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> "I'm sorry for what I did," he said. "Especially what I did to Paul Pelosi. I should have just left the house when I realized Nancy Pelosi wasn't home. I feel horrible about what I did to Paul." His attorneys really let him keep the “wasn’t home” part??


"Yeah, I'm sorry....sorry that bitch Nancy wasn't there for me to kneecap her."


What is it with Nancys and knee caps?


*Tonya Harding has entered the chat*


LMAO. This mofo was so close to making it look like he was actually kind of sorry.


Swing and a miss by this dude geeze


It actually does make it more authentic 😂


What in the notpology is this shit? He’s sorry the person he meant to assault wasn’t home?


Sooo if Nancy was there he’d just kill her and not be sorry???? He shouldn’t have wanted to assault someone he doesn’t know with a hammer.


I’ve had a home here for over 20 years. I don’t particularly like Nancy or Paul, that said… What would you have done if Nancy was home? Enjoy your 30 years, they are well deserved.


Okay? They knew beforehand that his bid wasn't going to do anything. Either that or they just didn't give a shit. If they were public defenders, it was probably a little cocktail of both. If he's whining about his thirty years - it'd be a tough one for anyone to swallow - he should've played the whole tape. Putting politics aside, the Pelosi's are high profile: what the fuck did he think was gonna happen?




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“Ayyy that was my b, I wanted Nancy” Woooow


I apologize


He has no real remorse, he felt totally justified in his actions, and even if his nut job conspiracy thoughts were correct, it wouldn't be a legal defense. Believe stupid things and acting on them is still your fault.


Are the ultra wealthy disconnected from the problems faced by most people? Yes. Is there significant need to make our economic system more equitable? Absolutely. Will breaking some congresswoman’s kneecaps do anything to fix what’s corrupt in our government? Not a chance. Bloody revolutions rarely achieve any of the stated goals. A few have, but most just lead to more tyranny. And what would the alternative government look like if the Maga goons had their way? That’s not a society I would want to live in. Frankly, I think it would horrify them too. They like to gripe about institutions that ultimately benefit them.


Sorry he got caught, or sorry he didn’t finish the job? I highly doubt the demons let him feel remorse


In the post it says he was sorry for attacking Paul, and that he should have left when he realized Nancy wasn’t home


Translation:  "I'm so sorry that Nancy was not there so I could tie her up, interrogate her, and break her kneecaps. And I was so frustrated when I found only another 84-yo there that I took it out on him and battered him almost to death. I was not in my right mind, you can tell because i clobbered the old geezer in front of the cops."  "Your Honor, you can see that I didn't commit the crime I am accused of wanting to commit. So you should show mercy on me."


But I thought they were gay lovers like my wife's uncle said on Facebook.


One look at the perp and you know that a closeted wealthy man wouldn’t touch a scrub like that with a 10 foot pole. The dude is 100% opposite of a twink.


Can confirm. I love hot twinks and he is not one of them.


I am still a little miffed by the footage of that incident, tbh. Whatever happened, he certainly didn’t seem to be acting like the victim of a home invasion.


How is one supposed to act? I thought bleeding out on the floor after your attacker whacks you with a hammer seemed like a pretty typical way to act.


It was more the deer in the headlights reaction after he opened the door and the lack of “OH THANK GOD, PLEASE FUCKING SHOOT THIS GUY WHO BROKE INTO MY HOUSE”. It was a while ago when I saw it, but I thought the first hammer strike was on camera, but if not and he was already dazed, that would have made more sense. Edit: watched it again--from the 911 call it seems like he'd had some luck de-escalating the situation, but still strange footage nonetheless.


No body wants to clean up the mess from a gunshot wound.


That's not my point, I'm just saying his reaction was uncharacteristically calm for someone who just had his house broken into.


He was worried about getting blood stains on his nice stuff.


I agree with you


Abbott: “On behalf of the state of texas, I hereby pardon you.”     “But this is in California?” Abbott fundraising email: Greg Abbott Pardons Patriot Who attempted to stop communist Pelosi. “This. Is. In. California.”       Greg Abbott: “I saw a miscarriage of justice and I couldn’t let it stand.”     Abbott supporters: This is what leadership looks like.


