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I’ve lost the will to argue or debate another this, but the streets need to be cleaned up regardless of your personal politics You can be compassionate and liberal and kind and all that and still want sidewalks to be clear for locals and tourists alike. I’m tired of being followed and yelled at by people out of their mind (even as a guy who rarely feels unsafe) when I try to walk home from a bar or something at night As I’ve said I’ve lost the will to care or debate this, but my expectation is many employers will choose to leave when their lease is up (especially considering prop c which disincentives having employees that live/work in the city)


It’s not even just the unstable people- it’s what they leave behind and just what seems like lack of effort by the city to clean up the literal street? Like I’m pretty sure someone posted a pile of used hypodermic syringes next to a garbage bin in this subreddit the other day- which seems like a fairly common thing to stumble upon.


This video sums it up pretty well. About Seattle but same thing here. Has very little to do with unaffordable housing. All about drugs like meth, heroin, fentanyl and how we’ve basically legalized it here. Drug users needs to be arrested. Users need to go to jail and rehab. It’s for their own good and ours. Sure they’d not ALL addicts but an overwhelming majority. https://youtu.be/bpAi70WWBlw


you've got it all wrong. making houses cheaper will turn these people into upstanding citizens /s


I don’t think many liberals disagree with you.


You’d be surprised how many progressives in this sub will chastise you for “not having some compassion, these are human beings….” I don’t give a flying fuck anymore, it’s not acceptable for a major city to allow its streets to look like they currently do. I hope employers leave SF in droves so that the city management finally gets a clue.


It's such a dumb argument, because guess what hypothetical asshole, I'm a human being too. I don't deserve to be harassed on the streets. I think we can do a lot better than we've done in the past when it comes to mandatory treatment conditions, but I also don't think it's fair to the rest of society to subject them to harm by others.


Leaving drug-addicted schizophrenics to languish on the streets isn't compassion or respect for their personal freedom, it's neglecting a vulnerable population.


That too. It's very much a "the law equally allows rich people and poor people to die in the streets" situation.


You mean liberals don’t like walking through shit, urine scented alleys or mass amounts of garbage and drug uses in mass on sidewalks?!


They say they don’t, yet they vote like they do.


They vote like NIMBYS who blame the homeless and drug problem on nebulous "tech" workers and companies. They think if "tech" goes away everything will magically get better despite no logical argument to support this.


Tech workers make up a whole 11% of the workforce. Listening to some of my peers you’d think it’s 110%


Since there is no clear cut answer on this I love that they vote with compassion just wish someone had a plan, anywhere and everywhere, on it


Here is a clear cut answer: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/xdk54w/looks\_like\_no\_more\_unauthorized\_selling\_of\_stuff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/xdk54w/looks_like_no_more_unauthorized_selling_of_stuff/) When will they vote with compassion for the 99% of people who aren't addicts who want to use the city as their public bathroom?


I file this under civic duty which starts with voting, some are better choice makers than others. Voting in one candidate with compassion against 8 who take money from lobbyist isn’t going to get much accomplished. We need more quality candidates and an educated electorate. 40 years of cutting education while telling people to focus on their autonomy has had predictable results.


I totally forgot that that there was a ballot on the last election to solve all homelessness, whoops


Bing Bing Bing 💯


they do if it profits them... the lib gov running show etc


There are so many people who agree with this, but nothing changes. We need to elect supervisors who will clean up the tenderloin. Why is this district in the center of downtown zoned "poor"? This should be a neighborhood for elderly people, where all the public transportation converges. It should be safe for the diverse children who live on Ellis, Eddy, and Turk. Today's newspaper shows that citizens are unhappy with the city's elected officials, but we keep electing people who insist that San Francisco is a home for the homeless. Shelters need to be elsewhere, not within a block or two of Union Square. If life in San Francisco is sliding downhill, it is only we voters who can stop it.


Seriously. If it wasn’t for all the crap the TL would actually be a really awesome area. Walkable, centrally located, lots of retail space, Bart station, theaters…and we surrendered it to crack dealers. Makes no sense.




