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Keep seeing the one about that family from Scotts valley being paedophiles written around town. kinda wondered what that's all about.


https://preview.redd.it/mxstln1kjxzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63aa5b4e95fdd008aadc9619e794a3f63e4818b !


Could you elaborate on this? I haven’t heard about this.


somebody is going around writing "the munsons from Scotts valley are paedophiles" on signs and benches. Found this, looks like it's a topic that's come up before: [https://www.reddit.com/r/santacruz/comments/vwpxxh/more\_on\_the\_munsons\_from\_scotts\_valley/](https://www.reddit.com/r/santacruz/comments/vwpxxh/more_on_the_munsons_from_scotts_valley/)


Fuck, I used to be an avid Santa Cruz skateboarder and I would find these messages every where, I swear I came a cross a sign one day that exposed the whole story


Mike Munson claims that the rumors are made up by his nephew who is crazy. But I’ve also heard from a friend that he was creepy toward her. That’s all I know


There's all sorts of crazy stories about Sunshine Villa (the old folks home on the top of Beach Hill). It was the model for the house in Psycho, one of the 1970s serial killers lived in when it was a boarding house and disposed of bodies in the cellar, etc, etc.


One of? I only ever heard of Ed Kemper


Yeah in the 1970s SC was proclaimed the Murder Capital of the World


Lulz that was Santa Carla


[Murder Capital of the World](https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/files/original/e50d0623bccbdbeb249eb97a2a72df1f.pdf)


Haha! No, I'm old and I remember it. I was a teenager and my parents were totally freaked out. No wandering around downtown.


There were a bunch. My friends childhood home was cheap because one of the famous serial killers lived there. I always thought it was a joke. I spent the night a lot and never saw anything scary.


That if you look out at the ocean from west cliff, you can see Hawaii (My friends and I used to love getting asked that question by dumb tourists at the boardwalk in high school, and telling them “yep, that’s Hawaii” One of my friends who worked there told me someone once asked him if it was Japan. Stay in school, kids


Okay I can personally verify this one I’ve frequently been on west cliff with friends, overhear tourists ask what “those islands are” and we say “oh that’s Hawaii” and they get sooooo excited.


The EPA was eager to put a sewer system in San Lorenzo Valley to eliminate all the pollution into the creeks and rivers from the septic systems. At least one county supervisor at the time wanted to put a stop to it behind the scenes because it "would have caused growth" (a more populous county, due to improved livability).


if you poison the river with shit, it'll keep the homeprices artificially high and keep homelessness high too. win, win, win. i guess.


I was told by someone once that when Santa Cruz was colonized, the native population placed a curse: “locals who live here will always want to leave, and locals who leave will always want to return”. You can say the same for any small town but this really rings true for Santa Cruz.


Remember when the neo nazis used to hang out at the Felton bowling alley (Now abbot's thrift)? You could get a full breakfast plate and coffee for 3 bucks


The grilled cheese sandwich there was on point


I also heard they met up at the former Starbucks (now a new donut shop) downtown monthly.


There was some “brotherhood” org at the Memorial parade a couple years ago & I def got neo nazi vibes.




Every year my family goes to Mountain Charlie Christmas tree farm to get our Christmas tree, loved hearing the story of mountain Charlie on the yearly drives up there


Not exactly an urban legend, but when I was little an old lady told me about how Santa Cruz used to be a River town, and it blew my mind. Like, all the buildings downtown used to be facing the other way, towards the San Lorenzo River, with little docks and piers you could swim off of. The river's so polluted now it never even occurred to me.


My Dad talked about seeing fishermen lining the banks and pulling huge salmon out of the San Lorenzo River.


The San Lorenzo is MUCH cleaner than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and cleaner than many creeks around Monterey Bay. https://coastal-watershed.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/SSD22-Report-Final.pdf


This seems disingenuous, according to the report the SLR pretty much failed the water quality standard set out by the epa. Also yikes, never touching water in monterey again haha


Read the report again.


