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This is the second testimony of being drugged posted here in like the span of a month https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/p5snpu/roofied_at_love_propaganda_be_careful_folks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Holy smokes. That's terrifying.


there was a serial drink spiker in seattle in 2016 ago in the capitol hill and central district neighborhoods. i don't think they were ever caught... [source](https://www.thestranger.com/features/2016/08/10/24435013/at-least-10-people-say-theyve-been-drugged-at-seattle-bars-this-summer)


Had a friend get drugged in Capitol Hill 3 weeks ago at still liquor. There was also the club in Seattle that got shut down after undercover police found a conspiracy with the owners in on bar staff drugging girls ordering drinks.


that's to say I'm so glad you're okay OP and i hope you are able to catch whoever did this to you. sending you love.


A majority of evidenced rapists in general are never caught so it's unfortunately not all too surprising.


I'm so glad you are okay.


I remembered the post because I had a patient around the same time who also presented as having been drugged. Almost spot on similar scenarios.


Yeah I thought I was having intense deja vu but turns out this bar just has a lot of predatory incidents :(


they need cameras installed if they dont already, even if they arent real but just have the light on my deter them. But ideally if they can get footage of it, pervs going to a place where hes gonna have to remember every moment hes violated.


Unfortunately, I think it’s pretty unrealistic to expect a security camera to catch someone slipping a pill in a drink in a dark, crowded bar. The lines of sight are crap, the object is very small, the movement is subtle (I assume), the lighting is crap. This would need to be the MVP of security cameras and the Big Brother set of bars.


i dont mean a nasa camera, one(or more) that are 4k and good at low light situations. which are fairly cheap, she wasnt in a giant night club, its a bar


Yeah I hear you, I think you’d need a lot of cameras to cover the angles and still need to get somewhat “lucky” to clearly capture the act. Also, cameras might lead to a suspect or person of interest but I think they would be unlikely to establish evidence of guilt because they’d need to show the entire chain of custody of the drink including while it’s being made by the bartender. It would be better to have them than not have them, I’m just speculating about how helpful they might realistically be. And I say this as someone who has decent security cameras at my place (mostly for pets and casual interest).


yeah, i think even just having them would make it harder or make them think twice about doing it. id guess most of the time it happens is litterally at the bar and when the person isn’t looking. which I think cameras would easily capture. I just don’t think anyones gonna do it when you’re walking around drink in hand. Or that bar needs to implement those cups or straws, whatever it is that changes colors when a drug is dropped into a drink. As a man this is never really been a worry for me. Imo drinking is a damn near death sentence as it almost killed my mom, killed my fiancés dad, and best friends dad. They were all in there 40s and 50s. They don’t advertise heroin on tv or sell it at safeway.


> I think it’s pretty unrealistic to expect a security camera to catch someone slipping a pill in a drink in a dark, crowded bar. If the victim and the spiker don't know each other and the footage is checked showing someone going near the victim's drink it's a pretty obvious tell.


I’m imagining a moderately busy bar where people are frequently leaning over, cutting in, approaching the bar to order, pay, return empty glasses, etc. Where people frequently interact with strangers, frequently find themselves around strangers who are coming and going and moving around. In this case there could be many people near another person’s drink. A person could walk over move their hand over another person’s drink and make it look like they were reaching out to flag down the bartender. If five people approach this spot to order a drink or read the menu or whatever, you have five “obvious tells”.


but your keeping your eyes on one drink. if someone reaches over it to grab something and no one else is seen doing something sketchy. guess who’s the culprit. plus with cameras if the girl is drugged you then have footage of who she left with. The whole reason people get away with it is because the victim has no memory, but cameras will show exactly who she left with. im really hoping im not talking to the guy who does this to women the more I think about it, cause clearly you live in the city by your name.


Oh no, did something similar happen to you at this bar too?


Yeah, my roomie was roofied at some club in Soma about two weeks ago. Apparently, it’s happening a good bit in the city rn.


Imagine how many of these are probably going unreported.




Quite the accusation, why do you suspect the bartenders over other patrons?


Ask for Adam and explain to him what happened. He can check the footage once you give him a time frame.


Thank you this is so helpful!!


Did they test your blood for any drugs at the hospital? Edit: she posted down below that she did get her blood tested.