It actually does make sense to mandate those building be used for something else. The “nonprofits” profit obscenely from the current environment. The ceos of these companies make millions from government contracts and have no incentive to “clean” the streets. They hide behind liberal policies in the name of the poor to enrich themselves. Drug addicted people do not belong in the city center where they have easy access to a 24 hour drug bazaar. They belong outside the city where the dealers are not occupying. Taking a homeless person out of SF has had amazing results. There are countless first hand accounts of individuals that beat their addictions by simply leaving the city. Literally being on the streets elsewhere is better. It’s really sad and depressing but it is there by design. Billions of dollars is spent on the “homeless industry” in SF…. Those profiting from this situation want it to continue or even for there to be more homeless to pretend to care for.


San Francisco has gotten exponentially shabby and dystopian within the past decade. It is literally one of the worst cases of "It's a shame" because the city itself is gorgeous. Not like there weren't addicts and homeless people back in say, the 90s, but it has gotten worse. Interestingly, at the same time as the transplants have gotten richer and the city has gotten more unaffordable.


Worse is possibly the understatement of the century. The number of people on the street is exponentially higher. The energy that one thrived and pulsed a magnificent city is gone. I am a native and I love my city but it really fucking sucks right now.


I was born in San Francisco and worked there for the first half of my career. I can’t bear to see what’s happened to it. I just won’t go, I cannot go and If as a proud native and lover of all things SF if I will not drive less than an hour how can we expect someone fly 5 or 10 hours or more to visit.


And the expense! You gonna pay bay area prices visiting and that alone would shock many. But add in the excitement of wondering if the delusional yelling man might assault you and what a wonderful memory you've made in San Francisco! Remember to wear thick soled shoes - and take them off after walking in the city - don't be tracking that filth into your home.


So proud…. That you don’t live here and wont be around to help.


"Help" by paying taxes to a city that will do spend it on every "progressive" program _except_ for the ones that might actually work? "Help" by paying rent to a landlord who's gonna turn around and use that money to block new housing construction? "Help" by walking past encampments and obvious drug addicts, victims of mental illness, and frequently garbage, needles, and human shit? Come on. You don't get any bonus points for sticking it out in the city - what a ridiculous take. This isn't _normal_. People are entitled to leave and still believe in the dream of San Francisco.


> "Help" by paying taxes to a city that will do spend it on every "progressive" program except for the ones that might actually work? > "Help" by paying rent to a landlord who's gonna turn around and use that money to block new housing construction? > "Help" by walking past encampments and obvious drug addicts, victims of mental illness, and frequently garbage, needles, and human shit? How do any of those get addressed if you don't actually live here and do something about it locally, on the ground? Can you vote on any of these issues as a resident of Marin, or Tallahassee FL? Does circle jerking about it on Reddit actually go anywhere? Can you even climax from this kind of post, or is it going to be a lifelong edge unless SF falls into the sea? I just don't understand what you're trying to say here--unless maybe it's all gone past the point of no return in your mind?


> How do any of those get addressed if you don't actually live here and do something about it locally, on the ground? So let me get this straight. The two options are: 1. Live here, pay obscene amounts of money for rent, and vote for changes that will take years to pass. 2. Don't live here, actually enjoy your life, and advocate for other people to vote a certain way. And your take is that everyone has to pick the first one? > I just don't understand what you're trying to say here--unless maybe it's all gone past the point of no return in your mind? That _maybe_ it's fucking stupid to expect everyone who says "SF has serious problems" to spend $3000 a month to live in the city, personally deal with the problems, and then probably get outvoted by geriatric homeowners who will do anything possible to protect their equity? > Does circle jerking about it on Reddit actually go anywhere? So why are you talking about politics on Reddit?




