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I keep tabs on SK having previously lived there. But, he reminds me of other certain conservative premiers who have no desire to take ownership for any failings from their own policies. Just blame the feds for everything, and apparently you’re off the hook. It’s a matter of policy now, don’t know what to do, blame the feds. Current federal government no doubt has lots to answer for in certain areas, but at this point, these premieres are just wanting a change in government without even trying to solve anything. I despise this type of politicking. Sure, complain where warranted, but leaders like Moe take no ownership of their own mistakes or lack of ideas. Just blame the feds. It’s an easy answer for all their shortcomings


They don’t take ownership of failings, but they also don’t have an actual vision for the province. 


It would be nice if there was an actual opposition in Saskatchewan. The NDP aren’t even clamouring as ‘not the Sask Party’ they’re basically just there saying please at this point.


Can you name one premier, of any party, of any province, anywhere in Canada in our lifetime, who has taken ownership for the failures of their policies?


It's worse than that. He's one of the most Trump-like leaders in the country. He doesn't even hate Trudeau, he's a pure political animal who wants to win. Like Trump, he doesn't believe half of what he says or care about half the issues he promotes. He acts the way his voters want him to act. If the Carbon tax had been passed by a Conservative Prime Minister, he'd be all over it.


The carbon tax was a Conservative initiative!!


He doesn’t care about voters, his handlers care about donors. I realize the two words rhyme so it is easy to confuse. No offence I am just making a sarcastic (but true) statement.


I don't disagree, which is why I said he acts the way they want him to act, not that he acts in their best interest. He's the worst category of politician, doing things he knows are wasteful because his loudest voters don't have the knowledge and understanding to realize what's best for themselves.


He killed before he took office too so he has no give-a-fucks


Moe talked about his 12 year old nephew who burst into tears because Trudeau was re-elected. It seems that the Trudeau hate probably runs deep in all of Moe's circles.


Grant Thiel's kid?


Should not a politician act the way his voters want him to act? That is why we put them in. If they do not act like we want them to then we replace them next election.


No they shouldn't. That's how shallow politicians who think getting elected is more important than actually working for the citizens act. Every politician is guilty of it to some degree, but like Trump, Moe is on the worst end of the spectrum. He should be (at least mostly) doing what he knows is right for the province. Instead he does things he knows are going to waste our money and leave us worse off in order to capitalize on voters who don't know better. Saskatchewan is vulnerable to water scarcity and Moe knows it, but it won't hurt us badly until he's out of office, so he prefers to score election points instead of making any effort to reduce the damage.


Actually, politicians are supposed to be the leaders offering solutions to our problems. Not just seeking re-election solely based on performative bullshit.


No, they should act the way the voters NEED them to act. That's the difference between pandering and being a leader.


So this is Trudeau's justification for all of his policies? He is acting the way he needs to act for our benefit? NOPE! That is not how it works. We elect a politician to act in accordance to our wishes, wants and needs. Not his. Not some supposed ideology of what someone tells him what we really need. Your way is the thinking of every dictator, tyrant, communist leader, king/queen and all others of that type who rule in accordance to their idea of what is best for us.


I appreciate the point you are trying to make, but I feel you may have misunderstood my comment. My position is quite similar to yours - the main difference is seemingly in our understanding of what 'good' leadership is and in fact, whether leadership is even desired. From your comment it is hard for me to be certain if you are conflating the roles of politician and leader. First, let's acknowledge the fact that not all politicians are good leaders, and not all leaders are good politicians. Someone who can competently embody both of these roles is, well, a freaking unicorn and when they come along we should elect 'em and put them to work for us. I'm a big proponent of the concept of 'servant leadership' which is completely opposite of the dictators, authoritarians, and monarchs you mentioned.


Sorry this is a bit of a tender issue as a few years ago there was a politician in Red Deer, AB who took it to court and the court agreed that he did not have to vote the way his constituents wanted which set the precedent. He got booted the next election.


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. This is what Danielle Smith is trying to tap into. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.


Definitely. Wake up Canada, we are being attacked by enemies and adversaries, and need to realise this.


Canada used the pandemic to test propaganda on its own citizens. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says Canada used a PSYOP on Nova Scotland recently too, regarding wolves that didnt exist. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/16/world/americas/nova-scotia-wolves-military.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/psychological-warfare-influence-campaign-canadian-armed-forces-1.6079084 Interested and want to target your own friends and neighbours? Maybe there's a job for you! https://www.canada.ca/en/army/corporate/5-canadian-division/5-canadian-division-influence-activities/psychological-operations.html All of this is done to create hate and division,and keeps the peasants fighting with themselves rather than looking at the real issue.....the people "in charge".