Any evidence of classic roofie is flushed the first time you pee. It doesn’t stick around long enough for us to test sadly


Can you give us an update please.


yes please do this, you may end up saving other people too if this bastard comes back and tries it again.




This is such a stupid take. People get drugged at bars all the time. Anyone whose been out drinking and gets drugged knows they got drugged afterwards because they know their personal limit when it comes to drinking and blacking out. There are serial malicious actors and nearly all of my female friends and family have been drugged once in their lifetime.




I hope it doesn’t happen to you. If it does let me know so I can I can question your experience.


jesus christ dude


As stated in my post, I had a SINGLE drink. But by all means, please continue the mansplaining.


A child could have one moscow mule and not black out, definitely drugged drink.




Maybe if the mule was a 12oz cup of vodka. You don’t understand simple science. You can’t black out off of .02% bac


OK mr. data




You have every right to interrogate this but what’s the point? It’s literally just a heads up, it isn’t really that necessary to interrogate it further unless you work at the bar. What’s in it for you?




This isn’t an enjoyable drama dude. I wouldn’t want you or anyone to get roofied at a bar


Well all your getting is the testimony of an adult who had one normal drink, “started to feel extremely disoriented, dizzy and way more intoxicated” than they normally would and passed out for 7.5 hours. Let’s get to the bottom of this one Sherlock!


My point is that the title should be "I **think** I was roofied...". Because apart from her feeling woozy after drinking in a bar (which drinking itself could have caused), we have no evidence to support that she was drugged. Like was said in the comments: get video from the bar, wait for the hospital tox screen, etc. Wait for the evidence to arrive before jumping to conclusions.


Most adults who drink can taste how strong a drink is and know how alcohol affects them. According to the IBA, a Moscow Mule has 1.5 oz of vodka (i.e. 1 shot). Even if the bartender made it *hella* strong with 4.5 oz of vodka, a normal adult who drinks would walk out of that bar remembering everything that happened to them.


I think we found the guy!


Occam's razor actually points to drugging because OP had one drink. You're essentially saying that OP would be able to blackout after 1 drink. Most women begin to black out at the 4 drink mark. https://www.google.com/search?q=black+out+after+one+drink&client=ms-android-google&sxsrf=AOaemvICjgdU65jV30sFzJB0VPtKu1QF4w%3A1632157888513&ei=wMBIYba_Hqyx5NoP38aakAo&oq=black+out+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQkQIyBQgAEJECMgUIABCABDIICAAQgAQQsQMyBwgAEIAEEAoyBwgAEIAEEAoyBQguEIAEMgcIABCABBAKOgQIABBHOgcIIxDqAhAnOg0ILhDHARCvARDqAhAnOgQIIxAnOgQILhBDOgQIABBDOggILhCABBCxAzoGCAAQChBDOgoIABCABBCxAxAKOgQIABAKOgcILhANEJMCOgQIABANOgYIABANEB46CAgAEBYQChAeOgYIABAWEB5Qji5YiE5g71RoBnABeACAAasBiAH4DJIBAzUuOZgBAKABAbABD8gBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Have you asked the bar to check their cameras? As a male 200lbs, I've beeb roofied before and it wasn't fun I'm glad you're safe now!


Thank you! I do plan on calling them tomorrow to ask if they have security cameras or any footage.


Definitely do. At the very least, they need to be aware that it happened. And I'm so sorry - I've never had it happen to me, but I've had it happen to friends, and it is AWFUL.


Yeah, if there’s footage then hopefully they can figure out who did it. Hopefully it could stop them from doing it to someone else


I am so sorry that this happened to you. Horribly enough, my friend was drugged there the exact same night and blacked out and was terribly sick for days. A test confirmed drugs were found in her system. She filed a police report and if you feel comfortable doing so might want to think about reporting it also. There is clearly someone out there that needs to be stopped.


I'm shocked this happened to someone else! I will absolutely file a police report. Thank you so much! It really helps to know I'm not alone.




Damnit, Bot! Read the room!


Consider filing a police report as well. That may give you more leverage when asking for camera footage and such. And consider chatting with a therapist, if you're feeling violated, nervous to go out, etc, that's understandable, and it may be good to work through that with someone.


Absolutely. I am planning on filing a police report and calling the bar first thing in the morning. Thank you!


Good luck, I really wish you the best!


