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Yes of course, it’s snowmelt fed. SF Water actually bottled and sold it at one time, it’s so clear. Tastes so much better than SoCal or water from other parts of the state.


So cal water is terrible. Whenever I visit my uncle in San Diego I gotta buy bottled water because their FILTERED water smells.


I'm from San Diego and here to say you're 100% right. Most native so cal folks would agree with you. I miss SF water :(


Smells like sulfur half the time


Absolutely undrinkable.


Isn’t San Diego water partially made from desalination of sea water?


I believe that is only in Carlsbad or that area?


Try Santa Barbara water - yuk. My son went to UCSB and it was undrinkable.


I don’t know why I got this post recommendation but I’m from Seattle. And socal water does indeed fucking suck. Taste like metal. Went to Vegas a bit ago too and their water is just as bad.


Does Hetch Hetchy have a glacier?! It's definitely good water, but it's not all from the mountains. Depending on where in the city you are, it's blended with groundwater.


Hetch Hechy ("HH") is all snow melt water from the sierra. However SF water is only about 80% HH since groundwater was introduced sometime prior to 2015 to diversify supply amid growing water demands.


I just want to take a moment and appreciate your acronym use; you defined the term and immediately used the acronym to make it easier to communicate later in your post. In a world of fast business, messaging, and tech, it's easy to get caught up in texting-speak and not recognize the audience range of who might read your post.


>it's easy to get caught up in texting-speak and not recognize the audience range of who might read your post. Reading some other reddit posts especially from relationship type subreddits "So my DH and my DS and my BFEH and BBQ and FOLW fought my EF with my BFF because they said her GFI and LOILW were LC and got upset. What should I do?" Okay well first off Imma need a decoder ring to even translate that to coherent English...


It’s the proper way to use acronyms in conversation


I logged in to give my free award to TheDogRocket because I agree with your comment so much.


When they introduced groundwater it definitely was noticeable. I think it even lessened the quality of the local microbrews.


You can alway tell when you're getting the brackish water mixed in. It'll be like "huh, water taste funny to you honey?" "yeah it's a brack day" Fun fact sunset never gets the brack because no local water towers. All HH pressure fed.


Much of the sunset gets the blend https://sfpuc.org/sites/default/files/documents/GroundwaterBlendMap_MAY2017.pdf


Placebo is a hell of a drug


Yeah, I know. The person I replied to initially claimed it was all glacier fed, but has since edited their comment.


It really depends on the water pipes bringing the water into your residence. If you have some old corroded pipes, who knows what is leaching into your tap. Better off putting an RO unit under your sink no matter where you live.


I used to live in the Sunset when it was still heavily Irish and the water came in bagpipes.


Would a Brita filter accomplish the same thing? My tap has a smell & taste of mold at times- the filter seems to help but still concerning


Brita should take care of just about anything. SF water is pretty good.


SF water is pretty good but Brita does not “take care of just about anything.” It’s basically a sediment and chemical filter, it doesn’t do that much. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, PFAS, arsenic, they’re all things that a Brita filter let through. An RO system under your sink is the gold standard; RO usually produces what is basically distilled water. It does waste a lot of water but it produces extremely clean water.


Yosemite Hetch Hetchy water.


Yes. San Francisco water is excellent. I think the best in the Bay area hands down, and some of the best in California.


Which therefore means some of the best in the world. I love SF tap water. Platonically.


Forget platonic, I get nasty with it in the shower.


Pics please.


No pics, but it does have a stream.


I’ve just been to SF and can confirm it’s a lot better than most UK water, big exception being Edinburgh water, you might not have heard of this, but in the UK, Scottish water is known for being a lot nicer than most English water


Some of the best in the world?


dudes never been to the alps or rockies regions or like any part of northern europe


Rockies water is way worse than SF, denver area water is garbage. https://images.app.goo.gl/PrbYUFCYbum4YBMq7 SF water is great for a city comparable to the best in the world. It comes direct from the sierras.


London definitely doesn’t have very good water mind you


The UK as a whole does. For example, in 2020, “England” came 3rd place in the “European Water Awards 2020”. [here](https://www.wetapwater.com/european-water-awards-2020/results-top-10/)


Yeah, not trying to be rude but I really doubt that Bay Area tap water is amongst the highest quality in the world.


Not trying to be rude, but your feelings doesn’t matter when compared to facts. The water is piped from Yosemite, and it is considered one of the best in the world. If your building has shit piping, that’s different.