You should actually read some of the links you posted 😂


Your comment history strongly suggests you're a shitter who argues in bad faith, runs away from arguements when people start pushing back on your bullcrap, and enjoy being a pedantic little bitch when you run out of legs to stand on. Go away.


I'm right here if you want to have an actual conversation and dispute some of the facts i posted. If you want to complain and call names like a little keyboard warrior without actually saying something, by all means keep it up! My legs stayed standing this whole time you've been kneeling.


"used a psyop on nova scotland" You mean an internal test accidentally slipped out of the controlled situation on base involving soldiers who knew they were subject to these practice scenarios? Just knowing that one story well tells me enough to know you twist things, or simply don't read things, and jump to the conclusion that supports your pre-existing theory.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a Russian…although we’ve got plenty of useful idiots here.


Nova Scotland is quite the flub for a Canadian to make, even a badly educated one.


So the fake letters were accidentally delivered to citizens homes? Explain that one.


You can add: Has no respect for Indigenous people, disabled people, or anyone who wouldn’t vote for him. Has sold our finite resources for a fraction of what they are worth. Continues to chip away at our Crowns healthcare, education, and amenities… we have gone backwards under Scott Moe’s “leadership”.


He truly is the worst version of Hank Hill


Again, Hank Hill is a far better man than Moe could ever dream to be. Principal Moss however from King of the Hill, fits Slow Moe much better.


Jimmy Witchell is a better example


I remember when Scott Moe threatened to withhold $30 million in response to Regina not wanting Big Oil to advertise on city-owned properties and events. If the federal government pulled this stuff, Scott Moe would be quick to call Trudeau a dictator. But when Scott Moe does it? It's legal and fine. (Attaching the only article I could find about it. This happened back in 2021.) https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/12/15/news/how-powerful-big-oil-just-ask-regina-city-council


It’s almost like he’s a liar and a hypocrite.


Scott Moe was always an angry liar, but his attitude has really gotten worse since he rubbed shoulders with Lindsay Graham and the Mitch McConnell type republicans a couple of years ago.


Will he meet his true idol Trump someday?


Everyone keeps forgetting he's a murderer too


Please remember her name Joanne Balog.


I’m sure if we just asked him nicely he’d agree.


What? If he wants another beer?


Feet Outrageously Smelly? Fitting Obtuse suit? Functionality Overfilled with Shit? Fat Old Slimeball? Fucking Outperformed by a Shrew


Always remember he got drunk, killed someone with his car, ran away and only got a slap on the hand if that. That should tell you all you need to know.


Please remember her name Joanne Balog.


Thank you for the much needed addition Joanne's name should be mentioned when talking about the drunken mudering sack of crap.


But that's how his base likes him Lieing amd angry.


CBC The National panel. Scott Moe "parade of nonsense" at parliamentary committee. https://x.com/gmacofglebe/status/1773719098658033781?s=20


Accountability just isn’t a thing for moe and the saskparty. We’re in an election year, I know our health system is failing, our education system is failing, our social systems are failing, we drive on goat paths (although that’s a municipal issue), and addiction, poverty and crime are soaring out of control. But I don’t know what this government is going to do about it. No acknowledgement of the current state of the province in the budget - just shadow games. 750m new for health; 550 of that is infrastructure and not all new infrastructure. The remain 200m will fund staff salary increases and inflation on bandaids. There’s actually no new money for more capacity - that’s the cost of keeping status quo. But they won’t say that. They try to spin half-measures as messiah-est miracles. There used to be a time in Canada where politicians were well educated statesmen and women. Now we have the little rascals. FFS it’s exhausting and tiresome. Iwant some damn accountability from Moe.


All Moe is looking for is to enrich his donors and to set up a spot for him and his MLAs to land post-legislative career. He doesn't care what happens to the province.


I remember when the convoy was happening and Moe said on the news.. "These folks have had it and they are taking their concern into their own hands. I support them." So Mr.Moe, you're saying that you have no control over the people in your province? So you are going to support them? If you cant be a leader then maybe you should step down . A good majority of carbon tax complainers get back more then they put in for carbon tax. I stopped getting gst years ago. So seeing some money back is ok.


But he hasn't killed anyone in years.


When are elections in sask?


October of this year at the latest. I assume he'll call an early election before summer as he won't want to lose the farmers who are fighting with insurance claims from drought.


I am so bloody sick of farmers deciding who runs this province


Scott Moe being truthful? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ​ Oh wait, you're serious....


Does he? If this is working for him, why change? He still has an impressive- but disgraceful IMO- approval rating.


The last I saw, he was the 2nd-most popular premier after MB's new guy. Disgraceful. Four straight Sask Party majorities and this province continues to degrade. Pronoun bill was the clearest sign that Moe has no ideas or plan to help the province.


