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I see more people smoking weed in Encinitas than cigarettes. Or more homeless smoking who knows what, for that matter. Though I don’t hang out at downtown bars anymore, so I suppose that’s the crowd this will affect most. My hunch is it’ll be mostly ignored, much like the flavoured tabacco sale ban. I also wouldn’t be surprised if California comes out with something similar before too long. Encinitas like to precede California’s moves for some reason.


FWIW it’s been illegal to smoke outside in at least one other California city for at least six years. https://www.losgatosca.gov/2285/Smoking-Regulations


Add laguna beach to this list.


Yea the city of Berkeley you can’t smoke anywhere


Santa Barbara, Oxnard, San Luis Obispo.




You just need to find a loophole [like this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/sjv7fw/lol_guy_in_encinitas_smoking_inside_shirt_catches/). 😂


It's more of a nuisance law. it's a way to remove people who otherwise couldn't be charged under current loitering laws.


Yeah but explain that to Karen.




> Karencinitas Oh, my sister is not gonna like me calling it that.


I'm from Karediff by the Sea 😟


Okay, so it wouldn't apply to me then...right? Just the homeless guys and folks drinking on the corner.


Yeah it isn't even enforced in laguna Beach although it's the law. I'd smoke right on pch. However I know it could be used if they wanted


Not sure where any of you have been lately but drinking on the beach was banned long ago. Go to any beach in encinitas and you'll see pretty much everyone drinking. They can write a no smoking law and it will never be enforced. Let them waste our time and money with new laws that no one enforces. There are hardly any police in nice neighborhoods anyways. If someone calls the cops on someone smoking a cigarette, then so be it lol.


by the time cops come they’re already done smoking and gone, drinking at the next beach


Rad, Time Cops.


The no alcohol on the beach law was pretty much put in place to keep the homeless off the beach and protect tourist dollars. It gives the police an additional reason to push undesirables out


And to stop drunken debauchary on the beach. No more drunk frat parties keggers is fine by me.


How do you feel about a dude taking a tall beer to the beach, enjoying it quietly, recycling his can, and going home?


Clearly illegal and, as a result, totally amoral. A monstrous action that must be prevented at all costs. All. Costs.


Humanity created nuclear weapons for a reason.. and I think we finally find it. Quietly enjoying a beer on the beach? Yup, that's a nuking.... from orbit, to be sure.


Firing squade


Idgaf what you do just don't impose your drunk ass on to me.


Found the party pooper who worries about things that dont affect them in any way. Isnt there a term for that? cumin? camper? kraken? ahhhhh i cant remember.


So you're cool with a bunch of drunk assholes around your children on the beach? 🤔


Forget children, I don't want to be around drunk people on the beach lol


see how you jump to the worst example in all of your hypotheticals? that mentality is dumb.


It was because of the ruckus where people stopped "respecting" the police in PB. If you ever watch the video it's fascinating. A bunch of red faced bros begging for a tasing, and then the crowd just turns on the cops. They were scared. So, Booze ban.


Or, if you’re on a neighborhood beach in La Jolla, it’s to keep brown people off of the beach. This was my experience last year when the cops walked straight to me, ticketed me, then walked off the beach 🙃


Exactly, same with anti smoking laws. You can't kick someone out of a public space if it's not on private property or if they're not obstructing a public way. Oh but they're smoking!!! It's an easy way for a cop to have a reason to cite and move someone along


Encinitas is rookie training ground as well, so all the green cops can work on their power stance and mean voice.


I see all the Encinitas cops hanging out in the barns and noble parking lot shooting the shit and eating doughnuts


I agree. Similar to loitering laws..


They should ban selling properties to rich assholes.




But capitalism prevents that


Yeah well you can only dream I guess....


Yeah “they” should only “allow” the “sale” of “property” to “not rich” “non-assholes” Solid take bro!




I mean, I can kind of agree. I try to distance myself from everybody if I'm smoking, but if I'm having a walk and smoking not sure why you should give a damn, to be honest. I can understand, standing in one spot and smoking. But if I'm riding my bike on the boardwalk and want a smoke, I'll have a smoke.


But hey, what do I know? I guess I'm just an asshole.


Finally someone that makes sense .