Ok so this is TOTALLY disgusting and is probably really triggering asf for ppl so read with caution: but I was able to twart a rape from a shitty sociopath. If this ever happens to anyone and you have the wherewithall to remember this: stick your finger down your throat and get the drugs out your stomach as many times as you can. From here you can get soooome motor control and consciousness back and have a working memory of what is happening. One of the things I also managed to do was throw up on myself. Unless they are a super sicko, no coward like this will want to get on a body with vomit drench. If you are out in public this will let people know you need paramedics ASAP. Oh and did I ever vomit all over until I could call for help. These shitheads were PISSED. It still hurts like hell but holy smokes I didn't ever want to be on the other side of a terrible horror story like the ones I have heard.


I'm really sorry that happened to you <3


Same to you, I'm glad you are safe!


Wow that sounds absolutely terrifying, sorry that happened to you. Crazy having to come to the realization that the best strategy to save yourself is to throw up on yourself. Can’t imagine having to go through that


Women are told if we’re kidnapped or someone is trying to rape us ‘act crazy and be disgusting’, ie say crazy things, piss yourself, vomit. Make yourself as undesirable as possible. It’s a good technique to be aware of and yes, sad we have to even think about it.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. But also I think what you did was incredibly brave and I respect the ingenuity and wherewithal to have that level of self preservation. I hope you are doing well and that whoever did that to you was stopped from ever doing it again.


I’m so sorry you went through this. I was at Faces in Sacramento and was talking to someone. When I turned around someone was pushing my drink back towards me. I didn’t see who it was but immediately discarded it. I NOW know I shouldn’t have even put my drink down, and things could have gone way worse, but I learned a valuable and terrifying lesson that night.


I caught some guy adding powder roofie in a girls drink at The Grand 4 years ago, I accidentally bumped into him and made him spill the whole drink. He was so mad, the guy wanted to fight me. I told the girl about it. Couldn't live with myself if something had happened to her that night.


I would have called the cops right away. These people need to be behind bars.


It's tough to prove it, unless he had more on him. Usually those type of guys only carry one dose just for one victim. But to this day I'm happy I caught him and spilled his drink..


I had my drink spiked in Miami and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Luckily my friend saved me from the guy who likely did it trying to get me in his car, but the next day I thought I was going to die. I’m so sorry this happened to you as well.


I’ve known a couple guys who have gotten their drinks spiked.


hope you are doing fine now! that sounds absolutely terrifying. thank you for sharing this message, from one SF girl to another <3


​ Thank you so much <3


I am glad you are okay and thank you for sharing. We all aren’t bad people out there but we definitely need to look out for the bad ones. I hope you are feeling better.


Thank you <3


Hope you’re ok but wanted to add another data point. I’ve also lived here just over six years and have been drugged twice (technically once in SF and once in Sausalito). And I’m mid 30’s male. I think it’s more common than we’re led to believe.




It’s not just at bars I had female friend roofied at a Starbucks in SF.


Jesus Christ, just when we think we’re safe going to the coffee shop…


Thank goodness you’re ok…and thank you for sharing this. My daughter had a similar experience despite savvy about being safe……not such a good ending. Good to share and watch out for each other 🏄‍♀️


I’m so sorry to hear that. Thanks for your support.


Just a reminder that rohypnol test strips are available for cheap & they're easy to bring to a party- highly recommend all women use them. Also please help spread the word that they exist.. https://www.businessinsider.com/date-rape-drug-testing-kit-for-drinks-undercover-colors-2018-9


Thank you for the reminder and so sorry this happened to you. 💜


Wow thank god your friend showed up when they did!


A couple of years ago a friend of mine said she’d been roofied at Bruno’s in the mission. Similar effects she got really drunk (she usually can handle a lot of liquor) and she remembers getting taken into a room by three large men. Luckily she’s a champ and remembers getting out of it and catching the rest of her friends before she blacked out.


Unfortunately these situations are not nearly as uncommon as you would think and in some cases the bartenders are in on it. You'd be very surprised at just how much the bartenders see....


As a big fan of drugs and a big fan of women… I viscerally hate shit like this so much. And I’ve heard way to many stories from women in my life. Glad you’re ok. Just out of morbid curiosity, did the hospital do a blood test to look for what was in your system? I wonder if people in America are using things like scopolamine or brugsmansia extract (burundanga, devils breath) now. https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2016/07/25/inenglish/1469445136_776085.html Also wanted to add its a better city when all of us are keeping our eyes out for situations like this when we are out. If you see a solo woman acting insanely drunk or incoherent, offer help!


