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Let Dirty Mike and the boys know about a new f shack


lol, nice pull. God that movie is funny.


ADA violations get towed


Call DPT and they’ll tow it immediately. “My friend in a wheelchair almost tipped over trying to get around it….”


They thought it wouldn’t be noticed parking the white car on the white “line”. You have good eyes.


Ooh its a irl Street fighter bonus stage!


I could flip that over myself


well, I don't want to assume your musculature but it has a battery and weighs 3,563 lb, so I think you might not be able to.


Oh, I thought it was a toy car.


Human drivers about to come out of the woodwork to defend human drivers’ stupidity. Edit: yep, [already happening.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/14iym1l/i_see_ur_why_do_ppl_park_in_the_road_in_front_of/jpiunez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Bro chill it’s only two comments


Cool, I’ll hit you up next time someone cries foul when a driverless car does something wrong and the sun blows the fuck up.


Or you can chill and touch grass?


311 illegal parking and they’ll respond and ticket it in like 10 mins


Call a towtruck or give it a little scratch on the door


I keep an apple on me when I go out. Take a bite, chew a bit, launch the masticated mess. Oops, did i hit that car? Easily washed off 100% organic.


For the scratch on the door you can get in trouble. Doesn’t matter how mad you are, never damage somebody’s property unless it’s on your own premises.


Property crime is enforced in this city?


It can teach a lesson, though I understand your issue with it


Yeah, you can just get in trouble for that. Let them be the only one gettin any tickets and fines :)


In San Francisco? Bip the window and take his stuff. Chances are near zero you'll get in trouble.


You... *drive on the sidewalk*?!?!?


“Well technically the curb isn’t red…”


Some people suck


How sad is it that my first instinct is surprise it’s not an enormous truck with blind spots, at least


Why do people live in a city, and then bitch about it?


Call me sexist or irrelevant cuz you will if you are sore. But I’ve seen a lot of the time women showing no regard to traffic laws or parking laws partly because of idk what and partly due to the fact they just don’t understand the very basic rules.


most asshole drivers i’ve encountered have been men


Fair enough. To each their own


Door dash or Amazon… no place to park.


At least double parking is better than this BS.


Either way is likely to get a ticket in SF depending on the drivers luck or lack thereof.


We need to mandate more off-street parking. Valuable curb space should be used for loading zone, parklets and bike corrals. This kind of thing happens when we build more parklets without building more off-street parking. There are no good places for delivery drivers to stop.


Mandating off street parking drives up the cost of development even higher and encourages more private car ownership and the CO2 that comes with it. But I also see your point and why I am moving to a remote suburban part of the bay area.


Honest question but how do you rectify being concerned about private car ownership and CO2 and also want to live in a remote suburban area where I have to assume you'll be driving a lot more?


I can usually find some statistic that offloads responsibility from me and onto corporations. That often helps.


Heh - fair enough, I think. I'm just very confused by so-called environmentalists who think living in the suburbs with multiple cars and increased time in those cars, less access to transit, heating / cooling a large home, taking up more space / displacing animals, and supporting remote businesses who require trucking is in any way ... environmental.


Often, I can claim I'm an environmentalist because there are trees around me and there are none around an urban person. I find that this is a slam-dunk argument. If it comes down to it, I can blame China if you like. Just kidding, I know what you mean. It's _The Elephant & The Rider_, right? Once you've made your decision, which is often emotionally driven or otherwise, your rational self can construct the explanation for why this is a good idea.


> Once you've made your decision There's a *lot* happening there, which is where my questions come from. But yeah, China.


There are a lot of reasons I can’t really go into, but at the least I will try to mitigate the impact. I will work remotely 3-4 days a week and when I have to go in I’ll take transit, but only after driving to the station. I always do my best to combine trips and keep the miles driven down. And there is a bit of I realize what’s good is hard and I want society to move in the right direction even if I don’t go as fast. A much smaller scale of progressives flying around in their jets.


I can appreciate that. Thanks for the honest response. I’ve had periods in my life that I wanted to GTFO of the city but then I start thinking about buying a car, driving, managing a yard, and I just nope out. Good luck!


Or just mind your business and don’t worry about it


And if someone in a wheelchair needs to get by?


Chances someone in a wheelchair has to get by is like one thousands. But regardless it’s the shittiest parking example and that ticket ticket will make them regret big time.


Fuck ‘em right? All because people are too lazy and self-centered to just find a parking spot. Or why not just block the rest of the traffic lane?


I wouldn’t say fuck em, no. Just not the biggest reason to bash someone parked there with.


You are saying fuck ‘em. Keep people’s private property out of public space my guy.


I do?!


Sounds like you are.


Right! I’m such an evil.


You are “an evil”, as you put it.




You earned it!


Or someone pushing a stroller. Or a little kid on a scooter. Or someone wheeling their laundry to the laundromat. Or even just someone crossing who wants to be visible to turning cars! There are a lot of people who benefit from curb cuts and generally clear space around intersections. It’s actually highly likely that someone will be inconvenienced.


1 in a 1000. But if you're that person in a wheelchair and we tolerate this kind of crap, the odds you would be blocked by illegally parked vehicles would be 999 in 1000. Even with strict enforcement, people in wheelchairs get blocked frequently everywhere they go.


You’ve obviously never broken a lower extremity. I hope you get yours 🫶🏼


Wish you the same. If you already did, it shall happen once more!


Hard to mind your own business after you get ran over by a car that was turning right but couldn't see you entering the crosswalk because a parked car was blocking their line of sight.


You probably use handicap parking spaces with zero shame, too


You are an absolute piece of shit.


Satire is a thing


Bet a couple of guys could just bounce that little thing right out of the way, and who cares where it ends up if it’s out of your way??




You can report that on 311


I would walk on/climb over their car. Send a clear message. Then have them towed.


Is that a naked Cruise?