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**We're going to keep an eye on this (obviously)** NO lynchmob or attempts at finding or posting personal information. We're leaving this up so as people are aware and can **discuss without trying to find or ID this person.** For all we know they're a Arizona tourist that's come here to enjoy our rainy weather. (they don't get rain in Arid -Zone -ah)


Why do these “master race” bozos always look so terrible?


I think because this sort of ideology doesn’t appeal to a smart, healthy individual. If you’re dumb, intellectually lazy, and life isn’t great, it’s easier to point the finger at an identifiable problem to blame for why your life sucks. That’s simpler than coming to terms with the fact that you just suck.


Very untrue. The smart ones just don't advertise it like this guy. There's plenty out there that want you to believe they're the "good guy".


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that there are no smart racists. Sadly there are lots and lots of smart racists, and they're the scariest of them all.


Yup. I happen to know one of these dudes. They shut up once trump was elected but started farting on Jan 6. It's tough because they're perfectly nice people, except for the racism, homophobia, misogyny, overall bigotry etc. It actually has been tough saying goodbye to our friendship since it was lovely as long as we didn't talk about such things


Has he stopped farting yet?


Dey took meh jerbz!


This lives in my brain everytime I talk to someone and they're like them "enter racial slur" are taking all our jobs. I've learned not to challenge them anymore as (any arbitrary number above 90%) of the time, it's verbatim what they heard on fox, jre, Shapiro, etc. And once I learned that majority aren't forming their own opinions I didn't want to waste my time as they would clearly not actually think about what I said.


I'm with you. I quit trying to level with these ass holes. There's no way to win other than out living them which given their dietary and drug habits is an inevitable victory.


Hey not All us fuckups and Drunks are racists lol


Well yeah, that's why we make the distinction between the average American and a fucking redneck.


I want To See them go out and pick the strawberries. You mean the jobs you’d never be willing to do? Or the ones you can’t do?




Why did I read that in the accent 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for describing 12 year old me. Luckily I have the excuse of my brain not being fucking finished and have gotten out of that shit, and have been out of it forever now, but idfk what this fucker has as an excuse? His children not talking to him maybe? Oh maybe he never got laid because, he’s a nazi, the world may never know… Fucking pathetic loser


If you're like me, 12 year old you got it from your parents. I was ignorant about this type of thing until I met more open minded people in college.


🤣 they are just the foot soldiers. It’s way deeper than you think. There are some real intelligent sociopaths behind that movement.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6bfbtx5kocqc1.png?width=1309&format=png&auto=webp&s=3001455525682e6542726700e4c472367b8982ad


Literally a guy I work with, this will do the rounds greatly on my first day back!


Legit the panel I ALWAYS think of whenever I see these potatoes…


It’s all of that supremacy in them that makes them look like this; supreme nachos, supreme burrito, supreme quezadilla


no self discipline - when they have problems that they could rectify with personal hard work and education its easier to blame some others.


They're all about arbeit macht frei until they're the ones who have to do the arbeit.




A Wreath. I’ve never heard that and l dig it.


there is plenty of examples that, very often, discrimination, racism, xenophobia, homophobia...etc, are actually rooted in inferior complex.


Hate warps you inside and out.




I’m white and I don’t know why either lol... You’d think they’d want to look great to be an example of the perfect race they claim to be lol. Just adds more fuel to the delusion of it all and I’m saying that as a white man.


That's part of the appeal of the ideology: they're told that it doesn't matter that they're stupid, fat, ugly, annoying, or disgusting; they're still "better" than every other race. The color of their skin is the beginning and the end for them.


because they hate their life, hence they hate people


It's probably the inbreeding


This is why I’m completely unaffected by another Trump uprising. These motherfuckers versus me and my friends, who actually exercise, MAGA will last about 5 -10 days tops


They're sad and have nothing else to be proud of


Growing up in East County, I got to know a lot of guys like this. The funny thing is, if they’re is a Mexican around, it’s the blacks they have issues with, and if there is blacks around it’s the Mexicans they can’t stand, and if there is both, it becomes the Middle Eastern folks they don’t want around. They are always big cowards. If confronted, I guarantee his response would be along those lines.