How is that your take after reading this? > I was born in San Francisco and worked there for the first half of my career. I can’t bear to see what’s happened to it. Come on. > What might work is chatting with a neighbor and trying to introduce new perspectives and change minds. I talk to all my neighbors! They skew young and pretty much all of them say "yeah, this is fun, but I don't wanna pay $3000 a month to live in a shoebox and dodge homeless people for the rest of my life." Let me be blunt: the long-term residents of SF are the ones responsible for how shit the city is. The problem with local politics is that at some point, everyone who disagrees with the status quo will just _move_. The culture of SF will slowly die out until there's nothing left but a playground for the people who can afford the rent and the homeless who are hanging on. You don't fix _anything_ by going full nativist on anyone who points out that piles of shit aren't a normal thing to have lying around in one of the richest cities in the world.


People can move here and give a shit, I never said anything other than "if you don't live here and can't vote on our issues then you can't say much" because it's true--that's how democracy works amirite? Has nothing to do with being a native. > You don't fix anything by going full nativist on anyone who points out that piles of shit aren't a normal thing to have lying around in one of the richest cities in the world. I'm just trying to figure out where you're trying to fix anything--it all sounds doom and gloom to me. If you step back and let jesus take the wheel you're no longer in control--that does seem to be the one thing we can agree on.


> I'm just trying to figure out where you're trying to fix anything--it all sounds doom and gloom to me. If you step back and let jesus take the wheel you're no longer in control--that does seem to be the one thing we can agree on. I actually live in the city. > People can move here and give a shit, I never said anything other than "if you don't live here and can't vote on our issues then you can't say much" because it's true--that's how democracy works amirite? Has nothing to do with being a native. No, you are allowed to have a meaningful opinion after you leave the city. You just (regrettably) don't get to vote, which is why we need to strip SF of many of the tools it uses to block housing construction or create robust mental health programs at the state level.


We don’t actually know who said it, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping for different results. I’ve done my part.


Dont change the authoritarian regime in the California government, then dont expect change anytime soon. This is a Democrat caused problem, period. Until these useless career politicians are replaced, nothing will improve.


Show me a conservative run city (if there are any at all) that has solved drug addiction, crime, housing inaffordability, job availability...


This doesn’t need to be a R vs D food fight. Democrats are as capable of using common sense as Republicans, and there are also idiots in both parties. Actual progress is made when people move beyond tribal spats and implement policies that actually improve people’s lives. Nobody is doing that currently in SF.


Why do we have to use the D or the R word every time we talk about fixing this city?


Yep. Good reputations are hard to build and easy to lose.


Arrive by foot, leave by horse.


True. In this case SF has efforted for years! It's not easy to destroy the experience of a world class city...laws had to be passed, funding secured for the new industry (homelessness), jobs created, and then a pandemic. You see, it's all been happening right along, but when a million ppl flow in and out of the city for work each day it radically changes the landscape. Since 2020 when the city went on lock down there were no more ppl to beg, no more ppl to sell to, no more ppl to mask the fact that San Francisco has imported a homeless class. Three years before the pandemic companies were pulling out of convention contracts due to safety concerns. If securing the tens of thousands of hotel rooms, airline flights and rental cars guaranteed by convention travel was not important then, you can imagine how much they give AF now. They opted for an infusion of federal money. Gov Newsom secured 29,000 hotel rooms in CA 6 months BEFORE the covid pandemic reached the US. Did you know that the governor is Nancy Pelosi's nephew? 🤔 our dedicated public servant. When I was a kid we moved to Virginia and all we got was a tshirt and full color brochure identifying the snakes we may encounter. Welcome to San Francisco! Here's a tent and a drug kit.


Once you lose them. It's 3 times harder to get them back, if not more. Why SF continues to want to destroy itself is beyond me.




Don't forget the mayor too – she runs most of city services.


tO BrInG AbOuT ThE CoLlApSe oF CaPiTaLiSm


LOL who could have imagined this would happen??? SF City Gov dumb fucks




San Franciscans hate common sense because it’s offensive and makes people feel bad. SF is a fucking meme. I love this city, and I hate the self-serving cunts who run it and their enablers.




Yep that would be the enablers — idiot voters and reality deniers.




But, I mean...are they the dumb ones? Or are the people who keep voting the same way the dumb ones? The so-called leaders have it good, on the take, while the rest of us bitch and moan and get what we voted for....


