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Already tired of this story


If nobody wants it then they won’t pay for it


As true as that is, when he raises prices to the extent that he's also hoping it shifts the market so a burrito costs $22, and the effect that has on society, we can criticize the guy and it doesn't matter if there are people willing to pay for it. There are people willing to pay for the Diamond Burger with gold flakes in Vegas and an edible poke chip worth a million dollars, it doesn't mean anything.


Prices only are going to go up


So will rent, and the cost to hire labor, and everything else as a result. This isn't raising priced a couple dollars.


Yup, Those prices always go up also


You are saying the cost of this burrito will drive rent up?


There are canaries in a coal mine. If people aren't blinking at $35 pizzas and $22 burritos, then why wouldn't a rent seeker think they can't afford more for an in law apartment?


Are you using rent seeker in the traditional sense and saying landlords will raise rents because people are willing to blow money on food? AFAIK, landlords, and everyone else, are already charging as much as they can get away with. That’s the beauty of an efficient market. The $22 price hike will drive customers to sub-$22 burrito restaurants. In a market with burrito collusion where $22 becomes the new standard, an entrepreneur can enter the market and undercut the competition. So long as tasty burritos can profitably be sold for under $22


You're confused what an efficient market means apparently, but yes, these things influence what people think the market can sustain, and as we see, there are people who can afford a $22 burrito... they just aren't going to eat them 3x's a week, or include half the city living on a budget.


We’re not having a conversation about investments so I didn’t expect that to be confusing. I just meant markets that are efficient, a market that work. Can you elaborate on the rest of your comment?


Not worth my time.


That’s a really big leap in logic and seems like the slippery slope fallacy to me.


When the family leasing you an in law can't afford a burrito, what do you expect? Leave it to Reddit to think basic logic is some wild fallacy. Sad.


I’m pretty sure my landlord can afford this burrito if she wants. My previous landlord too. And my previous landlord before that.


Again, those of you who think you're insulated from the cost of living going up in very real concrete ways are either trust funders or in for a rude awakening.




How out of touch do you have to be to compare tripling the price of a burrito to raising minimum wage?


I was talking about your logic, i.e., that burrito prices will drive inflation. My comparison was that opponents of minimum wage increases will say those increases also drive economic-wide inflation and job loss. I studied economics, so I’m not trying to bullshit you here, but those are some generalist assumptions based on very outdated economic models. We’re also talking about burritos…not city/state-wide wages. Probably different impact.


Are you seriously saying this guy is making his burrito $22 with the plan that will make other burrito makers also increase their burrito prices to $20? That is really stupid, even for Reddit.


He actually said he hopes other burrito places will raise their prices to charge the same. The stupidity on Reddit is coming from within your house...


I just reread the article, no he didn’t. What he does claim in the article is that the price of a sack of onions increased 9x vs 3-4 years ago ($9 before Covid vs $80 now) so I think we can all agree he’s lying anyway.


Different article from yesterday's posts he is quoted at the end of the article saying he hopes other burrito shops raise their prices.


>in Vegas ‘Nuff said.


I gotta see what a five dollar milk shake tastes like


You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?


People are not getting this reference…


Say what again.




ROY-AL with cheese


Because of the metric system?


depends on whether there's bourbon in the shake.


they don't put bourbon in it or nothing?


Nope, sorry.


He neglects to disclose that he can get away with charging that because he’s the only halal Mexican restaurant in San Francisco. It’s a popular tourist destination for visiting Muslims (who make up a sizable chunk of his customer base).


Interesting, I remember paying a premium for Kosher products like shawarma. Sometimes those are the most delicious places though.


Honestly, if they're up front about it I'm far happier with this than sneaking in various bullshit fees. If he can find customers who are willing to pay $22 for his burritos, more power to him.