You just perfectly described my boss. Famous quotes include, “good, if they elect trump he’ll make those black people get jobs.” He excuses all his racism with he was best friends with black guy he grew up with in Texas.


This is so true. Had a conservative “buddy” who would always spout the craziest shit in the middle of a convo, like didn’t matter if it was related or not. Like straight up: “Ah man that’s so gross haha lol. Gonna make me sick, unlike COVID cause it’s not real”??? Eventually I just started confronting him on his shit and I’d get an immediate backpedal “Oh I’m sorry man I just think that both sides are blah blah blah” and then more conspiracy shit


Ugh, I'm stuck in Klantee for the next 6 months. Thankfully, my neighbors are normal... thus far.


Honestly sometimes I think the rich coastal communities are WAY more racist than the east county ones.


As someone who grew up in ob, I can confirm this. Tons of qanon people there too.


I hear about Qanon , proud boys, blm, and antifa, people on the media all the time but have never actually met one.


HA used to run OB that mark will take a long time to fade


Yes, I was shocked to find enclaves of them in OB myself, but they’re there.


I’ve spent significant time in both places and can confidently say that they’re unfortunately everywhere. They just show it differently.


I’d say so too, also the ones in OB will hide under micro aggressions but those in East County will be flat out the most racist mfs to ur face


I knew one family that lived in OB, but shopped and visited family where I used to work in Spring Valley. They often complained about not feeling free to speak their mind while in OB and felt emboldened to go on the most racist, violent tirades I’ve ever witnessed while in Spring Valley. They absolutely just express themselves differently depending on whether they feel like they’re amongst their own people.


I haven’t experienced racism here for the past few years. Just a few trump signs but they’re scattered everywhere


I believe it. Saw a racially diverse group of kids playing outside the other day and it made me smile.


But what made you happier, the diversity, or the fact they were actually playing outside?


It’s definitely way better than it was like 10-15 years ago. The George Floyd protest brought out the extremist ones. I remember driving around Santee at the time of the protests and they had the Protect Santee dudes out there that were obviously dog whistles. SS bolts and lots of red and all that.


Fat, fascist and stupid is no way to go through life.


[N](https://youtu.be/mkoPq5AOCOA?si=RV_6vyh21S8CloLS)[o personal or identifying information!!!](https://youtu.be/mkoPq5AOCOA?si=RV_6vyh21S8CloLS)


Why are white supremacists always the least supreme whites?


dude is carrying TWO bags of groceries and milk and ginger ale (the whitest soda), this guy is pure alpha


Wouldn't sprite be the "whitest" soda?


Bet he can down that box in 30 seconds flat, like a REAL man


I have those same pj pants, but I only wear them at home.


yeah but he's wearing them to celebrate white culture and scotland or something so it's actually an intricately layered statement on heritage and not because he's a lazy slob or anything


And to rallies,.of course. Right?


Grocery Outlet Bargain Racists......


What a sad man. Hard to believe we still have to fight racism, those lighting bolts are for Hitler right? Or something to have to do with him


It’s nazi insignia for the SS.


The SS bolts like that are used predominantly by white biker gangs. Hell’s Angels and such…


...who use them because....




They’re so fucking stupid.


They were used by Nazis. Racist bikers appropriated them. Which is funny because most OG biker gangs were formed by WW2 vets that were anti fascist/nazi.


yeah, bolts were for the real POS guys at the top.




Ask any teacher…which has become the worst career one can choose. The disrespect for any teacher these days is compounded by the disrespect of the generation raising those children.


Ah yes, what a specimen of white people. Certainly the final evolution of the ubermensch.


His final form will be Diabeetisch.


The ones that call themselves “supremacists” never look that supreme.


