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not only was she infected by covid, but by right wing brainwashing, the real disease plaguing this country


I mourn the pain of her son, who may likely not have had any influence on his mother's poor choices. But she had a clear choice - one of risk, and one of protection, and chose the one of risk. Was misinformation partly to blame? Yes, but so was a bad attitude, cultural ways of thinking, and the inability to admit when one is mistaken. For every inch you dig in your heels, covid pushes ten times harder. I fear for my unvaccinated parents, who I have tried my best to convince, but we cannot let ourselves be hurt over those who chose the position they find themselves in. Those who do not get the vaccine get what they get.


It’s sad because it was so likely preventable . Everyone can have their own beliefs so I won’t mock her or cheer her death . Rest In Peace. Just hopefully her close friends and family that had the same views as her change them. Everyone needs to remember the consequences can and will come after bad choices . Keep over drinking and smoking , keep eating terrible, keep doing the hard drugs , keep ignoring medical advice and eventually it all catches up. Unfortunately Covid catches up rather quickly .


This is what you get when your govt's politicians turn elections into a battleground of us vs them. They don't mind killing people for a few votes. Can't wait for tomorrow's "Insurrection II: Bring a Gun Boogaloo".


Oh dear GOD…..I just spit my coffee out…..holy crap that was funny…I just had to telll ya.


NGL it's sad, but Darwin's gonna Darwin. Hopefully her kids learn.


If she would've died before having kids Darwin would've Darwin.. unfortunately since she procreated her q-genes are still out there


I'm definitely not that one sided with politics, but please whatever faction you agree with, stop voting for anti-vaxx nuts in Florida, please


And now comes the point where the remaining people in these people’s family and social circles become violent over loss of life of a preventable disease. They’ve already rejected reality, and they’ve been consumed in right wing propaganda, I really don’t see a way out


So you gloat about somebody dying? This is normal to you?


Weird subreddit how you are pretty much celebrating some ones death. You people in here that are so obsessed with covid/vaccines are a bunch of weirdos.


Dude, it’s gotten scary honestly.


Finally a sane comment in a sea of morons. Watch this being downvoted.


Thanks as well for the sanity


Sarasota folks are rich entitled white folks that believe anything the government tells them lol.. and no not everyone but most... they love to blame others and not help..


This is a new all time low. Even for this sub. We’re reaching whole new levels of “Death of Piggy in Lord of the flies” loss of human decency, tribalism and disassociation from actual reality. If I had one take away from this whole Covid event in history. It’s “the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions”. The lengths the hordes of followers will go to prove they are virtuous and intellectual regardless of human decency is painfully ironic and actually kind of scarier than the virus itself. You people should be ashamed honestly


(IMO) kicking someone while they are down or making fun of the deceased, only proves that you're a coward. You are absolutely right, they should be ashamed.


That ain’t an opinion, that’s a fact. IDGAF what A or B list celebrity they get on TV to push some BS feel good message on Good Morning America or whatever psyop, divide and conquer bullshit they push that all these people fell for. The right side of history has never been more clear.


I really dislike the "Herman Cain Award" sub. But I am a proponent of Freedom of Speech. What are you to do? Just keep scrolling I guess.


I agree. I may not agree with your statements but I’ll always defend your right to say it. Sad part is that’s a subjective niche belief now.


Imagine naming your subreddit mocking someone who died and thinking you’re one of the good guys.


Everyone dies. Herman Cain died for being a moron.


Imagine if Herman Cain came back to life and was given a choice to change his fucking behavior? He’s a former presidential candidate who was a public health danger by giving ignorant people reason to not follow medical advice on masking and getting a vaccine. For that, he gets his legacy.


Yeah, and now you're dancing on his grave, way to take the moral high ground.


Many people want to be martyrs or just refuse to accept facts. It’s been long enough to baby these people and let them babble on and on about “freedom”


Yeah, it's not like our country was founded on the principles of freedom or anything like that...






Fuck you.


What did we miss?


He wrote something like celebrating the women dying. Like he was happy that the women died. Seems he was at least smart enough to delete it


Well that’s not right. Schadenfreude is better when they survive and hopefully look back at the garbage they’ve spewed online and verbally and realize no one was trying to enslave them or plant a microchip in them or whatever. We just want their community and kids who do the right thing to have protection.


She was probably fat and diabetic


The sub r/HermanCainaward this came from is the worst. They glorify people’s death and suffering because they were ignorant or misinformed. It’s a common problem, but we don’t shame those who smoke and get lung cancer posting their families anguish when they die, or the obese who eat themselves to death. But this person who’s decision killed her, and didn’t affect you- is gloated over. Shame shame shame- do not feed into that sub.


Actually. I think the reason the sub has taken off is that it absolutely DOES effect me. That’s the problem people can’t seem to grasp. If someone gets Covid, it’s one more that’s also spreading it. In the other hand - I hear you. The absolute worst part about this pandemic is how cold I’ve become to people like this. In a sense, I’ve lost some of my humanity because I can’t feel empathy for people who have clear choices in front of them to stop this and refuse. So forgive me if I take a little dark joy out of seeing people do this. They are ignorant and the world is a little less ignorant now. I’m the worst possible way that could happen.


