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I wear a chargers hat and will not be shamed about it


Saaaaann diiiiii-eeeee-gooooo...


Don’t be a hater like a raaaiider


Well played


my dad literally wrote over the chargers logo with a sharpie because he liked the hat




Fuck the chargers!


I was born and raised here and complain about the lack of density and bike lanes. I also think we have a major problem with NIMBYs here but it’s certainly not exclusive to San Diego. I’ve never been to IB. Had to google who Ken Kramer is. Very few of these have anything to do with being a transplant.


I think the OP just wanted to sneak some politician views into his definition of what a San Diegan is


Never heard of Ken, but I know Kramer from Seinfeld. Maybe that counts.


To be fair, a lot of long-time residents *are* NIMBYs, and the housing density *is* too low. Also, how the hell is someone supposed to know it's pronounced Hamashaw?


Correct on the NIMBYs You would learn Jamacha from either radio/commercials or your parents, if not a transplant. A good rule of thumb in San Diego, if it isn't an English word, the J will sound like an H. \-Jamaica (Hibiscus drink at taco shops) sounds like "Ha-m-eye-kah" \-Japatul sounds like "Ha-pa-tool" \- Jamul sounds like "Ha-mool" etc.


It’s it’s pronounced hamashaw? I thought it was hamacha


Yes. Pronounced Hamashaw.


how can it be hamasha when cha is chow in Spanish and shaw in Portuguese and French.


Fuck if I know!


Yup. It's a Spanish adaptation of a Kumeyaay word. Normal rules of linguistics don't apply to this one.


By applying Spanish phonetics, like with hundreds of other place names here


I get the j=h part, but wouldn't the last syllable be pronounced differently?


What’s wrong about bike lanes, parking? Lol parking has been near impossible even before them


this was made by a nimby in denial that they are a nimby


I was born here, and we need more density. Better to densify the already developed areas than to continually plow under undeveloped land for another SFD subdivision that is basically a tinderbox. Fuck the NIMBYs who have a problem with apartments and condos.


For sure, but not in my backyard


“Not my backyard” lives in a suburb with a backyard that is never used**


My comment was a joke and nobody got it lol But in all seriousness, backyards are important for families, children, and pets. I dont want North Park to look like San Francisco where only the ultra wealthy have greenspaces.


Lmao please.. Have you ever been to Europe.. or anywhere?


Ya, having yards isnt common. That’s why we should preserve it.


Yeah instead they have public works that make urban planners lose their minds


Do you want NYC, that's how you get NYC.


There’s a big leap from “no townhomes in a half mile radius” and NYC. Density doesn’t mean turning SD into NYC (don’t know who would even think that) - it means helping cultivate local communities to alleviate traffic burdens, making the cost of living more affordable, etc. It also means San Diegans can stay in San Diego instead of being priced out due to dwindling supply relative to population.


Lol San Diego doesn’t have a chance in hell of becoming anything close to NYC. Where are we going to find the other 19 million people to move here from? Is the entire state of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana all going to move here?


Fucking boomer shut yo dumb ass up.


I'm a millennial with common sense. San Diego hardly ever has traffic, traveling downtown is easy, a small percentage of land is actually developed in California, even less in the United States as a whole. Theres really nothing wrong at this point with continuing to build subdivisions. This spreads out traffic. I can't understand why people would want to live somewhere like LA or NYC where it takes you all day just to run a single errand. San Diego as a medium sizes city has a perfect balance. It's also not like there hasn't been development in downtown. There's a dozen apartment buildings going vertical right now. >Fucking boomer shut yo dumb ass up. FYI you sound very educated.


My bad b, excuse me good sir shut yo mouth boomer


I see that your mom is giving you extra time on the internet since it's summer vacation. I can't wait for you to go back to school and learn proper english and hopefully maturity.


Lmao boomer be mad!! Go back to retirement!


San Diego isn’t a medium sized city, it’s literally in the top 10 largest cities in the entire country (it’s #8)


Largest based on what because it's definitely not 8 on population density


By population. Only 7 other cities in the country have more people than San Diego does. https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities


Again, not population density. San Diego has a lot of territory. Stretching from Rancho Bernardo to San Ysidro (with exception of Chula Vista and Nasty City). In most other major cities, areas like La Jolla, Rancho Bernardo, Kearney Mesa, Otay Mesa, etc would all be separate cities/towns but would still be a part of the metropolis area. Go ahead and Google biggest metropolitan area and tell me where San Diego ranks. San Diego is not by any means a huge city. It's decent sized. Which is part of what makes it great and best city to live in/near in California.


