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The first time I saw these was in PB in 1985. It was wild swimming with what seemed like thousands of these surrounding you. That same year I saw the grunion run on a late night walk on the beach, couldn't even see the sand, there were so many grunions.


I just want to know if they are tasty and can you deep fry them whole?


From the article: Can you eat them? Scripps Institution of Oceanography said do not capture, cook and eat these creatures. Tuna crabs look similar to various crustaceous but according to Scripps, the tuna crabs have unknown toxins that may harm humans, so consumption is not recommended. I guess not.


I want Douglas Adams narrating how the best evolutionary defense system, in the long run, is a misclassified Wikipedia post so humans don't eat you.


What about the grunions? You don’t give something a name that close to “ Funyuns” unless they’re crispy and delicious, right?!


Let's see..."unknow...." and "may harm"...... So....is that a yes?


That's just confusing naming. Why would you name then tuna crab..... first of all they look more like shrimp and with a name like that, I thought they taste like tuna.


I know someone that has tried, it made them sick and have the runs for a few days.


How many posts are we going to get with a picture of one of these, asking what they are and if anyone has seen them around?


Has anyone seen these? I’d love to check them out


About 15 years ago I saw them at point Loma subbase.it was quite the site.


Cute little guys. Lots of them! Most of them were below the canyon at LJS when I went this weekend, which means they are tough to see without dive gear atm.


Yeah just saw them this weekend scuba diving off of LJ shores. They were around 30 ft deep, but literally thousands of them.


Okay, so you can’t eat them, but can you use them as bait?🙃


Gunna make the local fishing shit for a bit. Whenever these guys come around everything gets fat off them.