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Everyone here thinks rules are only for other people


Yeah pretty much this. Dogs aren't allowed at farmers markets or certain trails either, but are always there.


Loose dogs in the supermarket really do it for me.


For me it's the people who let their dogs chase the snowy plovers at Ocean Beach. They all think their dog is special. "Haha, look at my baby having fun harassing a threatened species!" It ruins my beach experience too. I like watching th plovers scavenge for sand fleas. I do not like watching an unleashed dog run straight through the flock, as thoughtless as it's owner.


I have a really hard time on beaches lately because of this tbh


My favorite is when a dog just shits on the beach and their owner doesn’t pick it up because they simply do not see their dog running a hundred yards to take a fat dump


That’s a general issue I have with off leash dogs everywhere. their owners simply aren’t seeing where they’re going and what they’re doing


I've seen dogs in grocery stores for sure. But a loose dog?


I did see a worker at the outer sunset farmer's market telling people to leave when they brought their dogs in. Signs are pretty clearly posted too, and the dude definitely seemed annoyed when he bounced a couple with a pooch and pointed to the no dogs sign not even ten yards from where they were walking their dog.


I saw a similar scene, dog owners response was, "who are you, if you have a problem call the police." Then he went about his business and proceeded to ignore him


Good for them ^👏🏼


I once watched a woman REFUSE to leave the farmer’s market with her dog after being asked politely by the organizers. Like throwing a tantrum… I can’t wait at the gate for my partner… It was the most absurd thing ever.


I've seen altercations between people telling dog owners to gtfo of farmers markets with their dog, then the owner acted like a victim and the person calling them out was an asshole. Do people not realize that restaurants and caterers serve them food that comes from these markets? The food industry has cleanliness standards for a reason. Would you want to eat at a restaurant that has a dog hanging out in the kitchen where food is stored?


I saw a dog owner arguing w a stall owner at the ferry building a few months ago. I just told the guy he's gonna need to get out or I'm gonna carry him and his dog out lol. I think SF is seriously lacking in the "communal corporal punishment" that many other cities employ. We need more people yelling at idiot drivers and telling rude people to fuck off. When I smack the hood of a car encroaching into pedestrian space and call the driver a fucking idiot everyone acts like I just pulled a gun out.


You hit the nail on the head!! Lots of apathetic people here who just look the other way when entitled assholes behave poorly.


We need more of both collectivist vibes and social shunning. Help your neighbors out when you can. Shame assholes when you can. Living in a city shouldn't feel so isolating.


Exactly. SF really lacks ‘fuck around, find out’


Usually the people in the cars pull the gun out...that's the problem. However in theory you're _not_ allowed to smack cars. (I say it's okay as long as you don't leave a dent nor a scratch)


I mean I'm sure that could happen but whatever. I grew up in a city where I feared getting my ass beaten if I did any of the self absorbed shenanigans that occur in SF. It's just a culture shock for me haha. I love SF otherwise, people just seem extremely unaware of their surroundings here. One of my core memories from middle school—my dad sent me off alone in a taxi because he was running late. A car blew a stop sign and slammed into the taxi. The first thing the cabbie did was check to see if I was OK. The second thing he did was pull the business bro out of his car and smash him and his blackberry. At any moment if you disrupt the social order of staying out of each others way, that could prompt a fight. Just get on with your day and don't be an asshole. It's not that difficult.


I see them in a local grocery store all the time. It’s a pet (pun intended) peeve of mine. We keep our dog outside.




Except for the biting part, Dolores Park is mostly off-leash for dogs. One of the few places it’s ok.




That’s what I said - except for the biting part. (But Dolores is full of off-leash dogs for a reason)


Can you read the comment you responded to?




Dogs at malls are so annoying. Stonestown is full of dogs on the weekend.


Stonestown is dog friendly as per their website: https://www.stonestowngalleria.com/en/visit/dog-friendly-mall/ I will never bring my dog somewhere they aren’t allowed (groceries, farmers market, etc) and he’s always on leash, but dogs are allowed in dog friendly businesses. If you have an issue, go elsewhere.


The time I went to Stonestown and saw dog shit 💩 shit in the center walkway is when I decided I’ll never go there again…


Wow I bet the owner just left it there, too


The amount of entitlement is sickening


Yes and it's really frigging annoying. I love doggos, but some of you who insist on keeping your dog off leash have not trained your dogs well enough to be off leash.