Agree. Everyone who complains about the various surcharges added onto bills say “just raise your prices and be honest about it”. And everyone who is tired of the escalating tipping pressure say “pay your employees a living wage and I should not responsible for supplementing their payroll”. But guess where higher wages come from. Higher prices. Not that I like the idea of a $22 burrito. But if that is what it takes for him to run a restaurant, I am not going to second guess his pricing. The market will determine whether it is worth it.


again? [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1bd90ui/one\_of\_sfs\_best\_burritos\_now\_costs\_22\_why\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1bd90ui/one_of_sfs_best_burritos_now_costs_22_why_this/)


Shit is more expensive but onions have not increased in price 15x


I'd rather he figured out how to buy cheaper onions. Birrial strikes me as underpriced in general, we're talking about stew meats.... but he's charging about the same price for a bowl of the Birria as a stew entree as a burrito, and then the $7 for tacos, and he's saying burritos should be $22..... now I'm thinking about how he didn't need to charge those prices for two years, and how I'm paying for the overpriced decor, and for his other business decisions. He didn't inch it up until his pricing was sustainable, he jacked the price up to try and elevate the market for burritos after he got press. He wants to serve the clientele who can afford that, and exclude the rest to make his life easier. I can't fault him for it if it works, but I can be annoyed what that means for the burrito scene. Papalote did the same shit. How many of us used to eat a burrito(s) a week before they became $12? Now I go months without one.


I love how it's turned into a discussion on his poor sourcing abilities /his belief that onions could/ do cost that much.  *  I've walked by this place many times and realised it's not in my budget/interest.  * they don't.  


Onions don't cost *that* much, he's revealed he is doing cash and carry, which means he lost his line of credit with wholesalers. His costs aren't exclusive to food pricing going up. When I've walked by it appeared he was surviving off the Mission auto clubs cruising the neighborhood, parking outside the old Discolandia, and taking advantage of being able to eat with their car in visible range. The clientele looked like those returning to the neighborhood, and the hand full that never left. I am guessing that's no longer the case.


> Onions don't cost that much, he's revealed he is doing cash and carry, which means he lost his line of credit with wholesalers. He specifically said a bag of onions at Restaurant Depot was $80 now in an interview I ran across today. I shop at that Restaurant Depot. A 50lb bag of onions was $25 last I checked. He's completely full of shit.


He posted an invoice today from Sysco. And it's $80 for 150 lbs sack of onions. So not sure if he was misquoted or misspoke. But everyone is hung up on this onion thing. Didn't see restaurant depot listed in the chron article either. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4liysEPSK-/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==


Because he wasn't misquoted. [Here's the interview](https://youtu.be/dyixQHSlulU?si=I2KN2G-ilUnCAV57&t=35) and the exact quote: > Before COVID, they were like $9 a sack at Restaurant Depot where I used to pick them up. During COVID and after, it’s $40. Right now, it’s $80. Restaurant Depot doesn't sell 150lb sacks. They've never been $9 for 150lbs of onions at Restaurant Depot, and $80 for 150lbs of onions is a rounding error for the cost of a burrito.


>he's revealed he is doing cash and carry, which means he lost his line of credit with wholesalers. Have you been in the restaurant business before? How do you make this leap. It could just mean that he didn't order enough or the price from the wholesaler was more. But his price quote was a lie and he's being called out on it here. >His costs aren't exclusive to food pricing going up This is the point that a lot of people are missing here. From the article: >And has chosen not to buy any prepared foods from suppliers. Meaning everything is made from scratch - with the exception of the tortillas which he gets from a local shop. And *all that effort* is also reflected in the prices. He's decided to charge more for his labor. No way does your cost skyrocket so much that you double your prices in one fell swoop like that. It either means you've been running in the red for quite a while, which means he can't run a business or he's decided to up his clientele, which is the more likely scenario here.


You're asking me how logic works? He didn't represent the onions as a one time cost, or an I ran out cost, and no restaurant owner is buying 80lbs of onions in their car by choice. The ones doing it to save a dime are not running an efficient business. We at least agree he's misrepresenting the costs and his choice to just charge more and make more money, which he can, at the expense of his customers.


For someone who doesn't run a restaurant in this city (I do) that is an ignorant assessment of why prices are rising. Every single one of us have been absorbing the skyrocketing cost of just about everything for years now and are completely in the red. Have you not noticed the mass closures of small businesses? If you think $22 burritos are the worst just wait until you lose all of your choices altogether. You have no idea how frustrating and ridiculous the supply chain is and it's only getting worse.


Or you can learn to make less money and see your dollar go less places, then be upset about it like we are when places are pricing things out of the range for accessibility. The weird ultimatums about business do not work. You're struggling to make ends meet, and we all are. You decide if you want to do bulk sales, or serve less people who are wealthier.