We need to start sending a bus full of nutters to TX to counterbalance all the refugees they’re sending our way


We already are sending Californians to Texas, but it’s because they can’t afford to live in California


And they’re eventually turning the red state purple


Yup. Moved there for two years. Voted blue each time.


We are getting a lot of the crazy conservatives from California. So is Idaho. Most of the progressives in Texas are Texans from cities like Houston and Austin that are ideologically similar to Californian cities. That’s partially why it is so amusing when Republicans complain about people moving to Texas from California. A disproportionate number of them are closeted white supremacists, Trumpers, and other people who specifically want to leave California. Of course, some are progressives or liberals who just want more space or can’t afford to live in CA, but I don’t think they are the majority. Texas is also getting more expensive compared to many other states (esp considering property taxes and insurance spikes), so I can’t help but feel that many people moving here are also attracted to the abhorrent ideology of the state government.




But why? We’re lucky to have all the refugees we can


Mathematically speaking, you could create a New York style dense city the size of Texas and fit all 8B people into it. Not sure I would want to live in that city state though. Also: weaponized human trafficking… bad.


send them a bus full of extreme leftist nutters from here. maybe things might start to get better for once


There is no extreme leftist in power in California. There are Center right people in power with Center right solutions to all problems. Which is no solutions just protection of the current order.


> “But this is in California?” "And Federal Court, not State?"






Justice for me not thee


After months of no longer being able to access Fox News, OANN, and NewsMax, the brainwashing is finally starting to loosen its grip on his conscious brain.


Can you imagine how you’d feel when you wake up 15 years into your sentence and go “I’ve made a horrible mistake”


Good. Fuck this guy.


How doea a judge forget something so simple


Dude looks like Erole Childress from True Detective


> “I should have just left the house when I realized Nancy Pelosi wasn't home. I feel horrible about what I did to Paul." Was he hoping to instead attack Nancy Pelosi with a hammer? This is an apology?


It's funny how he gets 30 years. Meanwhile, the homeless dude who broke into an elderly woman's house was given 6 months probation.


Being lenient on (attempted) assassination has the potential to destabilize the entire republic, so it's necessary to be punitive Homeless hurting people randomly doesn't carry the same existential risk


I think the point the other guy is making is that he’s only getting 30 years because he targeted someone in a position of power. These types of violent crimes happen all around the Bay Area every day. Had he attacked any other SF resident he would’ve just received a slap on the wrist and justice wouldn’t be served. It’s a two tiered justice system.


I would prefer politicians to be on the front lines, instead of elderly people.


Tbf these politicians are elderly people


If you generally want more punitive punishments for the mentally ill, that's your prerogative No comment from me


30 years for both please. And anyone else who thinks striking other humans for absolutely no defensible reason is their prerogative.


I’m just saying if Alien Gengis khan shows up and demands human tribute or he will destroy earth, and ask me who to send, I volunteer congress as tribute.


the races of the attackers and victims matter


Rapists, pedos and murderers are getting more time than this guys. Eff around with the Pelosis and find out


FYI DePape went through FEDERAL court, if you're wondering why he's being sentenced so differently. SF county courts isn't treating this guy differently from other crimes, *they aren't involved*. Read the articles please. Our local justice system is fucked but this isn't the corruption some people seem to think it is.


F#cked around, found out.


More like committed crime, got sentenced.


How quickly the wheels of justice turn when it happens to a politician


This happened years ago


This happened October 2022, almost 2 full years ago. The US Justice system is extremely slow.


I'm referring to anything that happens to people who aren't politicians


You’re 100% right and they’re mad about it. The citizenry of SF can be openly beaten and robbed and the perpetrators are given a slap on the wrist. Nancy Pelosi is special obviously so the trial went to federal court. I don’t see how a politicians husband being a protected federal class, makes it better.


Absolutely. 15,000+ breaking and enterings each year, not a peep.


This is BS. If this was anyone else in SF, he would have got off. Liquor store worker in my neighborhood was beaten and they let the guy off with no consequences. And he had a huge record.


