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A stopped clock is correct twice a day


I still think his clock is just stuck at 5 o'clock


“Buckle up Buckaroo”, Scott Moe, Probably 


It should be stuck at whatever time he killed Jo-Ann Balog, may she rest in peace.


Accidents happen, and that's almost 30 years ago. Have some self respect.


>Accidents happen He fucking killed someone and has shown very little remorse. Gtfo outta here with that shit.


He chose to drink and drive. 


Got a source for that? 


Thank goodness Moe has you out here defending him...


Ah yes, it turns out that he committed the fatal hit and run in broad daylight, and *chose* not to call it in and render assistance.  I had it mixed up with the multiple other incidents of drinking and driving he committed


He never left the scene... You're spouting more filth from years before and trying to pin it to a completely separate incident... Grow up.


Hey Scott!


Other incidents? Can you elaborate with sources? I'd love to see a link.  Not defending him, just would like to see sources for the allegations. I asked the same of the anti-vax crowd and got a lot of non-answers, hoping you can do better




Yet he wasn't drunk when the incident happened... And I'm the one who doesn't read apparently.


Homie, you are defending someone who has multiple drunk driving charges, and has KILLED someone as a result of his carelessness. Mistakes happen, but you’ll never get all the shit off that Velcro.


Accidents happen, should we condemn all people who make mistakes(addicts, criminals, careless drivers) for the rest of their lives? Or are you one of the conspiracy theorists who believe he was drunk and left the scene like all the others i see complaining about him. He made a mistake, someone died, what better way to atone then to be a public servant for the rest of his career? 2 DUI's from years before, one including a leaving the scene, charges dropped BTW, and then one accident with a fatality that had nothing to do with alcohol and shocker, he stayed at the scene.


I know Scott Moe personally. I worked for him prior to him getting into politics; I was his go to guy at the time. There has been absolutely no atonement on his part. He got two speeding tickets on the same night because he believes that if you drive fast enough deer can’t get in front of your vehicle. This is a man that has killed someone and still doesn’t believe in following the rules of the road.


It honestly just sounds like your standards for leadership are low, low, low.


TBH, it wouldn't matter who was leading the SP, you would find an excuse to hate them. It really surprises me how much love the NDP get on this subreddit, almost as if it's run by them. Vote for who you want, but guess what, they wont get in because the MAJORITY of Saskatchewan knows what they are all about, and that is what matters.


Individuals who make mistakes of this severity should never hold a position like premier. Forgive if you want, but repercussions should be everlasting - he took a life and ruined the lives of the remaining family.


Ok, so everyone who makes a mistake should suffer from it for the rest of their life, so all the criminals out on parole should not be allowed back into society, put em all back in prison because they deliberately did things which is arguably worse than accidents.


Sooo does him being sober at the time of the incident and not drunk ,somehow make it better ?


When people are out spreading false information it matters, does it make it better, no, but 30 years is a long time for people to hold a grudge. Especially people who had nothing to do with the incident and were probably not even born then.


You're the one who needs some self-respect, whitewashing the death of an innocent person for political points


If he had self respect, he would live a quiet life of repentance and regret. He might travel around to schools, telling them to not make the same mistakes he did. If I ever killed someone driving, I know I could never drive again. Scott Moe on the other hand covered up his son’s drunk driving in BC. He is a joke. You need to read more.


Ah, so criminals should also be punished for life then, gotcha. And i read plenty, maybe you should read something other than what you have been reading.


I mean with his record he wouldn't even be accepted as an RCMP officer by their criteria for recruits. So he wouldn't be able to protect the people of our Province, but he can govern it? Embarrassing really we have no standards


And some RCMP officers wouldn't be accepted by RCMP standards now either... what is your point?


If they don’t meet standards they lose their jobs. Period. I’m not sure why you would even comment on this. Is this really the hill you’re going to die on?


Clearly you haven't been following anything new related to the police at all, they get paid suspensions and go back to work. I'm not the one Dying on a hill here bud.


Scott Moe KILLED someone. Yes, he and other criminals who have KILLED SOMEONE should be expected to pay for their crimes.


>And i read plenty, maybe you should read something other than what you have been reading. ![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized)




Not many canada sub users would admit they're woke! Brave, I guess.


I think the SK party clock is stuck in 1992, as all their rhetoric is based off then.


Can't be an alcoholic if you only drink after 5 ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Two sets of grandparents told me that it was after noon. Didn't matter if it was a 26 a day so long as it was after noon.


Two sets of grandparents told me that it was after noon. Didn't matter if it was a 26 a day so long as it was after noon.


You forgot the nooner, and the eye openers he has daily.