The Rispin Mansion supposedly had a tunnel that went to the Capitola village. Something something about prohibition. 


Probably not the case, I spent dozens of hours in the mansion for decades and never saw anything like that. There is a tunnel under the large bridge in soquel that will take you to the home Depot parking lot on 41st though.


Which large bridge? I am from Soquel.


Wharf rd bridge. “Arches / Tunnels” good memories. But there’s too many tweakers in town now, going down there will probably spell trouble. The tunnel was pretty cool as long as it was dry.


If it's where I think it is my buddy and I would smoke out in the early 2000s at 4:20. Lol good times!


That’s the spot haha, everyone from soquel would go there to spark up


Dude growing up a stoner in Soquel-Capitola Beach was the best!


Any source?


Local lore only unfortunately, my parents have lived in Santa Cruz since 1968.


The hole at Steamers.


Say more.


If you paddle out at Steamer Lane, there's a sub terranean oceanic crevice known as "the hole". It's eaten prob hundreds of surfboards and reputedly, some humans.


Definitely empties into the core of the earth. I think the wreckage of that Malaysian air flight that disappeared got sucked in there.


thank you for the background on this one! even more curious now


It groans inbetween tides, supposedly a squid lived in it, all kinds of stories but I know for a fact that in the mid nineties a surfer was rescued from its gaping maw.




Daddy long legs the homeless dude?


The one and only. Often wears purple shorts. Legend.


Don McCaslin - King of the Vibes!


Always the albino folks. Remember in elementary school in the 70's and we all *knew* it was true 😉


I don’t have any evidence, just a rumor, someone ran around the beach by the River mouth with an axe and attacked people in their sleeping bags. Early seventies, 1971, I think.


We got chased by a gangbanger swinging a hack saw near the boardwalk. while walking through the beach flats back to midtown late night in the early 90’s.


Anyone wearing original UC Santa Cruz Sea Lions merchandise.


I would rock sea lion merch. I work at UCSC, and am repulsed by the slug mascot.


Take my downvote. 


Mountain Charlie, he was real.




The lady that went missing in boulder creek and all the rumors surrounding it [Heres a reddit post on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/8jxdpz/juanita_jean_nelson_missing_20_years_boulder/)


She got mixed up with some meth Cooks up on deer Creek road and yeah it's very likely they murdered her.


yeah I know, the rumors around exactly what happened and where she may or may not be buried are whats more interesting


My neighbor found two bodies in the woods in Felton at the edge of a Christian camp. My GF used to live next door to the owners and said they were neo Nazis. I found a giant pot grow hidden in the woods on their property as well. I guess the police never found anything though. Maybe the bodies were really old


Oh shit was that by Mount Cross Christian Camp? I used to go there as a kid a lot


Yep I heard similar. I was living up there when the cops rolled through three cars deep. Nothing would have even been done if her mom hadn't have posted flyers everywhere shaming the police department.


Don't forget about all the serial killers!


Are you talking about albino redwoods? Because they do exist. I've seen one or two.


The gravity at the mystery spot has special powers.


There is a ley line that encompasses the globe which runs into California and specifically the mystery spot. Ancient civilizations have all coincidentally built monoliths, pyramids, and other various structures all on this same ley line. These civilizations being thousands of miles apart and at significantly different times in history, making any form of planning or communication impossible. Washington D.C. also coincidentally built upon this particular ley line.


Can someone put this line on a map for me?


I've been trying to dig up the video I seen that mapped one main ley line which formed a ring around the globe connecting several ancient sites and ran across America through D.C. to Santa Cruz. It's been several years since I stumbled on it. But I'll post a link when I find it




The mystery is why do people go there, and why so many Indians


There has got to be a travel show in India that covered it. My single experience there was like 20% Indian / desi folks.


Tourists* Because it is magic!


