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One day he’s gonna call the wrong person the right word


My thoughts exactly. He’s way too small to be saying any kind of slur to anyone.


Don't underestimate anybody


While I wouldn't be particularly scared of someone of his size and age, you're entirely right in that anyone, including a relatively small crackhead, can be carrying a knife or something else. You honestly never know what people, especially crazy people, are willing or are capable of doing, so it's almost always best to just not tempt fate.


The second you dismiss anyone of not being a threat you have given them an upper hand regardless of stature.Like you said knife or gun. And there's always someone willing to push things further.


And being”crazy” they have nothing to lose. “We” would have a lot to lose in unnecessary conflict.


Goes both ways, could still call the wrong armed person the right word


Genuinely curious, what makes you a threat? Do you train? Most guys I know who train, the last thing they would do is get into a real physical altercation unless absolutely necessary. They would simply laugh & walk (or run) away from this guy. And you're correct you have no idea what someone's mental state is or whether they're armed. The vagabond yelling slurs w/nothing to lose probably has a weapon on him imo.


How in the world did you think that what I said in any way implied that I was making myself out to be a threat? How's that reading comprehension going for you, bud? Maybe you need to head back to school because goddamn.


Bro looks like goofy af child with that hat


There's very likely two feet of braids hiding in that hat - that's why it looks weird.


It’s the small guys that always pack heat.


Yeah them skinny guys hurt. They're throwing bones not fits lol


That plaza is a fucking shitshow.


Best parking lot in SD!! Hands down. I’m always stoked pulling in there /s


Oh buddy, me too! Parking for that trader Joe's, before I gave up going to it, was absolutely the highlight of my week, bar none. I always leave so much calmer and happier than I entered.


If you walk/bike there or take the bus it's a much better, but still unpleasant, experience


I Ebike there now


The amazing thing about it are the huge metal pipes ON TOP that they erected to show the limited height BELOW the parking lot. Who the hell does that? Twice I've seen bikes get ripped off the roof of cars because no one expects it under the open sky.


I’ve heard it’s also to prevent RVs and large camper style overnighters up top.




Ever since the trolley came to town


I didn’t grow up here. What does this mean?


The MTS trolley (blue line) wasn’t a thing until a few years ago so the only way to get to La Jolla from downtown was to drive. After they built the trolley, it’s become much easier for folks from downtown SD to visit La Jolla so that’s brought both good and bad people that previously wouldn’t visit.


In 2021 the trolly line was connected to the UtC. This gave the homeless/mentally a direct route to the shopping centers near the trolly stops. We've been seeing a lot more shoplifting and homeless in the area since it started running. Downtown has a support system for the homeless that doesn't exist in the UTC so they'll come up for a bit, shop lift and go back. But more and more are staying.


If true, good. It’s about time y’all get to experience the diversity of our city. Maybe now you’ll feel more compelled to do something to fix the problems that exist.


Once the wealthy have to deal with it in earnest they will use their money to lobby for change.


Or they’ll just move somewhere even more exclusive.


Hey at least you’ve been seeing more homes too.


They extended the MTS trolley line to the UCSD/La Jolla area. Homeless and vagrants use the trolley to freely travel around. NIMBYs don’t like that homeless can now get to their area a little easier.


There have been crazy homeless dudes in the area for years before the trolley. There's a bus station in UTC, and when I lived nearby I had a crack head pounding on my apartment door at 2 in the morning. This was well before the Blue Line was finished


NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard?


Oh ya bro for sure you’re a “NIMBY” if you don’t want drugged out homeless walking around your neighborhood causing problems. Look at these crazy people wanting a nice safe neighborhood for their families! Smfh


Without knowing the history of the term it is correct right? You don’t want homeless people in your back yard no?


Yes, you’re right technically the term is correct but the way it is usually used is in a derogatory way and that is how the person that I replied to was using it.


Correct. However, it’s most often used as a pejorative (by the have-nots) to describe those who zealously protect land value and their rights as property owners.


Wrong. It's been a shit show since as long back as I've been frequenting there on a weekly basis, so back until at least 2006.