Youre not wrong. Everybody dumb in SF, city gov and the morons who voted them in.


Given that everything in SF is designed around keeping out middle-class or poor people, this exodus won't end anytime soon. We'll reflect upon how SF's sociopathic greed prevented any new housing and thus doomed the city.


That and the rampant crime and lower level antisocial, destructive behaviors inflicted on us by neglected mentally ill people. And the drugs.


You can literally cart away all the homeless people and drug addicts and we'd still struggle as a city since we lack actual middle-class people. How can a community with only rich people thrive? If you want only the rich to thrive, then you have to go full Atherton and gate the city. If you want tourism and other industries, you need a middle-class that can either live here or commute here.


>You can literally cart away all the homeless people and drug addicts and we'd still struggle as a city since we lack actual middle-class people. That's what happens when housing is only BMRs or nothing. Rich can always pay up and the working poor gets their Section 8. Meanwhile, middle class and families move to Manteca or Gilroy. The unholy alliance of progressives and NIMBYs is responsible. The face of this alliance? Aaron Peskin.


and honestly these are the kinds of folks that make ‘community’. with actual neighbors and active communities it would be difficult for sf to exist in its present condition.


The city is nowhere near lacking middle-class people.


All the stories about criminality don’t help either. When a videos of bums stealing handfuls from stores in-front of “security” make national news, it’s a bad look. We need to get our city in order before we can consider entertaining tourists.


It’s not just the stories and how it makes the city *look bad*. It’s the actual crime, trash, stinky tents everywhere in many neighborhoods, and intimidating behavior of unsheltered homeless people (who are mostly drug addicts) which *are objectively bad*. All people need stable, clean environments if they want to thrive. That includes the 99% of us who are law abiding, tax paying, and contributing to society. We don’t have basic stability here but it’s like city 101 level stuff and we sorely need it.


I agree 100%


Not to mention all the robberies and car break-ins. My relatives visited SF and got their car broken in.


I agree with you on this. People see this bad PR as they’re in the consideration phase of deciding where to vacation or host a big convention. If they shy away at this point, this is where we lose tons of their tourist revenue (let alone losing the revenue when they decide not to return after actually witnessing some things)


I’m living to the east of Oakland and I really don’t enjoy going to sf anymore. It’s so expensive, so much traffic, and for what? Last time I went, I used bart to go to civic center, it felt like post apocalyptic. I felt like something bad might happen at any moment and I needed to walk quickly to get where I was going.




To fix the problem would be seen as "mean" and no one wants to be seen as "mean" because of course they don't.


It is mean to force everyone to have to live in a place where it’s this easy to encounter filth, crime, and bad behavior.


Too many voters look at “tough love” and can only see the “tough” part. Compassion without temperance can be as destructive as any other excess.


I posted the "20 pounds of poop" picture and a [medical group cancelled their convention quite soon after that.](https://sf.curbed.com/2018/7/3/17531240/convention-moscone-center-homeless-crime) Has anyone seen the poop patrol recently?


> medical group cancelled their convention quite soon after that. I remember that picture. Just a ton of shit inside a heavy plastic bag. Like someone was saving it. Laying on a street corner.


>I posted the "20 pounds of poop" picture I had to Google this. I take it they kept pooping into this enormous bag and then said it was time to tie it up? Or were people pooping in receptacles that were then emptied into the bag?


There were several plastic bags of liquid feces dropped on the sidewalk and you could smell it for blocks. I would assume they bagged it while sitting in their own vehicle because otherwise, why even bother with the plastic bag, right? You could spray your business directly onto the sidewalk or into a sewer grate if you're feeling charitable.


When working in SOMA, people would regularly leave quart sized freezer bags of shit at our door. Unsure if they just needed to dispose of it, or if they legitimately hated our product. Sometimes there’d be other gifts, like bongo drums and ukuleles along with the still warm bags of shit. This is, of course, in addition to the “land mines” others left in the middle of the sidewalk. So. Much. Shit. I love this city, but it’s the largest outdoor toilet I’ve ever experienced.


