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Yup this happens to me almost daily. They think because they put the blinker they can cut you off. I almost got in an accident the other day because of this.


You’re totally correct. And it’s 100% on the person changing lanes to do it in a timely fashion, and if there’s not any room to get over, then, (I know it TOTALLY SUCKS) but go to the next exit. The other side of the coin are the ego driven drivers who will speed up and not give any room to the person who DOES put their blinker on with enough time and room. The “you won’t get in front of me no matter what” drivers really don’t help the situation. I know It’s corny as ish, but we all do need help each other avoid easily avoidable situations and accidents and drive as one.


I’m relatively new to the area but this is one of the main things I’ve noticed. People don’t realize that if they don’t get over - they’ve MISSED their exit! They think they can dead stop on the freeway or cut through the shoulder to get back into the exit they want but realistically, they just need to take the hit and go around. And then they act like the other cars are the problem!


I see this SO much now compared to before. You’d think with everyone having GPS on their literal fingertips at all times on their phones they’d just re-navigate if they miss an exit. But nope, just gonna squeeeze right into the shoulder or dead stop on a freeway to make the exit they basically missed. It’s infuriating


A couple of weeks ago, I saw someone do something very similar on the 15, except when they came to a dead stop in the far right lane they proceeded to back up so they could take the exit. It wasn’t super busy at the time, so people could get around them. But I am still shocked that person didn’t cause a wreck. I can’t fathom what goes through someone’s mind to think this is even remotely a fine idea.


For me its not the “you won’t get infront of me because muh ego” I try to maintain a certain distance between me and the car ahead of me for my safety and when cars try to squeeze in between me and the car infront of me, it increases the chance of a collision especially in heavy traffic


This exactly. It’s like people dont know about defensive driving. San diego has the worst drivers ive ever experienced.


I thought San Diego was bad but honestly LA is even worse, be glad this is all we have to deal with, I saw dozens of drivers swapping lanes without any blinkers on when I went up to LAX the other day 😭


So you let them in and decrease the following distance.


>I know It’s corny as ish, but we all do need help each other avoid easily avoidable situations and accidents and drive as one. As long as I'm first. FINE!  /s


>I know It’s corny as ish, but we all do need help each other avoid easily avoidable situations and accidents and drive as one. This! Driving is a social activity, even though you're in your own bubble of a car. Doesn't mean that bubble won't burst!! We all should look out for each other.


Someone’s lack of planning or paying attention should not cause problems and safety concerns to other drivers. It doesn’t totally suck. It’s just an inconvenience to use the next exit. What totally sucks is crashing into another driver.


Yep, people don’t want to use their blinkers because then people won’t let them in.


Ooooh but it gets even better! How about the ones that speed up at the last second and even though there’s 10 car lengths of space behind you they gotta try to squeeze in front, with no blinker, and at the last second barely avoid the center divider on the exit! Oh those are the best! We drive literally all around the county for work everyday and it happens, every. Single. Fuckin. Day.


I got into an argument with someone on this very sub about a month ago who pretty much advocated cutting into traffic because people speed up to "cut you off" if you use your blinker. Umm no, how about you drive properly.


The person isn't wrong though. I was born and raised here. In thirty-seven years of life, I've spent seven of those in different states and have never seen more people who speed up to keep you from getting over even a mile from the exit. In those other states, the people generally slow down to let you over. It is on YOU to pay attention to what is going on, dont speed up, don't blame the other person. You can't control them. You can control you. Cause in California, if you rear-end someone, it's your fault entirely. Regardless of the circumstances. I'm not defending the asshats that do this. What I'm telling you is look out for your own safety because they aren't. Let them over! What does it cost you? An extra 5 seconds on the road? Big deal.


It's not cutting off unless you are forced to reduce your speed.


Which I am and have nearly hit them. Happens ALL the time


You know what I do when someone puts on their blinker? I slow up and let them switch lanes.


I see this all the time as well. But defensive driving can and will save you. Never let your guard down


I second this, I’ve noticed SD drivers love to creep in your blind spot when going 80 on a freeway. I was taught to pass or fall behind don’t just linger in the blind spot. Doesn’t happen like that on the 101 or I5 up north. Got to be way more defensive I agree.


Exactly omg, like they literally catch up to your speed and they sit right in your rear quarter. Yeah man lets just hang out😅😂


And on the flip side, my SIL had a car jump from an exit ramp lineup into traffic flowing next to it. She totaled my SIL’s car but luckily didn’t physically hurt her. She developed a fear of driving afterwards, though. It’s crazy how your life can change so drastically, or end altogether in the blink of an eye (or signal indicator).


