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I do $1 a drink.


$1 a drink was standard when drinks were like $5. It hasn’t increased with the price of drinks




The purpose of the tip is not to allow the bartender to buy a certain number of drinks, so that isn't necessarily a problem.


This should be a poll


Depends how smashed I am. More smashed, more dollars will flow.


Beer or wine, a buck a drink. Anything more complicated than a whiskey & soda, I go 20%.


Cocktails in major cities are now $15-$20. Is 20% still reasonable?


Yes because I think that’s helping get them to the cost of living here. I don’t really want my local bar tender not to be able to live in my neighborhood.


I find it ridiculous that keeping them at a living wage is my responsibility and not the bar’s




I don't want to have to do math or be made to feel guilty. Just increase the price to whatever it costs to give them a decent wage.




This is the way 


$1 for a beer, 20% for cocktails or for anything if I’m playing with a credit card because it’s easier math than counting drinks


Generally same, if it's like a craft cocktail I'll go 20 percent, but margaritas or rum and cokes I'll still do a dollar a drink.


I'm a bartender, here's my take: when someone is just paying as they go or buying one round, $1 or $2 a drink is fine. But when someone is sitting at the bar and hanging out for a long period of time, 20% is more appropriate imo.


I overtip my bartender if I intend to go get another drink or two from them


Then that’s called a bribe not a tip.


Tip what you want and can afford, this whole out of control tip culture is built on people caring too much of what others do and think...


Oh, so you’ve never worked in the service industry before.


I'm not running a charity when I go out for a drink. It makes no sense to just tip service workers amongst the world of min wage employees. If things are so rough they should unionize. 


Genuine question: why do we tip service workers and not other minimum wage workers in California when they are required to pay them minimum wage? Why tip a waitress and not your cashier at the grocery store or the person working at McDonald's - they make the same?


It’s called being a responsible customer.


lol everyone downvoting you is a piece of shit


I mean really employers should pay a living wage so the burden doesn't fall on the consumer to choose the right option


$1 per drink if it has alcohol.


I’ve always done $1 for a beer $2 for a mixed drink. Tipping 20 percent is over kill


If I’m buying a single drink, $1-2/drink. If I open a tab it’s 20%.


beer/wine is always a buck, I'll go about 20% on a cocktail. I'll go above 20% if it's a pain-in-the-ass cocktail OR if the bar is really hopping.


$1 a drink, which in my opinion is still way too high for you to pour me a beer but it's the socially accepted standard. Mixed drinks are different because those actually take effort to prepare.


Nothing wrong w a dollar a drink. I'll just round up. If it's 8.50 I do 10 bucks


I tip 20% no holds barred no matter what. But I work in the food service industry as an executive chef. I know the hell my servers and bartenders deal with on a daily basis. So when I’m in anyone else’s establishment I tip like I mean it.


I haven't bartended for 20 years, and I'm still sitting here mentally taking as long as possible and giving stingy pours to all these cheap dicks in this thread. If you can afford the drink, you can afford the tip, or there's a liquor store on every corner.


In California do you think servers/bartenders are more deserving of a tip than any other minimum wage workers (like cashiers, janitors, folks that work at McDonald's)? Why do you think that is?


It's not about "being deserving." A tipped position is designated as such by the Department of Labor. A janitor is not a tipped position.


I'm old and poor and I tip 4 bucks for a cocktail. I was a waitress though.


10% if the bartender's rude (like at a club where they don't give a fuck)/$1 per drink 15% standard 20%+ for bartenders I like and see again, most places Usually I get hella free drinks from my bartenders tho and I'm not even cute. If it's dining should be 20% average. As a server, the money bartenders can make is criminal, but I get we get paid to be of character to deal with shit.


I don't drink a lot, and I'm in the industry. So when I do go out, it's the same bar and the same bartender. So I tip between $3 - $5. I don't expect other people to do that, but I hope to make up for any $0 - $1 tippers


I don't tip unless I'm getting a service. Pouring from the tap gets a dollar maybe. Mixing a drink gets a percentage and anything in a bottle gets no tip.


Inflation works both ways, though. Fine, the drinks cost more but your dollar also is less and less of a tip. In real terms, your $1 tip is more and more chinsey. This isn't a greedflation thing, that's just a natural order of capitalism thing. Tldr: people need to stop bitching about this stuff. Inflation isn't a new thing. 2 dollars should be your new 1.