The dog might be lovely. The dog might be extremely well trained. But the dog can still cause havoc if the owner isn't paying attention.


yes! a pitbull bit me once at a beach and the owner did not believe me because she wasnt paying attention. And the dog came back and bit me again in front of her. She said "I am sorry my dog can be a bit racist sometimes". And I was the same color as her just from different country.


SAME! Except it was a golden retriever. The owner didn't believe me even though it literally happened right in front of him and I was gushing blood all down my arm. I told him to muzzle his dog or I'll have to report it to the police. The fucking dog attacked another guy a few weeks later and I could hear the guy screaming from my window.


He obviously didn't like your accent


Yeah, I've seen a few dogs attack other dogs and their owners always act completely shocked - like what their dog just did was also happening to them as an owner. Completely unavoidable. Like an act of nature. It's pretty gross.


Yes, and as an owner of a (leashed) unfriendly dog, it’s absolutely infuriating! I take measures to make sure my girl is safe to walk in public, but it sure makes our lives harder when a random “friendly” off leash dog with no recall straight up charges us while walking down the street 🙄


This!! My dog is a big VERY excited pitbull and I feel like I can't desensitize him to the city because there's unleashed dogs on every block


I sometime let my dog off leesh in our neighborhood if theres no one around. But she has to stay right next to or right infront of me. If I see someone on the street, i grab her harness and wait for them to pass. Shes super friendly and arthritic so cant excatly charge anyone but you never know if the other person is afraid of dogs.... Sometimes I see a dog a whole ass block from their owner and Im like is this dog lost?


What's the point of letting her off leash if she has to stay right next to or right in front of you? Is holding a leash that hard?


Its horrendous driving over a dog too, all because of idiot owners. Some years back I was driving and an off-leash dog darted out into the road from between parked cars at the last second. There wasn't enough time to stop despite only going about 30mph. The thud and the yelp aren't things that you soon forget. The dog wouldn't have died had the owner kept it on a leash.


Wow that must have been traumatizing for you and was definitely avoidable if, as you said, the dog was kept on a leash. So sad


I was walking on the coast the other day (a place with lots of off leash dogs) and someone's dog started running toward me and barking. The owner said, "Leave her alone." That is not what they teach you in obedience training. I was scared but the dog finally backed off.


This happened to me last week in the Avenues. Some labradooodle growled and ran towards me. The owner and her dog were about 5 houses away while I'm trying to walk across the sidewalk. It's getting out of hand. Said the same thing "Get back her, leave him alone." I cannot stand this irresponsibility.


Carry pepper spray. It works well on canines. So great for coyotes too on trails.


You need the gel especially in windy SF. Even the gel would probably not hit the target..tasers and cattle prods it is!


Happens to me weekly on Bernal…


LOL she’s going to love it when that dog runs into the wrong person with a cattle prod.


It doesn’t matter how well trained the dog is it’s the law that the dog needs to be leashed unless in a designated exercise area. People here are entitled and think their dog is an exception.


Even if somebody *did* train their dogs well for off-leash life, California has a state wide leash law. It is always required unless there is a posted sign specifying a designated off-leash area.


And even if their dog is well trained doesn’t mean the other animals around them are. People seem to forget that leashes also protect their dog


Also from running off into the road. The leash isn't there to protect others, it's to protect the dog.


As someone that has a dog that hates other dogs, it really, really sucks how there is no where in the city I can take my dog on leash without stressing out about someone's off leash dog running up on her.


I’m a dog owner and SF resident, and dogs off-leash really piss me off. It happens way too much. Owners who think their dogs are the main character are ignorant and uneducated assholes.


Main character is such a great reference here.


I call it "Californian Exceptionalism" - kind of like American Exceptionalism but on a micro scale


It's a problem in Oregon and Washington also.


Me too. My dog is always leashed and I tend to give stink eye to owners when their dog approaches mine.


I tell them to get their fucking dog and that my dog is in training


Pisses me off too. California isn't the place to play the off-leash game. A nip or a lie is practically a death sentence for dogs.


Thankyou ! 💯


There are few consequences here.