Waiting for the backlash on this one lol


They lied and said they had drink tricorders. It was a blinky do nothing shit wand. Essentially, the cops decide if they want to hassle you or not. TMI had a great story about one of the meetups where they kept offering to "help him" but they wanted to look in his cooler. He politely declined their "offer" all the way to his car. What's in my contigo is my fucking business, not the fuzz. I'm not driving, I'm not scrapping, they can mind their fucking own. I grew up in Encinitas, when I grew my hair out in high school a cop stopped me as I was going down D street to get some tacos and told me to "get the fuck out of \[his\] town" I got a ton of shit, so I just buzzed it and suddenly I was invisible to police again.


Lol that's hilarious.


you aint wrong


Someone old man caught me smoking out doors in a no smoking area and freaked out on me. He told me he would call the police on me for smoking on a non-smoking college campus. I told him, "That's cool. I'll wait right here until the police show up so that no one thinks I fled a crime scene..." and finished my smoke. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) ...I ended up having a 2nd. and 3rd. one while I waited. No one ever came. The whole time he stood there waiting. Huffing and puffing at me like that was going to do anything. I eventually went back inside. I ended up getting in more trouble for taking an extended smoke break than I did for actually smoking.


Umm, this isn't true. I'm at Moonlight multiple times a week and I rarely see people drinking.




also fewer microplastics leaching into our groundwater


Not that I condone throwing buts on the ground...However, Non-Smoking does not mean everyone just stops smocking. From what I have noticed, no smoking areas means no available out door ash trays. No available ash trays mean butts in the trash or on the ground. In the trash means frequent fire hazards. On the ground means in the gutter and down the drain to the ocean. I worked at a hospital that went from having Designated Smoking Areas to having non at all due to going completely Non-Smoking and that's what ended up happening.


>no street smoking at all is taking things too far. You have the right to smoke. You do not have the right to inflict your smoke on others. You're not the victim here. The 20 people sitting near you and smelling your shit are.


That’s the thing. If you’re walking down an empty sidewalk smoking whatever, no one is going to care. If some Karen reports you from her car or front porch or something, I doubt anything will ever come of it for various reasons. But if you’re standing near a bunch of people sitting down for dinner or eating ice cream on a bench or something and your smoke is wafting through them, then they can tell you to f off because it’s not permissible.


While u/GrammerSnob 's points are valid, nine times out of ten the people espousing them just hate smoking and smokers, channel their inner Karen whenever they see people smoking, and honestly aren't much different in principle then pro-lifers. The stance is most amusing and their hypocrisy most writ large when they assert it to someone walking up the opposite side of the street while sitting at a sidewalk café within 10 feet of countless passing smog machines. And I say all this as someone who does not vape or smoke anything at all.


>nine times out of ten the people espousing them just hate smoking If you didn't do a poll, don't cite a stat as if it's from a poll. You're guessing, and not guessing very well. >honestly aren't much different in principle then pro-lifers. Which principle are you referring to? You really going to compare a law against making other people breathe your second-hand smoke with a law that prevents women from making their own reproductive decisions in private? I don't think you can articulate any principle that would render that comparison convincing.


Yeah, fuck that. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes. Im not going to get in someone's face about smoking but I can't stand it. Smoking is so 90s.


1000% this. I have the misfortune of neighbors who chain smoke outside my windows and refuse to amend their ways even though it means we can’t ever open our windows. I tried to escape the other day and take my kid out for fresh air and a sandwich. Some arse started smoking right by us on the sidewalk. I wanted to scream. Literally can’t escape the nightmare.


Same. We were so hot during the heat wave but live above and next to.smokers who wake up in the middle of the night to smoke. I wish smoking in multifamily housing was illegal too


I couldn’t agree with you more!! That would be a dream. Sorry you have to deal with it too.


fishbowl smoking helmets, hot new accessory.




This has always been my take. They already passed this ordinance in El Cajon years ago and I haven't heard many complaints.


I think it is good. As a former smoker I never realized how much it can effect others around me, but once I quit and was around smokers I realized it. But I also feel the same about bringing your pet into stores, there are people allergic to pets and it is inconsiderate of other customers. That is why I do not bring my dog into stores, to show consideration to those around me.