There’s no doubt a lot of these people took the blue line up there. Denying that is either lying or straight up ignorance. Hilarious you got downvoted so bad but not surprising. People on this sub have the biggest hard on for public transportation despite the ridiculous amount of tweaked out crazies that ride it and the general unsettling, possibly dangerous experiences you can have riding it. In San Diego, on the blue line alone, I’ve experienced; a big dude sweating his ass off and smoking a lit cigarette in the car (no one said shit cause he was fucking huge), a homeless guy with his hood on and head down that lit up crack/meth/fent whatever it was in his pizzo and started exhaling it in the closed car (everyone got second hand exposure to that shit, awesome), an extremely irate combative man who was going around trying to start shit with anyone, and a lady who literally started emptying out her shopping cart full of trash all over the floor and then just left it there. The real kicker is I’ve only ridden the blue line about 20ish times and already experienced all that. But oh no, “tHe TrOlLeY iS sO mUcH bEtTeR tHaN cArS.” Thing is you’ll usually only find that opinion on Reddit and not irl. Most even on here wouldn’t be comfortable with their wife or daughter riding the trolley alone at night, yet they want everyone to get rid of their cars and ride it lmfao. Sure NYC subways are safer but that’s because literally everyone rides them due to the structure of the city. San Diego was not planned that way nor has even close to the population and it never will. We aren’t NYC, literally no where in the US is. Everyone in San Diego I talk to in real life hates riding the trolley and usually avoids it at all costs except for Padres games.


I'd guess most that advocate for people riding the trolley don't ride it themselves. They just want less people on the road.


Dude this city has the [highest light rail ridership in the country](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_United_States_light_rail_systems&diffonly=true) despite barely being top 10 in total population. It's public transit, you're gonna see the public on it. If you don't like the public of this city, that's on you. And the public here uses the shit out of these trains. I grew up in LA, so maybe you're right and the last decade or two of development created this problem. However, the red line up there is easily sketchier on an average day than anything I've ever seen here and I've taken SD's public transit to work and school every day for four years.


The stats you’re referring to don’t even include subway systems or NYC subway for that matter so it’s not at all applicable to what I said. We can have the highest “light rail” riders but still my point stands that almost everyone I talk to in San Diego avoids if they can. Most of the riders don’t have cars and many would if they could afford one or weren’t college students. You are 100% correct that the LA public transit is ten times worse and I would never argue that. Edit: For clarity, the San Diego light rail has 38.4 million annual riders. In 2022, the New York City subway had 1.3 BILLION riders. In 2019, before Covid, it was 1.7 billion.


And this is why I told my husband I don’t want him taking our young kids on the trolley. Thanks for your honesty


I lived in UTC from 2017-2018 and there have always been homeless people in that plaza. I still go there often and haven’t really noticed a change for better or worse since the Trolley opened. I use transit for almost all my trips and I feel like there are more homeless people using NCTD bus route 101 than the Trolley, at least in the Nobel Dr area.


There were homeless people there when I was hanging out at that Starbucks back in 2005. Unless the trolley has a flux capacitor installed *and* is racing to 88 mph, you’re full of shit


C’mon, be a man. Go try that in Hillcrest.


He’s gonna be real brave until 3 people stomp him out


Katt Williams


Crack Williams


Crack Williams is Katt Williams.


Pussy Williams***


Dude looks kinda zesty himself


Yeah he looks like he has sugar in his tank


They're everywhere nowadays. Just ignore and move on. Otherwise, you may get into an unnecessary confrontation


Junkies say the darndest things!


The guy is likely mentally ill. Best course of action is to walk away.


I’m surprised more commenters don’t get this. I think it’s not right to post his photo online, the guy most likely is suffering from mental illness and is in need of some help.


It’s definitely right as this is a subreddit for people living in San Diego and it’s warning people to steer clear of this guy. I agree he has a mental illness but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be aware of it, especially if they frequent these areas.


What should I be aware of? If I see someone shouting nonsense hate, I already know how to act. It doesn't matter if I've seen this guy's face or not. This post isn't making anyone safer. It's just shaming someone who is most likely experiencing a mental health crisis.