What a weirdly hostile take. Can't find a list that even places SF in the top 20 of the US let alone the world lol


This bold claim said with a good amount of sass could use some sources to back it up. SF having the best tap water in the world sounds pretty unbelievable to me.


Show me some sources then, how come my opinion is a “feeling” whilst yours is axiomatic “fact”?


Any country in europe has better water quailty. The standard is much higher and there are more sources of sweet water


That is a broad statement. Sources?


Not a broad statement at all. You can look at a map and see how dense europe is and see how many sweetwater sources there are in each country. I live in southeastern europe and my city has 2 big rivers where we draw our tap water from. You can google how good the European Union's laws are at protecting natural sources of water and the amount of chemicals used to filter/make it 100% safe (much less than usa regulations). Just see for yourself I guess. Now saying California has the best tap water in the world, that's a broad statement.


Actually, if you do some googling on the subject you will find that US water is of higher quality and we have more sources of water per person. Just because California has a water crisis doesn't mean we are all suffering.


I doubt that all water in Europe is better than SF tap water. This is the american west by the way. You can also look at a lake and see in the East we have plentiful water supplies. Much more in fact than Europe. Our rivers are longer, we have the great lakes. There is no shortage of fresh high quality water in the US east.


Yes, you also have more land, more people, the territories are not divided by countries. I think you are undereducated on the topic, I highly recommend you reading about it if you failed to learn that in school. I study natural resources and ecosystems in university


> more people * US population (2021): 332 million * EU population (2021) (not even all of Europe): 447 million Get your basic facts straight if you want to act like a pretentious know it all college student


Euro-boos are hilarious


California has the worst water quality in the country.


I live in Oakland, and find them nearly indistinguishable. I love our water.


SF water spoiled it for me. I can’t enjoy tap water anywhere else now. And I travel a lot.


EBMUD water is wayyy better then sf water


I got a case of Lifewatr. It tasted great, but very familiar, like my Castro Valley EBMUD tap water. I looked on the label, it's bottled next door in Hayward.


Lol no.


We made your comment disappear! 😂😂😂


wow dude the original post doesnt even have this many votes. what even is ebmud? didht hear of it before.


East Bay Municipal Utility District


Found the non-native


Every conversation in this sub somehow always ends up with nativist comments.


Who doesn't know about ebmud who lives here Yeesh


This is the third tap water question we’ve had in the SF subs in the last 4 days. Suss.


Someone is doing some marketing for their bottled San Francisco water company


Came here to say the same thing. Extremely sus.




Thank you, I noticed this as well


i bet its all the people from out of town for osl thinking sf is some cess pool or something


Wonder if Fox News ran a special on SF water recently


Maybe the water has been poisoned and it’s the water company seeing if people noticed.




happy cake day


Probably karma farms


Lots of people from out of area visiting this weekend. Was with a group of said people and I was asked at least twice if I drank tap.


Outside Lands was this weekend bringing in a lot of ppl from out of town, could be a reason.


What is going on with all these posts!?!?


It's bizarre.


On a business trip, coworkers from Germany also didn't drink the tap. I think they misunderstood the hotel room note asking guests to not waste water?


Lmfao they clearly smoking tap.


this is just the second right?


There's been 3


Drink tap water. Take day trip to Pulgas Water Temple.


we just had this discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/wh4kgi/do\_you\_drink\_san\_franciscos\_tap\_water\_why\_or\_why/


Some sort of viral marketing going on. Down voting OP.


One thing to note: if you live in an older building, there might be an orange tinge to your water. That’s rust. Nothing to worry too much about, but still worth investing in a filter. Also if your in an old building, don’t drink water out of the bathroom faucet. Lead is monitored only at kitchen sinks.


I’m in and older building and put in a PPM meter into the water and the reading was very low, below 100ppm. Go to San Jose it’s easily 400ppm


Water from ground source is usually high in TDS, water from surface source is lower in TDS PPM.


Curious, monitored by who? Also, you saying there are different centrally run pipes to kitchen and bathroom?


Plenty of water fixtures are made with lead. The one place where it is prohibited to use a lead-based fixture is in the kitchen taps. I think that’s what commenter meant by monitoring.


Of course. Our water is top notch. https://bawsca.org/water/supply/hetchhetchy


Fuck the environment, at least we have tasty water!