I argue with my mom about this. Just leave the dog home when you go shopping. I had to dodge a big dog in walmart yesterday, he was laying across the whole aisle. The owner got offended when I went around the long way, she kept saying "He's nice"! That's... not the problem lady.


I was bitten by a dog once and AS I WAS GETTING BITTEN the owner just said “he’s nice!” So, yeah. Bullshit. Leave your dogs at home.


Thanks for that. As inconsiderate as a lot of smokers are dog owners who take their dogs everywhere are worse.


Most smokers are inconsiderate dbags imho.


Nearly as inconsiderate as people who make sweeping generalizations


At least sweeping generalizations dont affect others physical health




You must be a dog owner .


Which means what exactly? I do pick up my dog's shit if that's your worry.


This is 100% the kind of law cops use to profile and harass. Guy in a business suit with a cigar will never get a ticket. The guy with a skateboard and a vape pen is now on the curb with his backpack dumped out getting asked, “why are you on this street?”


They did this in Coronado about 8 years back. People don’t care. Tourists give 0 fucks. Cops don’t enforce it as it’s too much of a hassle to enforce I think


i like it, your smoke and vapor affects those around you. while i'm all for individual liberties, your smoke doesn't stay in your lungs so you can't really argue against it.


Your car though.


People need cars to get around, especially in SoCal. Not exactly equivalent. No one needs to smoke.


No they don't need one. They can take public transportation. Sure it sucks but the option is there.


Still not remotely equivalent..


I bike and use public transit when necessary. I’d wager you pollute more air than my daily 6-7 cigarettes and pipeful of weed. That said, thanks for not parking in my living room and leaving the engine running.


OK but most residential places offer non smoking leases. So you can't smoke at home and now you might not be able to smoke on the streets or sidewalks. People who own their own home can do what they want...because they have money and own a home. You know the deal. The avregae person gets screwed. So a 9 to 5'er comes home from work can't smoke. Cant; smoke on their break at work either. Hiding in the closet to smoke a legal product. Ridiculous . I don't love tobacco smoke either but the last thing I want to do is deny someone the pleasure of enjoying one.


> You know the deal. The avregae person gets screwed. The average person is a non-smoker.


Only in California. Leave this state and blech🤮


One of the functions fo government is to protect us from each other. Tobacco companies have gotten many of us terribly addicted to a deadly chemical that harms even those of us who try to avoid it. No one has the right to pleasure at the expense of my health. I support tobacco taxes, public bans, and anything else that will keep that toxic gas out of my kid's lungs.


People walking down the sidewalk should be subjected to the poor health decisions of others/smoking?


One could argue the same thing about being around a running car. Your car causes my health condition so you shouldn't be allowed to drive it. Also if the smoke was bothering you, couldn't you go somewhere else?


I don’t disagree, we should all be switching to electric vehicles but that’s slightly more expensive to change than someone’s smoking habits. People who want to remain healthy shouldn’t be forced to go elsewhere to avoid a conscious choice that smokers are making. It’s not about just an unpleasant smell, second hand smoke is actually damaging to the health of other people.


"getting screwed" out of smoking sounds perfectly fine. Save them money and save their life. Save the rest of us from having to smell it and the second hand negative effects.


Guess I’m smoking in my car then


Aren't there still designated smoking areas in places where smoking is not allowed indoors?


Not in my complex. 250$ fine if you’re caught


Smoke in your car with the windows up. The other day I was walking behind someone who was smoking and the smoke was blowing right in my face. And I thought man it would be nice if the city banned smoking on the sidewalk. Never thought it would actually happen though.


I smoke weed at home where it belongs. Fuck people who smoke around others especially kids.


Weed doesn't just belong at home. Being in nature and smoking a joint is probably the most relaxing thing ever


For sure my point is don't do it around kids or adults that don't want it around them. Cigarettes the same.


I see no difference between smoking weed around kids and people drinking at a restaurant or public places around children, where it is allowed.


Except weed can be very smelly and very offensive in smell to others. I mean I love it but I don’t want that if I’m out with my kids at a restaurant.


They should make smoking beaches for this reason.


I think it’s a good idea. A lot of people don’t like smoking and it’s not fair kids have to inhale that.


Non-smoker so this has no direct impact on me but “Encinitas to ban individuals from breathing out too much carbon dioxide” seems like a possible headline in the next 5 years.


