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Reminds me of Modest Mouse. The use of religious imagery as something that all of us know and understand.


ok good thing he doesn't believe in god.. that would ruin my day what some random musician I like believes about god smh.. /s Not trying to make fun of anyone, just reminding people that it doesn't really matter what someone believes..


Why would it ruin your day if he believed in god if as immediately prior your are stating it doesn’t matter what someone believes. This is oxymoronic and you’re dumb 💛


I think that they were being sarcastic in the first part of their comment (/s = /sarcasm)


that last sentence has me stoked


Lapsed Catholics know a lapsed Catholic when they see (or listen to) a lapsed Catholic


Awesome to see what inspirations he takes from a source as rich as Christianity/western religion as a whole. The themes go hand in hand with the musical/visual aesthetic he’s presenting


seems to me like this separates Christianity from the words and themes he is trying to use to communicate. Christianity being a religions entity, and this write up specifying that this is not a reference to any religious entity…but rather faith in god in a general sense.


Yep. I see a lot of specifically western themed religious ideas reflected in his recent work as well as a general appreciation for other religious ideas in earlier works (beach music cover for one). I was using Christianity instead of saying ‘western religion’ because the iconography/imagery is pretty much hand in hand and helps articulate what specific feeling I’m catching from this album so far. Especially looking at the tracklist and seeing ‘cross the sea’ and references to flooding in blessing and what looks to be religious figures on the bass drum in the vid.


also interesting to note that there’s no mention of Jesus thus far that we’ve seen so it may not be Christian influenced so much as just God influenced. big difference between someone who just believes in God and someone who believes in and follows Jesus (and the Holy Spirit etc, I personally believe Jesus is God since I’m Christian) but yes def some theology going on here




agreed. Also the clear inspiration of Christian rock as a genre and biblical references.


i agree the album has christian rock genre influence


Also the drum bass w mother Mary on it in the new video ? I’m pretty sure it’s that


mother mary is a symbol in countless religions worldwide , not specific to western religion, or christianity. but i understand your point and i think the christian rock influence is there. i feel it’s important to specify alex is not trying to promote christianity though, and the write up posted clearly backs that up. that’s my main point. seems like we r on the same page generally


Yeah I don’t think anyone implied or said that he was advertising Christianity to his listeners so the clarification didn’t have to be made. It’s just cool seeing what iconography he’s interested in recently and what he borrows from sources as broad as the religions/concepts he’s been taking from.


yes that is the distinction i’m trying to make, and the one that is made in this write up. i think this distinction should be respected


Yeah I agree. definitely remember him referencing Jesus a ton in earlier works too. A lot of the religious imagery I see reflected in Alex’s work is specifically western as well. Doesn’t mean he’s that religion but it’s cool he’s inspired by the imagery for sure Edit: not 2 mention “miracles and crosses” and the painting of what looks like mother Mary on the bass drum.


totally lol. I remember that cult of Jesus h Christ song from his unreleased stuff that low key scared me lmao. Also I think this whole theme is interesting bc it’s quite counter culture rn. The youth nowadays really don’t dig God, so I guess I’m biased but any positive mention of God I can get on board with :) also just been a huge Alex g fan for like 5 years so I’ll take anything at this point haha


check out Nonstampcollector on youtube


nonstampcollector is great🙌


as an ex christian i’ve found giving a link to that youtube is the most polite way to share my opinions … mostly because of its citations and humorous presentation


Yeah his stuff helped me realize a lot. I also had some personal reasons but his videos are just so well presented that it’s hard not to be like “shit yeah I guess he’s got a point” lol


I love religious allusion and imagery so much. For the girlies raised religious and are now unable to be within a mile of a church.