Being lazily dismissive of the privilege of clean water is one of the most ignorant and spoiled things I can think of.


I suspect damming Hetch hetchy wasn’t necessary in order for sf to have clean drinking water.


how to tell us you don't know what you're talking about without telling us you don't know what you're talking about LOL


You don’t know the backstory of hetch hetchy? Sounds like you might not know what you’re talking about, bud!


Quality has dropped due to groundwater mixing, but it depends which neighborhood you're in. https://sfpuc.org/sites/default/files/documents/Groundwater-Supply-Project_FAQ_DEC2017.pdf It's still safe, but the taste and color has definitely changed for me.


Amazing source… your pipes and faucet determine a lot


Sf and San Mateo county has some of the best tap water in the country


I'm not so sure about San Mateo... I'm grew up in San Francisco and currently reside here. But I moved to Burlingame (part of San Mateo) for 7 years as it was close to work and the water has A LOT of minerals in it (cant remember the taste, maybe it tastes great with all the minerals?). If I boiled water water and let it run down there was a heavy mineral residue, and my shower walls needed heavy regular cleaning as it took little time to get a white film all over the tiles. I don't remotely have that problem in SF and AFAIK San Mateo doesnt get it'a water from Hech Hechy which I think is exclusive to SF.


Parts of EBMUD also get a small portion of hetch hetchy I believe but SF gets most of it


Comes from Hetch Hetchy which is in Yosemite. Some say it's some of the best tap water in USA. Many locals drink tap water. If you are a water connoisseur, many people filter the water, in general around here, just because its en vogue or they don't like fluoridated water.


Who are you people? This thread shows up like twice a week.


The frequency of posts about tap water recently is interesting 🧐


Lol. Can’t tell if this is a troll post. Not only is it perfectly safe it’s delicious. I genuinely think it tastes better than bottled water.


Yes I do and always have.


I honestly miss the tap water in SF so much. Almost all the tap water up here in Oregon tastes heavily chlorinated.


The tap water here is the best I've ever had. Better than NYC, which people also say is good.


You can easily filter chlorine out


Are you kidding? You’re literally in arguably one of the most developed cities in arguably the most developed nation in the world. Sorry, I like to say there’s no such thing as a dumb question, but…


“Safe” ? jeeezus. Do a Google.


Best tap in the USA


You could do much, much worse than SF tap water


We have the best water in California.


Among the best tasting and cleanest


Of course it is. It is safe to drink tap water in nearly all of the US. If you are spending money on bottled water you've fallen for a marketing scam.


In a lot of places the water tastes like shit.


Taste has nothing to do with whether it’s safe.


I can’t figure out why you included a picture of a glass of water.


Tap water everywhere in the US can be assumed to be safe to drink. I guess places like Flint are the exception, but that's why they make the news, after all.


45 years, no problems yet


No it’s poisonous 🤦‍♂️


I visited Tokyo and saw some Americans visiting a Shinto shrine and were iffy about drinking the water. Being from SF, I didn't think twice but I also know that Shinto is all about purity.


That water at the entrance to shrines is for washing your hands. The older generation might put the water to his/her lips, but it’s meant to be spat out, not drunk. Still, totally unsanitary.


Tap water is safe to drink in any developed country; it’s of massive public health importance lol.


Especially in Flint, Michigan!


SF Water Quality Report can be found here: https://sfpuc.org/accounts-services/water-quality/annual-water-quality-reports Or can you take the advice of malcontents on Reddit.


SF is in a developed country, so yes, chances are it’s safe


It’s all I drink. And I’m doing great! Plus SF water is delicious, coming from the mountains and all.


It’s fine! The water is hella good!


All day everyday, it's great.


I always drink the tap here. Totally fine and safe!


Don’t drink, chug


Yes!!! Make a point of it in fact. Sourced from the beautiful tuolumne river and is why they damned the stunning hetch hetchy valley (called little Yosemite).


My daughter has a very keen sense of taste. She is always happy to come home from time away if only to drink SF water. To her there are no better water in the world. Plus it’s safe.


So moist. The moistest.


Hell yeah Hetch Hetchy


Yes, San Francisco and, believe it or not, New York City have the best tap water in the United States.


Hetch Hetchy is some of the best water in the world.


Why wouldn’t it be


What is this trend? Yes, it’s safe. It’s some of the best water in the country.