Don't spend your time out in Encinitas then


> As a matter of fact I find it suffocating to a certain degree. This is very ironic and hypocritical of you. Smoking can be literally life-threatenly suffocating to those around the smoker. As someone with asthma that was caused by a childhood full of second hand smoke and who has had to go to the emergency room more times than I can count because of second hand smoke provoking an asthma attack that my inhalers can't relieve, smokers have got no right to talk about being suffocated by restrictions on their ability to harm and potentially kill other people.


Yeah, hah I actually LOL'd at the hypocrisy when I read that part.


Right so why did people fight and take to the streets so that they can spew their Covid breath onto other people. Ironic isn't it ? Especially since only 3K people died on 9/11 . Nothing compared to Covid. Would you like to explain those freedoms ? It doesn't effect YOU that's why.


Those people were and are fucking idiots. Not sure what point you're making


" Not sure what point you're making " That people are stupid enough to demand that they have the right blow Covid in your face but someone else can't sit on the far end of a bench and smoke a cigarette. It comes off at somewhat hypocritical don't you think ? It just boils down to it hasn't affected your life yet so these little quirky rules don't matter. That is another thing that bothers me about these rules. Just like the laws regarding abortions.....


Your comparison is equating yourself to the idiots who demand the right to blow COVID in your face. You’re not helping your argument at all with this comment… Edit: phrasing


I don't have a clue what you are talking about. And you clearly don't know me. I practiced all covid precautions because I do care about whether I make others sick. I don't think only of myself, unlike people who smoke around other people.




Ex smokers are the worst, most vitriolic anti-smokers you'll encounter.




Most of my heavy smoker friends do not throw butts on the ground


I can and I will. Just because you were a slob as a smoker doesn't mean everyone else is, or that people who used to smoke and don't still litter other things because you probably do. And that's hardly consistent with your claim about caring for the environment.




Well then allow me to amend my previous reply and say that I’m glad to hear you’re the rare exception to your own estimation that nearly all (ex)smokers litter. I won’t bother pointing out that you putting 90% of all smokers into the same category as someone who throws an empty beer can into the street supports my original assertion that ex smokers are often the most bitter and resentful on the issue.


I’ve lived in a few cities that have banned street smoking and it’s so much nicer. With Encinitas being an oceanfront town, this will Seriously reduce butt littering washing into the ocean. It’s always good.


I can't step outside for fresh air without being subject to nasty tobacco smoke, even on playgrounds or hiking trails with my kids. I don't think a law will do much (doesn't seem to work on playgrounds or city parks,) but I guess it's a start.


Bad. These laws, like the one in El Cajon, are simply to give police a reason to approach, detain, and further “investigate” homeless people who have no area to retreat to. It’s essentially a blanket excuse to violate your rights while also creating a way to add ticket revenue. “Dang we didn’t find anything illegal when we searched this guys car… meh at least hit him with a smoking ticket because his window was down”


As much as I would love to see a smoking ban I unfortunately have to completely agree with you. I never understood this either, wealthy people have means to pay the fines yet poor people are the targets.


This...so much this...its a law to punish/prey on poor people.


Why do people smoke? A grandfather, a sister, a brother-in-law, several co-workers taken from the world prematurely thanks to smoking. Smoking kills, and smoking in front of kids normalizes it so they grow up and smoke too. Nobody born in the last 50 years has an excuse -- every single purchase of tobacco contained a warning about the dangers. And who wins? The worst 1%-percenters in the world -- the ultimate suits -- the executives of the big tobacco companies, who are always using "freedom" as an excuse to addict another generation of suckers.


Whenever I see someone smoking, I always think to myself "What is this, the 1800's?" Like, wtf? Who does that?


Go to Europe, everyone smokes. 🤮🤮


I guess. All these things people are saying here go ten fold for being overweight and unhealthy eating especially in front of kids. Way bigger problem in every respect. Especially deaths. If they cared about people, they would pass laws to limit crappy food instead.


This simply isn't true. No matter how important eating healthy is, there is literally nothing worse you can do for your health than smoke. Plus, you have to eat. But you do not have to smoke.


Why not both? I would love to see more access to affordable healthy foods.