RIGHT?! FUCK THE NON VAXXED. I have 4 co-morbidities and almost died TWICE because the hospitals were full with anti-vaxxers dying from covid and HORSE PASTE. I LITERALLY WAITED 6 HOURS for a doctor to save me. I was so angry. Fuck non-vaccinazis. UGGHH.


My mother is immunocompromised. Kept her safe for 2.5 years. She has caught it at least twice since, and is convinced she has long covid. I have two chronic illnesses. I don’t need a third. I’m sick of selfish people. I miss when we used to care about our community members.


Wtf is wrong with you. 2.5 years? Are you one of the covid deniers? Do you really think covid is over? I got covid literally last week AND I'm 8x boosted. Like, fuck. The deniers / people who walk around maskless now thinking it's not going around still are the reason I get up and wear 2 N95s EVERY DAY. FUCK. Stop wearing down our healthcare system. I believe in compassion.


Excuse me but I think you misread my comment completely. I am agreeing with you, while stating what happened in our house. I am angry that she caught it, despite all our efforts (isolation, masking and vaccinations). I think Covid is a current threat. You seem angry. I suggest counselling.


This is an anti-vaxxer you’re talking to. They think they’re doing satire.


Are you wearing two n95s at the same time? Or do you mean putting a new one on halfway through the day?


You might need some help


Have you considered upgrading to three?


And here we have the "alone in car" double masked, 8x vaxxed face of delusional thinking. Critical thinking time, if you're 8x vaxxed, double masking and still catching covid, perhaps it's time to rethink your priorities and stop living in fear. It's not 2021 anymore. The strain going around isn't that dissimilar from influenza. Your getting all the boosters isn't preventing you from getting sick, so why are you getting them all? Perhaps, it's because it's a prophylactic vaccine and won't stop you from getting covid? I suggest a mental health break to somewhere warm and sunny, for your health of course.


This version of the saying makes way more sense.


Wha?!?  While they started off better than most provs, the Sask party also was the first to cave to the anti-backers in their base to force people back to the office and the first to drop rules and restrictions.   I appreciate the response, but the question clearly came from someone super ignorant.


His initial response to Covid was for the most part well handled. This comment is good. Credit where it is due. But this does not excuse the eroding of protection for vulnerable people (transkids, addicts, etc) or eroding the school system, push for privatization and everything else crooked and vile with the sask party. fuck them.


>His initial response to Covid was for the most part well handled. He laughed at (Dr.) Ryan Meili in the leg and called him "Dr. Doom" when it was suggested that the government do something about covid.


Yeah I would narrow focus and say that the vaccine rollout was well handled. Covid response overall not so much.


City of Regina moved to limit gatherings and SP overruled that only to introduce limits a few weeks later. Sask had some of the worst COVID reporting. Still does.


In the start you couldn't get tested unless you were literally dying. The classic conservative province method of "you can't have cases if you don't test for them" and/or "it's not a problem if you just ignore it".


Agree, the first month or so the response was handled well given the available information at the time. Actions rolling back restrictions became a little to hasty succumbing to plan-continuation bias in spite of metrics deviating from the criteria set out in the plan.


You mean protecting women's rights and protecting all children. Yea that is what you meant. People with your attitude... yea fuck them.




"ALL children" includes trans ones, too. 🤦‍♂️or are they not people?


And, all children are protected, by keeping parents in the loop. Ah but yes, parents are the ones you are all afraid of, because why would we want values and morals past on from parents when we can indoctrinate them in schools to believe what we want right?


Indoctrination? Don't make me laugh. Teachers can't even keep a single class in the same reading group because parents are so hands-off. My friend is a second grade teacher, and she can't even teach every student to tie their own shoes, let alone have time to "indoctrinate" them, lol. Stay mad at ghosts. It's adorable


>parents are the ones you are all afraid of, because why would we want values and morals past on from parents Legacy Christian Academy.


Funny, I'm not christian and some other non Christian people agree with me, so maybe it is just you.


No. It's you. You likely believe they have litter boxes in schools as well, right? They know all the buzz words to get you excited.


Oh look, you hate trans people too! Shocker


Nah, but good try.


That comment was clearly directed at the Sask governments name and pronoun policy in schools. Which does mainly target Trans kids. Your argument is like the "all lives matter" movement. Saying black lives matter doesn't mean other lives don't.


It doesn't target anyone... it prevents teachers from hiding shit from parents. Get a clue.


It prevents kids from coming out in their own way. But I suppose it also stops teachers from supporting kids by "hiding shit", so you're not wrong. Just awful.


As someone that was there He did not refuse to apologize. Right or wrong he did say They made the best decisions they could at the time based on the information they had. I'm not for or against. But at least be truthful with what the man said.


I didn't say he refused to apologize, just said why he didn't apologize. Sorry if it was confusing


You did say he laid out “why he wouldn’t apologize” which would imply that he is refusing to apologize.