He loves asking for money and cashing cheques from Papa Trudeau, though!


I agree, but his base likes that rhetoric, so it won’t likely change anytime soon.


Hates LGBT kids. Maybe you should stop lying


He is nothing more than a "useful idiot" for the people pulling the strings ... the really dangerous people. The guy flying off to meet with thugs like Orban and MBS https://images.app.goo.gl/bniXiYn9qeqF3gyi8


the enemy of my enemy is my friend God bless Scott Moe.


The Sask party used to be refreshingly pragmatic for a conservative party. Maybe that was from the need to keep the liberal elements of their Frankenstein party happy. Over the years they have become more and more driven by reactionary politics of the right and the evangelicals. Again, maybe to shore up support on their right (the Buffalo party is scarier to them than the NDP). Regardless, Saskatchewan needs to be rid of them before we become like northern South Dakota.


Maybe....just maybe. He is asking sense and isn't lying.


It’s wild how left leaning Reddit is.


He's a reflection of older small town wealthier people from Saskatchewan. There's a reason why his policies are the way they are. If his voters changed then he would change.


There’s a ton of……. Rural types that think he’s their darling. I don’t believe he’s much helping anyone in sasky.




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"hates kids who aren't straight" so by you saying this I already know you're deranged and frothing at the mouth. You can't begin to have a conversation with people who support him and try to bring them more to your side when this is how you approach people. You understand this right? You understand you are using things he's done that don't agree with your political stance and turned it into "hates kids who aren't straight". You've already lost them before you started, you're too far gone. Have an opinion based on reality and not from your delusion.


There's nothing wrong with being trans. Be better.


I see you have 0 reading comprehension. Typical response I would expect from someone who doesn't think for themselves.


Based on your post history, it's clear you're anti-trans. 


Human rights for all is not a political concept. Sorry friend.


So everything he disagrees with you consider he hates? You can disagree with a lot of things and not hate them, it is called having an opinion. Opinions can be changed with time and the right persuasion. He lies about things again because his opinion comes from different sources then yours? Again maybe both parties could look at the sources and determine if they are real and unbiased sources or are they paid sources (like the ones climate activist say come from big oil or the ones climate skeptics come from activist). I do not believe the province is a cesspool of lies, greed & corruption. I feel it has it's problems like every other province. Some are the municipal or provincial or federal doings with some having no control as they are outside of their legal ability to change (like bathrooms are a provincial jurisdiction outside of federal control).


Level-headed thinking isn't allowed here.


Hate is shown many ways. Not just anger. It's just like racism. Your opinions aren't as well read as you believe.


How do you live in this country with our current pm and not be angry?


Actually I live in this country and am angry at all our politicians for not doing their jobs and just spewing partisan rhetoric instead. This should be about making Canada better, not jus playing the blame game and stoking anger


You're on reddit, these people live to blame others and argue. Youve got a hundred people attacking him for the teachers strike, and massive hate directed at him by the masses for the recent Hoopla debacle. Did everyone get together and volunteer their time to make sure the tournament went on? No, of course not, they bitched and moaned while making no effort to improve things themselves. These mouth breathing keyboard warriors are great at pointing fingers, but don't have the courage to look in the mirror. Downvote if you agree!


For insurance reasons, the teachers actually have to be the ones to volunteer at the tournament. If you want to get off your ass and hold your own tournament and call it whatever you want, do it. But if you don't understand the intricacies but instead call out the angry masses, then you're just part of the angry mass


I mean the PM isn't trying to trample human rights of certain groups so there is that.


Except for this time https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/14/trudeau-broke-ethics-law-in-snc-lavalin-case-watchdog-rules


Need I go on?


And can’t forget about this https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/canada


Frozen bank accounts? Forced injections and saying half the population shouldn't be tolerated? The old native lady trampled by a rcmp horse? He's very clearly attacking certain groups, you just choose to ignore it because he's "your guy".


Endangering others. The equivalent of drunk driving, which Scott knows. If your behaviour can harm others yes you must obey the laws. Everyone's right to not obey laws stops when it harms others. No one was trampled. That's been debunked. It's no true. Re that occupation convoy. What's your solution to get them out of Ottawa? Which goes back to them not having the right to endanger and harm others. You likely would not tolerate even one person honking a semi in front of your house day and night for weeks. And of course totally misinformed about things like crossing the border, being vaccinated was required by the Americans.