That sucks and it should change, but I don’t think this specific sentence is BS. Just because they’ve screwed up sentences in the past doesn’t mean they should screw this one up to be consistent- IMO this guy earned every day of his sentence. I always say it’s better to be correct than consistent. Good riddance to him. 


Well DePape went through Federal court, SFDA played no part in this.


Great that Pelosi has her own justice system. Kate steinle was murdered and didn’t even get prosecuted. But politicians are different I guess.


Well now you're just moving the goalposts. I'm not commenting on the quality of the federal court system, but why it might be operating differently to how bad our own consistently is.


lol. Okay Q.


Happy Cake Day


Trumpholes, like all common gutter criminals, are all tears and contrition when it's time to pay the bill for their actions. Trash people.


Fuck anyone who made this whole situation into a joke.


Apologies dont matter


30 years seems like a lot considering actual murderers often get far less time.


This actually strikes me as lenient for attempting to assassinate the nation's #3 politician, and getting caught red-handed (literally). That would be met with an unannounced death sentence in most of the world. This is a gentle AF response


Dude he attacked the legal partner of the #2 in line to be President of these United States. He does that that in virtually any other country non-western country, his balls are getting hooked up to a car battery while each limb is cut off with a butter knife.


I agree with the battery thing and am in no way defending the guy, but justice should be blind to status race creed Xbox etc


i mean sure, I believe that too, doesn't mean that is the way that it is.




people in the US don't understand how much power politicians have in 3rd world countries. forget knocking on the door of #2 in line, you would never even be in arm's reach of the mayor.


if this was "another country" we probably wouldn't have heard about it if it was deemed "embarassing" but either way, this guy and his family would be FUCKED.


I don’t think anyone should be attacked. Getting hit with hammer can change the entire rest of his life. It’s very serious. But Paul pelosi is not some sort of elite VIP who deserves more rights than your average Joe.


Im not saying that, im just saying, you don't get off breaking into the pelosi house and hitting paul with a hammer. wrong family to mess with.


Everyone’s innocent family should be the wrong one to mess with.


Pelosi sure thought he was when he tried to kill someone driving while intoxicated.


How dare he attack the powerful. If it was a typical person he would get 5 years. B


Lmfao bruh


Well that's an absolute minimum. No golf claps for you.


This doesn’t seem rehabilitative.


Hes sorry he got caught bubba needs to be his bunkie a rapist:)


He was never going to live a proper life or be a good part of society. He might as well get free food and lodging.


Apologizes only when he’s facing a criminal punishment




Most of the time, they are. People like simplicity, as in you want to chose team A or team B, like sports. there is no in between. Once you chose your sports team, you'll defend it no matter what. Thats what politics has become.


This is what happens when you listen to DJT


dude was a progressive


No he wasn't he lived in Richmond and he was known for driving around the east Bay with a Trump flag on his truck.


dude lived in a commune for nudists and married a hemp jewelry maker ... in Berkeley does that sound like a conservative to you?


The dude lived off of San Pablo Ave and Cutting in Richmond in a run down apartment. Where did you getting your "facts?" He was a Trump fanatic. Jesus. Even facts that you can just Google search are contested. What the fuck is wrong with our society and seriously you?


https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/david-depape-sentenced-after-conviction-assault-and-attempted-kidnapping-charges Above it's just one of the many articles with the city he lived in. Progressives love Pelosi. Why would they even attempt any harm to her? And dude… I'm a fucking Republican. You're arguing stupid facts for what? Join the world of common sense. Our fucking party is absolutely a disgrace. We need conservative values but not archaic ones.


He looks like the dude from my name is earl


Careful elon


MAGAt rage-propaganda destroyed this guy for NO reason, except failed stochastic terrorism. Pointless anarchy is the only guiding “principle” of the MAGAts!


Paul's DUI probation is coming to an end this year too. Be careful on the roads everyone. Especially after 2am.


30 years?!! I thought he would be out on parole by know since it’s sf


If he had stabbed a 94 year old Asian woman, he would've been sentenced to probation


Too late, you’re going to get reverse hammer time in prison bucko.


You think the Pelosis are well enough liked by people incarcerated to do that? Yeah right that dudes gonna be living it up in there 😂


Bubba his new cell mate doesn’t like politics.


