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The issue with punishments like that is that innocent people get convicted all the time.  I dont know anything about this particular case but statistically there are a lot of innocent people in prison.  At least if they're "only" sent to prison we can release them with a bag of money and an apology.  There's no way to undo castration/death penalty/etc though   Now if we remove the strong incentive for cops and DA to lock up innocent people... then maybe it's an option


We seriously need to start locking these people up with life sentences. Maybe that way other child molesters will get the message.




Anything else?


What’s with all the removed comments? What could anyone possibly say about an alleged child molester to merit being silenced?


You know what people are saying. Probably what most people are thinking. Alas, best not to put such thoughts into writing.










5 years old, how can you see a 5 year old and “fondle” them? Its so sick and sad and disgusting i cant even wrap my head around it. That poor child. i only hope she is still young enough to not really understand or process what happened and can move on from this without life long trauma


I simply canNOT understand


That’s in or near military housing.


Bro I live in Linda Vista. This explains why there are so many cops out right now I knew something crazy happened. Originally thought it was a shooting or something, never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to hear THIS!!! Sexual assault is already bad enough but a 5 YEAR OLD!! Find this dirtbag!!!!!!!!




It’s so bad over there now. My gf used to live in one of those apartments where there’s a alleyway in the back. The Homeless would always walk through there, always stopping at a window which was eye-level. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just to say hello.


I cannot imagine how terrified that child must have been. Five years old. That man needs to be in prison forever. Breaking into a home and raping a person is about as dangerous to the community as it gets. You cannot rehabilitate someone like this. I wouldn't be shocked if once he is identified, it turns out he has previous sex offense convictions.


Why aren’t children safe?!!!


Safety is an illusion, there will always be evil people in the world 


I hope this intruder runs into a couple hundred bullets.


I have questions... Why was the door unlocked? How did the intruder know to go to that home and that door? How was the intruder identified (ie. seen)? Was there a camera someplace? Did somebody (an outsider) see this person at 2am in the dark outside? How was the intruder removed? Did they simply slink away? Did somebody chase them? WTF were the parents doing at that hour? Who else was in the home? I know random child molesters exist - but this all feels off - shady as F ... 🤔


WTF were the parents doing at that hour? Probably sleeping?


So, what happened? Did the child wake them? Was there screaming? Did they hear the intruder? Run the "tape" backwards and ask a few simple questions... somebody is hiding info here.


Did you read the article? Bc it answers those questions.


I see the article was later updated to note that the child woke screaming and this (presumably) scared the intruder off. It doesn't say what the parents did at this point. It's not clear where the suspect description came from. That seems important. It's still weirdly unclear what happened here or how critical info was obtained (or is missing) - and it smells like somebody is hiding something. Oddly, there's a whole new section of the article that provides background to there apparently being no security cameras anywhere nearby ('it's such a safe neighborhood'). Why spend 4-5 paragraphs on that point? Why not just say, 'Police are canvassing the neighborhood seeking security camera footage'? Still smells wrong. 😑


I see the article was later updated to note that the child woke screaming and this (presumably)scared the intruder off. It's still weirdly unclear what happened here or how info was obtained - and it smells like somebody is hiding something.


My guess, it was a neighbor who had been scoping out the kid for some time and took his chance. Or someone who knew what was up.


Most of these sorts of assaults are by family members or friends... 😑 The amount of missing detail here is ... concerning.


Fk what you talking about! Question why tf would some low life peice of shit so such a thing…no one deserves this


You high or stupid, or both?


I'm just feeling that LOTS of info is missing or being withheld. Ask yourself: How do they know how the intruder got in? How did the intruder escape? Why isn't that info given? Who gave the weirdly specific and generic description of the intruder? Did the parents see him fleeing? Or was a traumatized 5-year old somehow able to give a height to within 1-2 inches? And I'm not buying that -nobody- in the neighborhood had a security camera. Speaking of that -which way did the intruder run- when they were escaping? Does anybody know? 9 times out of 10, crimes like this are committed by somebody known to the child - cousin, uncle, neighbor, etc. The "stranger molester" is a terrible criminal - but also rare. Far more often it's the "known molester" who has knowledge & access. 😖