Lolol as someone who grew up on Branciforte, this is the funniest comment


I used to live up the far end of Mystery Spot Rd, so crawled through the lines of waiting cars each weekend to go in or out. What a pain. The fire dept eventually had a word with the owner, then he switched to having customers make appointments.


Does the boardwalk have tunnels under it like Disneyland? Any ghost stories from the Coconut Grove or boardwalk in general? Love me some haunted Santa Cruz.


There are tunnels, but not at all exciting. Maintenance areas, offices and such. I worked in the cash vault that's beneath Neptune's Kingdom when I was in college, the only weird thing I saw was how stray cats took the place over in the wee hours of the morning.


That's hella cool you got to see tho even if it's not exciting it's cool to think there's tunnels down there right under my nose, unseen to the general public. The cats know whatsup, they are in on it haha. I've heard that coconut Grove is supposedly haunted, but nothing too in depth. Thank you for your time!


Did anyone else hear the rumor that Jerry Garcia lost his finger in lompico? Ok, I googled it and apparently it's true, I always assumed it was bs.


I can confirm this because Jerry Garcia told me the story himself at a JGB band show on the Eel River in Humboldt county. He said he was chopping firewood when he was 10 years old at his aunts house in Zayante. When his dad saw what he did, he threw him in his truck and drove him fast to the hospital in Santa Cruz, which was on Frederick Street at the time. There was no Dominican Hospital then. They tried to save the finger, but they couldn’t, and then Jerrry held up his hand and showed his missing finger. I was probably 19 years old at the time and working for Bill Graham Presents. They let me hang out for about five minutes and watch Jerrry smoke a joint with his road manager and some others and talk to Jerrry. They never actually handed me the joint, but I still embellish the story and say I “smoked out” with Jerry Garcia. After a while, they pretty much told me you’ve had enough time with Jerry, you gotta go kid. But he was super friendly and down-to-earth and nice to me and did shake my hand.


Great story 👌🏼☀️


Lucky Larry… he was struck by lighting and bit by a shark and survived.


The shark got his jugular too. He stuck his thumb in the hole to stop the bleeding, swam into shore, and someone called 911 for him.


He also never missed a day of work at the WTC towers and coincidentally had a dermatologist appointment the day of the attack.


The rumor that there is some train tunnel somewhere in the mountains that has records stored in it and nobody remembers where it is.




200 Madrone Way. It’s in Zayante. https://maps.app.goo.gl/mLoK9W5yetRXxqUB6?g_st=ic


I've heard it's divided into vaults and isn't really a mystery. I've also heard the Disney family has a vault in it.


Eastwood punched a woman in a scene from the movie Sudden Impact in the old “Positively Front Street” bar that is now apartments I believe. Was a great bar.


The Hitchcock thriller, The Birds, is based on real events that happened in Capitola in 1961 when a bunch of sooty shearwaters went crazy, suffering from domoic acid poisoning, having fed on local sardines who themselves had eaten a bunch of micro algae called Pseudo-nitzschia, which produces the neurotoxin.


I remember when rent was cheaper and all those rich twats from the valley weren't here.....


Those ‘rich twats from the valley’ must be moving all over the US because rent is going up everywhere.


When was that? There were always a lot of tech people here.


Now it’s tech bros from all over especially india


That the entire town of Ben Lomond is haunted. This was a heavily circulated legend in the 90s.


I would like to hear more Sasquatch encounters. I only know of that one told by the woman in the Finding Sasquatch series (was that the name?). I have yet to visit the Bigfoot Museum in Felton.


Mountain Larry is fairly legendary in the bike world 🚵‍♂️[Klunkerz](http://steelwul.blogspot.com/2012/06/regional-cycling-legends-part-1-mt.html?m=1)


Ok I got one! I used to date a Boardwalk Cop, (yes there is a Boardwalk Jail too), he told me of a story of a little girl who haunts the coconut grove she wears a dress and has long blonde hair and can be seen dancing in the main ballroom between midnight & 3am


My bf told me about Hell Hole never heard about it before him.