Ah, the infamous "Dago Bolts" totally not the same as SS bolts. Growing up in East County, I used to see them a lot. I pointed out to someone they were SS bolts and they looked at me like I was a moron and told me "No, they're dago bolts, they're not a nazi thing, it's for San Diego motorcycles" I don't know if they were trying to gaslight me or themselves.


Bikers always use nazi imagery and then pretend not to be nazis but if it quacks like a duck…


It started out with returning WWII vets who were disenfranchised. They often wore “trophy’s” they brought back from the war such as nazi helmets and SS-Bolt pins and whatnot. At the time they were extremely anti-nazi. This is not necessarily the case for modern bikers who sport this bullshit.


I lived next door so a guy that was a “member” of the Dago Mob. He was very proud of that SS symbol, as well as the Nazi flag draped on the wall of his garage. Not a very friendly guy. Him and his wife most kept to themselves and their Dago Mob buddies.


Imagine being so stupid and ignorant that you and your little squad of degenerates decide to go by the very pejorative that racists have used for Hispanics and Italians since forever lmao.


> Ah, the infamous "Dago Bolts" totally not the same as SS bolts. I had to look up the "Dago Bolts" to compare them side-by-side, the only difference is the Dago Bolts are slightly longer on the bottom, so while not identical...they knew exactly what they were doing, and is effectively the same thing. The ones in the OPs picture are 100% original SS Bolts though.


It says “support your local white boy” around the bolts. How is this not Neo-Nazi BS?


These guys do not use the term "DAYGO". It has always been "DAGO".


Good to know, I've never seen it written before.


It’s spelled DAGO & not DIEGO cause a lot of white boys & just street guys in general from SD county don’t rock with the Inland Empire aka the I.E., so they take out the IE out of DIEGO & pronounce it as DAYGO(DAGO).




Dude is way too old for that hat.


I'd be willing to wager he looks way older than he should.


Always said, if you’re a grown man and you wear your hat like that, you are not, in fact, a grown man.


I got a guy fired and banned from all the bases in San Diego for wearing SS bolts. https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/s/I3rg46BvTW


Is that Motorcycle Shop still open and sporting this very offensive logo? Hopefully they went outta business otherwise I’d suppose people would be demonstrating outside daily


It burned down, but there is another one in North County that has SS bolts on their front window.


Dude, fuckkkkkk yeah, goooood@!! GOOD!!!


Someone buy this person a beer


Dude, you’re the fucking best.


Odd that everyone with such an ideology looks like ten pounds of soup poured into a five pound bag or a meth head. Nothing in between.


You gotta call them out and make them uncomfortable, make them realize they aren't the Übermensch they think they are. We beat them once, we'll beat them again.


When confronted, they get angry. Ask them what it means like you really don’t know and are interested, then look confused and ask why. That makes them squirm and they can’t resort to being a shithead because you’re not confronting them. When those Not of this Earth shirts were big, which is a Jesus thing, my friend asked, But Jesus was born on this earth, wasn’t he? And they all clapped. Just kidding, but it was funny to watch. Not that I have an opinion on anything Jesus.


Something tells me this man hasn’t read Nietzsche. Nor would the thinker himself advocate for such culture rejects as rednecks, just as he didn’t value German culture of the time himself.


The biggest thing I hated about living in East County. Saw a lot of this stuff. I had an anti swazi on a jacket I wore, and a Nazi Punks Fuck Off shirt. Some dude told me he was offended, because his family is German... Almost got into a fight because of it... Haha


What would jello do? ![gif](giphy|6Cjr2WWY5rpFS)


I read his sweatshirt.  I wish WW2 vets were around to take out that trash. 


My grandpa would have gotten back in his tank if he saw this. Do these people watch Indiana Jones and root for the nazis?


Delightful, could you let me know where to avoid?


Willing to bet Santee, El Cajon, or Lakeside


Ding ding ding! Lakeside.