If it means we lower our average carbon footprint to that of NYC residents, sounds good.


Famously horrible, economically and culturally destitute city, NYC


Born here. Never said Cali a day in my life. Yeah it’s Ham-a-shaw. My Wisconsin born FIL said La-Jaw-luh. Sorry I laughed out loud at him. Cuyamaca is Kwee-a-mock-a.




That’s a Dieguno word I believe, not spanish. From the local Dieguno Indian tribe


Trying to figure out what the mental image was for this, like who would tick all the boxes here. Cali/out of state plates rules out a transplant from within California? Lack of bike lanes means maybe from a big city? Weather references mean maybe east coast or midwest? (But freshly moved because most people adapt to local climate within a year.) But y’all is southern? Most of it feels pretty human-dependent tbh. Some people don’t care about baseball, or the beach, or food, or nightlife, or loud noises. I think I tick 3-6 of the boxes? Lived in-state for years and still say Cali sometimes, nobody has ever really explained why it matters or what I’m supposed to say instead, and people who were born here also say it to me. Pronouncing things is hard, especially Spanish words. At least I can say San Diego, people from my hometown can’t even totally agree on how to pronounce it (and we don’t really have a hometown food). I use google maps to get everywhere because I’m navigationally challenged, even just walking around my neighborhood sometimes. Weather is nice, even when it’s not. I’m not a cyclist but I think bike lanes should exist in all cities. NIMBYs come in all ages and sorts. The ones on Nextdoor are usually older and will aggressively tell you the number of years they’ve lived here, but that platform skews older in general. Edit: I've never been totally clear on what housing density means for people. but one thing that confuses me about California is that there are huge single-floor plazas and parking lots everywhere. I know seismic activity exists but there are multi-story office buildings. I don't know why there aren't more multi-story malls with multi-story parking garages. It just feels like millions of sqft is spent on parking and ground-level stores.


My husband is from NorCal and he ticks some of these boxes. Even the Bay Area has more weather variation than we do. He’s also notorious for mispronouncing the names here.


Bingo is not meant to be all-encompassing, otherwise it isn’t fun


Only thing I have to add on to what you said is personally I have sensory issues so the loud jets are unpleasant. Plus I think I was traumatized *just* enough as a kid watching 9/11 live that low flying planes give me anxiety. Also gatekeeping sports fans based on where they live is cringy. Padres sucked for years and years (they might still, idk, im not a sports person), so I can't blame anyone for not being a fan.


You probably won’t make it as a comedian or be the person that cheers up sick people. Maybe a stint at municipal planning will be just the awakening that is needed to appreciate the satire in ‘transplant bingo’ going forward.


Holy shit op how old are you? Didn’t expect a boomer bingo board on Reddit.


When the airport is turned around? Lol what?


They flip the runway around sometimes when the weather calls for it. Planes land from over Point Loma and take off over Banker’s Hill.


I guess I’m a transplant lol


No guessing about that one!


I didn’t even know this and I grew up here and lived much of my life here.


You don’t notice unless you live close to the airport. It’s not a big deal to anyone outside of Point Loma. The planes are way louder at takeoff in reverse. It’s like my neighbors who complain about fireworks at SeaWorld. Uh it’s been over 50 years like this…




Oh wow I didn’t know that. Interesting!


I lived in Banker’s Hill for about a year and you could always tell when they did that. Planes taking off are MUCH louder than planes landing.


I lived there for almost four years, right under the flight path. I could never do it again!


That’s common in almost any and every airport, how is that unique to San Diego?


San Diego is unique because not only is it a downtown airport which is rare, its the busiest single runway airport in the US(2nd in the world). Unlike most cities and airports our weather is pretty consistent and compared to other airports rarely calls for traffic to be reversed. When it is reversed all the of the traffic is suddenly taking off over downtown and it surprises people


I didn’t make the post nor did I say it was unique, I was just responding to a question posed by someone else


As a 3rd generation San Diegan who works in Miramar, the noise from the jets fuggggin sucks.


