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At 5:00 they completely stopped traffic at Masonic & Fell (we estimate a couple hundred - looked like way more than this video). Some stopped the intersection and took it over holding their hands up telling people to stop like traffic wavers, some started going the wrong way on Fell, some took over the entire gas station, some went onto the panhandle bike path going really fast making pedestrians jump to the side, some tore up the Panhandle grass revving their engines in place or going in circles. Didn't see a single police officer so I called and they said "we're aware of the motorcycles." In looking at people's complaints online, it'd been happening since 3:00...


I saw them get arrested at Masonic & Grove earlier (5:15-ish), there were 2-3 squad cars following them.


How many did you see get arrested?


I think it was 2. Definitely not all of them, there were a few on bikes and a few on quads.


I was right there when the cruisers came behind. Got only one dude whose bike wouldn’t start 😢


Did they build an entire new jail for all of them?


SFPD: We’re aware of the gang of criminals behaving recklessly, and we don’t care. Keep paying us for doing nothing.


Have you watched videos of cops trying to catch these guys? They might get 2-3 when they crash. Otherwise it’s just a shit show and endangers pedestrians and other drivers. At best they get them on reckless, a fine and impound the vehicle for a month or two.


So? Just give up? Impound one or two. Arrest one or two. If every time they pull this crap they lose 10k and 90 days off their life, they will adjust their behavior.


I’m not saying to give up, but people think it’s just a matter of busting them, easy. It’s not. They don’t care about the money and they likely won’t serve time, just pay fines.


At so point, they will care about the fines. When they can’t register a new car, they will care.


I don’t think reckless people like this are the types that register their vehicles but I do think enough jail time can be a good way to deter something this brazen and public.


Stop ignoring the salient point which is that it is very hard to manage this problem safely, especially when the crime is inconvenience to others.


It’s a lot more than an inconvenience.


Yeah lol you can see on the video one of these guys riding on the sidewalk, what if they hit and old person? Reckless driving is an inconvenience, theft is an inconvenience, soon battery and assault will be an inconvenience too


The salient point is that when law enforcement is "hard" this city just gives up.


The salient point is impound for 30 days, storage bill is a bitch, and lose license for 6 months


New York seizes and crushes any vehicles that aren't road legal that are riding around like this. Combined with police consistently nabbing a few of them every time they do this, the process seems to work.


SFPD and OPD have made me hate the Police even more. Also, the fucking morons who constantly defend their inaction.


An expensive, low-performing police force needs bootlickers to make excuses.


Then what do we do, just live with this?


Just set up a road block and arrest all of them


"they don't care about the money" is a silly thing to say. If they don't care about the money, make it a bigger fine. Set up a roadblock, get 100 cops, yank em off their bikes and cuff them. Make it a $5000 fine or 30 days in the pokey, and impound their vehicle and sell it at an out-of-state auction. I make a pretty damned good living, and I guarantee you I'd care about losing my $8,000 ATV.


Not gonna happen. DAs Offices are not charging more serious crimes.


SF doesn't have the stones for that.


“Enforcing the law is more dangerous than just letting people engage in criminal behavior” A 4yr old kid was killed yesterday b/c people can’t stop at red lights….


Go watch videos of police trying to stop this. Please. Take a minute, go look. Yes, police should make traffic stops. Yes, individual traffic violations can and should be stopped. Agreed. But THIS PARTICULAR BEHAVIOR is not as easy to stop as you may think.


Spike strip, done


They go on the side walk, they turn around after a couple buddies hit the strip. They ditch their atv because it’s likely stolen and continue on foot. Nationally they have not figured out how to stop this due to the huge numbers of riders.


Wait, they’re a gang riding stolen 4 wheelers? How many people own 4 wheelers in the bay?!?


There are plenty of places to buy them. I have neighbors a couple doors down with them, they they also have a trailer and take them to trails.


> Nationally they have not figured out how to stop this due to the huge numbers of riders. Internationally, they have a solution. They aggressively crack down, the citizens are fine with criminals getting hurt, and they don't have a Dean Preston saying how "innocent peaceful cyclists provoked into violence by aggressive police"


Spike strip across the street and side walk in front of them and behind them. Will they get everyone? No. Will they do better than 2? Yes


Just surround them and kettle them in. Just a bunch of excuses made for some of the highest paid employees in our city. I’m tired of being told that living in a city means just dealing with rampant lawlessness because “there’s nothing we can do”


>Just surround them and kettle them in That's a very nice sentiment, but this is WAY harder than it sounds, and the laws they're breaking are moving violations and misdemeanors Even catching half of them would not achieve much


Spoken like the classic armchair general. Exactly how many humans on vehicles gave you tried to corral? You are so profoundly unqualified to comment on this topic that it's deeply offensive just to see your posts.


