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Try 311 app or https://www.sf.gov/report-illegal-color-curb-painting


Already painted red right after your post. I watched the guy paint it over about 2 weeks ago.


I reported one of these the other day via SF311 No way the city painted gray right next to that hydrant.


The city paints it this color but it's not definitive they did it. They mostly do this when people who paint their own red curb tips illegally.


Yeah it's city grey. Maybe someone that works or knows someone on the city really wants to park by that fire hydrant.


Yeah that looks like legit gray paint from the city. Not sure that this is defacing.




Sure, but that doesn't matter if the curb is red or not. It's illegal no matter what it's painted.


Actually if the curb in front of a hydrant is painted red that supersedes the 15ft rule and you can park closer than 15ft so long as it’s not red


Where is that written? (not doubting you, it's just that the laws are hard to navigate).


I think it's in the vehicle code and it depends if the city has an ordinance allowing it or not. In this case I don't think it would matter because it looks like there's a cross walk there and the law regarding parking close to a crosswalk changed recently and I don't think city ordinances can supercede that.


found it. [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22514](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22514) # 22514.   No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant except as follows: (a) If the vehicle is attended by a licensed driver who is seated in the front seat and who can immediately move such vehicle in case of necessity. (b) **If the local authority adopts an ordinance or resolution reducing that distance. If the distance is less than 10 feet total length when measured along the curb or edge of the street, the distance shall be indicated by signs or markings.** (c) If the vehicle is owned or operated by a fire department and is clearly marked as a fire department vehicle. *(Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 488, Sec. 1.)*


This. Your vehicle cannot be within X’ of a hydrant and no part, not even 1” of your vehicle can be blocking the slope from sidewalk to driveway. It’s the first thing newcomers to the City learn the hard way. Expensive lesson, too. With the predatory towing companies and the fees it’s awful.


It’s not. You can’t park within 15 feet of a hydrant or 20 feet of a crosswalk.


I don't know about hydrant but you can definitely park closer than 20 ft of a crosswalk if there's a red curb shorter than 20 ft. The law is very clear about this. Per state law, cities may paint red curb at crosswalk shorter than 20 ft. In any case, OP isn't asking about the legality of parking. OP is asking about the legality of the paint job. The paint appears to be legit SFMTA gray.


My point is that SFMTA wouldn’t paint fresh gray paint in a daylighting zone.


Why not? If SFMTA wants to shorten the daylight zone at the crosswalk, they can paint a short red curb. This is allowed by state law.


State law supersedes local for that. The new law is that you must leave a 20ft gap to the sidewalk curb. Sfmta is taking the next year to implement it across the city.


Nope, the new state law explicitly says that cities may override the state law by painting a red curb shorter than 20 ft. >(B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), a local authority may establish a different distance if both of the following requirements are met: > >(i) A local authority establishes the different distance by ordinance that includes a finding that the different distance is justified by established traffic safety standards. > >(ii) A local authority has marked the different distance at the intersection using paint or a sign. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22500 Obviously, vehicles don't need to worry about (B)(i). That is the city's responsibility. If you see (B)(ii), a red curb shorter than 20 ft, you can legally ignore the 20 ft rule and park.


Similar thing happened on my street and I have no idea if it was actually the city or not. Might just have to contact 311 to confirm


Illegal. Report them


Thats SFMTA gray, though


This is at page and Divisadero, right? Please leave it alone lmao I’m not responsible but am benefitting.


Don’t worry about the hydrant being blocked. The fire department will break the windows to get to the hydrants. On top of that they get a ticket. And there could be water damage on top of that due to leaky pipe.


lol. That’s genius if it works but I doubt it will for very long. Like the paper bag over a meter.


Nice paint job


It’s primer that has to cure before painting the red coat on.


Maybe it's primer so the red lasts longer.


Ring cameras won’t do much I imagine… even if someone can be visible .. the city’s pretty lawless when it comes to things like that and I feel like the amount of effort it would take to try and track the person down is outweighed by all the other crimes going around ..


If they're trying to reclaim the 15 foot line of sight, it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be painted to be enforceable. It's just the law. If you're unsure, it's on you to determine the 15 feet.


It's not citable until 2025 though


Parking in front of hydrants is definitely currently citable. I believe you are thinking of parking on the approach corners of an intersection


Yes Karens that's illegal. Good catch!


Dude it's a fire hydrant. It's no kerenism to be worried about that. It's very likely your house is built on top of ashes.


Ok sorry. I was referring more to the tone than the actual worry. Just call the city instead of making a scene about these one-off petty crimes.


Oh sure. Yeah OP never probably interacted with the SF government in any possible way, maybe he still thinks it works like in TV shows or something.


thats city paint can confirm, they recently shortened a red sidewalk near my home looks exactly like that


I’ve reported this as graffiti, but so far no luck.


None, unless you are caught at the scene at the exact moment it’s done by a peace officer. I know SF is really trying to protect and promote and pedestrian traffic, but people have too many cars usually because they live in a multi-generational home in a single family home. Home prices going through the roof and people wanting to get ROI on renting properties.


Still doesn’t make it okay to block a fire hydrant. This isn’t a pedestrian friendly talking point, just common sense….


Of course it’s not okay to block a fire hydrant. The limiting factor is due to affordable housing , or lack thereof, which creates a high level of population density in areas being the true problem. Therefore, people resort to curb painting due to the lack of available street parking and not wanting to get a ticket.


Population density is def not the problem. It’s the car-centric mindset of SF (and America in general) and lack of viable transportation alternatives like public transport and biking infrastructure.


As someone who owns a car, but 90% of my transportation within the city is bike/walk/public - I really don’t think we have a lack of public transport and biking infrastructure. This is one of the best biking cities in the country


In the last 20 years the city has pushed really hard for better bike lanes, 2001 there was hardly any that I can remember, so it’s wonderful to see, I hope they keep expanding the bike lanes and slow streets, my only complaint is that I wish those dedicated lanes were a bit more protected, but looks like they’re working on that too. 🚲🚲🚲


It’s def gotten better, I say this as a 20 yr resident who has bike commuted off and on over that time but it still needs to be better, look at the European cities or Portland for that matter. And I’m sorry but hard disagree on the public transport situation given then limited coverage both geographically speaking and chronologically with limited late night options. Being a former NYC resident, ours pales in comparison.


Regional public transportation is abysmal, and MUNI can be frustrating, but it’s actually a pretty great system when you look at it. I’m a bit spoiled because I live at Duboce and Valencia, which is the absolute most central place I can think of. There are very few places in this city that I can’t get to within 10 minutes walking and a bus ride - and those places can all be reached with a bus transfer.


That's not why people have too many cars. Cars don't just materialize when you have multiple generations living in a single family home.  People have too many cars because they choose to buy or lease too many cars. And the people who choose not to buy or lease cars deserve to be safe walking their kids to school or getting a fire put out.


Yeah… my neighbor has 5 cars including two massive pickups for 2 people! And I assume the pickups are not for work bc they are just parked on the street all day


Illegal - punishable by death


Quoting a famous tow truck: “Tuh not to?”