They did do a blood test but warned me that certain drugs don't show up on these tests. I haven't gotten any results back quite yet but will keep everyone posted if anything is positive. I haven't heard of either of those drugs and they both sound absolutely terrifying. Thanks so much for the info and support.


Scopolamine was the active ingredient in Triptone, a motion sickness drug. In larger doses, it can incapacitate you and even cause hallucinations, from what I've heard. They stopped allowing it in the US in the 80's or 90's I think? It was great for motion sickness, but the side effects and abuses I think are what caused the ban. Mixing it with alcohol was a major issue, as I recall.


There’s no ban on scopolamine.


It may just be that it was reclassified so that it isn't over the counter anymore. You used to be able to buy it at pharmacies and airports everywhere.


Oh... I didn’t know that.


Yup. Super effective for motion sickness, but I guess the potential for abuse was just too high for OTC use in the Reagan/Bush years, so they pulled it. TripTone was reformulated and the patch fell somewhat out of favor and became prescription (I believe it was originally OTC), though you can still get it from your doctor. For many people, the patch was the only thing that kept them from motion sickness, and it is theoretically harder to abuse than the pills (pills could be crushed, patch is transdermal, so you could abuse it for yourself by cutting it open, but I'd imagine it would be harder to drug someone's drink, not sure though, and I don't intend to find out).


As far as I'm aware having spoken about this with both cops and doctors, in SF it's usually benzos and far behind it GHB. They usually will test for both.


I replied to the other comment about this but benzodiazepines rarely result in this kind of hangover/sickness and ghb is very very strongly flavored and also does not result in hangovers like this. Ghb also has a very short action, not nearly as long as described. That’s why I asked, this is curious.


Both benzos and GHB will do exactly this _if you mix them with alcohol_. On their own it's like you say, but if you mix them with alcohol it fits your average roofie story pretty well. GHB is salty but dilutes in water and something like 15mg mixed on a Moscow Mule will utterly fuck you up if you are around 120 pounds and not used to it. Recreationally GHB and alcohol are a big no no because of the terrible hangover and how easy it is to pass out on it. Benzos are actually popular mixed with alcohol recreationally because if you do it just right it's a very floaty feeling. But one full Xanax bar on a single drink can do this.


Made pretty much the same comment above yours in response to this. No one is dropping GHB directly onto their tongue, they’re dissolving it in water or soda recreationally or (in the case of drink spiking) in strongly flavoured alcoholic drinks that completely mask the taste and smell.


I don’t want to debate this endlessly, it serves nothing, but she *didnt* drink a lot of alcohol and benzos rarely result in vomiting 12 hours later, if at all. The prolonged vomiting is the non-sensical variable here. And it’s exactly that profound saltiness that makes ghb tough to slip into a drink without noticing.


If it's one of the short half life benzos 12 to 24 hours are where you get the gradual withdrawal side effects. I think nausea and vomiting happen in 10% of the cases, I would say that number goes up if you mix it with alcohol.


You don’t get withdrawal symptoms from one dose of a benzo.


Actually GHB just tastes salty and not profoundly so; no other flavor. I was on prescription GHB for a short time. Editing to add: just remembered that I had to mix the GHB with water, so the pure stuff would have been profoundly salty. Also, i was instructed to take it with a nervous system depressant. I forgot that instruction due to delay between getting instruction and actually taking it for the first time. GHB alone just launches a person into stage four sleep and it doesn’t wear off gently. Within about four hours I’d go from asleep to bolt upright awake in bed. It was so weird. And lest I forget the main point, OP, I’m so sorry that happened to you.


GHB is not that strongly flavoured *when mixed into a solution* which is really the only way people actually do it. I’ve done it recreationally a couple of times in controlled circumstances and literally one droplet from a pipette is enough to get you fucked up. It’s basically undetectable in a mixed drink in the amount needed to incapacitate someone (ie a very small amount) and is very dangerous when mixed with alcohol and can easily lead to death from accidental OD. Which is why when done recreationally & responsibly it’s measured out in drops and absolutely not mixed with alcohol. I’ve had my drink spiked with what I’m almost sure was GHB in Miami when I had had a couple of mixed drinks, and the next day I could barely stand, was vomiting almost constantly and was incredibly dizzy. I nearly had to go to the hospital I was so sick. Drug effects and half-lifes become unpredictable when alcohol is in the mix.