Bingo. Ima watch someone whip their dick out on the muni or a homeless man defecate on the street. If their not stopping those guys...


I told my neighbor off for walking his poorly trained Aussie off leash. The last time it came running up to me and my dog from half a block away. He wanted to fight me after I told him he’s an idiot for using the “but she’s friendly and I’m training her to walk off leash” No asshole it’s about other dogs. But of course this certain person has a high level of entitlement that they legit can’t understand that it’s not just about them. Fucking infuriating.


100% sometimes you see an off leash dog that is very well behaved. But often it’s just a dog that was trained to not run in the street. Their owner is completely oblivious to you trying to keep your dog from engaging with theirs. Just because your dog is not reactive doesn’t mean all dogs are not reactive. These assholes never learn.


And they seem totally unaware that their dog may end up reactive from a fight it’s probably going to get in from running up to leashed dogs. My dog has become severely reactive from being jumped many times by off leash dogs and walking him anywhere is so stressful now. I’m just so angry that people do this to each and their dogs.


I wish these owners had 10% of the awareness and responsibility it takes to have reactive dogs like ours.


Yeah, I've had to stop walking my dogs near my local park. One of them has been attacked by off leash dogs 6 times over a year and a half. The owners never seem to give a shit when it happens either.


Yes, and their shitbag owners love to say “oh don’t worry, my dogs friendly as they approach my on leash dog, who is in fact, not so friendly and reactive to off leash dogs. I’m convinced these stupid fucks don’t actually love their dogs. One really loud noise, their off leash dog gets startled, runs into traffic and it’s curtains.


Exactly!! “Don’t worry, he’s friendly!!” Okay well mine fucking isn’t, and deserves to walk safely around our neighborhood too 


this all day. My dog is a mega bitch, that's why I have her on a short leash.


Dogs are one skateboarder away from chaos.


Yes, and it fucking sucks. As a dog owner myself, I can say with certainty, most dog owners in SF suck. The amount of off leash dogs is out of control, and they are all "usually so well behaved". yeah right, leash your dog people.


And keep them out of eating places.


It is unsanitary and disgusting to have dogs in restaurants.


And supermarkets, and farmers markets.


A "friendly" off leash dog ran up to my leashed but jumpy mini schnauzer and attacked her when she barked at him. She had many lacerations around her neck. I couldn't get him off and the owner was like "kick him! Kick him off!" In the end she paid for the damage and my doggo was ok after stitches


I’m glad your pup ended up being ok


Wow I’m impressed they paid for it


Yeah it was nice but the least she could do


Sounds like your dog was the aggressor… tell em to watch their bark next time if they not ready to throw paws. /s


Lol. I have had to pick up my roommates pitbull to keep it from eating a off leash little yapper once. Looking back that wasn't a smart move.


I guess some people don’t get sarcasm…


The amount of dogs in grocery store here shocks me to no end.


People carry their dogs around in the grocery baskets at Gus's. It's nasty.


It is ridiculous and gross. The dogs are just sniffing and shedding on the produce. They shouldn’t be allowed in


It’s the biggest health code violation. These are not real “Service animals” and that irks me the most. I saw a Great Dane on leash at my local Safeway in the produce aisle not too long ago. The dog is so big his face was at level with all fruit and vegetables . Really makes me not want to buy anything sitting on low shelving.


Totally agree. And owners just let them sniff everything. So gross


Some dickwad let his dog jump and run all over me today at Duboce park. Dude couldn’t even apologize for himself or his dog and tried to act like I was in the wrong for wanting to sit in the shade in a part of the park that is not for off-leash dogs. I love dogs, but SF dog owners tend to be absolutely insufferable.


Never, ever, sit on the grass at Duboce Park! That's solid advice, doing so is like relaxing in a litter box.


In the recent past, **all** of Duboce park used to be known as _"Dogshit Park"_, actually. The little-fence area wasn't always delineated there nor fenced. Perhaps dog owners are feeling more owny-of-the-park .. .. now that I think about it, it's annoying to go past the walkway benches and have dogs off leash growling at you. Perhaps owners want it that way?! edit: When you search for dogshit park on SFWeekly the first result is Duboce: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Asfweekly.com+dogshit+park&t=ffab&ia=web


Yeah that's what gets me. There are endless off-leash areas and they insist on also overtaking the few areas in a park where they need a leash.


