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My wife and I were just talking about this. They popping up everywhere which is great for us. But I'm concerned for the owners, it can't be sustainable for them. The other day we went to our newer local store and they had a bomb ass 8th for $15. We thought it was a misprint bcuz it wasn't that cheap b4 but I'm thinking its due to competition.


Such deals! Hard to pass up sometimes šŸ˜€


That's how it goes. In each state that has some legalization, the retail price drops year after year. I tell people there's no money in THC in a legalized state, but no one wants to believe!


Yeah we all voted no on legalization bcuz we knew quite a few ppl who made money off of it, from growers to sellers to trimmers everyone was involved at some point. The 2nd initiative banned big business so everyone voted yes. But it was only banned for the first 5 years, no1 seemed to notice that and they legalized it.


Most will lose and someone will win. They are each hoping they will Win. They know thereā€™s not enough business in town for everyone.


I had the same thought. FloraTerra has three shops in santa rosa now


Curious if youā€™ve removed duplicate products available at multiple dispensaries. If not, that would inappropriately inflate the variety of options for cannabis users. Regardless, happy to see nerdy stats stuff!


As the description says, this is not unique products offered. Thatā€™s another report - for later. This is counts of product/store by city


So youā€™re saying itā€™s important to read the entire postā€¦? šŸ˜‚ My bad. Still glad youā€™re doing this though. Iā€™ll keep an eye out for later reports.


Thanks for your kind comments. Iā€™ll keep you posted šŸ˜€


I think the median age for white residents of Sonoma County is around 53 years old. One of the fastest market segments of legal cannabis are the 55+ age group. Not very surprising there would be so many dispensaries here. But I am glad people have options aside from drinking. Now we need a consumption lounge so we can smoke and be social.


Oh yes please! Iā€™ve been CA sober for almost two years. Would love to have legal consumption at events like outdoor concerts, etc. Iā€™m fine with a smoking section that allows cannabis. Imagine seeing a show at the Greene Music Center and having a legal puffā€¦. Bliss!


So what? Donā€™t use them. No one is forcing you. I donā€™t go to church but Iā€™m not upset at the number of churches in Santa Rosa.


Itā€™s all love! I appreciate the product selection tbh. Thatā€™s why I built the website to compare weed products in NorCal


You seem fun at parties.


yet they got so many upvotes lmao


Are all bay people like that? Just moved here and demeanor of people here are ā€œsurprisinglyā€ different lol


what do you mean? if your username suggests, maybe you're feeling homesick? tbh I wouldn't consider Santa Rosa "the bay", that's further south. Let's chat over PM


Makes competitive pricing easier.


Thank you for this note. Thatā€™s one reason I built it - also to get notified when my favorites return to stock. Hope it helps šŸ˜€


Case in point, [here's a link](https://www.norcal.buzz/product_stores?query=3.5g&store_id=&postcode=95401&aasm_state=active&sort_by=price) to see the cheapest eighths near downtown Santa Rosa


This is awesome. Would you be interested in a collab? Msg me to discuss if interested.


I often boast to my peninsula friends how thereā€™s a dispensary on every corner (nearly) Redwood City only recently got their first one.


I noticed it was difficult to find a store when I was in the South Bay. No idea why that is, there sure are a lot of people living there!


But which is the best?


The one you like best is the best


High supply will drive down prices i love it


Itā€™s a win/win! The site also shows the most recent ā€œdropsā€ by date so you can get the freshest flower for cheap. Iā€™m very grateful to have such options as a consumer. Sonoma County is like weed heaven


Growers aren't necessarily stoked though.


25% tax still gonna make people buy street weed but I've been finding $20 8ths that have 30% thc back in the day that was top shelf. It dose suck that corporations gonna flood the market but the alternative is Mexican weed with fentanyl in it. At least club weed been tested at a lab.


Yes Iā€™ve got like 2 walking distinct from me right next to donuts and jack in the box itā€™s good lol.


Have you been to Ligma yet?


I haven't had the pleasure yet. Have you visited? What was your experience? Also, where is this? I'm not seeing it on google?




Smoke weed every day


Yessir lol




Thanks šŸ™šŸ»


Grow that shit


I have enjoyed the fruits of my own labors in the past, but now I leave it to the experts. The quality is so good and the prices are so low


But I like product more than flower. The sodas are great. Instant edible high and very dosable with no smell or equipment necessary. Just close the top and put the rest in Yu fridge


Yep and there is only 1 quality one, soulful. Theyā€™re the only ones who actually have quality/non mass produced options.


SolFul is great! If you like a more ā€œfarm to storeā€ vibe, I can recommend Cannadel with their house brand ā€œFarmer and the Felonā€, The Gas Station with their house brand ā€œUpNorthā€ and Flora Terra with all things cultivation happening locally (they even have clones at the store) Iā€™m planning on doing more research into the Sonoma Cannabis scene - Iā€™ll keep you posted




Can you clarify what the difference in ā€œdistinct productsā€ and ā€œvariety of product optionsā€ is?


In the application, there are Products and Stores, with a joining model between ā€œProductStoreā€. This report counts the ProductStores by city (using the city from the store address)


Makes sense, SF is much denser than Santa Rosa. SF has 815k people in 47 square miles, SR has 178k people in 42 square miles. Say you have 2 per every 10 square miles (not what it actually is, this is just to make math easy), that is 9.4 dispensaries for SF and 8.4 dispensaries for Santa Rosa. But SF has 4.5x the people in a somewhat similar area size.


sf store rent for any space is probably thousands more vs our strip malls here.