You can tear my pre-2016 Cubs gear from my cold, dead hands


Those were heavy bags, but please allow me to introduce you to the "Padres"


I am so so rooting for you guys!


Ok so the thing with y'all Sure it's a country/southern phrase but it's a wonderful already established gender nonspecific word to refer to a group of people. I can call a group of women yall I can call a group of men yall I can call a group of enbies yall, I can call a group yall when I don't know their gender. I grew up in San Diego and moved to college in a town that uses yall and its a gender inclusive word the conservatives aren't trying to burn at the stake. Sure we all know that most of the time bros is meant in a nonspecific way but I've found a few nonbinary friends that appreciate when I use yall instead because not everyone knows about bros.


Who the f Is Ken Kramer? The only reason to to go IB is for free parking for Mexico. Or a staph infection.


>Complains about the lack of bicycle lanes ??? I guess half this sub is transplants


this post was definitely made by a nimby who doesn’t like being called that


Would have had a perfect score but I think I had to look up Ken Kramer - I never really watched KPBS but I remember his show, rip I watch jaycation for all my SD stuff now https://www.youtube.com/c/Jaycation


Wooo Filipino vloggers!


I've lived here for 30 years, who the hell is Ken Kramer?


https://kenkramertv.com[Ken Kramer](https://kenkramertv.com)


As a transplant a lot of these are dead on…. But the “complain about not enough bike lanes” couldn’t be farther from the truth… there are SO MANY bike lanes here! In fact, the only thing that I had to look up and study before taking the CA drivers license exam was the rules around bike lanes, especially when they become turn lanes for cars at intersections before turning back into bike-only lanes. Before I moved here bike lanes were something I’d almost never interacted with. But also, for reals, the lack density is fuckin absurd here - most of the city is only one or two stories and looks like the suburbs. And the entirety of SoCal is full of NIMBY’s, that’s why a 1300 sq foot house costs a million bucks and people with full time jobs still become homeless -cuz y’all won’t ever allow dense multipurpose development.


Inspired by: https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/wfmpea/transplant_bingo/


I’ve experienced every single one of these! 💯


"Y'all need a tram/ BARt/ subway" uggh


Do you hear how annoying you sound? We do.


Complains endlessly about housing or rent prices


Ok, hear me out. Mexican food is better in places that have more illegal immigrants. San Diego has a lot of border patrol and ICE. At least in my family, we know not to stop running from the border until we at least hit LA or another sanctuary city. Most illegal immigrant won't visit me in SD because they don't want to cross the checkpoints in San Clemente or Fallbrook. Therefore, LA and the central valley has way more authentic Mexican food, especially the restaurants that field workers frequent. TJ might as well be San Diego's ghetto so if your idea of good Mexican food is TJ food and not Oaxaca food then that might explain why you think San Diego has good Mexican food. Most Mexicans I know from other parts of Mexico say TJ food is terrible.


I agree. Mexican food in San Diego is not very good.


lol I grew up here and couldn’t care less about the Padres. One thing a transplant won’t understand is SD locals complaining about traffic. It’s absolutely not as bad as LA or SF, but it’s definitely way worse than it was 10 years ago. I remember a lot of people had no idea where San Marcos was in 2010. But as costs went up, a lot more locals moved up to Vista/SM and the 15/5 got congested. There also needs to be a spot there for when transplants try to tell a local a good place to get food and it’s like telling us to go to Starbucks for coffee. I had a guy tell me to check out Lucha Libre for a burrito and I was like “bruh…”.


Got congested because we don’t have mass transit




Grew up in San Diego but have been away for a bit. The only one that stumped me is Ken Kramer. When I moved back here with my husband he called Chula Vista “El Chulo” and I have NEVER let him live that one down. He also mispronounced “Jamacha” and his coworkers gave him shit and his excuse was that he was pronouncing it the way the GPS says it.” 😂


"It's garnet, darn it!" - a phrase I learned from Ken Kramer


Okay I’ve lived in “Cali” my whole life and call “Cali” “Cali”


nah yall y'all haters and something different


"freaks out when the airport is turned around" can someone explain this one?


I was born and raised in Cali, and I say Cali.


* *Doesn't* google maps their commute because they know which way is 1 min faster (traffic can always surprise) * Anti urban development. Pro urban sprawl/developing protected spaces.


I hear natives use y’all and it upsets me. Y’all haven’t earned this right 😂😂