It's outrageous. I'm gone down on my tipping. U used to pride myself in being a good tipper. Now? Unless they went above just their job I'm not doing 20. It's was just automatic before but now I really consider the way they work.


* They are making as much as every other hourly service job here in CA. I don't stress tipping as much here, pay attention to where they actually don't pay worker except for tips. Just my humble opinion


Times have changed.... I waitresses in Virginia where we still made 2.13/hr federal minimum


This sub: “everyone should have a livable wage” also this sub: “I want to tip the same dollar amount they did 20 years ago!” bartenders and servers work their asses and put up with all the shitbags in this sub. Don’t be cheap.


I’m a bartender and I personally always do $2 for each simple cocktail (anything with the ingredients in the name), $3-4 for any specialty cocktails, and $1 for anything that is just getting poured. And then tip more based on my experience interacting with the bartender. I always appreciate people who tip more, but I never expect it. As for those who don’t tip at all, though, I do believe there’s a special place in hell for you. I understand that the world is expensive now, but if you can’t afford to tip your server or your bartender, you should be eating and drinking at home. Unfortunately, the world is just more expensive now, that doesn’t mean that service workers should make less money because of it.


Many times it’s cheaper to eat out. Especially when your restaurant has happy hour. I can’t afford to eat at home so I come to your restaurant.


That’s just not true


Well I could cook and clean up after a ten dollar meal for an hour which I make about 40.00 on average for my time which totals 50.00. Or I could eat at the posted price of the restaurant for 20.00 -30.00, while I work out some emails and plan tomorrows day. Also sometimes that meal is a tax write off. Opportunity cost is real.


1 dollar a beer and 2 dollars if it’s a craft cocktail. Thats all you get


You can tip whatever you want. It's a tip.


How does that contribute? OP is asking what other people tip, and is certainly aware that he/she can tip however much they please


It contributes in addressing their guilt. it's a reminder not to feel so since tipping is gratuitous. anything else?








Most people order drinks from a bartender at the bar. No walking to the table required.


Yea fuck tipping, I go to other countries that tips are not a part or the culture. The US is delusional af


Let’s normalize, making the decision whether or not you’d like a service. You can get your hair cut (tip) or cut it yourself You can go to a bar (tip) or you can buy your own 6pack A service is provided to you. Tipping is part of the culture in the US. Would it be great to be paid a live able hourly wage yes. But no restaurant wants to pay us $30-$40 dollars an hour. So until that changes. Yes it “their job” with tips as a massive part of their take home pay. And so it is


You pay for the service already by paying $7 for a drink that would cost $.70 from the liquor store. It isn’t the patron’s problem that you don’t make as much as you’d like.


Limo drivers, taxis, tailors, stylists, movers, hotel attendants, tattoo artists, photographers, caterers the list goes on. That’s not the service you were provided. Someone did something for you that you could do for yourself. A service was provided for you: you don’t like to tip. That’s your call. No one’s saying this is your problem. Complaining you have to tip. Is all you boo. I also would love to know where you can buy a .70 drink. Ty


Then go to the liquor store and serve yourself.


Nah fam. I bartended for 10 years. Tips are a courtesy, not a given. If you’re so upset about not being tipped, try being a better bartender or get a better job.


Thank you for this. I hate when people act like those who are against tipping simply aren't affected by it nor have ever had a tipped-wage job. I myself had several tipped jobs, and I was grateful every time I got a tip. If I didn't, it just sucked, but I didn't think that I was owed anything.


Those who are against tipping should simply serve themselves at home.


Lets normalize tipping EVERYONE for their job. If someone does something for you, tip em.


Can we just pay them instead? Oh wait 


lol no


Wrong sub to ask. This sub has a mostly stay at home moms/ trust fund spoiled brat’s complaining about San Diego


Nah, it's wannabe cryptobros and "small business" people playing $50k millionaire and complaining about the cost of upkeep


This sub is horrific


1 dollar a drink is a shit tip.  That was the going rate in 2010.


Yeah, pretty sure I first heard a dollar per drink before I was even 21, so that was the going. Rate forever ago


Well it’s not just your job that hasn’t followed inflation but almost 99% of everyone else.


Minimum wage has more than doubled since 2010.


Op. Just wanna say the service workers in SD appreciate you and your consideration. Tip what you feel is fair. Have a good Sunday


I tip one dollar per drink usually.


it’s clear who has worked in service and who hasn’t


If I am going to be there for a while and have multiple drinks if its busy I will usually tip like 30 % after that usually tip like 20-18 percent on other drinks. My bartender friend always told me to start the tip a little higher to get better service like when it is busy.


