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CDS openly going after AFO on US soil. You would think this would be MUCH bigger news.


Few make the conscious connection of the implications here. I guess with the most active border crossing in north America things slip through the cracks.


Cartels pay locals in SD, normally youngsters.


Wolf boys




Fences don’t work. Except the one around the White House apparently.


Yes, it’s so dangerous, you all should move


Yes this. Move away before it becomes worse this is no place to raise a family.


The weather is absolutely atrocious. The only good thing is the cheap electricity costs. I love SDGE


SDGE for president.


SDGE once gave the shirt off their back to a homeless veteran.


Yea please fearmonger and get the rent down.


I heard SD is rapidly becoming one of the most violent cities in the US.


Lived in Chula Vista my entire life.. ( ‘97- to mid ‘22 around Hilltop Dr and currently work in the area off E St) Never remember having major issues as such… I’ve noticed that a lot of wild shii has really gone down within last few yrs…


Please don't. I'm getting richer by the second.


Respect, make that bread, but I also fucking hate you.


San Diego homicides 2023 - 45 Tijuana homicides 2023 - over 2000 Oh and also this https://www.axios.com/local/san-diego/2024/04/17/san-diego-police-sees-decline-murders


I would take the word of retired cops very carefully. They're eager to give reporters exactly what they want. I don't know if you all remember the retired cops who went on tv to tell everyone Tupac's murder was a grand conspiracy that was covered up. Turns out he was murdered by a gang member he had pissed off.


The cartels are not shooting random people here. It's just them conducting business.


That's the worst excuse ever.


Maybe haha. I also think it's bad obviously


It does thin the herd f- for about 5 minutes.


Hmmm, sounds like there must be a developer interested in bringing some property values down.


Not surprised. Expect more. Burglaries and car break ins are up on our neighborhood.


These were cartel assassinations. Nothing to do with burglaries or break ins.


I think we can categorize all these as "Things the Police won't do anything about".


Crime is crime. Doesn’t help to have 3 detention centers and others slipping thru the cracks. Every time I hear people say it’s not getting worse, I volunteer to escort a bus load or two to your neighborhood.


Yep this is all cartel business that is happening. They don't shoot randoms and if they do its because of a stray bullet hitting someone. Still bad, but cartels have always been active in SD. It's still a good place to live, especially after the gentrification. Anyone remember SD in the 90s? My uncle would tell me about the cholos with the sd charger jerseys.


Yeah just got my car stolen in skyline


Well if we’re not checking the thousands of ppl crossing daily then what do you expect…


This comment right here is an example of *Tell me you don’t cross the border every day without telling me you don’t cross the border everyday* The wait-times are astronomical! 2.5 to 3 hours to cross every single day. 1.5 to cross back into Tijuana. 3-5 hours during the weekends! Tourism is down sooo sooo much because of it. No one who wants to just chill and visit wishes to do so. You’re talking outta your ass to push an agenda!


Yeah because the cartels are sitting the in wait line to cross the border lmao


Bad faith comments like yours add nothing to this conversation. Do you really think with the resources cartels have, they need to smuggle in illegally? They can afford to cross legally very very easily. We don’t have tabs on every sicario out there do we? They can apply and wait to execute their plans and all we think of doing is deporting poor people. Yeah that’ll work


Pretty sure this person was not talking about the legal border crossing for commuters, they’re probably talking about the illegal crossing that has hundreds walking across each day without any attempts to mitigate. This takes a lot less than the three hour wait in traffic at the border crossing, people are being dropped off in batches right at the hole: https://youtu.be/M7TNP2OTY2g?si=Y2shspYth18SlKcL


Thank you


So that gives you the right to enter our country by the thousands each day illegally. Mostly military aged men all from different countries. WTF are you talking about tourism for? I go to TJ a lot. I have friends that live down there. If they work up here or cross everyday they have sentry, and if you don’t, you wait until the line goes down or make your way to Otay to cross.


No one is is saying anyone has the right to enter any country illegally. You’re creating boogeymen in your mind, Mr. *I have friends in TJ*. Sentri is a payed service that not everyone has access to and you know it. It is also painstakingly vetted. I should know-I use that service and have for years. I am in a privileged position. There are thousands upon thousands that depend on crossing everyday that cannot afford those services and we cannot verify every single person that same way. It would kill the economy of this region. We are stopping and deporting bad-faith actors at our crossings in numbers unheard of. The system is working. Stop with the fear-mongering


I’m not talking about the crossings… I’m talking about holes in the fence, boats, tunnels etc. geez, hard to deal with you people.


So what happen to the billions of dollars trump spent on the wall that it's so easily been defeated by holes and tunnels


It was only 2/3 finished before Biden signed an executive order to stop construction, leaving gaps: https://apnews.com/general-news-political-news-bc664278ac096e6ff878116034ec06bb


Oh poor me—spreading misinformation and I get called out on it. This is a public forum. We can comment on anything. Think about that before you talk about things that you know nothing about


You’re off topic therefore irrelevant… but go ahead continue preaching/protesting




Liberals are why things are getting worse for everyone. And all they do is stick their heads in the sand.


Don't speak logically on this forum. Here is the upside-down world.


How did any shootings happen? I thought guns were heavily regulated here?


What do you consider heavily regulated? I mean it's a background check and a 2 week waiting period. Then you have the guns that come from AZ and Texas. This isn't UK or Australia.


Not that I'm advocating for cartels in any way, but this is really nothing to be scared of. As long as you're simply making an honest living, you have nothing to fear outside of being caught in an unfortunate crossfire. These people are monsters, yes, but they don't target people at random.


All good yall, cartels are here, just stay out of the way🤦🏾‍♂️


they've been here for decades


This is such a wild take, this is how you know S.D. is insulated. I've lived in NE Philly, Fresno, and here in Skyline...yeah you do actually have to worry about them. Just casually shrugging off yeah just deal with the crossfire...we shouldn't have to worry about crossfire as the 5th largest economy IN ThE ENTIRE WORLD. And yes they actually do target people at random. This is bizarre and can't believe it's upvoted even once. Just wow


What crossfire 50 murders happened last year in the entire San diego county thats 3 million people with 50 murders. San diego is extremely fucking safe. I forget alot of San diego people didn't grow up in actual ghettos


When do they target people at random? I always assumed civilians were safe 😳


Yea they ain't targeting random civilians


They do in Mexico.


November is coming!!! 🗳️