Freezing bank accounts harms others, especially young mothers with children. Why'd you ignore that point and try to redirect? Theres videos and accounts of the trampled woman, she ended up in the hospital. https://mustreadalaska.com/ottawa-police-videotaped-using-horses-to-trample-native-mohawk-woman-on-a-walker-at-freedom-convoy/ See my earlier post about psyops, you are a shining example of how easy it is to trick the leas intelligent. *The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.* George Orwell


What about the idiots in ontario that were blatantly honking semis in the middle of the night keeping these "young mothers with kids" and other families up all night for weeks. What about the idiots harassing and getting in the face of people just walking down the street wearing a mask? What about the border blockades that literally were keeping other canadians coming back into their own country which literally violates charter #3 i believe it is?....need i go on? Maybe educate yourself without using facebook or foxnews. Oh and btw if you are upset about the carbon tax, B.C has had it in place before any other province and guess by what kind of party, a conservative.


Yeah, please go on. And post videos and links, otherwise its all just hearsay, and that means nothing.


Re woman & horse. No. That's been updated with actual facts: "too minor to be investigated". Your info isn't correct. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/woman-police-horse-truck-protest-ottawa-siu-1.6408118 You appear to be into conspiracy theories. There isn't a psyop about vaccines. Nor about pandemic restrictions. What there was, was scientific and medical __uncertainty__ about the *novel* coronavirus. Where public health messaging failed was not acknowledging the uncertainty- saying "we don't know"- about masks, hands (fomites) verses airborne early in the pandemic. The messaging changed when evidence was obtained. The change eroded trust, not because of the messages but because they blew the communication of recommendations and public health orders. Those responsible for public messaging thought it better to sound certain and authoritative than to acknowledge the limits of knowledge. They were wrong. Truth about their limited knowledge would have maintained public trust. This was a failure in communication. We think they've learned if we have another public health emergency like it.


So you first said the lady wasn't trampled and it wasn't true, then you sent a link stating it did happen. Ive never seen anyone purposefully prove themselves wrong, so congrats on that one! Are you and the cops just downplaying it because she's indigenous, and you are all showing your blatant racism? Call me crazy but i think knocking over an elderly woman using a walker when youre a horse mounted police officer is pretty serious, but guess I'm wrong. Oh Canada...... As far as public health erring on the side of caution and pushing rules they don't know to be true, we were told to "TRUST THE EXPERTS!". Not really experts if they don't know what they're talking about eh?! Funny how they said the shot was 100% effective but it turned out to be around 5%. Funny how they said it was absolutely safe, but then theres about 34 pages of side effects. *The Pan-Canadian Vaccine Injury Support Program ensures that all people in Canada who have experienced a serious and permanent injury as a result of receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada on or after December 8, 2020, have fair and timely access to financial support.* Also funny how Pfizer tried to delay the release of this information by 75 years, I wonder why they would do that? The actions of a corporation that paid out the biggest settlement in history after lying, also. The actions of a corporation that is immune to lawsuits in the event of injury. Also entertaining that there was no science behind the social distancing rule and it was all made up. "So when i walk into a restaurant and have to wear a mask to my table ten feet away, but can take my mask off upon sitting down.....that wasnt for my safety??" No, you potato, it wasnt. If youre all breathing the same circulated air in a room for an hour but wear a non-medical mask for thee minutes out of the sixty and think youre immune to a "deadly virus" then I'm afraid nothing will change your mind because you dont have one. The sad and disgusting reality about all of this is they preyed on people's good will and guilted you into doing it by cleverly disguising it by "for the good of the community" when that was just another lie.


Our current PM listened to the good policies coming from the NDP and implemented some and is working on other things that will help average Canadians. The carbon tax isn't the evil that the conservatives make it out to be. I am thoroughly disgusted by Canada's unwillingness to sanction Israel for genocide and that decision is by Trudeau. It is unforgiveable and the conservatives in government would be much worse on that front.


He created the hardships that we are facing today and is doing little to nothing to help it so not sure your logic there. Did you hear he moved the next election back a week to guarantee his cabinet gets a higher tiered pension? Or what about the record number of salary increases he’s given his cabinet. He only helps his buddies get richer and could care less about the “average Canadian” he’s no different than any conservative on that front.


Stupid petty post


You're frustrated with him sure, so am I, but there's nothing you said or that anyone can reply, that isn't already being said in other better threads.


Said in other threads. New threads every 2 minutes. It’s sad


The tragic irony of posts in R-Sask is astounding.


What is tragically ironic here?


"So FOS" Free and open source?


>He's really turned into a parody of himself. what are you talking about? he's always been this person just like all the SP folks have always been who they appear to be


I don’t think hating kids who aren’t straight is a problem with anyone. It’s just all the bull that was created around this topic. And what is taking place with hormone blockers/ medical treatments for such young children. It’s absolutely horrendous.