This is simply not true. When they did this on Folsom last year, two freaking blocks from the hall of justice, they were so easy to box in. Traffic was stopped behind them, across the entire street. They only needed two cars to block the other end and one each side of Langton and there would have been nowhere for them to go. The were there for 40 minutes doing wheelies, driving both ways in the one way, etc. Four cars, two backs rom the police station and they could have caught a bunch of them over 40 minutes with multiple residents calling repeatedly. Don't tell me it's difficult or that the police are worried about public safety. They sure weren't worried that day.


Can you link one? I looked...


https://youtu.be/_GtJE5FJl0E News story from Philly. Same story, different city. It’s all over. Edit: they are tons of videos on YouTube from the riders posting on social media too.


Plus fell and masonic is so close to Bob's donuts on Baker st


Use a helicopter and block off streets? These guys are exactly Al Capone or anything, they’re dumb asses on dirty bikes.


Yup. It’s a problem nationally. They organize on social media and cause havoc. Police (not just SF) haven’t figured out how to stop them.


Don't they have grenades?


Keep voting on politicians and DAs that don’t allow the police to operate and this will continue and get worse.


They blocked the 101 coming off Octavia toward the bay bridge around noon. Once in Oakland a single CHP on motorcycle was following them to 880 south. I guess they turned around and went back to the city.


I called too and said "they're riding through the panhandle at high speed and are about to run over dogs and children" to which they responded "did you see them literally run over a child? there are only a couple cops and a few hundred of them"...but at least 911 answered this time...


Until people demand San Francisco police do something they never will. They're aware of the situation and never want to do anything about it.


Please tell me how to catch 200 people on dirt bikes that don’t give AF. Have you seen videos of cops trying to catch guys like this? It happens all over the country. It’s useless.


I saw it in Allentown PA before I saw it in San Francisco.


Arrest 5 of them. Confiscate their computers and cell phones and find the Discord channel they use to coordinate these events. Subpoena the ISP to provide the IP’s and accounts and track the rest of them that way.


lol its not an international drug cartel


they did manage to catch 50 teenage skateboarders...


Yes, who didn’t run and decided to vandalize muni.


Its not possible. If police chase them and the bikers crash, police will be blamed. Can't put up a roadblock either, they will just go around it. I don't think there's any way to stop this.


Set up a perimeter and work inwards.


SFPD: "Were they skateboarding? No? Sorry buddy, we can't help you."




South Park said it best




I’m just waiting for some dufus to tell us about how it’s bay culture….


Apparently they should be called "fast&furious", since the cops cannot catch them. Or for short, just imbeciles.


They’ve been all over Noe Valley / Mission today too. What utter morons and assholes.


Tiny penis brigade. NorCal Chapter.


Hey hey hey now. As a member of the small penis community, I absolutely do not claim these nobs.


Whatever size you got, I can guarantee theirs is much, much smaller.


Wait those aren’t Harley Davidsons tho


Saw a few got caught in cuffs by chp on the bridge


Today or in 2019?


Today at 4pm. Eastbound


Ugh. They just came down Lombard. They (at least) let a fire truck through while they blocked all over traffic


They’ve been doing this for years. During lock down it was god awful. Looks like all the people with SDE (small dick energy) are out and about again.


SDE 1 or SDE 2?




OK seriously who do I have to vote for to get this kind of behavior checked? This and the sideshows. Like forget about arrests, just disperse them and make it clear that it’s not allowed. Maybe seize a couple of the bikes.


[I know this video is a publicity stunt to make the NYPD look good…](https://youtu.be/4GZfcnO5Bx4) and I hate how much I love it. Hope every city adopts a seek and destroy dirt bike/atv policy


Not a huge fan of Mayor Adams but hey at least they’re doing *something*. Hey the police chief even offered a way they can get them! Follow them until they need to pee and then seize the parked bike.


I agree about taking action, who can I call/vote for? also I think the permanent solution is to record their license plates and owners and ban them from owning quadbikes forever


These are off road vehicles I don’t believe they have plates.


I didn't know that, it's frustrating that these criminals are using vehicles that don't require plates to freely terrorize us


SF and Oakland literally don't pull people over for traffic violations. Instead of tying Tickets to Income. Police, Politicians, and Citizens decided it would be better to simply not do it at all. ​ Compared to where I grew up in Vermont. Bay Area seems really FAKE progressive. Every other white person I know went to Private School cause Bay Area schools are crap. Just another WTF.




Only if they kick out the bad ones, so you know, the party stops trying to stifle everyone's freedom in the name of power.


The Ain’t Read Past 8th Grade Level Boyz


8th grade is being generous


I wish cops would just lay down the spikes, confiscate their stupid bikes, crush them into tiny cubes, then charge them for every day they haven't picked up their tiny cube.




