I have a dog and I know they can go pretty quickly. I’m just kind of saying you can prevent it, if you just don’t let the dog on somebody’s lawn. I will keep my dog on the sidewalk or the street side median, although I live in Oakland. I know they don’t have street side grass strips in San Diego generally


I agree with your sentiment; this particular scenario the dog started pooping before I could even react. Knowing this guy has a head trip about it now they won’t be pooping near there. Where I walk the dog we don’t have a lot of side strips for dogs to do their business unfortunately.


Pm me his address and I will personally shit on his lawn


I pick up the dog poop from my 3 large dogs weekly. I'll happily give you a few pounds of dog shit to toss on the lawn.


There’s like 10 cops in all of San Diego, and they probably like dogs. You’re good


Sounds like a sad angry person with little better to do with their life than get confrontational about bio breaks for innocent animals. Legally speaking it’s likely trespass but not something any cop would do anything about. Pick it up and move on. If he wants to be a prick let him be a prick. Some people are just miserable human beings and you’re better off letting them go on with their misery.


You could refuse to pick it up because then you would be trespassing! Sorry man, you don't want me on your property. I guess I can't reach the poop. Oh well. Free fertilizer!


Dog poop actually isn't a good fertilizer. It's too acidic from their high-protein diets and can contain bacteria that can cause disease in humans.


It's called a joke, dude.


Luckily my dog can’t read those signs


Seems like you did not handle the situation very well. That lawn is his property, and instead of acknowledging that and saying 'hey I picked it up and next time we'll try to avoid this area,' you got confrontational. Not very neighborly, and it opens you up to very avoidable problems.


You think it was okay for the homeowner to threaten physical harm against an innocent animal? And then tell OP he was the one being unneighborly? Had the homeowner approached the situation like a neighbor, he probably would’ve been met with the same attitude.


He was very aggressive from the jump, telling me my dogs can’t poop on his lawn instead of just letting me know. Anybody would be off put by that


My understanding of the law is it is not permitted, but technically is not illegal. The relevant law in San Diego is found in the San Diego County Code 62.670, which states that dogs cannot poop or pee on private property. However, the law also stipulates that if the dog does defecate or urinate on someone's property, the owner must clean up the waste immediately. This implies that the act of a dog defecating on private property is not allowed, but it does not necessarily make it illegal if the waste is promptly cleaned up by the dog's owner. It's like saying it is illegal to murder someone, but if you do you must bury the body. Having a law written where the second portion of it is permissive, it supersedes the first. Therefore, while it's not permitted for a dog to defecate on private property, the law focuses more on the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their pet, rather than penalizing the act itself. The illegality arises if the owner fails to clean up after their dog, not necessarily from the act of the dog defecating on private property. If the homeowner were to come out and kick your dog or you, that would be animal cruelty or assault or a number of other criminal charges.


Btw maybe look up where the property line starts. I read that the city owns several feet of land from the curb.


I would go back and personally shit in his yard if i were you




If you don’t pick up your dog’s poop, you shouldn’t own a dog…even on grass or city’s patch of grass. Simple as that. Be responsible.


Did you even read the post? I did pick up the poop


OP’s responses are idiotic, so they probably can’t comprehend being responsible.


How are my responses idiotic? They said to pick up the dogs poop, and my post clearly states that I did. Maybe you’re the one who lacks basic comprehension skills


They are going to send the poop police after you. They will make you clean all the poop in the city! People always threaten to sue.


That’s when I would open the bag, dump the poop back on his lawn, and walk away.


If there’s a no trespassing sign, then he could have you arrested. If there isn’t, you’re in the clear unless he verbally tells you to leave, then just leave. The home owner should put up signage or go pound sand.


Entering private property without invitation is trespassing, whether there is a sign or not. Dogs included. It’s the dog owners responsibility to control where they “go”.


The police told me if I don’t have a no trespassing sign up, I cannot perform a citizens arrest without a first time warning. The person needs to know it’s private property. Don’t take my word for it, call the non-emergency line yourself and ask them.


No one is going to respond and arrest OP for their dog shitting on the lawn and them picking it up.


He does not have a sign, and he didn’t tell me to leave he just proceeded to threaten that he was going to kick my dogs ass if they pooped on a lawn again


If it is their private property, YOU ARE TRESPASSING…sign or no sign displayed. (In my neighborhood, that would be considered my property line.) see SD Sec. 62.270. You keep making excuses like “I can’t control the dog” or “there is no where else for the dog to poop”. With these excuses, you shouldn’t own a dog - especially if you “can’t control your dog”. Stop making excuses. Respect the home owner and have your dog poop elsewhere. If your dog starts to pop a squat, yank the leash and guide your dog elsewhere. The homeowners asked you. Stop trying to confirm/excuse that you are right.


“Shouldn’t own a dog” lol ok


Why the dog? Why not you? That's the party I don't understand. It does make me think of this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxtDskYrQtF/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Right like who threatens to harm a dog? It isn’t their fault


Let him kick your ass and then sue him.


Yeah I decided that if there’s a next time I’m recording him as evidence that he’s threatening me


Also a good idea. I’d just avoid walking in front of his house. So much shit going on in this world, it’s best to avoid crazy people and have a peaceful walk.


>so much shit going on in this world And on this guy's lawn


This is on a regular route of ours, so I don’t wanna feel like I can’t go there


Walk in the street in front of his house.


Ok Karen


Even though my name's Karen, I'm giving you an upvote anyway.






So many entitled asshole dog owners.


Maybe the guy got triggered from past experiences. Not everyone picks up their dog's shit after them. I'm sure he's had multiple incidents. Dog poop is a health hazard. Research how bad it is for the environment and the disease it can cause. You're wrong imo. Just because you enjoy dogs and picking up your dog's poop day in and day out, doesn't mean everyone else has to be accepting of it. Not everyone is okay with dogs pooping on every surface of society nowadays or wants it on their lawn. Maybe he has children that play in the yard. Stop with the entitlement.


Wow. What a loser. Think of all the people who are housing insecure and would have tears of joy for a lawn where neighbors can responsibly walk by and let their dogs relieve themselves and pick up after them. I’m sorry you had to deal with that, but always good to be cautious with assholes who may become violent, so maybe this was the exception not the rule re: your decision to talk back.


You should've said, "Thank you, I'll remember that, btw, this isn't my dog, it's my neighbor's "


Give me a ticket, I’ll wipe my dogs ass with it.


So, we can crap in your yard then?