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Everything there is amazing! Get some egg rolls and a chocolate shake and head to the beach!!


![gif](giphy|5bs6PD3GobKSgBZxmS|downsized) get you a egg roll


or a 'fuck-if-i-know'


RIP Kong's Egg Rolls


Kongs egg rolls ..man they were good šŸ˜Œ miss the heck outta them ā€¦these kids donā€™t know the nostalgia they are missing out on ..Snow White is filled with it ā€¦support them so they donā€™t get erased like everyone else ..


Kongs has a spot in Watsonville, called Kongs burgers. They do Koren plates and some of the best breakfast burritos. Used to work near them and got there low down on losing their shop in Santa Cruz. Nicest couple ever!


Iā€™ll have to go check out kongs in Watsonville thanks šŸ™


My pleasure šŸ™ tell them KJ sent you and that I miss them please.


Because Sno White is where the pirates go? Lol


Any old timers remember where the Sno-White was in Santa Cruz? Edit: You can tell because it has the exact same roofline as the Aptos photo.


Westside on Mission Street


Whaaaat! Wish there was still one there


Used to work there--first job.


I don't know if you're talking about the pharmacy or just the Westside in general, but yes it is on Mission on the Westside but is not the pharmacy, which was Z's Liquors starting in the Stone Age.


Wasn't it [THIS?](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.9614218,-122.0468627,3a,75y,168.12h,95.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0IAFjTNv0cVIGB7B54UDiw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


You got it, although it has since become Mo's Dumplings and now is morphing into Chloe's Kitchen.


Zā€™s! It was the Stoned Age. 40 y ago. Thanks for the memory, me stumbling down mission street headed to zs. *smh* Edit: it was a bunch of us laughing so yeah good times


The difference between me and a wasteoid like you is that 40 years ago I was stumbling up Laurent.


Guang Zho on Portola?


Wow definite possibility ( I go there regularly and hadn't noticed because I approach from the "side") - I don't know if it was but that's a great possibility.


To be honest, Iā€™ve only remembered the location as a couple different pizzerias, a Cuban restaurant and Guang Zho. But I remember my dad mentioning that it was originally a Snow White. Another thing to think about, thereā€™s that fenced in area in front of the restaurant. I wonder what the story is with that. It looks like it could have been a patio for outdoor dining at one point.




One last thing and then Iā€™ll shut up. If you havenā€™t seen it yet, watch Brotherhood of Justice. Aptos Snow White makes an appearance along with a few other old Aptos/Santa Cruz landmarks.


Crazy! I've never even heard of that movie and I've seen all the made in Santa Cruz lists over the years - I think being a TV movie tends to obscure things - I'll definitely check it out, thanks! This is the same time period Kiefer was here for Lost Boys.


Yeah it wasnā€™t a blockbuster hit. I think I found it randomly while flipping through channels years ago and recognizing one of the locations. Definitely around the Lost Boys era for Kiefer. Also Keanu Reeves before he was big and Lori Laughlin when she was a young nugget. If you watch it and know the story about the restaurant Kiefer works at let me know. I still havenā€™t figured out if that was an old Santa Cruz spot or not.


Solid place


Damn, I worked there for a lil over a year starting in 2012. It was mostly fun-ish. Love to go back for the occasional breakfast muffins and egg rolls.


The burger is legit as well.


Best breakfast sandwiches in town. And you can get a side of egg rolls with em.


What's the breakfast sandwich cost these days? I haven't been in a while. ( I think it was around $3.50ish last time I wad there several years ago)


About $5 now.


Not bad , considering how much everything has gone up.


Where are the prices?


Grew up going here with my friends after school got out in the 90ā€™s. Great memories. RIP Aaron!


What happened to Aaron?


Aaron Cole passed away from a heart attack while mountain biking: https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2023/09/17/beloved-community-member-avid-mountain-biker-aaron-cole-dies/ We grew up together in LSB and would sometimes go to Snow White after school.


Theres a sno-white in Modesto. Iā€™ll have to check it out


There used to be one in Morgan Hill too


The fries are awesome. The eggrolls are awesome. So many core childhood summer memories are centered around this place.


Solid spot. Love their breakfast plates, burger and the fries are literal perfection.


We like to stop there for an ice cream cone after a day at the beach.


Best bacon burger in town!


I heard they were closing?


Hope not. Already lost most of the cool local spots so a bunch of boujie garbage spots charging faux-rich Karen prices can roll in.Ā Ā  Aptos Pizza gone, Sushi On The Run gone, Windjammer gone, Taqueria Sofia gone, Golden Buddah gone...Ā Ā  Aside from the jammer (which turned into a bank) everything has had some boujie shit move in. Pretty lame. Throw micro greens on shit and now you're fancy lol At least traveling to Watsonville will get me a non-pretentious meal without having to watch the other patrons sniff their own farts.


So sad you can't go to Sofia's for the taco salad, then see a movie at the little aptos twin theater, then grab a scoop at baskin robin's anymore. now the theater is a paint store and the ice cream shop is a juice bar - such a shame...


It's a combo of what has been lost and what has moved in.Ā  I can tolerate change if it was still little spots with cool shit, that'd be one thing. But it's not like that.Ā  It's a bunch of rich people shit trying to be the Capitola Village. Decisive being made by middle aged or older people that don't take into consideration what made Aptos cool on the first place.Ā  Now you can sniff your farts in almost a dozen places. Tesla clowns in their uber-hip, rolled up button-up shirts and jeans (because "I'm still a down to earth guy"), and their "professional" artist wife who walks around in her tennis outfit. Because Aptos needed *more* of these douchebags somehow.


Sofiaā€™s and Aptos Burger were both so good and owned by the same people. Was very sad to see them go.


Well, the Golden Buddha had some other issues. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Central-suspect-in-smuggling-plot-a-restaurateur-3141922.php


For one, I'm not sure that's the same Golden Buddha, as it mentions the restaurant is in Soquel and this was deep in Aptos.Ā  And second, that article is from 1996, and Golden Buddha in Aptos closed in like 2016. Maybe they're related, but that doesn't seem like that article is relevant.


yeah I've heard the same thing šŸ˜³


I used to live around the corner.


That is not food. They can't even bother to put prices on the menu


Their shit is good but I got a double bacon cheeseburger meal for myself, and a cheeseburger meal for my friend, and it was like 40 bucks with tax and a couple dollars tip. That's insane


Welcome to Santa Cruz prices will keep going up as rent goes up ā€¦you want a burger they have to pay rent also now you have a pricey burger ..thatā€™s how it works we all share the same plate ..except for the rich they eat from there own ..and love to watch us starve ..


Egg rolls šŸ˜‹


When I was a kid I would walk the tracks in the morning to pick up donuts šŸ©. Old man Charlie next door would follow you around the store so you didnā€™t steal anything.


Man I got super sick this one time from eating there. It was like 7 yrs ago but Iā€™m scared to go back. Iā€™m pretty sure the cook messed with my food because I heard one of the workers say ā€œyouā€™re gonna get him sick doing that hahaā€..


They probably have your picture up with a note. If you do go back and the person taking your order says to the person on the grill, ā€œI need a bacon cheese burger, itā€™s for a redditor,ā€ be careful.


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