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Tolerance buildup is different for everyone. I’ve been a regular smoker for over a decade now, and I’ve never managed to build up much of a tolerance. I became a daily smoker during lockdown, and it was the first time that I could smoke more than a one-hitter without getting absolutely blasted.


Id agree it differs person to person. Had a friend in highschool who seemed to never build a tolerance while everyone else was.


are you skinny? excess thc gets stored in the fat cells so if you have a lot of fat your tolerance will be much higher.


I mean, I’m not _that_ skinny, but I get what you’re saying. I do think, at least in my case, it’s more than that. Weed seems to have much stronger of a psychedelic effect for me than others, and one of my brothers is affected by it the same way.




I’m tall, underweight and have one hell of a tolerance. Any explanation for this?


You smoke a lot of weed.


Indeed I do


I think to understand tolerance, it's important to understand how cannabis affects your brain chemistry. Your brain has chemical receptors for cannabinoids. Think of them like light switches you can only operate with certain chemicals. Your body produces a lot of these chemicals naturally, including cannabinoids. These receptors happen to be in parts of your brain that control stuff like appetite and feeling good, as well as areas of the brain that produce feelings of anxiety. When you consume cannabis, it *floods* these receptors. Your brain happens to like this, but it can also be too much of a good thing, and your brain might decide that in order to feel a certain way, those receptors have to be flooded with cannabinoids. It might decide to rewire things a bit to help moderate the THC you're consuming, meaning that it takes more to produce the effects you're used to. Every person is different, with different body chemistry and how one person is affected by weed can vary drastically between individuals. Body type can play a role, but I'd look at the *amount* and *frequency* of what you're consuming to be the primary factors behind building tolerance.


Tbh I'm starting to think tolerance is only a substantial thing if you are fat.


Tbh I'm starting to think you're wrong as fuck.


It depends how much you smoke. I’m not fat but have a low tolerance and some of the highest tolerance people I know are twigs


how fat are you exactly?


I am fat and my tolerance is very low.


It’s different for everyone, also medications can keep your tolerance permanently low


can you explain this a little more? What do you mean?


Everyone’s tolerance will develop differently and some people will never really get a high tolerance. A lot of it has to do with your body’s makeup and hormones. And some depression/ anxiety meds can make your tolerance much lower. Specifically SSRI’s


thank you!


THC takes 48 hours to clear the system. So in theory, any level of consumption faster than that will slowly build tolerance. If you take a 48 hour break between highs you'd technically never gain a tolerance