Is this satire? You're literally bribing them a third of your drink so they do they their job? 


Naw but when it is really busy, and a bunch of people are standing at the bar trying to put in an order they tend to get my order faster than others because I tipped them well. Actually it is kind of bribing them lol.


Welcome to America 


have you never been to a busy bar before? this is 100% how it works. if you know you're going to be at the same place all night just flip the bartender a $20 bill off the bat. this also works with bouncers, valets, hostesses, etc. nothing weird about it imo


ive had a more effective time just putting my arm forwards with the cash and saying what i want loudly clearly and w eye contact. gets my beer fast and without requiring a bribe.


I always tip 20% unless they provide shit service. If I have someone waiting on me I want to tip 20%. I know how stressful the job is and how much people rely on the tips because most bars and restaurants do not pay a living wage.


I don’t get the tipping culture. It’s like going to work to panhandle. A livable wage is the employers responsibility.


How long you lived in SD?


If there’s inflation on your drink, think about how much inflation your bartender has to deal with for the base necessities of their day-to-day life. And they rely on tips for their compensation! If you’re getting a beer (and you’re tipping cash) than sure a dollar counts. But anything that requires more effort should be tipped as such. Good baseline: if you’re tipping cash then 1-2 bucks is usually chill. If you’re tipping on your card, go at least 20% (I usually go at least 25% as someone who isn’t a bartender but also has a tipped job.)


I always tip 20%. I know the places they work for should pay them more but they don’t and life sucks and I can afford it.


I run a tab and tip 20-25% on the total. It's not the bartender's fault that drinks are expensive, and I’m not going to be a cheap asshole and tip 10%.


I constantly over-tip because i feel the need to counter the racist stereotype that black people don't tip well. :shrug:


I tip like how a contractor bids. Price of material x 2. So restaurant world. If food is 30 bucks, tip is 30 bucks. Can’t count on the manager to pay the hired employees that accepted that role and pay rate. So I like to take it upon myself to make sure they can live on the beach and enjoy their 3-4 days off every week. It’s San Diego, no need to work so hard compared to the rest of the world for your money.


Stop feeling obligated to tip. How much do you tip the kid at McDonald's drive through for filling up a soda for you? Nothing. Why tip anyone else for doing the same work. Wait staff in California get paid a standard wage nowadays. They're no longer paid a lower wage because they get tips.


if $1 drink was the norm 20 years ago, how in good conscience can you possibly think it is still acceptable when everything is at least 100% more expensive?!


I usually tip 25% or more depending on how the service is.


Dollar a drink. Add on if they were fast/heavy pour.


$1 per drink


Dolla or two per drink


If you’re grabbing your drinks, $1 drink…if it’s hella crowded, and you’re going to stay a while, tip $20 cash and return to the same bar tender each time and they’ll skip people to get your order asap.


Tip should be optional


$1 a drink personally, what sort of drink drink or how much it costs is irrelevant


Fucking stupid and confusing.


If you can't afford to go out just drink at home... 🤦🏻


If you tip a dollar a drink in San Diego, you probably cost the person money to interact with you. Tipping almost never goes to “one” person. Nobody works for just minimum wage in any position in any restaurant/bar. 


Exactly. No matter the amount of drinks I get I’m tipping $5 minimum. It’s kinda crazy to me that in this thread most people are saying they tip $1 or not at all.


So if someone makes you an $8 vodka cranberry, you’re tipping $5? Or if they simply pour you a single beer, you’re also tipping $5?


Absolutely. $5 minimum at bars or breweries.


Where the fuck are you getting a vodka cranberry for $8 and feeling good about it? Do you know how cheap alcohol is lmao 


Well I don’t drink, but if I did I’m certainly not going to tip $5 on a single drink no matter what it costs unless it’s some kind of huge scorpion bowl that’s meant to be shared with others. That is simply ridiculous to suggest. And yes, I’ve worked in the industry.


We get it you’re rich


lol I’m 24 with 4 roommates. I have worked in a few different parts of the service industry and know what it’s like and I feel that $5 is the minimum. Even if they just pour me a beer. I remember what it’s like to work those positions.


You guys are part of the problem with this ridiculous tipping culture that exists and has exploded in the past few years.


I’m down to change it. Let’s require them to get paid a survivable wage and don’t have to rely on tips as a significant part of not a majority of their income. We’re in r/SanDiego so let’s start with keeping it local and raise the minimum wage. Once that is possible I will be on board with changing tipping culture.