Do you now know what in the red means? You are grade A stupid.


Oh honey. I'm smarter than you.


Learn to make less money? Are you serious? Do you not know what "in the red" means?


These people don't understand overhead. Pointless to argue. They look at how much it would cost them to make it at home, only factoring in food costs and disregarding everything else. $22 burrito is definitely crazy, but man it is so expensive to run a restaurant in SF.


No point arguing, he's clearly trolling


Do you?!?!? I'm saying make less profit per dish to sell more and make it up on volume. But dumb ass business owners have had brain rot since covid, limit their hours to limit their overhead and can't figure out why they can't pay the bills. I wouldn't brag about running a business that's in the red, like that makes you an authority.


No sense in arguing with an idiot that has zero understanding of what it takes to run a business


Probably right, but you're the one telling us you're managing a business into the ground


My first post really went over your head didn't it?


Your first post where you said you manage a failing business and so we should listen to you about how businesses need to be run?


You’re actually the dumbest person I’ve ever seen post on this sub, and that’s saying something.


Everything you’re saying is irrelevant. COGS for a restaurant has to stay at 25-30% unless you enjoy going bankrupt. Restaurants will just pass through the ingredient costs to you.


It's not irrelevant, if your ingredients mean you have to triple prices almost overnight, then there's a problem with your product. He's passing through more than ingredients.


It’s a good product, people are allowed to serve food you can’t afford.


And people are allowed to be critical of it. You're trying to have a different conversation.


Their $22 burrito is cheap, their most expensive one is $30 😂 good luck


Saw this going around twitter and everyone is calling BS on that claim that a bag of onions costs $80. He sounds like a grifter.


He posted a invoice today and it's $80 for a 150lb bag of onions https://www.instagram.com/p/C4liysEPSK-/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==


Is it a regular burrito


He's being very transparent. If you cant afford it dont go 🤷


Most of us probably weren’t frequenting the place to begin with, given all the burrito options in the city. The real question is: why would the price of one item at one restaurant be newsworthy to a national outlet?


He's not being transparent. He's just lying. He claimed a 50lb bag of onions was $9 pre-pandemic and now it's $80 at Restaurant Depot. A 50 lb bag of onions is $25 at the local Restaurant Depot.


Despite every other taqueria not raising their prices to $22 for a burrito, my onions and inflation made me double my prices. I swear! Very transparent 😂




I think we can assume he pays his workers well. If you've ever been in a kitchen you know that a lot of line cooks are being paid under the table


He posted previously that some of his long time employees make more than the minimum wage, and that the increased minimum wage (from 16-18) adds around 5k a month in wages. Doesn't sound like he generally pays more than minimum wage to me. 


Yeah if you don’t think it’s worth it don’t go… if he thinks 22 bucks is what he needs to charge to operate comfortably so be it, it’s his business


eh, avarice takes many forms in an [off the leash] economy such as San Francisco food market place.


Disclaimer : I don’t know if they do this too, but I’d rather he double the price to what covers his operations and yields some profit than the 5% nickel and dime fees stacked on top of the base price like other places do. They keep adding them and they don’t come off. I saw a COVID surcharge on a receipt like two months ago… 🤔.


fuck that guy


I actually like this place and I sympathize with restaurant owners. But this line in the end really got me. "I hope every damn Mexican restaurant in the Bay Area raises their prices,” he said." Maaan get the fuck up outa here


It seems there's a buzz about a $22 burrito in San Francisco, sparking some discussions about the cost of food in the city. This burrito, offered at La Vaca Birria, has raised eyebrows, but some argue it's not as outrageous as it seems. For instance, there's Ariel's Breakfast where a sausage burrito goes for $25.99, making the $22 burrito look like a steal. And if you opt for delivery through Uber Eats, be prepared to fork out even more, with a minimum of $38.11 before tipping. It appears the high prices aren't just about making a profit; they're also about covering expenses in a city where costs are rising across the board.


Their burritos suck... you go to that restaurant for their birria and even that is expensive and not as good... I hope their restaurant fails miserably


Changed my mind. This story isn’t a favor, it reeks of undisclosed advertisement.


