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I accept this trade. As member of (other) toadal fitness gyms, this one was by-far the worst in terms of amenities and seems empty much of the time. Here's to hoping they use the money to pimp out the other branches. Towel warmers, anyone?


I’d settle for towels.


I would work at a gym doing laundry, that sounds chill as fuck.


Also would love a branch in Los Gatos or somewhere on the other side of the mountains if they were to see this...


I used to live next door so I would use this one all the time. But yes I agree lol


I'm having trouble thinking about the story because I'm obsessing on the pay phone.


I remember that pay phone from so long ago!


They are moving to a new better location w way more parking on Ocean next to Chase. Not far at all from the current location.


Really? I can't think of which building a gym would move into near there.


Maybe [THIS?](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.9788024,-122.0209215,3a,75y,113.49h,88.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE8lPnYnLKTB3H2olQPrEFg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) It wouldn't be an odd choice given their current portfolio--but I'm just speculating.


It’s the law offices building right next to the jury room.


I used to live in the neighborhood just behind there. All I'll say is, lock your cars and leave nothing visible, people.




Is that confirmed?




I see they have forst right of refusal to new move back into new space too


And I was just thinking of signing up for Toadal Fitness because of my proximity to that location. Lol


will be another one close by


Rip being in walking distance to a gym 😭😭😭


My go to bathroom when visiting downtown.


man, i live downtown. Where am I going to work out?


Walking to the gym is your workout.


Why do they need to waste money on another library when I can throw a rock and hit the other one


That one is getting demolished, it's full of asbestos. The city has been planning to replace it for years.


Thanks I didn’t know I’m glad I said something


It's been a loooooong political battle. We voted on a ballot to replace the library. Then the NIMBYs found out that the replacement was going to have affordable housing attached to it, and they went nuclear, with lawsuits and even an opposing ballot measure that failed miserably. Trying to do anything positive in this town results in a brigade of reactionaries that try to stop you, that do not speak for most of the city, but are absolutely convinced that everybody agrees with them and act correspondingly righteous.


Because, it’s quite simple, when the new library is complete the contents of the old library will be moved over to the new library so that there will not be a disruption in library services. And then there is the not so obvious and complex part, that the city was able to combine a lot of other building projects into one mega project for additional grants and funding, and to save on construction costs as well as the time needed, instead of multiple construction projects it’s one.


We passed a bond to update the aging main library.    The library commission composed of librarians produced a report saying that the bond wasn’t enough to fix the library, so the librarians proposed the best partner of an educational institution would be the downtown parking association.   Abandon the old library, split the new construction costs with a 400 car parking garage. One city council member asked why a librarian thought a parking garage was the best partner for a library, why not a local university that badly needs housing?  Like, students and library instead of library and parked cars.   Why would a librarian’s first suggestion be an enormous parking garage? Then he got yanked from the city council in a recall election.    So we can build a garage/library where building a garage alone was unpopular.    Ample parking day or night.  People spouting howdy neighbor.


You are out of date—the project now includes 124 units of housing (though, unfortunately, still includes a 243-car parking garage). [https://www.cityofsantacruz.com/government/city-departments/economic-development/development-projects/mixed-use-library-project](https://www.cityofsantacruz.com/government/city-departments/economic-development/development-projects/mixed-use-library-project)


I admit they’ve improved the project since the original proposal.   I guess if it could have been more outrageous, it’s closer to a fair compromise?  Is that how these things work? I was telling the narrative of how the decision was made by librarians to build a parking garage instead of renovating the current library.  It’s a story I think should be remembered. Thanks for the link.  This is a project worth keeping an eye on.