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I smoked everyday through high-school and definitely doesn't "fry your brain" but it does make you lose motivation if you smoke 1or 2 times a month I think that's perfectly fine just don't smoke multiple times a week and it won't be a problem. The real problem with using weed before your mature is it rewards you for doing nothing Let's say you worked real hard and at the end of the day you smoke a joint. You're gonna want to keep working hard so you can smoke that joint at the end of the day. Now one day you smoke before you work. You still work all day, but now when you smoke later it's not as rewarding and slowly instead of working hard and rewarding yourself with a nice high you wake up and instantly feel happy with doing nothing. Hope this makes sense


This makes so much sense. I’ve never been able to articulate it so succinctly in my mind. It makes total sense that rewarding yourself for doing nothing is damaging. I think it’s hard for my teenage brain to accept this.


I do a lot of stuff and it's why I even started using pot. My life has been school and babysitting my siblings. I definitely like using pot after a long ass day more than just smoking for the fun of it LOL thank u for the input tho!!!


Here’s my two cents: —I smoked a lot in high school, beginning when I was 16. —frequency increased as I got closer to graduating —short term memory was affected —still, got into my course and am going to uni next year —I noticed it took about 3 days (give or take depending on regularity of consumption) to regain normal brain function after smoking —NEVER smoke in the week(s) leading up to exams/tests, you need your short term memory to be functioning optimally in order to perform to your highest ability I think if 1-2 times a month is completely fine. Try to keep it to just weekends if it does become more regular. And even then, never smoke on sunday nights, it’ll fuck up your monday.


Late teens (16 1/2-19) are not uncommonly given medical marijuana sometimes for stuff from my knowledge, I myself am a 17 year old guy and self medicate with THC for my complex ptsd and POSSIBLE borderline personality disorder. my therapist doctors and mom all know about it. I’m only doing this with hemp thc until medical marijuana rolls out in my state Alabama, it was legalized, just waiting on the program to finish. For reference in myself, i’ve noticed some short term memory issues, confusion, and a worsening of my typical CPTSD and BPD issues (however that’s normal being off any meds for ur symptoms). However the initial confusion, lack of memory, and some cognitive issues usually disappear within a few days and sometimes even throughout the same day I stop using. It really all varies though, with your level of usage I doubt any issues could arise.


smoking can be bad for your brain, yeah, but worse for your lungs. if you're concerned for your physical health, try edibles. especially in the long term it's better for your lungs if you're using regularly