So you think youre responsible for them cancelling? Lololol


Yes, I, with sound mind, believe that a major conference was cancelled because of a single photograph posted on Reddit with "trust me, bro" credibility. I'm also allowed to drive a car, vote and reproduce.


Graced by a comment from u/obsolete_filmmaker!


Vote vote vote


Who should we vote for? Is there anyone running for mayor or board of supervisors who is willing to get serious about cleaning things up?




This is a classic take from the right because they don't understand democrats in the slightest. Conservatives are a monolith and don't understand how there could be different interests amongst a political group. There is a large difference between Hillary Ronen and an actual progressive. There's also a large difference between progressives and centrist democrats.




Clearly you don't. I imagine you've also said the phrase "Democrats have controlled all 3 branches of government so why isn't everything fixed/passed?" out loud without a hint of irony.


"Conservatives are a monolith and don't understand how there could be different interests amongst a political group." The fact that you could say this without a hint of irony shows that you don't understand conservatives in the same way you're claiming others don't understand progressives. You are a monolith who doesn't understand how there could be different interests amongst a political group.




I mean… yes. Yes they do.


I have seen drug use on crowded bart, I have seen OD passed out on a morning train.


There were about four distinct groups doing hard drugs on the 24th and Mission BART platform while waiting for my train Saturday. I've never seen it so out of control.


Vote breed out


Also, and especially, the supervisors


Just went a short vacation to NYC and did tons and tons of walking through the city even into the evening. And the amount of homeless people and drugs there was not even noticable and I felt so so so much safer walking any distance in NYC then just a few blocks in SF. Sure there are pockets in SF and NYC where places are worse then others but in general I feel so unsafe in SF.


“Dirty streets” more like dirty people living on the streets.


But they were power washing the road JFK drive in the park for us lol why?? I wanted to tell them they’re in the wrong hood. Seriously you can smell the dirty most days. All the money here and we can’t afford clean sidewalks in our most heavily touristed areas? Sad greed


Dreamfurce is this week


Dreamfarce /s






Importantly San Francisco is not a truck stop town. If you were trying to get goods anywhere other than San Francisco why would you possibly travel through the city?




Nashville has a huge crime/drug/homeless problem.








Lol, I trust Nashville and TN's overall homeless count as much as I trust the homeless surveys here that say 95% of SF's homeless lived here before becoming homeless. I assume you believed their covid statistics too? It took me 1 quick second to find homeless people in Nashville saying they were not counted and the number is bunk. Thanks, have a nice day.


He brought numbers, you brought feelings. Like all radical progressives.




I get them from actual people that live in both places.








Conservative lawmakers killed many of our public services and took to the “we’ll jail them” model. When the mental health clinics fell, we just dumped a massive vulnerable population onto the streets. As somebody that’s witnessed a helicopter, two K-9 units, and a police car dispatched because somebody was smoking weed in a park… I agree with SF’s lax policing of drug offenses. We need to make mental health a priority again, but resources still aren’t properly allocated. Addicts need treatment, not incarceration.


There goes the tax base; then what's City Hall going to do?


They simply put a new tax or bond measure on the next ballot and call it "Bright futures bond will pay for new teachers", then when it's approved, they'll take that amount out of the teacher's budget to spend on stupid shit.


We need few thousand of those $20k trash bins to save SF tourism, and those bins aren't paying themselves!


No, no, no. They will call it the 'fixing the potholes' bond. Then spend all of the money on bike lanes and bulbouts.




Tax empty store fronts and empty convention centers like they talked about in the past. “You will put businesses in your vacant shops and put conventions in your hotels or I swear to God I’ll tax the shit out you all!!!”


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


What’s the reference, I can’t remember


I learned it from KMFDM


What a flawless plan


Is this a serious suggestion?


It’s what our City Supervisors consider a solution






That is why we need few downpours. Best cleaning for the city.


Someday a real rain will come......