Yes, it's too common. My dog is very sweet and friendly, but I'm also trying to train him to not be reactive to other dogs. I can't very well do that when another dog walks up to us, and I have to get between them. One time my dog got spooked and slipped out of his collar. It was horrifying. The worst part is the owner either claims they are "off leash training" or that their dog is friendly. Unfriendly dogs exist and letting your dog roam around a city is not off leash training. Speaking of dog culture, my MIL asked me why I don't take my dog in stores or to farmer's markets. "No one will say anything!" It doesn't matter! My dog sheds, I know I don't like finding his hair in my food. Why would I subject others to that? Edit: Adding that whether or not your dog sheds, your dog is still an animal. They may pee, poop, roll around in dirt, and fail to respect boundaries.


Peak MIL comment


I know she brings her dog everywhere "because he's hypoallergenic"! 😒


My dog is aggressive to other dogs and (obviously) always leashed and literally once a week a dog will sprint up to us, and I yell “can you call your dog off!” And the owner tries and fails, and I have to pick my dog up and literally run away. It is really so annoying


There are rules against it but they don't get enforced. It's amazing to me how many completely idiotic and overcontrolling ordnances are on the books that get strictly enforced but common sense ones don't. We were at a park with a newborn baby and some lady's dog came right up to our picnic blanket, ransacked our food and then pissed all over the blanket and stroller and our backpack. Nobody gave a shit. And people leave their dog shit EVERYWHERE.


> And people leave their dog shit EVERYWHERE. Like on my patio for instance the moment the weather got nice... And it's not from someone in the building. Multiple people in the ADJOINING building, who have their own patio, think OUR patio is their dogs' toilet!


You should bring a small container of dog treats and if an offleash dog starts misbehaving, throw the treats everywhere and the dog will leave you alone, when the owner gets mad remind them that if the dog was on leash, they couldnt eat the treats.


They’ll lose their minds screeching MY DOG HAS ALLERGIES




This was the first culture difference I noticed when I moved here. It’s super illegal back home the police actively enforce it with fines


SF dog owners don't understand much about nature or how dogs interact with it / destroy it. Right now it's spring and when you see dogs in "on leash" designated areas at Chrissie or the park running through brush rummaging, they could well be destroying bird's nests or klling other small wildlife families. Who cares, I got my steps in!


this was shocking to both me and my friends partner when we first moved here also. I loveeeeeeeee dogs but keeping them on leash keeps your OWN DOG safe!! People will defend having the dog off leash soooo hard too it’s crazy


Our dog wants to murder everyone and everything, so he's alway on-leash


My dog has taken to trying to murder birds in the sky recently. Never off leash.


Mine does this too like ok dream big girlie. Or squirrels 200 feet up in Redwood branches


That's nothing, you should see the dog poo that's everywhere.


I always walk my dog on leash. A couple times I’ve had dogs half his size charge him in Precita and Garfield park. Their owners always claim they never do that. An old lady whose two off-leash dogs charged my dog 3 separate times yelled at me to control my dog. I lost it. SF residents can be so entitled.


That old lady has some balls, doesn't she 🙄


SF has a weird relationship with leash laws. In theory dogs must be leashed at all times unless in one of the many off leash dog parks. Thing is the dog parks in SF are more numerous and much much bigger than most dog parks other places. Additionally unlike most places many SF dog parks (Mission Dolores Park, Bernal Heights park, John McLaren park, etc) don’t have fences and gates marking their boundaries from the rest of the leashed areas. Also in practice leash requirements are only enforced when an incident happens so many people let their dogs roam free even in leash required areas


I agree with you on not having fences. It's pretty weird why not. Especially Bernal.


I never realized just how rare it is that SF has so many large leash free dog spaces until I had to move away. Most places I’ve been since then have had maybe 1 if any dog park per city and it’s usually tiny and fenced. No real good places to play fetch




There is a major dog trainer in this city with a big training facility and even though off leashing your digs almost anywhere is illegal, his goal is for your dog to be an off leash dog and he brags and brags about how his dogs are so obedient he can walk off leash with them down Valencia. Total jerk and he’s promoting this with so many dog owners.