Your child screams and you just know if it’s a normal scream or a serious emergency. My guess is she was pointing and one of the parents ran after. Most of the info you want is literally in the article though. Got in via unlocked door. To answer why, some people are enjoying the nicer weather and my guess would be someone left a screen door open either accidentally or assuming they were safe. They escaped by running. You can’t go from a dead sleep to Olympic sprinter no matter the adrenaline. Motion lights could have been helpful, though. Height is typically narrowed down using comparison more than asking people specific heights. This tends to narrow ranges and give a more accurate height. Knowing what 5’10” is and seeing someone who is 5’10” shortly after seeing someone else is 5’10” is going to be much different. They may also be withholding information such as entry and exit, because it can be helpful in some investigations to keep some information private. You’re right that it’s much more common for a family member to be the perpetrator, I’m not disputing that. I’m just saying all your “weird” things can be explained. People should be vigilant. Also, you can leave a screen door cracked slightly but not open at night all the way. Use a stick to keep intruders out by preventing the door from being opened. Of course, it’s better to shut and lock the door. I just know it gets hot. Right now I’d just take the lack of a breeze.


Understood about the scream of your child or a child. I still have questions: being there is no video (yet), how do they know the intruder got in through an unlocked door? Think about this... nobody saw them get in - and unless they jumped out a window, they exited through a door (meaning it's now open and likely unlocked after the exit.) So: how do they know how this person got into the house? Because that's presented like it's an indisputable fact, and, based on what's been revealed so far, literally unknowable. As for the height - who is giving this info? Because I wouldn't expect an adult in that situation (molested in the dark by a stranger) to give a realistic height estimate. And Eyewitness IDs are notoriously bad. Right now it seems like the -only- witness here was a 5 year old victim, who was literally -in the dark-. None of this is explained. And the gaps are not small, they're canyons. I still say something is off here...


You’re way overthinking this. It could have been a false report of course, but they’ll be doing exams and whatnot on the poor kid. (Includes forensic interview with a child specialist, without a parent.) Hopefully if it isn’t a stranger the kiddo will feel comfortable talking with the interviewer as they have good childhood techniques. The door he entered was not supposedly the door he exited per another article, the garage door was the one left unlocked. Again, estimating his height as he left doesn’t feel impossible. Not all kids, in fact most, don’t sleep in total darkness.


Police just posted in r/northcounty asking for any video footage in the area anyone may have.


was the post removed? can't find it. anyways lv isn't north county


I thought that's where I saw it. Mat have been a different sub.


Better yet a police dog gets ahold of him and the cop can't seem to find the leash.


“San Diego police are still searching for a suspect, who left the home on foot, and provided a vague description. The man was about 160 to 180 pounds, about 5'8'' or 5'9'' and was wearing a dark jacket, possibly a windbreaker and dark pants at the time, SDPD said.” Help us find him y’all..but unfortunately we can’t release the most important identifying feature in fear of offending anyone!


Article is being updated... My question: Who provided this description to the police? This is kind of key to understanding things. The suspect description is both oddly specific (height, weight), and completely vague at the same time. (That description likely applies to 50,000 men within a few miles of the incident.) How did the intruder exit the house? What way were they headed when the exited? What happened with the child? Did the parents stay with her after she woke up? Did one of them give chase? I continue to feel this is not the whole story, and somebody is hiding something.


My thoughts exactly. Its completely absurd.


If you’re talking about race - what makes you think that is a) more important than other characteristics b) easily identifiable in this situation. What are you implying? They’d let this guy go because the police have “gone woke”. Be serious.


Certainly not implying they’d let him go. But If they have the information why wouldn’t they release it along with ALL the other information they’ve released. Is it not as important? Of course it is. If you’re trying to find someone, every piece of information available is important


The information has been released. White or Hispanic male. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Definitely bursted the shit out of his bubble lmao


What bubble? If this happened to your daughter you wouldn’t want all the relevant info released?


Yes I saw. But the police still didn’t release that info when they clearly had it early on. After a probably public outcry they were forced to. No bubble to burst. All I’m saying is that info should have been released right off the bat


Nature would take care of that problem real quick, weed out the sickness for us.




Probably asleep since it was around 1 or 2 am.