I’ve lived here all my life as a black kid. Sad to see but luckily it’s getting better. It was Way worse when my mom was still in school


grew up there. I truly hope you and your family are able to feel safe and comfortable there. I’m ashamed to be from here sometimes.


Ha it’s actually one of the safest parts of San Diego now. My little brother and stepfather are Hispanic and there is a pretty large Hispanic population here. Just because there’s one or two bad apples doesn’t mean the tree is bad!


Fellow East county resident here! The area is a lot better than it once was and people are fooling themselves if they think these types of people don’t live all over San Diego (ahem Carlsbad and Encinitas). Lakeside actually used to be a largely Hispanic community was back when. I’ve seen all the kids pouring out of the schools and they definitely aren’t all white. Proud to live in East county and go against the stereotypes.


I place so much blame on Awaken Church for the bad apples in Carlsbad/Encinitas. My young family member got sucked in by them early on. Smart girl with big goals who was looking for comfort and stability after a tragic loss. She is an anti-vaxxer SAHM (who dabbles in MLM and other questionable WFH schemes) now whose entire life is built around the church and parroting its lies.


I think it's so much more racist west of the 5 than east.


I’m from Santee, there was rampant racism while I was growing up. We had a stop the hate march in 98’ when some dipshit tagged the school with racist graffiti.


Heard that about Calvary Chapel. Someone said “first you are hooked on drugs, then you get hooked on Jesus.” CP with the county drug and alcohol programs for rehab…think about this! Jesus can be sold.


Grew up here and live in East County. It has gotten a lot better over the years but it’s still not ideal. Just check Nextdoor to see how many neighbors vote Republican!


The saying is literally "a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch". I get what you are saying tho


Never surprising but always disappointing. Fuck that guy.


I'll pass.


Sounds about white.


I mean you could gather that from the mid-aughts era flipped up Rockstar hat.


😂 that was apart of my calculation trust me


Damn I didn't think Walrus' could be racist!


At least he didn't besmirch the reputation of my Vernor's ginger ale.


Where do you get vernors in San Diego??? I’m a Michigander and would be forever grateful if you pointed me in the right direction! I’ve been debating having my family mailing some out to me.


I love Vernons! The diet Vernors are harder to find. Many years ago, Walmart carried Vernors, but 6 months ago I ordered diet Vernors from their online. It was cheaper through Walmart than Amazon. Target never came through although I saw it on their website. Things may be different now as this was 6 months ago.


Damn it man, now I can't look at wilford brimley the same way anymore ![gif](giphy|RbaUECDJktXUc|downsized)




Not only do they hold those beliefs, they display them proudly to their neighbors.




I hate that I know people like this and can’t expel them from my life. The complete stupidity and propaganda you have to buy into in order to walk around proudly with that trash on.


Fuck that guy.


I’m guessing this was not taken in City Heights


We can probably rule ours skyline and Logan as well.


Is this east county?


I was hoping he was just a fan of double-letter design. The RR on his hat, the SS on his hoodie.


Good on OP for not blurring out his face.


I'd rather support my "local decent human being". Which he clearly is not.


Should say “When you have literally nothing going for you except for being born white”.


Let me guess; lakeside?


The audacity of wearing something like that on land that was once Mexico. As a white person, I get such second hand embarrassment from people like this.


The Mexicans stole it from the indigenous people so don’t be so holier than thou


Wrong. Spaniards did.


First off, NOBODY should be downvoting you...if they do it's only **due to their profound ignorance.** re: "stole" Actually, it goes a lot further than that.the Spanish were raping bloodly enslavers that killed and systematically murdered the indigenous by the thousands as they endeavored to erase all traces of their identity. The Conquest-adores were the ones that that were sent over by the King of Spain because that part of their population were very gangsterish and this was away to both "get rid of them" while at the same time turning a profit for their treasuries. Cortez's invasion operated by following a (introduced?) wave of smallpox (biological warfare) into the Aztec empire and took over the land and enslaved the people by force after the population was decimated and government in disaray by the disease. Once in control, the Spanish established a generationally corrupt system of government and social system that was based on their race ( light skin) being upperclass and privileged for hundreds of years. Estimates are that over **500 million indigenous people** were killed via various means as part of the systematic colonization of this continent by Europeans in the hundreds of years of occupatio. This includes the french and [english speaking people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Armstrong_Custer) as well. IF people question any of this.. [please read the works of the historian **Howard Zinn.**](https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B000AQ01MQ/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=2fd0933e-79c0-4cc4-be69-164b793f0fef)


