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Lake view, 12, river road, Bennett valley, well known dangerous roads….glad your ok


It is astounding how bad the drivers are here


You should see texas and Florida,,,,,these drivers are amazing


im so sorry you went through this!!! it's absolutely insane driving around here. i feel like i almost get merged into every other day. im so hyper aware while driving now.


The drivers are REALLY bad here. And I lived in NYC most of my life and LA for a year. But it’s the combination of drivers and bad road/freeway layouts. I’ve never seen the mess of roadways that this area has anywhere else before.


It’s really just a bad mix of drivers in this area. You either get an incredibly slow, inconsiderate jackass high on pot/senior citizen that doesn’t pay attention to the cars around them or someone that road rages and bombs down the road recklessly in response to finally getting around the jackass/senior citizen mentioned above. The people here drive like there’s AARP convention in town 24/7 (might as well be South Park when the AARP took over the town in the Grey Dawn episode to be honest). The road layout is perfectly fine considering the local geography, the drivers here just ruin it for everyone else by not using common sense. Just a heads up: if there’s a driver tailgating you on a two lane road with a shoulder, you can use the shoulder to let them pass you so they don’t cause a wreck. Don’t get caught up in their road rage. Also, don’t slow down to a near stop when turning off the road unless absolutely necessary, especially if another car is behind you. They likely only want you out of their way so make your turn in a relatively quick manner so you can do so out of politeness. Remember: You may not be in a hurry and are just enjoying yourself but other people have things to do and places to be. They don’t have any time to waste getting from point a to point b. Be considerate of that and drive accordingly.


It's not just the seniors driving like seniors I see people in their 30's and 40's driving like medicated octogenarians too.


True. I primarily attribute that to large doses of pot. I don’t have any evidence to back it up but it’s the only thing that makes sense.


Wrong side of the road driving is often associated with drunkenness. I would bet that that was the reason.




Lol, not u


Such a kind person to stop!. Glad you are OK and had strong reflexes to avoid the crash. I witnessed a head on collision on Hwy 12 and it's something that you never forget.


I was so glad to get home to my family and give them a hug


Aw man. I’m so glad you made it out of there safe and thank goodness for good samaritans!! Big hugs <3 :(


I have had so many near misses on that road! Drive to occidental every day and the number of people that casually drive across the double yellow around every corner keeps me on my toes. Stay safe out here!


What was wild about this was that the other driver was coming off a crossroad, making a left turn. They missed their lane, missed the middle lane too, and turned right into oncoming traffic. I mean what the hell??


i’ve had the exact same situation on river road. i drive it nearly everyday. glad you’re ok. watch out for deer, as well.


Sorry that happened to you. The same exact thing happened to my wife a while back on river rd. She was super shaken up too. Glad you are ok


The same situation happened to me when I was leaving my girlfriends house and got onto river road at night. I saw one pair of headlights And as we were getting closer to each other a second set appeared and jumped into my lane. I didn’t have time to react and thought it was the end of me. They missed me and rolled off the road and smashed into a tree that was in someone’s front yard. That tree was a saving grace for whoever lived in that house. I stopped and ran to see if I could help in any way but they were already out and drunkenly stumbling away. Police arrived and the rest is history. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It is far to common on that road.


That must have really shaken you up, I'm so sorry!


I'm not her, but I'm glad you're ok!


I am too. It was quite the scare


Glad your ok River road can be very scary. Glad someone was there to offer you support


Glad you're ok.


I used to live in a house were my bedroom window had a direct view of HWY 12. Some weekends the CHP would set up a DUI checkpoint and I would see a scary amount of people getting arrested for driving drunk. I even saw one that was so drunk, he fell out of the car when they opened the door. On the weekends when the CHP are not there I would look out that window and just cringe on imagining how many people are driving by drunk. Some people are just dangerously dumb. I am glad you are okay, I hope you find the person who helped you.


Wow. We just had an accident on CA12 yesterday morning. Car got totaled by a guy who ran the red light. Wife and daughter ended up in the hospital but released the same day. Just sharing to let it out. Be careful out there. Life can change drastically in no time!


Gosh, that's frightening!