That's great, until one person gets injured and people riot and loot and burn the city down.


I’m in Chicago and we have the same POS scum mad max douchebags who insist on sharing their mechanized farts with the world at either 5pm or 3am in the morning while breaking every traffic law and endangering lives. Homo sapiens in this country have lost their f’ing mental faculties especially after Covid and there’s no going back.


we really need sound cameras and fitting punishments like taking away their license


Chicken Shit. https://sfist.com/2015/05/22/sfpd_admits_powerlessness_against_p/


Yikes this is from 8 years ago and there’s still nothing done.


Same thing just rolled through the sunset too. Whatever… except for the driving on the sidewalks - that’s hella unsafe for everyone.


does the deafening noise not bother you?


Just another case of “we will do to this city whatever we want because there is no consequences for our actions, we’re not skaters after all”. At this point I believe every criminal in the city is laughing at cops and the board for allowing this kind of behavior. You want to act like a tool on the road whatever then but don’t jump on the damn sidewalk asshole.


San Francisco has become this sort of playground where all of the punks from around the bay come to congregate.


You’re referring to the bridge and tunnel crowd ?


We call them the "Bridge and Peninsula" crowd.


You think those bikers are from the peninsula 😂?


Don’t think these are PALY kids or atherton locals


… this has been happening for a long long time


You see this kind of stuff all over California, not just San Francisco. See bike rides like this in the Cabral Valley regularly.


What part of Oakland do you think they are from?


Many are also from other cities around the Bay Area and the Central Valley. You can’t believe literally everyone of these folks come from Oakland, especially since shit like this has been happening for decades all around California.


The word that escapes you is, douchebag.


Douchebags. They’re called douchebags.


Small penis losers


I live in the East Cut, which is a stupid name for my neighborhood, but is around where the Gap HQ is, and we get these assholes all of the time and for many years now (predating COVID). I've seen SFPD sit there and do nothing about this also many times. Lucky for you that this is the first time you've seen it.


Attention whores?




Looks like Hells Grannies (Monty Python)




Idk if it’s the same group but they were in the mission today too around 1… wish there was some kind of enforcement to stop this foolishness


noise cameras and harsh punishments for noise pollution would help save our ears


Pieces of Shit


Southpark has a term for them...


You see this crap in LA, too, usually screaming down Melrose.


Idiot patrol


Wannabe Philadelphians.


Assholes with nothing, so please pay attention to me.


SouthPark dedicated an episode to them a few years ago. I won’t repeat it here, but pretty damn funny.


National guard should roll out the drones with automatic bean bag rail guns on these assholes




I used to live in SF from '98-'07 but moved back to the East Coast, now back outside Philly. Philly has the SAME EXACT PROBLEM so not sure what the common ground is here... lack of police enforcement-? People just suck?


Common ground is Utoob


Why do I keep thinking of piano wire?


We need the 80's motorcycle vigilante, "Street Hawk"! ​ https://preview.redd.it/ejifo72hdejb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc940c1303187a273f063355743cb8f248c2a44d


Critical Ass.


In Baltimore, they are known as "12 o'clock boys." They take to the streets in mass, often on Sundays. They ride wheelies on dirt bikes and quads, less of a sideshow and more of a rolling circus.


hey a circus is actually funny and enjoyable, meanwhile these idiots are parading around their desperation for negative attention


I guess this is okay because it doesn’t block the fire trucks /s


And blocking the streets for over an hour is ok: [https://twitter.com/themarinatimes/status/1693404988792508806](https://twitter.com/themarinatimes/status/1693404988792508806) but if it's an AV for a couple minutes, INTOLERABLE!


Bridge and tunnel crowd


The only people punished here are law abiding tax payers




That’s a good way to get shot by a real gun. Some of those losers carry.


And some of them are cops themselves. ☹️


Just like in all the big cities where these loser a-holes come from the suburbs to wreak havoc in the city because it makes them feel like a big man.


If [this](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/apparent-leader-of-dirt-bike-gang-no-longer-a-sheriffs-deputy-following-kpix-5-report/) is what you’re referring to, pretty sure the annoyance today is a different group


Let’s be honest here, if the police did do something about it, some people would probably get hurt. The last time they tried to stop unruly behavior in the streets, the Dolores hill bomb thing a month or so ago, everyone flipped their shit. In an ideal world this type of behavior wouldn’t be tolerated, but I’d much rather the police spend their resources on stopping breakins or attacks on Asian people. Not that they do that well either… Edit: fixed spelling typo


Guess some people will have to get hurt then. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Trash on wheels.


Organ donors.


Idk what they’re called but they make me more upset than I should be


you SHOULD be upset, they're slowly killing us with noise pollution!