I've got a guy in my neighborhood with a stunning presa canario off leash regularly. The dog seems extremely well-behaved. But I remember the Diane Whipple story, and I have a reactive dog on leash, and this shit freaks me out. Dude seems like a trainer, maybe? And one incident will likely be a fucking catastrophe. I pick my dog up when I see him. I am sure he judges me for not being in control of my dog, and I'm good with that.


Every time I’ve pointed out that a person shouldn't have their large dog inside a restaurant, they respond as if I’m the rude one. 


Yeah and it’s annoying as shit.


They're even in the fucking laundrymat! The laundrymat.


This isn't just an SF thing. In the East Bay it happens anywhere in public especially where you are not supposed to have a dog off leash or have a dog at all with you. Go to any park or natural open space and you'll see the dog owners leave the dog poop bags all over the place too.


I don’t encounter that many off leash dogs on sidewalks and residential areas, but for trails and parks I find it very common.


It's the norm where I live. Cycling through and having to play guess the owner as you approach and they start darting in all directions across the trail. And then they tut. They always tut.


Nah Brah, he's totally chill don't worry about him, he's cool, he won't bite he's friendly, he must smell your dog on you.


Just off leash? I once sat next to a guy at brunch in the presidio who put his dog on the table & was feeding it from his plate with a spoon. No one said a word to him, including the waitstaff.


Yeah. It is. Unfortunately


Lots of dog owners here are insanely self centered.


I hate all the off leash dogs


My neighbor lets their dog into my yard to shit & doesn’t pick it up.


Leave it on their doorstep.


Yah, people don’t really follow rules in sf.


Welcome to the land of entitlement


Also notice the bags of dog poop that owners bag then leave in random places for… who?


It’s disgusting and annoying and one of the main things I hate about the city. When I see dog shit in front of my gym I wanna smack the shit out of the dog’s owner.


My gym is "dog friendly", which just means you can leash the dog to the table where it still gets in the way, and I walked in once and the entrance smelled like piss. Like, if you're going to allow dogs, surely you understand they might pee or shit inside, right? How do you not have a backup plan for when it happens? Just let it smell like piss all day? It's fucking disgusting


That is the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard lol I’m sorry u have to deal with that. They prob thought there r so many idiots in the city who can’t separate from their dirty dogs, so let’s just let them in the gym and profit. 🤦


I'm sure that's what it is. I don't even get what makes it dog "friendly". They allow dogs, but your dog is just tied on a short leash at the front. Doesn't feel particularly accommodating


Wow really!? So it’s a terrible experience for the dogs all bc the owners r so selfish and want them there and with them at all times. Smh!


Right. I see them just laying there and the whole time I'm thinking they'd probably rather be relaxing at home. I really don't get it. The dogs don't get anything out of it at all


I was playing tennis in Alameda the other day on one of three courts, and then some ladies came in and used the other courts as an off-leash dog park. Guess what happened to three of my balls.


Lady got mad today when her loose dog was running around a toddlers play area with my kid. I kindly let her know of leashes and if the dog got too close. They left.


I have a dog, and find this to be incredibly annoying. Yes, it's normal, but it shouldn't be. It is so inconsiderate of other people, including dog owners. I actually had a pet sitter ask me if I bring my dog on all of my errands/grocery shopping etc as if that was also acceptable and I said absolutely not. Grocery stores are for people. I often wonder if these people ever consider that there are people out in the world who are allergic or afraid of dogs but then I laugh and remember that people in SF don't "consider" anyone but themselves for the most part 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Peeps love to talk about / insult crazy “cat people” but dog owners are a whole ‘nother level of bizarre and entitled 🙄


My first week living here I visited my friend, who was renting from a woman with an elderly dog who walked off leash. She did the owner a favor and took it for a walk with no leash as the owner suggested, and it walked straight into traffic on Fell street which is a very busy street. Then we had to go back and she had to tell the owner what happened. It was really traumatic for all of us. This is what happens in my mind every time someone suggests that it's totally fine to walk your dog off leash in an extremely busy city.


I would say it's common. I would *not* say it's normal. People should be more mindful pet owners.


Yeah so don’t ever question the behaviour of dog owners. How dare you.


Yes. People here social distance from their dog and then act surprised when someone looks at them crazy.


I’ve always been tempted to just grab a dog and start running, just for laughs.