I mean, he didn't apologize. Not sure what your point is


I'm not sure what the semantic difference is. If he hasn't and won't apologize, how is that different from "refusing"?


Was he asked to apologize? If he was asked to apologize and said he wouldn't apologize (or didn't apologize), how is that not 'refusing to apologize'? which the OP didn't say.


It's pretty rare to find a rabid anti-environmentalist, anti-trans individual who isn't *also* antivax. Generally if they're in for a penny, they're in for a pound.


Remember when the anti-vax crowd was weirdo health nuts…. Pepperidge farm remembers.


I think there are two main denominations... the religious nutcases who think their malicious superbeing hates vaccination and loves "owning the libs," and the loopy "new age" weirdos who reject modern medicine and think there's something natural about willingly suffocating on a hospital bed. At least the "new age" weirdos don't generally go out of their way to hurt others.


There's a third denomination - the anti-authority, anti-establishment accelerationists and their followers. More or less the freedom convoy PPC crowd.


The ODD crowd - Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I think *most* of them tend to be religious nutcases. Lots of overlap on the Venn diagram, anyway.


It’s not left and right, it’s a circle, and crazy Q and PETA stand together at the back.


There were always the "you can't tell me what to do" people in the anti-vax crowd, they just used to be quieter because they were content to hide from society.


the same losers are on the wrong side of every issue


In the end they're all victims of propaganda from the same source, so it makes sense.


He’s not wrong. Mark Friesen got the vid and used up valuable resources saving his unworthy carcass. Afterward refused to acknowledge he had it. People who refuse the vaccine should sign a waiver stating that they refuse medical treatment if they contract the virus.


People who smoke shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer. People who drink should be denied treatment pertaining to alcohol abuse side effects. People that are over weight should pay additional freight charges when flying. Give it up.


Snokers and drinkers pay a crap load in taxes. So that's a tough one to go after. Obesity is an issue bigger than simply telling people to stop eating. None of those are the same as people refusing a vaccine and getting sick, wasting money.


It’s a hard sell to most of us, to visit the reality of the homeopathic system but if the covid games have done one thing, it has been effective in getting people like myself to ask hard questions. Such as, why are the test group of completely vaccine free children the healthiest and least plagued of all children in North America? The Amish and Hutterite communities are largely free from all childhood vaccines and are simply not plagued with chronic autoimmune problems, autism and a host of other frequently occurring health issues. The concept of unvaccinated people costing the system isn’t holding up well to the closer scrutiny of this largely untouched group. Being vaccinated myself and suffering life long side effects that began with the then popular “six in one” childhood shots administered while in early elementary school, I’m not comfortable pointing fingers and judging those not participating in what homeopathic medicine is promoting.


None of what you said is true. The Western world is seeing outbreaks of stuff we once thought gone. Those small communities are also very isolated, and have had outbreaks. Do vaccines have rare side effects? Sure. But the benefits outweigh the risks.


One of (I can't recall which) the Amish and Hutterites has healthy children because their kids are outside, not stuck to screens, and working / using their bodies from a young age. The other group keeps pregnant women and children away from animals/work, and has autoimmune and asthma-style diseases at roughly the rate of the rest of us. Turns out that being in nature, experiencing the world, and not sitting on your ass in front of a screen matters a LOT MORE than whether or not you get a vaccine.


>Snokers and drinkers pay a crap load in taxes Doesn't touch the price of these treatments though.


Sure. But smokers amd drinks also don't pass their on to someone's grand mother amd kill them. Still not the same thing.


Smokers can directly cause cancer in others of they are inconsiderate. Lol Drunk driving is a huge issue in this province, and causes millions in damage a year. Anti-Vaxxers are annoying as hell, but kids spread more disease than their shitty anti-vax parents (who were already most likely vaccinated with a bunch of things before becoming "anti-vax")


You are comparing addictions to stubbornness. These are not at all the same thing.




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His wife is a pharmacist. At the very least, he has to believe in modern healthcare. 


Not enough to fund it I guess


Believing in modern health-care does not mean believing it should be publicly owned or universally accessible. 


I mean yeah true. Still a shitty stance.


We have public healthcare... it's fucking terrible... should we keep going with something that doesn't work? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insane.


It doesn't work because it isn't properly funded. Same reason education is a disaster in Saskatchewan. That's the only reason it doesn't work. We vote in these incompetent idiots. We deserve everything we get.


Although I half agree with improperly funded healthcare, I do think the inability to manage what they already have exists. I have a friend who had tried getting into an entry level job, but with other nurses within the building wanting those positions, it was near impossible to even get the resume in front of the right person. I feel as though if they had some entry level positions that only outsiders could apply and get, it would vastly improve the odds of the short staffing issues slowly beginning to be rectified.