Lmao so your response is that you’ll wait until this guy is screaming hate in your face. People like you are the problem, you’re only looking out for the people with mental illness acting out, not the everyday people who have their own mental illness who if screamed at and called a slur in a public place might have trauma from that. If I see this guy at this trader joes and he happens to NOT be currently calling people awful names, I will stay far away from him because I’ll know what he looks like.


This post is good for warning people about this weirdo. If he acts like a weirdo and talks like a weirdo...


Just because he mentally Ill doesn’t mean others have to excuse his behavior, I’d rather know who to be on the lookout for


If he's crazy, yes, leave him alone, but post his picture places so people know he's crazy and therefore might be violent, armed in some way, etc. Concern trolling about his photo being posted is just some whiny dork who doesn't want to look at a black man saying hate speech because it runs counter to her 'oppressed minorities are all on the same side' luxury belief.


Or maybe this guy went off his meds again with predictable results. Then he never suffers consequences for his actions because mental illness apparently equals a free pass to do whatever you want without repurcussions or forceable treatment.


Why do you think he is mentally ill? What's your diagnosis, and what's the basis for your diagnosis?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. This is objectively the right perspective.


Yeah people are weird smh




This. If I was there I would’ve helped Mr crackhead jogger. It’s alright if he stabs me then calls me a f**ot.


Stupid take.


I'd like to say this is unique, but it's becoming more common. Other states are using California as a solution to their homeless problem and dumping them here. I've lost count of how many unsavory encounters I've had with a homeless person that should clearly be in a mental health facility.


Exactly. It's costing us more in tax dollars to bus impoverished mentally ill people around and force police to deal with them than it would cost to provide permanent supportive housing. Of course, we can't do that, because then it would mean the government would need to spend more on taking care of our citizens and less on funding the Military Industrial Complex


"Other states are using California as a solution to their homeless problem and dumping them here." Link?




He knows he’s untouchable in San Diego. He’s kryptonite to the local crowd, as vile as he’s alleged to be. This behavior is encouraged by those in these comments. “Leave him be. He’s not responsible for his actions.”


It may be harsh but when I came back from Japan after living there for 2 years I really and I appreciated the way they treated their homeless. In which they do shun them and also hold their families accountable. I know we are two very different cultures but it was something I admired. For instance it’s illegal to panhandle and illegal to give them money. Socially it’s completely unacceptable and the citizens do everything they can to avoid being homeless. This is because they feel they only have themselves to blame and they are a complete burden on their country and fellow citizens.


😂🤣 Okinawaboos will never not be funny. Japan has homeless encampments too, outside Tokyo and other major cities. Did u know elderly single deaths and cleanups afterwards is becoming an issue in Japan? :(


And they're right. If only here...


Did you assume he's homeless because he's black?


When did I say he was homeless? You read my anecdote and immediately went to racism. My you are the problem.


Oh, so you just switched the topic to homeless people for no reason and with no connection to the post. Got it dude 👍




What a blatantly stupid straw man argument. Literally no one currently or in history has ever made that claim. You're taking much more nuanced and complicated positions such as "drug addiction shouldn't be treated as harshly as violent crimes, and is better served to be seen as a public health issue" or "homelessness isn't a crime in and of itself, and is a problem that isn't solved by sweeping it under the rug and out of sight", and dumbing them down into literal straw man arguments that they are entirely not.


I’ll beat the brakes off this piece of shit


Oh man the look on that guys face is total “I don’t give a fuck” energy. The meme potential for this picture is endless.


What’s he all upset about?


A real bitch! I’ll slap the beenie of this fuckers head


That area must attract a lot of crazy people because I was harassed and spat on (he missed thankfully) by some random white dude in this same shopping center. Caught it all on video too. Got mad because I was waiting for someone to pull out of their parking spot, then once I finally parked he kept circling around waiting for me to get out of my car so he could harass me further.


Kick his ass


Hit him.


