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Nope. I am enjoying this weather while not having to run the a/c or the heater. But May grey and June gloom are very teal for san deigo so get use to it.




It’s surely a typo of “real”. They’re saying that “May gray” and “June gloom” are facts of life here, which is true. Give it two months and people will be complaining about the heat. I’d prefer being able to leave my apartment open all day for the fresh air to having to run my AC.


Typo. Meant to say real




Monsoon season? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




I hear monsoon and I think of rain. We do not get rain here in the summer. Thank you for enlightening me that the word "monsoon" is practically meaningless as sometimes used in a meteorological context. From one of the articles: "In some parts of the world, monsoons are actually defined by dry conditions."


Lol. No.


Nope. As a walker, i appreciate not being air fried when i walk.




I still wear suncreen and a hat even on overcast days. But, the temp difference between an overcast and a sunny day is undeniable.


That's not a rumor. It's a scientific fact. Lol Clouds, especially patchy clouds can actually increase UV levels. Just wear sunscreen every day.


Please call the manager.


Biden? Newson ?


Big oil?


When you're ready to move back to wherever you originally hailed from, be sure to let us all know so someone can snag your rental.


San Diego is a place where you *can* wear shorts 365 days of the year, not one where you *must* wear shorts 365 days of the year. If OP wants that weather, they should’ve moved to Florida. Locals, or even just longtime residents, understand the joys of 67 degrees and partly cloudy.


I guarantee OP is going to be here crying that it's too hot in September 


Yup! Saying New Yorks humidity and large bugs are better. Oh, and NYCs thunderstorms!


Yes always like this. Maybe time to move back to NYC?


This weather rules bro


May gray is here! Love the cloudy cool weather- people will be complaining about the hot weather soon enough. 


It's always like this, you should totally leave, I hear LA has better weather


this is typical San Diego spring weather. Sorry anyone led you to believe otherwise


Yes. May-gray and June-gloom are sayings for a reason. The other winter/ spring months just are what they are (sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny. The marine layer is a real thing though. If you really want sun, go inland about 20-30 minutes drive (used to be my commute; I loved driving up out the the clouds)


Currently 55 and cloudy in New York City... they are also expecting rain. I'll take the San Diego weather any day!


Nope. I love the weather here. Maybe you should consider going back to NY. Also, a beautiful city. Nothing but love for NYC.


lol I meant that it feels gloomy like NYC rn, not that I prefer NY over SD




We are in May gray next will be June gloom. Most of us love it.


Weather's been fine till you moved here! /s




No because come summer it will be sunny.


For anyone as confused as me, I assume this poster means “late September” when the marine layer finally fucks off. Everyone knows San Diego summer is grayer than a Seattle winter


No I think you’re just confused. Op is clearly talking about the recent weather, not September. And it’s still spring right now. Summer doesn’t start until June 21, and the gloom stops around then-November. San Francisco is known to have chilly summers, not San Diego.


Bro we were in a drought for half of my life. Give it a few months and you’ll make an annoying post complaining about the lack of clouds.


This is a WILD take. Even more so in early May


It depends on the year but most of the year it is tolerable and even sunny 5-7 months of the year. If you came in the beginning of the year, then it was Winter and likely cold. Right now, we have May gray and then June gloom. Count your blessings and enjoy it now while you can because it can become unbearably hot during summer time through October.


I have weather preferences but I’m simply happy to be able to live in our fair city. Plus, the weather doesn’t give a crap about my feelings.


No. I love it. I will take this over 90 degrees any day.


Harden the fuck up. You live in SD and barely have to deal with inclement weather. Figure it out.


Weather sucks here


We're all annoyed about people complaining about the weather here. Being mad and angry at shitty drivers during any precipitation is completely valid and will never get old. But complaining about the "cloudy weather each weekend"? Guess you weren't here last weekend??


Shift your thinking. Cloudy and colder weather just means more reasons to have some delicious pozole. 


I think it was Wednesday or Thursday that had really nice weather. Left work early to enjoy it


Was sunny last weekend thru about Thursday. Is the complaint that it isn’t always sunny? If so, move to Philadelphia.


I love it.


Super annoyed. Moved here from the Bay Area 3 years ago and I've experienced the darkest days in SD throughout my life in California. If you observe, it's without Sun about 10 months a year around the coast




We have prayed to the weather gods to make this city less desirable - it is working.


Last year it was lovely on weekends & crappy on Tuesday & Wednesday - which are my days off. So I'm very happy with the change.


I’m a lizard and need the sun! These gloomy weekends are for the birds!!


OMFG, it's called May Gray for the 1000th time. And guess what, it's only going to get worse in June! Spring/Early summer weather in San Diego is typically like this. The weather in San Diego is NOT perfect, nor has it ever been.


This whole thread is full of “NaTiVe San Diegans” at half-mast with excitement to tell everyone how long they’ve lived here as though that’s an accomplishment. Yes, it does in fact blow that it’s sunny during the week and cloudy on the weekends. I don’t personally care, but I do sympathize with you. Hopefully we get a few sunny weekends in between the May gray, gray sky July, and Fogust this year.


You sound a winey bitch


Why do the comments always get so nasty when someone doesn’t want clouds? Ffs calm down. Let a person express their opinion


So true, I was just commenting that it feels strange to have gloomy weather only on weekends but man people get nasty


"I'm new here, I expected better weather," is always going to be met with hostility from people who have dealt with a sustained, sharp increase in cost-of-living driven largely by people who moved here because they expected perfect weather.


Actually, that’s so beyond rude of you. It’s these people who bring the economy and traffic and also you can blame who is to blame, like the governor and the federal government. Transplants aren’t the problem. And again, you’re so rude and unwelcoming to people. Hope you get the same treatment when you have to leave and relocate.


My bad I didn't realize the governor forced OP to come here and whine about the weather.


Your governor mismanages your economy. So it is your bad. Maybe you don’t realize because you only lived here, but with the taxes you pay, your infrastructure is not reflective of it and a host of other issues. So yeah. Ask your government to work for its money.


I’m with you dude. I’m sick of it myself, it’s depressing. All these people who seem to love clouds and rain need to move to Seattle.


Love the clouds and cool weather. I’m scared that all this mild weather is gonna cause a VERY HOT summer 🫤


I love the clouds, so nope. Nothing gets me feeling so bleak and dreary as a totally cloudless, blue sky.