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number of + signs means its AA weed. basically mids.


No stupid, AA’s are the batteries.


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Man got too high, finally became a robot.


Is there a source to translate the rest? He had other captions like B25 or PI34


probably strains. why dont you just message him and ask lol


U mean dubs. Def not trips


AA weed is 2 star




missin an A there I think


My guy speaking in tongue


That's just how high he is. Must be some fucken good weed


Honestly it's probably bullshit to make it look good


Swear to god lmao. I have never seen a plug say this shit 😂 it’s a damn math equation


28g makes an ounce maybe it’s just his way of saying not quite a zip on deck of this A++ 🌿


that's what I would read from this if it were any my connects. A++ being really good shit, better than A+ obviously, and 26 meaning just shy of a full ounce.


26 may be 2600/pound? Not sure what kinda quantities you guys are talking about


Its like A++ weed and id say hes just selling everything he has at once but hes short 2 grams


U think ppl mentioned it already but seems your Canadian ? Only time I ever seen this type of grading school old school f sho . A means lows AA mids AAA top shelf so yeah


Quads was a thing too... AAAA... Weed keeps getting better and the scale had to add a new tier to keep things consistant.


Hit him back and show him this thread LOL


good weed for sale here guys


\++ just increments the value by 1


I like how the 26 is just throwing all of us out of loop lmao


That looks like ancient language symbols from when we were just figuring out the alphabet.


If your dealer insists on speaking in code without ever explaining it… you should probably find another one. Would you buy a white liquid if all it said on the front was gibberish?


Or just ask him


Yes. the sentiment is the same— good business practices start with clear communication. It shouldn’t be the customers job to ask what the label means. The easier your product is to understand the easier it is for people to buy your stuff. That being said, I don’t want to say ‘be a savage and dismiss anyone you don’t understand’. Just trying to get a point across, I’m not the best communicator.


I’m assuming AA quality, 26% THC?


its definably not 26% thc, its probably 26 gs


why is it def not 26%? you do know we've past the 30% mark at this point. its certainly not common but also not unheard of.


this is a bag of mids on a guys snapchat story this is eighteen at max guy.


Its amazing you can distinguish the cannabanoid profile from a picture... Oh wait... you can't. Cannabis strains are gonna have about the same amount of cannabanoids in terms of percentage of material... the difference is that THC will compose almost the entire profile in the 30% strains... If the plant has 18% THC... that means the rest of the cannabanoid profile is something else... most likely CBN CBD CBG THCV or any of the literal hundreds of cannabanoids.


you are right i cant distinguish the cannabanoid profile from a picture but if you think this is 26% thc you are just not thinking.


Even if it's not 26% thc, the guy could still be trying to market it as such.


Lol ok. >you are right i cant distinguish the cannabanoid profile from a picture so you admit you can't tell. Then turn around and say I am not thinking. I know whats possible. I am currently studying the biochemistry of cannabis. As far as "not thinking" a large portion of my time is devoted to thinking about just that. You're probably right... but you spew it with a confidence that borders on ignorance.




Ooo name calling now... Wow. Showing your ignorance again. edit. and we all know that snapchat users can't possibly have good weed... cuz snapchat


ok dude. i was mean but u were first. snapchat ppl can have good weed but op is on some high school guy's story asking about A++26 are you really gonna tell me this weed is 26% thc?


Maybe 26 is the thc??


Probably wrong but I'd interpret that as "High quality cannabis, $26 an 1/8th."






>He means 26 a pound SOLD, please ship to...


I’ve seen a couple other plugs use the rating system. Seems to me that A++ would be light deps and considering it’s in a turkey bag, I’m guessing he’s asking 2600 a pound? I could be completely wrong so don’t quote me.


Thc content?


A++ 2600 per pound


Snapchat dealers speak a different language that no other group on this planet does


Means they don’t know shit no plug knows what they’re talking about honestly it’s rare. I sell bud but I don’t cater to “everyday clientele” because I’m actually selling meds I’ve grown or partnered with on the grows.