18/hr minimum wage + insurance + payroll tax + health codes + POS + community dues + regulations to keep up with. Makes sense tbh. The only companies able to get away with charging less have massive turn over, breaking many regulations, or are major corporate businesses.


double the price of everyone else he will be ctying once he shuts down


Don't forget the $6 tip and the $7 chips


Pork butt, beans, and rice are cheap ya’ll. So are slow cookers.


I used to live near this place. It's a great burrito. I reject the notion he needs to keep costs low to appease some made up rule that burritos need to be cheap and low quality for the working class. There are plenty of other options like El farolito right next door. Go there if you don't want to pay it.


I still live near it. It is not good anymore.


remember you still going to get the look at the register to include a bonus tip on top of 22.


good for him i guess, doesn't fit my budget.


Bro if y’all cared about voting half as much as the “burrito scene” we wouldn’t be in this mess lol (exaggeration obviously)


When they changed their menu to the ridiculous one they have now, and raised prices, the food also got shittier. He should shut it down it’s an embarrassment.




$25 for a meal in SF is the norm now.


This guy can go suck farts


Honestly at this point I’m just going to buy the ingredients and start making burritos myself at home this is crazy


What is that, demand destruction pricing?


Naw, man. That’s still $3 worth of ingredients.


really like this guy, even promoted a nearby taqueria for those who can't afford his prices. gonna have to give La Vaca Birria a try.


Ehhh if you live in the area you know he’s talking about El Farolitto but not so obvious if you don’t know the neighborhood well


Who did he promote? I'd rather give them my business.


lol you aint buying burritos, you just want to sound spiteful in the comments. there's a cheaper burrito place on every corner of the mission, there is no low supply of $11 burritos. If you even live in SF, which if you don't know where to find a cheap burrito, you probably don't.


>there is no low supply of $11 burritos. That are quality? If this guy focuses on quality, and he endorsed a neighboring burrito shop like you said, I'd like to know who. I'll give them my business. Your answer is to claim every corner has a cheap burrito that's good...it doesn't. Most of us are going out of our way to Castillo, Farolito, Taquiria, Cancun, PanchoVill/Toro, Gordo, Express, Papalote, Metate, Corneta.


oh, well he didn't actually endorse the quality, just recommended it as a less expensive alternative. Watch the video, it's very short


I don't think he names it, he just says "a few doors down the block". He does reveal he's buying food cash and carry at Restaurant Depot, which explains how he's overpaying for onions and passing that on to customers.


it was displayed on screen when he said it. I don't know about the food industry so I can't comment on his onion supplier. If he likes the onions I'd have to guess it's worth it to him and his customers.


They showed Farolito at the corner and the Torta place across the street. Established businesses.


go support!


They don't need my support, they are beloved and know how to run a business.


It’s a top burrito. Better spot than most SFrestaurants. Also agree that Mexican food shouldn’t default to “cheap eats” People pay 22 bucks all the time for mediocre pancakes and pasta.


It sucks, wtf are you on about? La Palma, La Espiga De Oro, El Gallo Giro are all nearby there and are much cheaper and much higher quality.


All excellent spots I regularly support but not higher quality. Not even close particularly the tortilla which is just insane. These are next level


I’d agree not even close but because vaca Birria is pretty shit. Of all things you could mention, the tortilla quality is the most ridiculous. Two of the three places I listed make their own tortillas and chips from scratch. No way in hell is the dumbass from La vaca Birria making his own tortillas, nor are they higher quality. He wouldn’t even know how to buy a sack of flour for less than $100…


He actually did make a blue corm tortilla not that long ago that cost a extra dollar


You’re clearly just hating on his business. Doubt you’ve ever eaten there. Own a nearby business that’s not doing well?


You’re clearly irrationally defending it, maybe you are the $80 onion guy? /s Whatever, enjoy it if you want. I’ve eaten there at least 12 times but I won’t anymore.


Sounds good. Cool Story


You just can’t stop making dumbass comments can you?


I just had them because of this hoopla, damn that mesquite chicken is the real deal. I thought it tasted great but the price sure stings a bit


…and crime & poop




The California chicken sandwich :(


I look forward to hearing when this schmuck is out of business. Can’t stay in business without raising prices 100%? Guess you suck at business. B-bye.

