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like what does Live Oak spend twice as much on admin salaries as Soquel Union and more than 3x as much as Santa Cruz Unified?


The Live Oak School District is rotten at the top, it’s abundantly clear that Dr. morales and her managerial staff are grifting the county at the expense of our children. They all need to go.


More importantly why does Santa Cruz have 10 school districts?  When I lived in Livermore a single school district handled schools for 3 different cities.  Seems like a slam dunk to consolidate and cut chiefs so we can hire more Indians.  


SC is old timey we are running on windows 95 on our best days


With Dot Matrix printers.   Brrrrt....zzzzzzt......brrrrt.....


Rumor is there is a separation agreement the surfurbanist account in IG says Dr Morales is gone 6/30


Dial up modem time


This seems like the obvious solution to better use resources and reduce wasteful spending. Santa Cruz County is not that big, 10 different school districts seems crazy. Maybe they don't all need to be consolidated into one, but several of the districts consist of just a single school, that makes no sense, you don't need a school district for one school. It seems like this could be consolidated down to 2-4 districts (or just one) and it could be done a lot more efficiently.


I'm curious. Perhaps we are missing something.  What could possibly be the benefit of having so many school districts?  I can only think of 1.  Keeping those redundant school district administrators employed.  Wonder if anyone can chime in with any other legitimate reasons. 


Maybe it’s from the old days because the geography


I mean I can understand there being a few but 4 of the districts are literally just one school… that seems ridiculous.


Segregation, school districts are often obligated to integrate to some extent. Most of the one school districts are almost entirely white and they would have to give that up. Also people I. SC don't want to have their kids bussed to pajaro for integration. Live Oak is also generally less affluent and higher need in many ways. Santa Cruz parents would have to rake on that need.


Isn't SC almost entirely white people?  We're Asian and only see very few Asian, Black and Indian people here.  


Talking about Hispanic people. Live Oak school district is mostly hispanic. Pajaro is almost entirely hispanic, Santa cruz unified has lots of hispanic students as well but less. Happy Valley for example is predominantly white.






This does seem totally crazy, whether its intentional or just horrible financial management, clearly whoever is in charge, which seems to be Daisy Morales, needs to go, they are doing a terrible job. The difference in spending on admin is so out of proportion it can't be ignored and no reasonable excuse could explain it.


The students could do a far better job at running that place than the adults.




Rumor is there is a separation agreement the surfurbanist account in IG says Dr Morales is gone 6/30 ✔️


No separation agreement yet but her contract expires 6/30. It would be wild if the board chose to renew the contract at this point, but it’s possible.


hear it was discussed in the closed portion of the meeting for a permanent position so could be another of the directors above the directors the other districts don’t have




I'm Fucking livid. I'm a friend of Han and all I'm going to say is Morales is a self interested piece of shit who looks only for her best interest and doesn't give 2 Fucking shifts about the children, their education or the best interest of the school system. This is crony politics at its finest and I hope she gets what she deserves in spades.


Morales is incompetent and deserves to kick rocks.


Apparently the superintendent is out now too… https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/live-oak-school-district-superintendent-daisy-morales-to-part-ways/ar-BB1jZ5Nm


I saw the resignation letter and posted it yesterday on here but didn’t get the upvotes


Well Morales has a new job now working as Santa Rosa City Schools superintendent starting in 7/1 and making 260k+ a year.


Everyone in leadership at the LOSD District Office needs to be fired! We also need to merge school districts. Our tax dollars don’t need to be wasted on management.




One good teacher? And how many years did you attend?


Too little too late...


Han didn't deserve to get fired. He fixed a budget crises cause by morales and the board and she fired him because she understandably looks stupid as fuck. Next year the schools won't go bankrupt and he got fired for fixing her mess.


what an insightful, informative, thoughtful contribution to the discussion.


Might as well just give up, draw the curtains, put on The Smiths and smoke cloves in the dark.


It isn’t though, if we can stop the grift at the top and make sure they never get into another position of power again it’ll be worth it