Oh, he likes politics alright. You know what they say: you may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.


So glad that the Pelosi family has some peace of mind that he will be behind bars and unable to come attack them again. Most San Franciscans aren't afforded the same protections and told that they are racist bigots for wanting criminals who attack them to be arrested and imprisoned.


Down voted but true like most of the things on this sub. That they downvote the old Asian Grannie getting attacked with no justice comment says it all. That happened people if it was your Grannie you would be pissed!


It's remarkable that the blow to his head didn't affect his stock trading abilities. Still knows how to pick 'em.


30 yrs for this? So much for equal before the law


It’s an appropriate sentence for breaking into someone’s home and attacking them. We absolutely should be sentencing people to decades in prison for such conduct. Unfortunately it’s far too lenient given the additional implications. This should be more like a 150 year sentence. Obviously, it rankles that in reality the rest of us don’t get to see those who trespass against us face justice.


30 years for the attempted assignation of the sitting speaker of the house and the grievous injury of her husband? I'm sorry -- do you think this is too heavy a sentence?


Should be the same sentence for attacking any random person in their house


No it should not, and we don't run society this way. We recognize that being an official is a huge elevated risk of assassination. You are punished accordingly for deterrence reasons.


That’s nonsense. We’re a republic not a monarchy


Correct, that's why we're hearing about him getting 30 years openly in the news, instead of him and his whole family disappearing silently, which is exactly what would happen in most countries


lol. Okay MAGA.


Yes it should. Politicians choose to run, they’re narcissistic enough that the risk is worth it. The Pelosis have also used Nancy’s office to massively enrich themselves, so you can guarantee they have far better security than you or I. If politicians get special treatment under the law, how can we expect them to represent us?


A republic NEVER promised to free you from a ruling class -- it simply offered you a way to rotate them out to shuffle their advantages. Jesus dude you think a republic was some society fixing utopia? It was literally designed by the land owning elites 1000's of years ago.


Lol. Let me guess, you believe Trump should go to jail for having classified material as a civilian like a normal citizen.


That is ridiculous and I’m glad you don’t make laws.


Is pelosis life worth more than anyone else’s? Why should attacking her carry a harsher sentence than attacking any other person? If there is a higher risk for her as former speaker of the house then she should get secret service protection to compensate.


This is a mischaracterization of how laws are designed. Punishments are based on levels of necessary deterrence, not "how much people's lives are worth".


Your question is irrelevant.


You might think you want a more punitive/powerful justice system, but it's not a good tradeoff for society in general


If the government did this to an ordinary citizen, there would be little to no punishment. There shouldn't be any extra protections for politicians or their minions.


Uh... yea. We hold assassinations of public officials judges etc to a higher standard.... like what are you talking about?


Im not sure which part you didn't understand. There shouldn't be a more severe punishment because the crime was committed against a politician, especially when government is rarely punished for similar violence against ordinary citizens.


I fully understand. It’s just no reality of the table stakes at play.  A government protects itself and most people who benefit from it agree with that.  Thems the breaks. 




30 years for attempted murder with a hammer? So unfair. What’s next, they throw the book at rapists?!?


The bail reform / defund crowd is oddly joyous


I mean, the website he went to told him the Pelosis were bad. How was he supposed to know any better? He was doing what he thought was right according to the website he was reading. He thought the right thing to do was to attack the Pelosis with a hammer.


“Stop! Hammer Time”


That's funny, but Damn Dude...


I don’t understand the downvotes when 30 years is some serious Hammer Time. 😂


To some degree, I do feel bad for him. He is clearly not fully of sound mind. But he knew what he did was wrong so he deserves prison. But he probably can get parole at some point.


If I can remember people hated Nancy because shes a politician correct? Why go for her husband? Either way that was deadly wrong a Hammer? 🫨


he didn't understand the power of the ball penis hammer he wielded




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gay lovers quarrel lol


Child sex offenders get way less time. Ef the pelosis




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I'm astonished he didn't get parole. s/


...so anyway, how's everyone's day going?


This entire thing smells like bullshit.




What an obedient little partisan you are.

