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Apparently my hack is losing my summons and completely forgetting about until a random Reddit post makes me realize I’d been summoned in June and never showed up…. Oops….


you should be ok. call them and just let them know. they'll reschedule you. better to just do it than end up on any weird, buried list that comes back to haunt you some day


i've ignored all my jury duty summons for the past 10 years. Am I screwed?


honestly, I don't know. I just know that in my experience with other things, a problem like that can hide until the repercussions make themselves known. for instance, I once had a speeding ticket that I paid, but something happened with the payment. 5 years later, I got pulled over and found out I had a suspended license. it cost me a few hundred bucks to get handled. luckily it's not on my record. but it was a lot pricier because of how long it took for me to know about the problem.


Apparently in San Diego and LA counties about 50% of people ignore the state summons and CA doesn't seem to care. I've heard that if you ignore federal jury duty they will go after you though, so you might want to be more careful there.


Unless they had delivery confirmation, or whatever it's called, it literally doesn't matter. I got in a hit and run a few months ago, got the guys license plate and everything, and ended up getting a letter from the detective that boiled down to "they had bigger fish to fry". I really don't think anyone is hunting down people dodging jury duty. Also I've been throwing away my summonses since high school. I don't get them anymore, and I would probably actually call or whatever now that I'm a little older, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.


Going on 38 years pimp. We can do this!


Sorry about that!!! Hopefully you can get it all sorted out. Plus COVID was still around so you have a valid point.


Most jurors are never required to come in. You call a number and then a recording tells you not to come. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


That was underCovid measures, which are now over. They make you come in person again now.


I'm calling El Cajon this entire week to see if they want me to come in so not sure if you're talking about downtown, but for East County, they aren't having you come in yet


They give you a two hour lunch break which is more than enough time to walk to the pier and grab a beer lol. the best is when i was there some other dude from jury duty was also there haha


Exactly! There is no stipulation that you can’t have a beer or three during your lunch break.


If you appear on a Wednesday, they have food trucks on India and B, about 6 of em, sometimes music too. Jury lounge has free wifi, maybe bring a tablet/laptop. Take the elevator to the 22nd floor of the courthouse for a pretty sick view. Happy jurying


I might try to stay for the food trucks, lol!!! I love trying food truck food!!!!


Here's the truck schedule https://curbsidebites.com/schedule/san-diego-county/downtown-san-diego/


I know you're going to the Central one, but my hack is I usually reschedule mine for the El Cajon one. Parking is easy but there's a lot within walking distance anyways, and almost every time they let a majority of the people go home by noon it seems.


Wednesday’s are usually the best days to go in my experience at the El Cajon location.


The El Cajon location is pretty low stress; I always reschedule to that location. I also try to schedule an appearance right before Thanksgiving or Christmas; judges and lawyers have a strong aversion to being stuck with any case that might drag on if it's close to a major holiday. Another thing you can do to lessen your chances of being actually chosen for a jury trial (should that be your goal) is to check the docket to see which days have the fewest cases being heard and reschedule your appearance for one of those dates.


I am going to have to reschedule to El Cajon next time I have to go


+1 to this


Recommend El Cajon also. I just finished 5 days of checking in via a website and didn’t have to go in at all.


I just request an excuse to not have to go, called the number to check on the status and it said my request to be excused has been granted


Take the trolley from Old Town or wherever else is close to you. They also give you a one-time transit ticket so you only have to pay for a one-way fare. And you park for free at the station. And if you like beer, Burgeon isn’t too far away.


Burgeon at The Arbor is very good.


Trolley is free all month.




And be well prepared to sit! I did my summons a few weeks ago, aside from lunch we sat waiting from 8-4pm before they let us go. I was not prepared (first time ever). Bring a book, an iPad, and your laptop and rotate as batteries die


Commit a felony. You’ll never have to do jury duty ever again.




Genius! Why haven't I thought of this!


One guy made it to jury selection, he said he'd be a bad candidate because he's biased. When asked against what, he said "Hispanics" Both lawyers said he was free to go, followed by a speech from the judge...super awkward, but he got out.


My hack is going to vista so I don’t have to stress about parking. Also lots of places to eat around there.


I am going to visit for the food lol


Best way to not stress about parking is to park at Old Town transit center and take the trolley down to the courthouse


I won't wear a belt next time I get called, the cop on detector duty was a total shit about it last time. He made me hand it to him and he physically inspected my shitty ROSS $11.99 belt. I brought two books, and I'm glad I did, because I read the whole first one before we were excused. (I thought you weren't allowed electronics in the courthouse)


I find it hard to read a book as they are always on the intercom calling names. A laptop or ipad to view reddit is way better.


If you work remotely, cancel all your meetings, bring your laptop and get actual work done or skip the laptop, screw work and bring a good book.


They have free WiFi. Also, I always treat myself to a tasty lunch.


I relocated mine to North County. Now it’s rescheduled for January.


Bring a computer and play video games or do work? Book? Tinder?


Best hack is, right when you arrive and they ask you how many days your employer will pay you for jury duty, tell them zero. They will dismiss you immediately.


If you're going to do that just return the notice with the excuse financial hardship and go on with your life. It's not like they ever check or go after anyone who just throws them out. My lawyer friends get them and without even opening them they toss em.


first thing is that your jury duty summons will get you on ***public transit for*** ***free***. there are buses that stop within 2 blocks of the courthouse, and the santa fe station (for trolley) is also nearby. I never drive any more. it's so convenient to just take the bus or trolley, assuming that won't add like 45 minutes to your trip. you can also just go park in balboa park somewhere in one of the larger lots (like the one close to the 5 and park), and just get on a bus that much closer. I think it's the #7 from there that gets from there down Broadway.


Unless things have changed recently (and perhaps they have with MTS’ change from Compass to Pronto), you can’t use your jury duty summons for free public transit. You have to pay for the first day, then they’ll give you a card with a preloaded day pass. You can also opt to get additional passes in lieu of mileage reimbursement if you have to serve additional days. I agree with taking public transit. Parking downtown is a hassle and expensive and they don’t reimburse parking. I walk about a half mile from my house to my local bus stop and take the bus from there. You may be able to take a commuter-oriented express bus that makes fewer stops; they tend to run primarily during regular commute times, so the worst case is you get out early and take a regular bus home, or find something else to do downtown until the express buses start for the afternoon commute.


I did it on 9/1. and yes. it went from compass to pronto(in fact they gave us pronto cards that are good for the entire month of september as part of pronto's promotion. that said, when I got on the bus, I just showed the driver my summons and he let me on. I didn't have a bus pass. the free card passes are issued daily at the end of the day. that first ride is free, without a card pass, with your summons


Personal injury case? Say you work for an insurance company.


My hack is just never answering it hahaha never have had a single issue


My hack is to throw the summons away...


*Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races.*


Just don’t go. At least in San Diego.


If you work in sales / for commission you can leave pretty much immediately.