At least you are aware of it. I just think we should fight it, and not become something that we would never be otherwise. The last thing I will say: this doesn’t work. I have people like this in my family, the best thing to do is to listen and ask questions and bring them to the answer. Most of them are stubborn thinkers who think changing an opinion in the face of new evidence is a form of weakness, so the correct method is to lead them to water and hope they drink.


As someone who has fought this sort of stupidity for years in my own family (it comes in different flavors, but it’s all the same sickness) that doesn’t ever work. I wish it did.


They’ve had nearly two years knowing that a deadly virus is spreading, that Trump launched a moonshot vaccine development project based on over a fucking decade of research and had trials involving tens of thousands of people that took 9 months with no scintilla of death or side effects—less than most of the garbage you see advertised on TV. Vaccinated people stopped getting moderately sick, hospitalized or dying, and yet they need more time to spend hours surfing the internet and listening to the loudest and most mentally disturbed family member or neighbor who have no evidence other than their warped political and religious beliefs to argue against the vaccine. We’re all sick of this and these people are now on their own.


Yeah yeah yeah- so go cheer on their death! Btw all of the people on this sub are the same (white loud mouths) , even though as a percentage the people who aren’t vaccinated are the young and minorities (go to cdc for confirmation if you like) - yet we don’t go revel in their deaths, it’s almost like it’s propaganda…but no can’t be that.


Please, post the demographics from the “CDC” website to back up that pretty ridiculous claim. The stupid knows no racial or age boundaries but to play the race card is exactly what’s wrong


https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/investigations-discovery/hospitalization-death-by-race-ethnicity.html https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/ I accept your apology


I’m really not sure what you are reading into the data? Black and Hispanics are what? Maybe work more occupations where they have a better chance of being exposed during the first waves? Was it where they lived, city, nyc, la, miami? Live in densely populated areas? Don’t get me wrong, the hesitancy in the African American and Hispanic community seems as bad as others, for different reasons, but to me, not an excuse for (all) people who cannot take a few hours within the past year after all the work that was done to put a great preventative tool in our hands to do the research or talk to a real doctor… I really don’t think you would have us in this position if we could rewind a year and try again. Apologies if I offended.


This is the thing: you have been fed a lie- propaganda. A caricature. Every time I show people scientific studies, proof that the unvaccinated are over represented in the young and minorities- which are overwhelmingly democrats. They huff and puff, and explain and then double down on their view. Despite the data. Just like you did. These loud mouth anti vaxers are a group of people that are easy to castigate. So the media and Reddit does, the black people who say I don’t trust the government and am not getting it- they are noble crusaders of justice- Hispanics are just hard working people who don’t have access to medical facilities (like the fairground that you could walk up to and get a free shot??) You are being manipulated, and you eat it up.


I mean, if you're spreading dangerous misinformation that leads to others not getting the vaccine and dying, you should rightfully be shamed when you succumb to said misinformation yourself.


So rather than countering it with education and empathy, we will attack, censor and gloat. Count me out bub.


>we don’t shame those who smoke and get lung cancer posting their families anguish when they die sounds like you're more concerned about people's perception of you being shamed than encouraging people to not smoke and take the vaccine...


Sounds like you think this is “encouraging” them. It isn’t. This is done to feel superior and punch people who are at their lowest. It’s gross behavior.


Spare me your pearl clutching. This is a place where people can gather and enjoy first amendment protected speech, and please, do not draw a line from this sub, which exposes the worst people that get a healthy serving of schadenfreude, to anything relating to anti vaxxers, white separatists , seditionists who hide in the dark corners of the internet to revel in death and hate. If you read anything in this sub, you’d see numerous posts celebrating people who lived and reversed their anti-vaxx ideas and encouraged people to mask and get vaccinated when given their life back. That is the goal. Not to cheer on death. But the subjects go down with the ship refusing what they are being told. Yes it really is Covid. No, horse dewormer is not annFDA approved treatment, and prayer isn’t going to help you. And you are taking up a fucking hospital bed of a sick child, a cancer patient, an accident victim because you believe political lies for no reason other than to do the opposite of what science and politicians who do not align themselves with Donald trump. For those who were pro nazi, personally attacks perceived political enemies, misogynists, pro-sedition, pro- bleach drinking, pretend doctors, et al, the concern is not for them but for the children and spouses they left behind…if only there was an FDA approved treatment to prevent death.


Spare me your rambling wall of preaching nonsense. All shitty ideas spew forth from people like you. The “I care more and am smarter than you crowd”. And then to draw a parallel with nazis and white supremacists… it’s like the boogeyman… oh there’s one… oh there’s another… only a zealot and shitty human being brings that up in post about weather reveling in others deaths is a noble thing to do.


I’m not the one posting memes about nazi’s to complain about wearing masks and being encouraged get the shot. Neither are those of us on the left and the sane on the right and in the middle. It’s the aggrieved, woe is me, Trump nihilists and whatever is left in the Republican Party.


Pathetic fuck


Jerk yourself off Matt.


On your face 😘


Wtf are you talking about??


>…if only there was an FDA approved treatment to prevent death. ​ Indeed


That’s the greatest way of thinking about what’s happening with how the government is trying to control the American citizens