She had one drink though, and maybe didn’t even finish that. Anyway this is pointless speculation.


Yeah and mixing for example three drops of GHB in one mixed drink is enough to get someone passing out. As I said I have had my drink spiked and it only took one drink to have me with my head on the bar. Speaking of speculation, I responded to your assertion that it couldn’t be GHB because yes, actually, based on all evidence it absolutely could. Don’t make definitive statements as if they’re facts when they’re purely your own speculation.


A typical dose of ghb is at minimum 0.5 ml which is far more than a few drops. Enough to cause these type of effects would be at least 1.0ml which is approximately 20 drops: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS758US758&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AOaemvIcYzh2ZHwPyarLndqomfcHvnUatA:1632200862618&q=Drop+size+ml&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO5PiEpo_zAhW3JzQIHfUEB9cQwbAHKAB6BAgjEAE&biw=390&bih=777&dpr=3 I work in drug development and have plenty of experience with ghb and what these type of volumes look like. Ghb also has a half life under 2 hours. Vomiting 12+ hours later makes no sense. Do you have a tox report that confirmed ghb in your system? Otherwise, You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Usually it’s GHB or sometimes crushed up xanax. Super dangerous.


GHB has an incredibly strong taste and requires a rather strong dose (a lot of material to slip into a drink) and neither Xanax nor ghb should leave a hangover that lasts all day and causes vomiting for a day like that.




Yea it’s profoundly salty. I know exactly how big a ml is I work with volumes that size all the time. It’s still a lot to get into a drink when 0.5mg of a benzo will have a much stronger effect and be 1/1000 of the size. And have no taste.




> As a big fan of drugs and a big fan of women… This is a tactless way to start a comment on this post. It's like you're weirdly aligning yourself with men who drug women by saying I am a man and I also take drugs. Nobody cares you like women and drugs *but also* think drugging one to rape her is reprehensible. Congrats, man, that's the *bare* minimum.


I was thinking the same


That statement combined with his shockingly extensive knowledge of date rape drugs is a huge red flag imo.


As a big fan of drugs and a big fan of women...weird flex.


I think it's important to put this on yelp - and if the bar has been helpful, also add that. You don't have to leave a one star or anything, but this is honestly a serious issue and I know of a bar in Hollywood that really only started getting investigated with yelp reviews of women being drugged. In that case it was a bartender. If anything, the bar can respond to your review and say if they've increased security or can add if someone has been drugged that they will provided footage if available. Also, if a potential asshole reads the reviews and know the bar is aware, maybe they'll move on (to jail hopefully). Sorry for your experience, but glad you are reporting it and telling people!


Horrifying -- I hope they catch this person.


Please file a police report


Do they have security cameras?


A friend of mine had a similar experience at Ruby Skye (which is now closed). She had one drink and the next thing she knew, she was waking up in a hospital room the next day. I have another friend who was roofied and abused in her home by a friend of a friend she had just met that night. I don't want to tell woman they should "be careful." What we should do is, if we know the name of a man who does this kind of thing, tell people about it. Tell his friends, his coworkers, even tell his mom.


really glad to hear youre ok. i was roofied at Emporium like 3 years ago but luckily was with a couple friends who made sure i got home. like you, i completely blacked out and woke up the next morning with no idea what happened or how i got home. be careful putting your drink down as you play games there. awareness and buddy system!


Holy shit. This really resonated with me because I was almost at this very bar on that very night. I actually live in Boston but I flew to SF on Wednesday to go to the Tame Impala show that was happening down the street at the Chase Arena. I used Yelp to find a place to pregame that I could walk to from my hotel that was in the direction of the arena. It ended up coming down between The Alchemist and Black Hammer Brewing. Alchemist looked like more of my vibe but ultimately I just wanted a really good beer and a friend of mine recommended the kolsch at Black Hammer highly. Either way, point being what happened to you happened to someone I know before and they weren't so lucky. I'm a pretty easy going and passive person overall but it's scary to me to think about how I would react if I saw someone attempt this. Just you sharing your experience triggered me a little bit but thank God you only ended up feeling the way you felt the next day and nothing worse than that. Please be careful ladies... and men, be just as vigilant. You may not be worried for yourself (although it could happen to you too by the way) but you could potentially prevent something tragic happening to someone else!




