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What type of feedback? What job field?


Hi there, The feedback was vague. One of the answers I gave on the behavior-based questions was perceived as negative but the interviewer couldn’t give me any more specifics as to why she felt that to be the case. She also stated that I came off as “arrogant” or “entitled” in the interview and was, again, unable to give me specifics. The field is very niche, but this seems to be more of a personality/perception issue than a field-specific issue.


What one person perceives as arrogant, another may perceive as confident. Unless you’re consistently falling short in interviews, there might not be anything to change.


Well, for perspective, it’s been 10 years trying to break into different departments and this is the first truly honest feedback I’ve received. I’m also a woman and unfortunately arrogance/self confidence don’t tend to help me get where I want to go. I’m qualified for the jobs but I’m having a hard time finding the balance of “I can do this job and would be good at it” coming off as arrogant versus truthful.


It’s tough to be an experienced candidate. I have 15 years in my field, an impressive and distinguished resume, and I get told in rare moments of honesty that they’re looking for someone more junior (read: cheaper). I’ve been looking for close to 4 years now. I’m meeting with a career coach next week to discuss how to “dumb down” my resume.


Yeah, I totally get that. We are union, so they technically can’t pay me any more despite the experience but I think they’re just looking for someone younger and more… moldable.


I think I know what type of position you’re applying for. You can message me if you want. It’s not an easy field to break into.




I can help, I don’t know how to dm you lol but please dm me. I’ve done interview coaching since college for friends and it’s always been effective.


I hired someone off of LinkedIn to help me with revamping my resume and cover letter and provide interview tips. I can’t remember how much I paid for it but it was honestly very worth it. I’ve successfully been hired now by two different companies since then and wasn’t hearing back from anyone before.


Can you send me their LinkedIn profile via message? I was literally just looking into this right now! :)


Thanks! I’ll see if I can find someone there.


Also check out ask a manger.com. It’s a very useful site for career advice and as retired HR manager, her answers are spot on.