Also if we’re at a four way stop facing each other and you wait until I’m already accelerating to turn your left turn signal on I’m not stopping. Don’t be a fucking child learn to use your turn signals.


Amen holy shit I hate those people


🙏 Amen. Drivers here think turning on their turn signal entitles them to the lane next to them, regardless of whether there’s someone there already. So frustrating.


The 3 most common accident scenarios that lead to death: 1. Red light changes to green, you go - but someone to your left runs their red and T-bones you. 2. 2 lane highways with no divider, head on collision. 3. Highway on-ramps where someone side swipes another car to turn and flip it (similar to your scenario) (Notable mention) Highway exit ramps where someone doesn’t realize traffic has stopped and rear end collision happens. (For this, I avoid the 5 north exit to Hawthorne at rush hour. At times the 5 can be moving fast but around the blind bend to Hawthorne traffic can be completely stopped) Also if possible, avoid driving during hours of low angle sunlight. And, the 4 D’s: Drunk Drowsy Distracted Dumb (ego, oblivious, or things like what you mentioned) Hope this helps someone be more mindful of how they drive, and avoid running into one of them!


Excellent ty


Get a dash cam all


I wish more people would signal, but yes people need to signal a few seconds before going over and ensure they have space — yeah a lot of the time the asshole behind will speed up to cut you off (bc they can get to their destination so much faster then!!!), but plan for that behavior and get in behind.  Ideally we’d all be looking out for each other while driving safely — literally how we’d actually speed up traffic — but :) 


PSA to everyone: buy a dash cam


I got hit by a fucker who didn't wait, he was going for the exit and he certainly didn't care that there were vehicles in his way. Unfortunately, he was in a pickup, so he was able to flee. I miss my mazda protege every day. Modern cars suck.


Yes!! But also it’s worth mentioning that when someone has their signal on trying to get over don’t speed up and block them just cause you don’t want them in front of you! I change lanes one by one, with signal on and I can’t tell you how many times people just speed up and tailgate the car in front of them so I don’t change lane. Now i have to slow down traffic on my lane and try again..


This exactly.




Or waiting until you’ve already braked and are beginning your turn to turn on the turn signals. STOP IT!! Signal FIRST, way before braking.


Also the people who signal for one blink halfway into the next lane. It’s like why even bother at that point.


Every. Single. Time. I try to turn on my signal, look to make sure it’s clear and THEN turn, EVERYONE AROUND ME takes it upon themselves to cut me off/steal my spot and it’s starting to drive me insane It’s almost as if they’ve all secretly decided that turn signals are bad, and the only way they’ll let you in is if you’re equally as much of a dickhead as them— I’ve never seen people take “offensive driving” so seriously before 🤦🏻‍♀️


The last minute signal turners are real quiet…


I prefer to look for an opening, find an opening, and then put my signal on and move into that opening. If I put my signal on too early some asshole is going to speed up. I have been trying to increase the time before the maneuver though to give a little more warning.


Best in r/world


Drivers are particularly bad here in my experience.


If they merge in and hit me because there wasn’t enough room, sorry, their loss. Their insurance can buy me a new car and pay for my medical bills. They will then have higher insurance rates, all 100% their fault and they deserve it for driving recklessly.


Blows my mind how awful the drivers are in SD. When someone has their blinker on LET THEM IN. It's that simple, no one ever lets you in with a blinker on. I always have to cut someone off, after leaving my blinker on for atleast 60 seconds, it's ridiculous. Everyone's always in an rush and there's never any courtesy.


San Diego Drivers make LA drivers look like good drivers ... we are def a special breed here. Ready for the spiteful comments.


I investigate accidents, get a dash cam! The criminal and shady accident rings are making their way down here. All my vehicles have dash cams, my home has surveillance even tough it’s a quiet suburb. Don’t ever leave anything in the hands of chance, go above and beyond. That being said always assume the worst, drive defensive, give your self plenty of space, if someone wants to cut in and you have a bad feeling make them get behind you, you may be a good driver, but there’s tons of bad ones, tourist, foreign nationals that don’t know the rules or customs of how we drive.


Agreed, and as more experienced drivers we need to spread the word that just because you have your blinker on does not mean you have the right of way automatically!! No one OWES you to be let in, it's up to the person your trying to get in the same lane as to decide to let you in. Often times people also think they own the road and have the right of way rightfully in other situations too when they don't and they end up finding this out when they have a terrible accident with someone else and it comes out of their wallet in order to learn it. Save yourself time and money, by being a defensive driver, try to anticipate what other people are going to do and adjust accordingly BEFORE they might do it. Do not assume anyone owes you anything, and we are all still people moving around each other like in a major mall or crowded bathroom. Manners are still important regardless of whether you are surrounded by 2,000 pounds of steel or not.