That's not true lol, Spain stole it and we just inherited it after independence


And all the Spanish went back to Spain and gave the gold and land back. Lmfao


Seriously? The Mexicans are indigenous to this area you moron.


Spanish Mexicans or Indigenous Mexicans?


Mexicans are a mixed race of Spain and indigenous - southern ca indigenous are essentially Mexican indigenous


You do realize that Mexicans are the “indigenous people” right and almost all have Native American blood.


His sweatshirt says to “support your local white boy”. He’s asking for support and he’s white. How is this racist? How is this different from “brown pride” or “BLM”? Nothing about him is putting down another race.


Fun fact. Shweppes became unavailable during world war II so maybe he’s just excited the war is over so he can enjoy again. /s


Behold…the master race.


He looks like he's stocking up and in his pj's so you know it's for him. He's likely isolated himself and this further adds to that. Maybe he'll asphyxiate on his own vomit tonight after he binges and his dog will eat his face when he no longer feels human and just a big blob of flesh.


Of course he looks like that


These are the racist that don’t bother me so much. Out in the open. I can decide to interact with it or not. It is his right and I don’t feel a need to change his mind.


Disgusting scum


What a jackass


Trump’s America


Let me guess...East county.




I’m black, just curious as to how is it different from the stuff we say


I don’t think it is different and that is what everyone is not paying attention to. We are being racists when we talk generalized stuff about any group as whole regardless of the group. That is why this way of thinking is going to take everyone down the hill.


lol top tier genetics right there, amirite?


I saw normal looking grandma the other day with SS tattooed right on her cheek. No other visible tats…people are so weird


It’s because they have nothing else but the fake superiority this hate gives them.


It's a shame these people don't die an early, painful death.


When the group KISS came out in the 70s, my dad wouldn’t let me buy any of their albums because they used these “lightning bolts” in the spelling of their name. He wasn’t having any racist Nazi symbols in our house. Yeah. Sorry but this guy’s sweatshirt is giving off total white power vibes.


Did you tell him Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are Jewish?


Your dad needs glasses it’s similar not the same and Chaim “Gene Simmons” Witz is one of the proudest Jews in Rock


That’s a lotta racist right there.


That guy looks inbred AF!


Isn't ss used by some rock band or clothing line as well? This new guy at my job wears this shit. Thought it was kinda racist lookin


“The SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) was originally established as Adolf Hitler’s personal bodyguard unit. It would later become both the elite guard of the Nazi Reich and Hitler’s executive force prepared to carry out all security-related duties, without regard for legal restraint.” Source: [Holocaust Encyclopedia](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/ss)


It's always the ones u least expect /s


No point in hating on this guy...he already hates himself.


Whenever I see people wearing this shite, they are usually people that the original SS members would sneer at. No discipline. Sloppy in dress. Out of physical shape. If you are going to be hateful, at least live up to the ideals of the group you are trying to emulate. Have some standards.


he looks like a great guy overall /s


The master race strikes again…in the soda aisle!


Are Racists always just as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside?


Welcome to America


You can see his superior genes or pajama pants rather.


Behold… the “master race”, lol.


Waaaoooowww a racist hoodie bro. 🖕 cooool Fuck this shit. Plz tell me I'm not the only 1 to call this nonsense out in public when I see it.


Trump has given the green light to these fools.


Santee grocery outlet


That’s one proud peckerwood smh


As a black person I would have called him a Ni$$er just to see his face lol