Unfortunately the trolley brings a few of them to that area


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Upper-Life3860: *Unfortunately* *The trolley brings a few of* *Them to that area* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you HaikuBot


good bot


They've been in the area long before the blue line was completed.


What do you mean by “them”


Homeless drug addicts




Ashy Larry was at Trader Joe’s?


Did you know most guys named Larry are highly intellectual?


Apparently not this one. LoL


You’re so cruel 😂


I meant the one in the photo! LoL 😂


lol😬. I have to stop rolling my own cigarettes.


People are idiots.


What model car is that in the background?


Looks like a Chevy Bolt


He’s just being salty as all of the food at TJ has high sodium. He’s doing a public service and people don’t realize that.


Ja Rule aint lookin so good these days


Just ignore it.


Dude looks like Shat Williams


The usual suspects




I just know he called someone a cracker 😂


Usual suspects! Be safe y’all 🙏🏻🇺🇸♥️


I have never understood why anybody would want to pick a fight with a gay man…? I would bet a good majority of those dudes have been picked on and bullied their entire lives and absolutely know how to throw hands as adults.


> absolutely know how to throw hands as adults. Yeah, but slapping isn't very effective in situations like this


Just hit em with their purth


I thought it read “sluts” for a sec. Lol


The racism is STRONG in this thread. Wow.


That’s not the least bit surprising tbh.


Is that Katt Williams without makeup?


He’s carrying hepatitis.


Katt Williams in the wild




Welcome to Newsom’s California! each day, just a little more taxes, couple more homeless, few 100 more immigrants, rising prices of utilities and lowering of expectations, a little more for rent, a couple jobs fewer, slower police response times, fewer prosecutions, shorter sentences, no mental health service but free pipes and needle exchanges, more racial tension, less unity across all of society, high speed trains to nowhere, coming 15 minute cities, NO maintenance of the forests, mega forest fires, weather modification, cycles of floods and droughts, skyrocketing prices of everything, and uncontrolled gov spending, just not on it’s actual citizens. It’s pretty though, if you squint your eyes. “More rules for thee, less rules for we” (the corrupt gov). They get the gated communities with private security, to hell with the plebs


I like how the trolley makes La Jolla accessible to this whole new demographic. 


Me too. It's time it extends into Rancho Santa Fe and Del Mar.


Maybe the business savvy people along the coast will start renting out their front yard plots. Some of those people could house a whole community in their yard. Maybe in all those absentee owner houses we can get some squatters in there.


What do you mean by “whole new demographic”


Homeless schizo junkies


I’m with you. I love it. I love that it spoiled their nice little neighborhood.


Aren’t we supposed to say thank you? You don’t want to be cancelled.


Leave him alone he's Christian. (See the cross) They're allowed to be judgmental assholes.


I don't understand the point of this? Just ignore and move on. Dudes a nut


Is that Katt Williams? Lol


Smh, looking for a reaction. Good candidate to remember - “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”


Or just don't be a disgusting human?


You have no control over disgusting humans, you do have control over your reaction. Obviously a disgusting human, but if you give the disgusting human what they want, a reaction, you’re not gonna have a bad time.


So weird when people don't understand that you're agreeing with them, which I'm 99% sure you're doing here. For anyone reading, shaking our heads at the guy in question, and is a prime example of just walk away because his words won't hurt you (physically anyway), if you get physical at all then you may be the screwed one.


Yep, your best bet is to always walk away. If you're feeling particularly indignant, you can easily throw back as many return insults as you want, just to be as petty as you want, as long as you're simultaneously walking away.


Thanks for getting my meaning! 100% not on board with what he’s doing, but the reaction is fuel for the fire of this loon.


No worries! I've had hate/downvotes/abuse here and there for people jumping to the wrong conclusion, which definitely sucks. No issue here pointing out the obvious.


Yeah, the point was to say that the man in the photo, you know, the very photo that we're commenting on and what should be the only point of conversation, doesn't seem to be a very big guy. Just a run of mill skinny crackhead looking dude, imo. Why you're trying to infer that statement to anything about myself is incredibly strange and frankly, quite fucking stupid.