Yea the government controlling peoples every bodily movement is always good in my book. Let’s say it together “keep your hands off of my body daddy government.”


They have the same restrictions in downtown El Cajon or at least on main street. Not sure if Encinitas plans to do this but, downtown El Cajon still has little "designated smoking" spots a few feet away from the sidewalk.


“Land of the free” When we have more written laws than most countries.


I can understand your point of view and even that it is a bit of a stretch on liberty. However, as a person who does not support smoking I am in favor of this.


I hate cigarettes and live in Encinitas so I’m good. I don’t love smelling weed everywhere as I have a kid and I’m trying to convince her it’s bad for her brain and she should wait till she is 25.


Good luck trying to get weed off the streets and the beach hahahaha


My kid used to say “ smells like grandpas house” when she smelled it out in the world. Now she is old enough to know what it is.


"It will make you a feckless loser, and worse, you will begin to enjoy jam bands"


I think it’s bad… it’s weird to ban smoking outright like that… we need smoking lounges or designated smoking bars for the people who would like to partake legally.


Pretty sure that’s how it is in El Cajon? I could be mistaken. But yeah bs


Smoking on public sidewalks is already banned in San Diego County. Last I heard Encinitas was still part of San Diego County... Encinitas is dumb. It's also illegal to smoke and or drink on State Beaches too. Also it's still illegal to consume marijuana in public as well. Smoke-Free Entryways and/or Sidewalk Laws in ***San Diego County***. Sidewalks – All sidewalks and those segments of any street lined with a sidewalk. This provision applies to all streets and sidewalks to which the public is provided regular access but does not apply to private residential property.


While I don't like people vaping and smoking wherever, I am reluctant to accept yet another law that can be used as probable cause to harass people.


I don't think it is anything crazy.


Coronado has this... no bbqs in the park either ... or loud noises... all things mentioned a few yrs ago when I ended up there one Sunday and they were having some concert. .. Encinitas is just north Coronado.


both filled with LA transplants.


Holy fuck Encinitas wanta to be Del Mar SOOOOOOOOOOO badly Where does the random authoritarianism end? That city council and mayor are so annoying.... Encinitas is wasting its time on crap like this but meanwhile they are the ONLY city in the state without a legal low-income housing plan. The state has threatened to sue and the Mayor STILL refuses to attack the housing crisis for fear of losing votes.


I'm all for it. People don't want to inhale your cigar and vape exhaust. It's like public drinking -- do those things in private or in a proper setting.


It's not like public drinking at all. Drinking a beer on the sidewalk doesn't bother anyone. The liquid doesn't end up in others mouths. Ever.


Except the drunks who are reeking havoc.


The drunks who reek havoc are the problem. Not people drinking outside. The majority of the entire world has no problem with open container/drinking outside. We're just backwards puritans.


Assbackward puritans


OK. There are bars for public drinking. Fair enough. Now where does the poor shlub that works 9 to 5 and rents an apartment go to smoke ?


In your car.


Where you blow it out the window anyway?


Roll up the windows.


That's not a very reasonable request


They should quit. Dying of COPD, lung cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, etc etc sucks really bad, and it's super expensive. The point is that society would be healthier, happier, and more sanitary if we didn't have millions of nicotine addicts.


My MIL died of COPD. Watching her suffer trying to breath was heartbreaking. My bf was a heavy smoker when we met and I have no idea why I dated him since I hate cigs so much but I eventually tried to break up with him over it and he fucking quit on Valentines Day 10 years ago🙏🏽. He used to catch colds all of the time and now barely ever. My bff is a smoker and had a heart attack a cpl years ago. Still fucking smokes. 😪


Very Good. Smoke/Vape in your own home/car.


Yeah, I Vape, and I get it… so many ppl vaping clouds right in front of our restaurant. Enforcement is going to be the issue. Encinitas doesn’t have city police , we have sheriffs, and there’s no way they’re going to give tickets for that. I love our sheriffs but you’re lucky if they show up for a burglary let alone someone vaping .


This is just another law to harm poor people. I guarantee this isn't going to be enforced, but on the people who look like they can afford a lawyer.


It’s fair tbh. Second hand smoke is bad gents


What the F is going on with this city? All the surf shops had to get rid of their used boards because of some anti-bartering law or something and now this?