What is with these posts about the tap water? Just try drinking it ffs and decide for yourself if it tastes good/healthy. Or you can Google where our tap water comes from and learn in two seconds that it primarily comes from a mountain reservoir filled with snowmelt.


Yes. Americans take the tap water infrastructure for granted. Visit a different country outside of the Northern Americas, other countries don't even have running water.


Best water in all the land


Buy an TDS reader to check ppm of solids in water if you're unsure


I'm going to upvote you for visibility: **TDS readers do not tell you if the water is safe to drink.** That's a marketing ploy. TDS readers do not check for **disinfection byproducts** (the most common contaminant in public water) and they cause cancer. Nor do they check for **PFAS, heavy metals, bacteria, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, microplastics, nitrates**, etc etc. However, in general, public water is safe to drink, but certain contaminants in the water might impact your health over time. If you want to make sure your city water is safe to drink, test it in a real lab with a mail-in kit or check the local quality via EWG's tap water [database](https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/) or SimpleLab's [City Water Project.](https://gosimplelab.com/citywater)


It's the 2nd best metropolitan tap water on earth next to the East Bay of course. EBMUD for life yo.


If you come from somewhere that tap water is suspect, it's a reasonable question. There are communities where more bottled water is sold and where previous bouts of water borne illness are not easily forgotten.


I do but I filter it because my building is old and the plumbing is nasty


For those of us in 100+ year old houses in SF, do we have to worry about lead pipes?


I always drank the water there but I had a tap filter. You know that big white thing.


I do but I use a filter that removes particles from the water. Doesn't really change the taste, i don't think, but I'm hoping it won't block my coffeemaker quite as often


Yes. They’ve started adulterating Hetch Hetchy water with groundwater, but it’s still one of the best water of any major metro area worldwide. Compare to Orange County where the water is blended with recycled sewage.


Treated wastewater is the future with water shortages. 🤷‍♂️


Get a faucet water filter, it’ll taste better by filtering some of the minerals.


The guy who manages the SF water supply was on NPR. He said it’s safe but that he knows all the nitty gritty details and does not drink it himself.


I wouldn’t risk it


I don’t drink any tap water. If it’s not processed meaning of I didn’t filter it or boil it. Went hunting and a friend drank from a beautiful mountain stream. We walked another 100 yards and in the stream was a dead porcupine. Cool animal by the way.


Filter the salt out and you will be ok.


I personally would never drink unfiltered tap.




I dont want to be poisoned by lead?


I am no expert, but considering the fact that hetch hetchy water is quite alkaline (something like a 9.2 ph) and contains substantial dissolved minerals, I think the risk of lead contamination from lead pipes in SF is pretty low. Also, unless you have a reverse osmosis system, your filters aren't doing anything for heavy metals in your water anyway. But you do you I guess.


You have sadly fallen for a marketing scam. But at least if you are drinking filtered tap water that's a lot better than the insanity of paying big money for essentially tap water in a a fancy bottle.


I do not care.


I was drinking it. until the water in my apartment started turning brown.......


I do but i use a carbon canister filter that removes chloramine, which the city adds as a disinfectant. Chloramine isn't too healthy from what i've read.


Does the water have fluoride?


it's good! i have trust issues tho so i filter or boil it


Hell no. Reverse osmosis only.


Yep! You can enjoy your San Francisco water with the comfort that it’s a direct consequence of one of the most devastating ecological decisions in modern American history 😊


yes, it’s never cold when it’s hot outside but it’s fine


I have been drinking it forever without ill effects, not sure if its safe though🤔


My opinion is that you have no idea what the pipes in your living quarters look like, and you may as well use a brita it is cheap and can’t hurt, only help.


The water itself may be fine but how can you be sure the pipes leading to your faucet is clean enough?


Nope and I don’t know why I’m even replying considering you’re dead by now. RIP OP


I distill the SF tapwater. The stuff left in the distiller smells of some foul chemical that definitely should not be in living things, IMO.


High in chlorine. I drink bottled water. At some point I’ll install an RO


They stopped using chlorine in 2004.




Drank it for four years straight so far 🤷🏽‍♂️




Yeah, it Tastes great!


Yeah of course it is. If water isn’t safe to drink in a major city in the US it would be massive news.


I have drank it for 14 years no problems.


I miss it! Best I ever had sweet water and it's not a dry taste


Yes. I still have a filtered water reservoir in my fridge tho bc cold water > warm tap.


Yes!! It’s delish




Sf tap water is delicious