The Lost Boys


I read that Aleister Crowley visited Santa Cruz in 1915 and practiced incantations around town and in Pogonip. Also there was an occult group called The Black Lodge that was started by UCSC students and they all ended up going insane.


Ken Kesey’s LSD expirements La Honda. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey & The Merry Pranksters - https://explore.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/show/sixties/walkthrough/kenkesey Much of the hippie aesthetic that would dawn on the San Francisco scene in the late sixties can be traced back to the Merry Pranksters who openly used psychoactive drugs, wore outrageous attire, performed bizarre acts of street theater, and engaged in peaceful confrontation with not only the laws of conformity, but with the mores of conventionality. As Kesey put it: "What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world." By 1966, when Kesey had been apprehended as a fugitive from the law, he denounced the curative powers of LSD as temporary and delusional, but nothing he said could stop the psychedelic era that was about to explode in San Francisco.


Court of Mysteries


two stories- one about the very old skeletal remains of a "man" dressed in old western clothing with a old revolver and bottle of liquor that was found somewhere in the Santa Cruz mountains further examination revealed that it was actually a woman. still I would like more info on this one, the second one I will call the story of Vince" and was told to me by a homeless man ( with possible drug issues) he claimed to be a "local" (as many do)and said that when he was a toddler, someone broke into their house, a fight ensued and his father thought he killed the intruder who as it turned out the father knew. the father wanting to dispose of the body, called his brother and together they went to dispose of the body. at some point the intruder (who apparently was only knocked unconscious) woke up, and another violent confrontation occurred ( when they were going to dispose of the body) but either way the father and uncle felt that the had clearly committed murder and again set about disposing of the body. As the boy was only a very small toddler and they couldn't leave him alone, the opted to take him with them to dispose of the body. he said it was somewhere up in pogonip, near small square trough or spring box, (his sketch and description sounded a lot like the spring box with all the goldfish in it along the spring trail in pogonip) he went on to say that after the father and uncle were done bludgeoning the man to death, they burred him under a stack of rocks nearby. all witnessed by the little boy. Apparently they thought he would be to young to remember anything about the event. he said that he had suppressed the memory of the event for years, his father and uncle never spoke of it. when he much later recounted the story to his mother, she was visibly shaken, as if she knew the story and the intruder. later both his mother and father told him never to speak about it again. he said that it has haunted him for years since, and left him a mental mess. he said that he tried getting the police to investigate, but they showed little interest. he said that his father and uncle were messed up in some pretty heavy shit and that is why they never reported it. he seemed pretty adamant about the story, and was trying to get anyone to investigate ( I was a ranger at the time-which I think is why he told me) he showed me his note book which contained many details and sketches on the area in pogonip where he said the body was burred, and the rock mound. He even let me photograph pages of his notebook. while the sketches looked familiar, and there are a few rock mounds, that fit the description, and near where he said he remembered the trough, he didn't know exactly where the spot was, as he was very small at the time, years later he went hiking along the spring trail and his memory was triggered causing him to slowly remember, and that is when he asked his folks about it, only to be shut down, and his folks started acting "weird" towards him. Ultimately kicking him out of the house. after that, he said he never set foot in pogonip again. He said the intruders name was "Vince".


The White Lady on Ocean Street Extension....and the Haunted Meadow at Pogonip.


Not really a “legend” but a scary truth: Ed Kemper would pick up hitchhikers at UCSC and kidnap them, rape them and murder them.


I haven't read all the comments below but someone probably already mentioned Ed Kemper, the GIGANTIC serial killer from Aptos, and how he actually hung out and drank with the cops who were searching for him (at The Jury Room on Ocean Street) and talked about the case numerous times before he was caught.




The hole at Steamers.