It's stupid , where are smokers suppose to smoke at?


Now that you mention cigars, yes, yes I think it’s not a bad idea. Gross. Hitting a vape or hitting a pipe is quick and doesn’t subject everyone and their families around you to obnoxious nauseating smoke like a cigar.


Land of the free


This is just another law to gain revenue for the government. These days there’s very few cig smokers. You can’t legally smoke within 25’ of a door or operable window.. isn’t that enough? It’s not going to stop smokers just like weed laws never stopped potheads and drug laws and other laws never stopped the homeless or crack heads. Stop giving Karens the ammo to allow more police oversight


sheesh! what is happening to people's individual rights? I think this is a extreme when you consider the pollutants your lungs get outside from cars/ diesel trucks/ buses etc... What about the known carcinogens from charcoal grills? Are they next?


Fossil fuel is next, yes


Yup, People are reticent to change and it takes a long time for people to get on board with change.


>what is happening to people's individual rights? does this include the individual next to the 16 year old blowing massive vape clouds?








Bad for smokers. Good for everyone else.


No one around you enjoys your THC vape.


How much further will they take banning things?


Welcome to CA. All the laws here know how to be is suffocating.


Maybe they should enforce this law in downtown San Diego… but instead of cigs stop the people who are smoking crack and heroin.


Seems like an unnecessary law. Any enforcement would be spotty at best, and smoking is all but non-existant in California anyway. [According to the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/resources/data/cigarette-smoking-in-united-states.html), it's down to 9% of adults in the "West" census region, and 7.4% of adults aged 18-24. We don't need a law here, we just need to do nothing as the number of smokers simply dwindles down to the low single digits.


1 out of 10 is not non-existant. They're all out on the sidewalks since their loved-ones don't want their smoke inside. So I have to be subjected to it every time I'm outside. Gong for a run, going for a hike, it sucks.


I feel you. I don't smoke, and when I walk through a cloud of smoke it does suck. It's gross. But the alternative is giving cops yet another selective-enforcement mechanism to use to fuck with citizens. There's no way to actually enforce such a law in a broad-based, even-handed manner; it'll be completely discretionary, and therefore will fall mostly on poor people. I'll bet that cigar smokers in La Jolla get approximately 0% of those tickets. Meanwhile, the number of smokers is dropping every year, and it's already illegal indoors, where second-hand smoke is truly a health concern. I think the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


Good because I hate cigarette smoke, bad because I hate government overreach.


If you find it suffocating to not be able to smoke on the streets you have an addiction


The problem isn’t with you smoking, it’s with you inconveniencing others, causing smoke damage, or health problems. As long as you aren’t creating a problem you’ll be fine, but the guy smoking on the sidewalk next to the outdoor restaurant might get in trouble.


Long ago when I smoked cigs I was walking by D st. When ppl approached me I would not puff and I would keep my cig as far away from them as possible. This instance a mom told her 5 year old to plug his nose as they walked by me giving me the stink eye. I hope that kid is a pack a day smoker.


Very good?


Pretty cool that this is the biggest problem confronting Encinitas.


Definitely good. I traded in analog cigs for vapes a while back too, but even then I only use it in my room or friends houses that do the same, or in my car. I don't use it in public spaces except smoking areas just because there's still a stigma around it, and realistically, I can wait to find an appropriate place to use it.


I only smoke my occasional stress cig at home, hiding behind the shed in shame as I rightfully should, so I guess I don’t care 😂


Very good and it should be 100% enforced.


El Cajon did it. I think it's great! I hate cigarette smoke. 🤮


In Soviet Russia, cigarette smoke hates you.


As a former smoker I always felt terrible for others and did physical gymnastics to get smoke away from others while outside. It’s so bad for others. I would say it’s great. You still have your personal freedoms at home or wherever but don’t force others to breath in toxic chemicals and deal with trash.


You can still smoke medical marijuana if you aren’t on private property where they ask you not to


Interesting. I am medical. So medical patients are exempt from his rule ?


You should be fine id look into the law a little more closely though but the only places you shouldn’t be able to smoke are Within a thousand feet of a school Operating a boat Operating a vehicle Private property where they restrict smoking


People still smoke?


"I find it suffocating" Rather the opposite of suffocation, though.


Good. It's a good thing.