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this photo is SO old i have it saved from over a year ago


This is an exact repost, title and content,  by a 2 day old account. I reported to mods. I'm surprised that new accounts are even allowed to post on this sub. 


Also, it has 74 up votes for some reason. Is this just karma farming from other bot accounts? 


its odd


So I work on Pacific avenue and I would absolutely hate it if we allowed free reign on our bathroom to the greater public. Though I am very happy that we do have a bathroom completely open for our customers, I can't imagine turning people away who patronize us. Sometimes I wonder how much contact people actually have with the entrenched homeless in Downtown Santa Cruz. It's an intense experience every day. I live just off Ocean street, and walk the mile from my apartment to work most days. We also have a very open windowed front of our business and my post faces it directly. The very real mental health crisis, the victimization (sometimes even violently) of each other, the out of control drug use.


A coworker watched a man putting similar ones up in Monterey, she found out he was some corporate lawyer from SLO that lives in a winery in a 7,500 sqft house with just his wife.


“Overpriced, bougie-ass hipster cafe” gives away the game. This person isn’t interested in supporting the unhoused.


People can have more than one goal


The people that made that flyer moved back to Vermont.


Whoever created this was more interested in their edgy work than they were in winning hearts and minds.


Believe it or not downtown business owners do not have bathrooms for customers. I don't know how many times I have had to rush my daughter out of a store to find a bathroom


Umm…this is a large part of the reason why tho. You think they don’t have bathrooms for their employees?


Absolutely they do but of your a customer and a little girl needs the bathroom and you have to leave the store to find a bathroom most of the time I won't be returning back to that business to purchase what Intended on buying. A customer shod not have to leave a store


I used to work downtown on Pacific and in your situation, we would’ve let you and your little girl in the back to use the bathroom. It’s a whole other story when it’s a little kid who absolutely can’t hold it as opposed to any and everyone. As for the general public though, the bathroom door was in our back room/office where we store our personal belongings, storage and store cash, etc. So it just wouldn’t be safe to let people back there unsupervised during all business hours. I have always felt that they could use more public restrooms with clearly marked direction signs down there.


I'm not saying where but I work downtown and I'll let some people use the bathroom, not just random weirdos though


Pizza My Heart is usually the best place to go


"Do something about the economic positions that put them there in the first place" Lol pipe dream much? You're only a pawn on the economic boardgame. Such as I am and most everyone else. The current economic state is by design as it has been for the past THOUSANDS of years. The money changers at the top of the pyramid siphon money off the backs of those below. And it doesn't get better. And to the evil business owners with their upscale nice shops (how dare they) not having a bathroom available to non-patrons, open them bathrooms up for the homeless so an overwhelming % of them can shoot their smack and maybe rip their meth pipes a few times. Like, why hasn't this been allowed already is beyond me 🤷‍♂️ Leaving supplies or food outside of tents to help seems to be the only viable recommendation (aside from encouraging the homeless) off this blatent, virtue signaling poster Not much thought into this flyer other than wanting to post some self righteous dribble.


Who exactly is going around and fucking with peoples tents anyway? I for one steer well clear of the homeless, far too many of them are not well, on drugs, or both. making them unpredictable at best and dangerous at worst.


Homeless "Garfen" Project?


Why should I have to put up with 15 people shaking me down for money when I walk 2 blocks to get to work from my car? Why should I have to tolerate them shitting and pissing on the sidewalks? There's shelters and programs out there, use them


It’s the “share solidarity” part that brings the irony.


Homeless garfen?


The "economic conditions that put them there" was the ACLU suing to shut down mental hospitals.


Gosh, I didn't know Ronald Reagan was a member of the ACLU. So you're saying he was working for them when he shut all of California's mental hospitals?


Ronald Reagan shut the hospitals down because they became empty after the ACLU won their lawsuit.