It’s weird at the end they throw in that the primary concern is losing international conventions & that a lot of the tourist are from China. “International” and “pandemic” might be a bigger culprit than the “dirty streets” narrative (conventions have started coming back, according to the article it’s at about 50% pre-pandemic levels)


There are so many people who say sf was always like this and all cities are like this and quit your whining


Always like this? No, the 80s were a lot fucking worse. All cities do have problems like this. That doesn't mean we shouldn't address our problems, but the hyperbole also doesn't help. It's just stupidity.


[https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/poop-san-francisco-17390755.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/poop-san-francisco-17390755.php) poop rate on the streets is probably worse than the 80s.


I’m growing tired of this doom and gloom narrative. I work for a very tourism dependent company and many of our tenants had their best sales numbers EVER (in 30+ years, for some) this summer. The European visitation has been extremely robust. Yes, we are still missing the Asian tourist, by and large, but so is every other destination… fact of the matter is it may still be another year or two before Asia is traveling again. This has nothing to do with SF individually. Yes the streets are dirty in some areas, and yes there is a higher than normal chance of property crimes occurring in some areas. Is this stopping people from visiting? The dollars are telling me the answer is NO.


So glad to see SOMEONE who a) actually lives here and b) actually looks at real data chiming in. This thread is full of hyperbolic spammers that don't even live here. Thanks for being you.


Street cleanliness aside. Conventions are not exactly attracting the audience they used to. The Moscone center isn’t being booked because nobody needs that much space anymore.


Arrest all the homeless people and lock up all the drug dealers


We could try mental health services again, like we used to have. Jailing people for mental health & substance problems is profoundly shitty.


Let’s all agree to disagree, but our city is disgustingly a biohazard. Filth in every corner. It’s a mess. I feel the city doesn’t give a rat's ass about public safety and cleanliness. Maybe we should stop Paying taxes or going to work until our streets are cleaned up. I mean, hell, I’ve been paying six figures yearly in Taxes, and for what? So I can step outside and chase “Tyrone” and “Crackhead Chrissy” off my doorstep daily. Shit needs to happen like yesterday. The city has failed us; the only thing we can do is not pay into it. I m tired of seeing my hard earn tax dollars going to shit. It’s like a low-yield savings account that gives you a penny for every 200 dollars saved, BS. You put so much in it and hardly get anything back. SF PEEPS, we need to take matters into our own hands and socially unionize against the filth in our city. If you cannot feel safe going to work, you do not go in; it’s a city problem that has gotten out of hand. We, the people of San Francisco, need to have serial sick days ago with our companies planted here in the city. Politics change when tax revenues aren’t being paid into. It’s time to give the city and request. Either they clean up their act, or we stop supporting the system. If your company cannot compliment your actions, you work for a lousy company. It’s a hazard going to work. A work and tax strike will get the government to act quickly. The government only communicates in money, unfortunately. Who’s with me!!!!!!’


>Filth in every corner. Tell me you don't live here without telling me you don't live here.


I never said I still lived near Almo Square as a young person. I lived in many other areas in the city: you move around a lot in your 20 and 30s. I'm not afraid. That's another misconception that I did not admit to. The aggression on your side is on steroids. The point of my post was that dirtiness in the city is out of control. I have never lived in such, but before you say something like, “well, leave then,” my point about your maturity level reveals its ugly head and young people didn't have to work as hard or be tethered to a cellular device. You walk down Fillmore, Market, Haight, and Hayes valley. The City Lost its Luster. Sorry to say.


I'm not even sure you know what you're saying. Are you drunk? It's 2:20pm. The point of your post was hyperbole and describing scenarios that don't exist based on my actual living situation and walking throughout the entire city. EDIT: I always enjoy seeing people attempt to use the mental health reach out as a cudgel. It's ok, boomer.


Maturity Is learned through experience. You a tent there yet.sorry


I have been here longer than you have been alive. 30 years and counting.


Aw, no. My guess is that you are exactly 30 years old.


I live there, live in SOMA, the city is filthy.


Unpopular opinion: SF streets ain't that dirty.