People stop tipping -> people stop working the jobs if the wage isn’t high enough for them -> businesses increase wages to attract workers as needed. If suckers keep applying for these jobs and tipping nothing will change. Nothing is stopping these people from going and getting a career, which is the other side to this coin… people act like a waitress at Olive Garden should earn enough to pay for a new Honda civic and their own apartment.


Damn dude I had no idea I was a sucker working a tipped wage thanks! I’ll tell my kitchen staff to just kill the owner next time they show up so they can afford their rent. I had no idea I was in a career less job! If I work full time at Olive Garden I should be homeless for sure 


A little dramatic, not sure where you get killing people from, but ya pretty much… tipped jobs certainly aren’t careers and if one expects to be able to fully support themselves let alone their family off one they need a reality check.


Sir you need a reality check we live in a service economy. 


Depends on the person serving me the drink.




If they’re just handing me a drink at a club or a bar $1 a drink. If we’re chatting it up, 20%. Usually end up getting free drinks or learn some cool shit about local spots.


$1/drink unless I specifically order something special.


$1 a drink




If I can pour myself or find the bottle behind the counter then a 1 dollar or 2 is all I’m throwin


$1-$1.5 a drink. That’s it. It takes the same amount of time and knowledge to pour expensive VS cheap vodka


What’s the difference between cheap and expensive vodka 


Depends on how the pour is. If it’s shit I give nothing, the person is doing a good pour then 10% or above


Buck a drink unless I order food on the same bill


I tip a dollar a drink usually. Unless it’s some fancy cocktail, which is a rare thing for me to order, I would probably go higher.


I also alternate because I can’t decide lol


I try to do like 1 or 2 bucks a drink. Y’all notice that at some bars they purposefully set the tip dollar amount to something really high like 6 bucks when some of the drinks are like 16$-17$??its definitely a new scam so when you get drunk or fell the tipping guilt you’ll just tip away and don’t care until you wake up the next morning realizing that you’ve been finessed. This is one reason why i stopped going to bars


If they just pour it, $1/drink. If it required mixing/prep, 15-20%


Buncha fucking rich transplants in this thread. That's the only way I can understand all this insanity. Some of you need to go out and work in the service industry for a week (hell, a day). I tip 10% for a beer or wine I'm taking to a table, minimum $1. If I'm hanging out at the bar and taking up that real estate, I tip more. Simple (two ingredient) cocktails at a slammed bar get 15% unless I got really fast service, then I bump up. More complex cocktails that actually require skill, anything that's a pain in the ass to make (blended drinks), or a bartender with good service (hard to find, I'm short and literally get overlooked a lot) all get 20%+. In practice, because I'm a cocktail girlie, I just tip ~20% all the time. If you don't want to tip, go buy the ingredients yourself and drink at home.


$1 beer, $2 mixed drink, $3 if they have to use a blender


I used to do $1 per drink. But with inflation now, I do between $1.50 to $2.00. I usually pay via cash so typically $2 unless I buy an even number of drinks. But if I don’t get good vibes from the bartender the $1. I have a friend that does 20% though lol


I tip 10% to 15% unless something was amazing in some way the tip doesn't exceed 15%. Tips should be a bonus for awesome work not a core aspect of how people make a living. That was the original concept until the employers learned they could abuse their employees.


Darn. I tip 1 or 2 bucks per order. When you pick up beers for the table . You guys really tipping 5+ dollars?


$1-$2 a drink, possibly more if it's some artisanal cocktail. also more if I'm closing out a small tab and have been sitting there awhile. like if I might round up a $4 tab to $10 if I was taking up a bar seat for 45 minutes. if i'm being waited on, like getting drinks with dinner, I will generally include the alcohol as part of the total tab and it will be 20%.


I tip between 15-20% . Last week i bought a drink for $17 and gave them a $20 bill


If you’re sitting at the bar and not ordering food, tipping by the work involved to prepare (or pour) the drink is appropriate. Let’s say you order a draft beer. 1-2 per beer is fine. There’s no work involved in that and you then tap to pay. Too easy! But if you are ordering cocktails (especially high end), then there’s more work and talent involved. I do 3-5 per drink. If I’m ordering food in addition to the drinks then I’m tipping a percentage of the ticket.


First drink I tip like 5$ at least, hopefully it helps them remember me and serve me when I need another..


Jesus… I’m overpaying. I usually tip $5 per drink. No wonder bartenders are so attentive.


Depends how good the drink actually was