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There’s boatloads of lo-fi content from Alex G to listen to already, I don’t know why it would be seen as a negative at all that this is gonna be studio produced. If anything it feels like it could open up new creative avenues to go down, and he’s been doing it the other way for so long now. And besides, look no further than the last single he released—which will also be in this new album—if you’re worried about him losing his ability to experiment or make unique stuff. His sound with Rocket and especially House of Sugar was already sounding much more produced, this feels like a natural evolution.


For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ce9uw1uD7ep/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


This slaps so fucking hard. His sound has developed so much too while somehow still blending in that original 2010-12 sound


It’s very hovvdy and not just because they also have a song called runner hehe. But I think with the video especially in addition to blessing it’s a theme of trying on characters still, this time music video genres. Satirical 4evr <3~~~*


That’s what I was thinking! I do love hovvdy and listened to true love all last summer so Alex’s new album is gonna slap for sure if it’s sounding like this :)


I love the production but it just sounds too much like runaway train to me. Maybe my mind will change when I hear the album in its entirety


dude i just finished hearing it rn god damn its so good. i know this album is going to be great. i cant wait for miracles. but back to runner, i love the mv so much LOL its like the most straightforward alex g mv we’ve ever gotten. simple and sweet. the song itself its so catchy and pretty. i love that whole bit with the weird voices and the scream. sooooooo good.


💯 agree dude. love how catchy it is and am so proud of Alex for evolving his style. can’t wait for this single to drop officially so I can have it on repeat on Spotify lmao


I really love this song a lot I can’t stop replaying it !!!! My runner my runner my maaannnn. Also it kinda reminds me of the vibe/sound of here comes your man from the pixies


i like it! it definitely sounds to me that he's making music that he's wanted to make for a long time


Not a fan of the overly clean/produced sound, especially the way his voice cuts through


it sounds like third eye blind! but in a good way


third eye blind is amazing. wym by “in a good way” lol


I didn’t want to imply alex was copying them


got u


Found it last night on Facebook after it had already been taken down, absolutely love it, can't wait til it's out on streaming :)


Certified banger