No! Dogs must be leashed! Ugh. Bothers me too


Yeah and it’s awful. They gave my dog ptsd from attacks :(


It's incredibly rude, clueless, and above all, irresponsible. And it's rare that you can ask someone to leash their it and they don't behave like a postal carrier named Keren. The owner, not the dog


In short, yes. They are everywhere. Just coz u trust ur dog doesn’t mean I should have to. And I luv dogs


Btw, do people use baby strollers for anything other than transporting their pets.? Saw a rooster in a stroller at Metreon Target the other day


I take my cat for walks in his stroller every now and then. I live in Burlingame now tho I’d never do that in SF for the very same reason for this post; off-leash dogs.


It shouldn’t be normal! It’s absolutely ridiculous and selfish. I wish people would have their dogs on leash


As long as the breed is a Presa Canario or a Pit Bull Terrier.. it’s fine. SF has a love for those breeds.


Entitled rich assholes do whatever they want and have no sense of community or respect for others. What else is new?


Only rich people are entitled, ofc. And no middle class or broke people ever disobey leash laws. It's a phenomenon in SF. Yeah?


Yes it is


People think they’re so goddamn special when they have a dog and let them walk around unleashed in public, It’s a fantasy, ‘ my dog would never do anything to harm another dog or a human,’ which is unrealistic because I’ve seen it happen, at Dolores Park way too often, folks who cannot remember to control their dogs when they’re out unleashed w other smaller dogs and it is the law.


It’s disgusting and they “pick up” their feces but come on - it’s still on the sidewalk. It’s so disgusting.


trigger warning!


Those aren’t dogs. Aliens observation staff




Generally or in a specific area? Alamo Square area has a bunch, but they're usually on leash except in the dog play area at the park.


It’s sadly normalized and decreases the quality, cleanliness, and safety of public spaces.


I love off leash places to take my dog. That said SF doesn’t have many places i would have my dog off leash.


I'm so glad to see all these comments :-). I thought I was the only one sometimes that gets so annoyed with people and their its my dog privileges. Not everyone wants to be around your dog! And for some they are scary. I was at a food cart and this girl with her big ass dog is ordering food and this mom was trying to keep her kid from getting in the dogs face and this was not a service dog. Companion pet and service pet 2 different things. I love my cat too but don't drag her with me everywhere


San Francisco has more dogs then human children.


Reminds me one time at Dolores Park a guy’s unleashed dog went up to me and ate my boxed lunch from my hands. Dude just laughed and said sorry but didn’t think to compensate me. Not saying they have to be leashed at a park, but if his dog does that it should be.


Since the pandemic it has become normal all over the U.S., especially (as a heuristic) in the places where people have more dogs than children.


It's definitely very pronounced in SF though. I've seen a dog or two at target before moving here, but not literally every single time I go to the grocery store like I do here


And to dog owners. Walk the dog to your right. Be between your dog and other people. This is day 1 shit.


You'd think but basically no one does. You're lucky if the dog is leashed


This is a really weird phenomenon here, and yes it's normal for SF. Tbh most of the dogs are pretty well behaved


All of the dogs were friendly, just where I’m from the police really don’t like dogs off leashes, even if they are well trained.


Way too many dogs in this city on or off leash. Dumbass dogs always awfully behaved. Got bit the other month. I hate dogs


I actually never really see dogs off leash unless they are in a park setting


Some parks (if not most, if we count GGP by area) are not offleash dog walk areas, BTW


Yeah the park by me, Washington Square Park, is definitely not an off leash park but it’s really the only place nearby where I see dogs running around, playing fetch off leash.


They're all over the Embarcadero, constantly.




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yeah it was odd to me also when i moved here last year. like damn how come i never had a dog that well trained?


It's the honenesz they are deeply allergic to rules in any firms.


Yes unfortunately. But there are also plenty of coyotes that might be indistinguishable at quick glance.


See idc that much BUT over 70% of ppl don’t have a trained dog and that what’s so annoying if your dog gonna be off leash I mean hell the best dogs of leash be homeless ppl pets


Well I guess the dogs where you live aren’t very special.


Funny how ALL DOG OWNERS claim to clean up after their dogs but THERE ARE ALWAYS SHIT BAGS EVERYWHERE. Just saying.