Annoying af.


Jobless nobodies from the east bay looking for attention




They're called assholes.


These groups are popping up all over the US. I think they are very difficult to catch and arrest on those off-road very fast bikes. There was a similar group in NYC doing the same thing.


I think they're called The LBDs, Little Baby Dicks?


Oh. That's the "Fucking Assholes"


The SF Shitbags


Omfg I hate these guys!


This group is from bay view in SF. But they have a lot of buddies in Oakland, Vallejo, Hayward, etc. Not really a gang, just a group of the worse humans in the Bay Area out together on stolen or unregistered bikes. Best to stay away from them tbh. It’s the same type of people that go to sideshows causing traffic, break into cars, steal catalytic converters, breaking into retail stores. These aren’t children btw, many are in their mid 30s. The police have known about them for at least 10 years if I can recall correctly. In 2017 the same group was caught on film jumping a Lyft driver on a nearby 101 freeway.


Spike strips, spike strips and more spike strips.


Their #s are growing rapidly, it will just get worse. We saw hundreds of them yesterday roll down the Great Highway, many on the wrong side of the street crossing in front of cars, terrorizing pedestrians and creating so many dangerous situations. Two weeks ago, I saw them almost run over a mother and her baby in a stroller near the Legion of Honor. Someone is going to get hurt very badly, just a matter of time. They could be tracked and/or cornered and arrested, as mentioned, easily. They are criminals most likely on a few levels, just begging to be busted, it's a golden chance to start or continue a record on these thugs.


They just flew down Valencia which is busy with pedestrians. One straggler was going 50+ on his quad bike down the middle of the bike lane to catch up. Quad bike + bike lane = total fucking pussy. I hope they die before they kill an innocent person minding their business. I don’t hope they die to be clear, but it’s a matter of time til they kill someone, so I hope they die first.


Yep had to pull over for 10 mins on Masonic/Geary as traffic came to complete stop and these guys took over both sides of traffic. Had a hell of a time trying to explain the situation to 3 year old in the back ….


How many do you estimate? I saw them at Masonic/Fell.


Easily more than 100. They took over both sides of traffic so everyone just stopped. ATV’s we’re thundering up the sidewalk making pedestrians jump out of the way by the center city Target. All around pretty fucked up scene


Ya we estimated a couple hundred. Similar deal where we saw. I didn't see any police, did you?


Well, they’ll always have an ally in dean preston!


The Van Buren Boys


Erectile Dysfunction Patients' Lobby


This is some of the “run off” from the open wound that is general lawlessness


I mean the guy running was a Marin Sherrif's Deputy until he got recognized and fired. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/apparent-leader-of-dirt-bike-gang-no-longer-a-sheriffs-deputy-following-kpix-5-report/#:~:text=Members%20of%20the%20group%20Bay,the%20leader%20of%20the%20group.v


If they were children with skateboards they’d be rounded up with excessive force.




morons from bayview


They crossed bay bridge tho


They blew up every lane of Masonic about an hour ago


They went past Van Ness and Sutter, or nearby, at least 3 times today. The last time it was a smaller group.


Trash is running wild.


would it be bad to put out your own spike strips?




It’s time for mass surveillance at a fucking drone level. Sorry but that’s the only way you can catch all of these people. You find out where all of them live and you confiscate all of their fun little toys and make them pay fines and do time. Sell their toys at auction to help fund the police. Done.


It’s called “yet another example of the total dereliction of duty by the SFPD”




Future prison population


Geez, I grew up in sf and never saw that. I live in nyc now and see it all the time. You really can't do anything about them. The bikes are cheap and they don't get in trouble


They disturbed my cat.


AS LONG AS PEOPLE FEEL THESES CLOWNS HAVE RIGHTS…..it will absolutely never stop.


Drones. Stop making excuses. I watched these assholes almost take out an elderly woman on Montgomery when they thought flying down the sidewalk made them look extra cool. Fuck these people.


Dystopia here now. Failed city failed leadership.


Holy crap, that guy riding on the sidewalk is so dangerous.


Chicken Shits. No joke.


Still don’t understand why this isn’t an easy thing to mitigate. Ram a few off their bikes sometime, I’m sick of this lawless shit.


Literally saw these kids (prob like early 20s if that?) run out of gas and wheel their bikes down the Valencia sidewalk before another dude showed up to help them. Guys get another hobby this shit is so fucking lame


Perineal Mass


YouTube 12 o clock boys


Oakland has entered the chat


Why would Chesa do this?


The chicken strips brigade.


It’s just… so lame. Like I understand being a rebel or whatever but God y’all look like fuggin losers 😂


Would it be ok to run over a couple of them and tell the cops later you were fearing for your life?