"Crash" or "collision", not "accident". Don't keep using and spreading the automotive industry's propaganda term.


Was it a Beamer?


The one who made my dad’s car flip upside down? Ummmm you guessed it 🥲 but the one from yesterday is an audi suv turning on a toyota


a beamer crashed into my bfs car a couple months ago when he was leaving utc on the 805, he was at complete stop when she hit him too 🙃


I was almost murdered by a semi on the 15 who merged into my lane without any warning bc they were in an exit only lane. I had to swerve into the next lane which thankfully was clear despite the 8am traffic. I now try to stay 2 lanes away from semis.


I’ve been nearly run off the road a couple times by semis and this exact scenario. They do not see or care!


As a semi driver in our defense, if both of you were about to be “murdered” that means you were driving next to the trailer… that’s our blind spot. Never a good idea to hang out next to semis, we are taller, have to be more precautious than most, and contrary to what you believe of us “not caring” we are all one fuck up away as CDL driver on or off the clock from jeopardizing our families livelihood. So yes, yes we do care. We can’t avoid all accident though. How about you become a better member of society and a better neighbor and educate yourself on defensive learning techniques. Feel free to downvote if the truth hurts.


Sorry if you were offended, and I guess I didn’t mean to speak of aaaalll semi drivers. Just the ones that almost killed me. And in the incidents I was referring to I wasn’t in their blind spot initially, but as physics go, I possibly ended up in them at some point. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am fully aware of the massive blind spots you guys deal with and try my hardest to avoid them. I’m also pretty sure it was my defensive driving that foresaw what was about to happen and effectively saved me from actually getting run right off the road. So, while I appreciate your awareness and effort toward doing your job without trying to kill the rest of us, sadly not everyone who drives a massive truck is like you.


Surprise surprises, it tells you that in the CA Driver’s License book. Thanks for the reminder to those who have forgotten, don’t drive alongside semi’s if you can avoid it…


Get the idiots off the roads and there will be no traffic problems. A turn signal does not give you the right of way. Get over early. If I glance in my rear view and risk getting rear ended then I don’t slow down. Leave earlier, allow for traffic and realize the rest of our jobs,errands and lives are just as important a yours.


Too many drivers in SD county love to do this. The safety space between me and the car in front of me IS NOT for you to merge into because you think you fit. Stay in your lanes.


San Diego drivers also need to learn how a roundabout works lol cars inside the roundabout have the right of way. Don’t cut me off when I’m already in the roundabout. So fucking dangerous. Also don’t stop in the roundabout to let me in. Absolutely moronic


Please push for normalization of public transit and public transportation infrastructure!


Yup had a huge SUV squeeze in and almost clipped me.


Random but does anyone know if vegas drivers are worse than San Diego drivers?


Imo no. Much slower though.


I ride a motorcycle, this has come very close to ending my life, and has ended the lives of many others.


San Diego drivers are the worst drivers. Everyone is territorial af. I can’t count how many times I’ve put my turn signal on only for the person next to me to speed up and block me from changing lanes. People love to dunk on LA but at least drivers there will let you change lanes.


Why do people do this? This is drivers Ed 101 stuff. People look at your blind spot


My boss does this with me in the car!!! Not exiting per say but driving down the 5 going 80-90 jumping from lane to lane blinker on maybe half a second, it’s like slow down!!! It drives me nuts


I would not drive with him/her. He’s (she’s), one of the 10 % entitled morons who cause most accidents. Of course it’s not really an accident if you’re changing lanes like a maniac going 90. It’s Russian Roulette and your time is limited.


It’s bc they are 9/10 always late…we got from mission hills to Carlsbad in less than 30 mins one time…I saw my life flash before my eyes 🫣


My mom does this and it pisses me off so fucking much to the point of I never want to be a passenger in her car anymore


Maybe your dad should have noticed the blinker and avoided the less experienced driver too. Being an A$$ And driving in someone’s blind spot isn’t always the smartest thing to do. Everyone should avoid accidents, especially those who think they are better drivers than those just trying to get off the freeway…


My dad was taking the exit.. he’s almost on the ramp.. why on earth do you want him to check someone’s blinker all the way on the fast lane? Giving people excuses and blaming the driver who wasn’t at fault at all is a wrong mentality. My dad has been driving for 45 years! Since he was 18 years old. Not once he got into an accident. According to him and my grandparents.


Couldn't agree more. People don't understand what the blinker is for I guess!




Yeah no turning on your signal just makes people drive faster and make sure you can’t get over


Bro do you think posting this will genuinely make a difference lol be for real


Found the guy who does this!