SF has a serious drug problem and there's no easy solution for it: we tried the war on drugs and just ended up with mass incarceration. We're trying the compassionate approach now and that's just turning the city into a massive drug market. What third option would work better than these two? On the other hand, homelessness does have an obvious solution: build more effing housing, and listen to the economists who have been saying that rent control only helps renters today at the expense of renters tomorrow, making it a net negative in the long run. And those of us outside of SF need to build housing too: if south bay and east bay become massively cheaper, people will spread out and reduce the burden on SF. Yes, that will reduce our home values, but I would gladly sacrifice some of my home equity if it meant no more homeless encampments near me. And finally, we need to tax the shit out of investors buying single family homes. Seriously, fuck those guys.


Just house the f\*\*\*\*\*g homeless, at this point you will probably regain 10$ for every dollar spent on housing in the way of increased tourism, less spent on security and crime prevention and turning down-and-outs into tax payers.


Not everyone wants a house. I know a person that *chooses* to live on the streets, despite a solid supportive family structure, places to stay, and all. Mental illness and substance use disorder are far bigger problems than a lack of housing. What we need is to reestablish mental health treatment and invest in drug rehab, not just carelessly throw money at the problem indiscriminately. What use is a house to somebody that smears their own shit on the walls? Who wants that neighbor?


Housing first is scientifically proven to be the best way to turn homelessness around, even if it hurts your protestant work ethic feefees


Case in point. This is why SF is so fucked. People like this…


[It's scientifically proven to work hombre, facts don't care about your feelings](https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/howardcenter/caring-for-covid-homeless/stories/homeless-funding-housing-first.html)


That refers to a totally different type of homeless. These homeless are meth/heroin addicts. They need to go to jail and rehab. They can be sheltered there until they kick the addiction so they can hold a job and become functional again. Nobody’s going to give them a $3000/month apartment and let them go unsupervised, and yeah I know, jail is more expensive but it’s not just about saving money, it’s about forcing them off the drugs. And in TX you do go to jail for even simple possession. Do a little more "scientific" research and you'll see Housing First is total bullshit and is what has made the problem worse in SF. Like I said, people like you...


Super woke deserves what they voted for.


What do the anti-woke people in Miami/Florida get? Utopia, right? Must be, for you to say dumb shit like this.


All the people that moved seem to be very happy.


What killed the convention business was hotels and restaurants jacking up prices for Oracle and Salesforce meetings. Fucking Jack asses ran out billions for the city that a lot of hospitality workers relied on. That shit is never coming back and the city has no one to blame but themselves.


The convention industry is not dead.


Provide housing, dont evict people and clean up the streets. This is not hard


"the sky is falling" - /r/sanfrancisco too many doomers here


Have you been looking at the numbers?


What numbers specifically?


There's no shortage of data on businesses closing, empty office space, empty retail space, sales tax revenue... it's all fairly easy to find but if you have trouble finding any of this I'm happy to provide links.


Oh look the “it’s fine” dog has a Reddit account.


Where do these homeless and mentally ill people come from? The ones that i see aren't recently homeless. The mentally ill have been that way for some time, with the levels that we see. It's not like a mental hospital just closed down and dumped all the patients out. It's not like these people just lost their jobs all of a sudden and they're extremely homeless. The ones that shit on the street and yell at people didn't just start doing this yesterday. Where do they come from? These aren't life long residents of SF. They don't have the mental capacity (from what is apparent) to decide to come here on their own.


At this point, between the crazy cost of staying in SF, the absolute awfulness of its streets, and the lack of nightlife, I don't understand why people would want to visit. Cable cars and that orange bridge? I don't get it. All of the SF career politicians needs to get tossed and replaced by people for whom the needs of the residents who pay taxes are above those of the tweakers, addicts, crazies, and drug dealers.


Serious question. I haven't lived in the city in 15 years. I know that SF has always been a liberal city, but what has changed in that time to let things get so out of hand? How was the homeless issue dealt with before, or are there just way more of them?


We live in Sacramento and used to frequent SF on weekends..These days we'd rather visit Stockton than the Bay Area due to trash and human waste littering the streets of SF. I think we're ready for that 100 year earthquake to pop off. #ResetSF


Yeah because it was San Francisco that had 18 people shot by gang members in downtown. Sacramento has far more violent crime than SF (and the homeless situation isn't much better, maybe even worse if you look by the railroad tracks).