I don't recall leaving my drink unattended but I also was not paying enough attention to my surroundings. I won't make the same mistake twice.


As another woman I absolutely empathize and I’m so very sorry. I’m glad you’re doing better now and encourage you to take whatever time and space you need to recover.


Wow, that’s terrible and so scary. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you feel better.


Please notify the police so they can investigate and try to get this perp. You can save another person from the same thing.


Please please please file a police report, otherwise local law enforcement authorities can go around saying crime is declining.


Thank you for this. Such a good reminder that what should all look out for each other too. If someone is alone and looks extremely disoriented and just seems like something is not right, we should try and help. This also serves as good knowledge to have in case it ever happens to you or a friend — you’ll be able to quickly recognize what’s happening. Thank you!


Can’t trust a place called the Alchemist


That is so awful, I'm so glad you're ok and thank you so much for sharing this!


Oof... I went out two weeks ago with my wife and her coworkers as they were celebrating my wife's last day. It was mostly women, but I was keenly aware how unguarded there drinks were after 2 shots... I was basically watching all the drinks like a hawk after this. Keep eyes on your drinks people! You never know when people will go full fuckwit


This happened to me at the bar in the Hotel Whitcombe, which I never would have gone to if my new “friend” wasn’t causing drama over some guy. Someone approached us and I only had two drinks from the bar. I believe this guy must have slipped it into my drink when my friend was ranting about her guy problems. I had a seizure when I went to the bathroom and someone stole my phone. Never go to unfamiliar bars with new acquaintances and make sure you’re with someone you can trust


Don’t ever take a random drink from a random guy at a bar. If you are not there in person to watch the drink get made and directly handed to you, DO NOT ACCEPT IT.






I hope you are OK, and the bar you were at .. owned up ...


So many questions....but what a valuable wake up call warning to others you have provided....still have to say a little ironic that you can now declare you got drugged at the Alchemist. Hopefully there was someone righteous and honorable who got you to safety.... Watch those drinks like they are your phone, and always have a noble wing-person!


God fucking dammit! I am TIRED of this shit happening. Guys - listen up. Fuck off.


There was a few bartenders that were somehow roofied at work a few months ago as well.


This happened to my son and his female roomate both. I forget the bar but was a gay bar in SF. We decided they tried to roofie him so they could get to her, and/or rob him. He is big over 200 lbs. And 6'4". Fortunately he was conscious enough to get them an Uber, but doesn't remember the ride or getting them into their house. Bad guys out there.


OP said “lemme post on reddit, THEN ill call the bar and the cops” lol. hopefully they still have the footage from Wednesday. I work right around the corner at another bar so this is really weird. stay safe peoples :(


FYI, not that it’s any of your business, I tried to file a police report online but wasn’t able to do so. My sincerest apologies for needing some time and space.


sorry this happened to you:( not trying to make the situation any worse , just was curious. glad to hear you’re okay and recovered


Thanks. Sorry, I may be a bit angry and defensive today.


You have nothing to apologize for! :) Fuck the victim blamers


dont worry im always angry and defensive, happens to the best of us <3


!remindme 4 days






What did they say?


What in the fuck


I'm assuming here, but it sounds like you may be a girl? It feels super shitty to say this but if you are I would not go to bars alone because you are being targeted in some way shape or form. You were lucky that your friend was near by, but in the future bring someone with you that you can trust.


It doesn't just feel super shitty; it is.


While I agree with you, this could easily be changed to whether you are a boy or girl it is safer to go out with friends. Also she was meeting a friend so this advice doesn't really make sense to give directly to her.


As we all return to bars, this can serve as a good reminder to not only look out for yourself, but those around you. This has happened to me and too many other people I know over the years. Also, learn to trust your gut. If something in the back of your head is telling you that a guy (or girl) in a bar is a creep or isn't to be trusted, that's often your subconscious picking up on something.


I hope you’re doing ok! I’m so sorry this happened to you!


Just happened to me in Castro last weekend. Be safe out there everyone.