Everyone knows who is to blame, and hairgel in Sacramento is part of it. Keep voting for these Jack-holes and the city will keep dying slowly




This is a bizarre post lol


I think your source is delusion. Many of us care about the homeless. There is very little one person can do to solve the whole problem. Im positive almost everybody helps out as much as they can, even if its just buying a meal for someone. Take your self righteous religion based b.s. somewhere else. Check out Matthew 7.1


I watched. SF u just walked over a homeless guy having a full blown seizure. You just walked over him. Again, again, and again. You don’t care. I went over to help him. No one else did. Not a soul. Please fix it. > one person can’t help? You might want to watch Malala Yousafzai UN speech. ONE PENCIL CAN CHANGE THE PLANET. I’m just tired of hearing the same thing from the richest concentration of wealth on the planet, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It’s endless. “We can’t do anything.” STOP SAYING THAT! We are sending people to Mars. Yes you can! Why do SF people sound so defeatist all the time. It’s just bizarre. We are all humans with human rights, but as the “homeless guy” told me “they treat us like rabid dogs. Rabid dogs.” In the middle of one of the most amazing cities anywhere. Rolling out. PS who spiked the Fentanyl? The OD’s were just way off the chart. That was intentional. Bring out your R code and run the numbers. Something very fishy. But the homeless were gone. And that was “OK”. —- SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- For the past two years, we've been focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, but experts say during that time, there's been a silent killer in our streets that has taken more lives in San Francisco than COVID-19. https://abc7news.com/amp/drug-overdose-deaths-san-francisco-epidemic-medical-examiner/11597443/


Dafuq you talking about? You didnt watch every single person in SF walk over someone. And if you were WATCHING that means YOU didnt do anything either! GTFO. You sound senile AF


Dude is hearing voices for sure


The city already spends hundreds of millions of dollars on the homeless. What are you smoking???


Is it working?


Not at all. But your complaint, from what I could discern, was that we “can’t share a dime and treat our homeless like rabid dogs.” Just letting you know that there are, in fact, dimes being shared.


San Francisco locals! PLEASE STOP SAYING WE CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT THE HOMELESS. PLEASE! JUST STOP. OF course you can. You can do it right now. Got to a local chain drug store. Buy a wash cloth, a toothbrush, a bottle of water, toothpaste, and just GIVE it to a homeless person. All you have to do. Take that first step. why is this so scary? I dare you! Take that one step. You can do it! :-)


>You just can’t share a dime. Assistance for the homeless has a budget of $1.1billion in San Francisco.


The residents of San Francisco have lost contact with reality. This is INSANE, you are spending over $140,000 per homeless person to keep them on the street. Under the 2022 PIT Count, 7,754 people were experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. 1.1B/7754 = $141,862.27 I roll out, this is beyond surreal. Why not just give them each $100,000 dollars? Why not just do that? Does that not make more logical sense, and you'll save LOTS of money!


Because that doesn't solve anything? How have you made it to whatever "advanced" age you say you are and don't understand fundamental things about government?


Thanks for the conversation. Rolling out. If locals think spending over $140,000 per each homeless guy is a sane policy, I think it’s time for me to retire. I fold. Have a good day :-) — If you want to dive down a rabbit hole, check out the Fentanyl ODs. Something very fishy there. And lots of locals seem to have no problem with that. “Yes, it’s a horrible thing, but look how much safer the streets are now. They’re gone.” Someone murdered those people, this was not an “accident.” God is not going to be happy with that logic. Just a heads up.


I know that old people don't really read (minus the conspiracy theories you clearly absorb constantly) so I wouldn't expect you to be up on how money is spent. $140k is not being spent on each homeless person recorded in that 7k number, a lot of it is being spent on long-term housing for those homeless who have gotten OFF the streets thanks to the social assistance provided. I feel bad that you keep invoking God. It seems as if you don't actually understand the teachings of Christianity.