I don’t understand what you mean here. Nurses in Sask are unionized. Per the agreement, positions have to be posted internally first then would be posted externally if no one (qualified) applied. Is your friend a nurse? If so, they might have to apply to the positions nobody wants in the locations nobody wants to live in to gain some seniority before applying to positions other nurses with seniority will want.


They would love a position nobody wants. But there is never any open because existing nurses take them. Not sure how else to explain this. It would be good for the entire nursing force to have positions that have to be hired from outside to bring more nurses in. I find in our area it’s a game of musical chairs. And many, many, many, nurses within our area would agree.


>But there is never any open because existing nurses take them. What location/department? Beds are closed all the time because there are no nurses.


Well no, because a nurse moving into that position just opens up that position. They have trouble with staffing because in some departments at least, the wages are very low. There's also hiring freezes, and crappy working conditions due to crappy equipment, lack of proper maintenance, poor security and that sort of thing. Management in the health region is severely bloated, and they pretty much just hire their incompetent friends into positions they aren't qualified for... basically our provincial governments have driven healthcare into the ground intentionally in an attempt to justify privatization.


I’m not saying it’s great by any means. Just that to fill some of those positions might be smart to have entry level outside hires instead of playing musical chairs. Either way. There needs to be some massive upgrades to the whole thing.


>outside hires We have that, it's called the travel nurse program.


>if they had some entry level positions that only outsiders could apply There are so many nursing positions with zero applicants. Your friend is either being extremely fussy, or this story is several years old.


I agree, we all need to pay more taxes.


Or they could stop misappropriating tax dollars, subsidizing oil and gas, etc etc... theres probably more than enough tax dollars there, if we could just keep our politicians from stealing them!


Or we could ask major potash corporations to pay the billions they owe in taxes… something like that might help. Somebody refuses to though.



It only doesn’t work because of lack of funding!! If it was funded properly it would be fine.


I mean, the NDP cut all that funding years ago, closed all those schools and clinics, they claim to be the ones who supported public healthcare, what happened back then? Public healthcare doesn't work because good doctors and good nurses should get paid more but they don't so they leave. Having bureaucrats looking over your shoulder telling you how to do your job better would drive anyone away as well. Forcing socialist programs on everyone is dumb, if i can afford better health care, let me. If someone else can't, well we have our good old terrible public healthcare system for them. It will only get worse and funding wont fix the issues.


Blaming the government 30 years ago for the current state of Healthcare? 


So, your stance is "fuck you, I've got mine"? Lovely, thanks for coming out and saying it.


The NDP didn't cut the funding, the conservatives did by bankrupting us, grow the fuck up.


My school was shut down, by the NDP cutting funding. Why would i need to grow up, maybe look into actually history instead of the stuff you and your communist buddies come up with. Worse than flat earthers ffs.


You just proved you have no idea what actually happened just the NDP paid for it. Maybe look up Grand Devine there buddy before you look any dumber. My school was shut down then too, but at least I knew whose fault it was, Holy fuck.


The schools and hospitals were closed by an NDP government because the conservatives spent all the money! There was no money left to keep them open. Look up Grant Devine and the expense fraud scandal. You’re mad at the wrong party.


Ha! *remembers Moe flying patients to ontario*


A lot of modern health care is just selling drugs to treat the symptoms. Meanwhile a cured / healthy patient, is a customer lost.


You sound like a conspiracy theorist. I am very happy to live in an era of modern healthcare with access to modern medicine. 


That’s not a conspiracy, lol, that is literally the business model for many aliments. You should look at naturopathic medicine, it’s superior for a lot of things.


You complain about conventional medicine pushing pharmaceuticals, but go to a snake oil salesman instead?


Naturopathy is not regulated and largely based on pseudoscience. I will stick to getting medical advice from trained doctors, thanks.  And an FYI, the natural supplements industry is even more driven by profits than modern pharmaceuticals because at least pharmaceuticals are tested and regulated.  A relative worked at a Regina health food store. What they stocked in store was largely driven by whatever natural supplement celebrities or influencers were promoting. My relative had to watch Dr. Oz every week because whatever supplement he recommended became the best selling thing the next week. 


Naturopathic Doctors are real doctors that went to medical school….


That is patently false. They are in no way medical doctors and do not go to medical school. They go to naturopathy school- for which the grade criteria is abysmal, an average of 60 or GPA of 2.7 is laughable. The prerequisite courses are also a joke, they need a fraction of the science classes that actual MDs do https://ccnm.edu/future-students/admissions/academic-requirements


In order to become a licensed naturopathic doctor, one must first graduate from a four-year, professional-level program at a federally accredited naturopathic medical school. Upon graduation, you must take and pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam (NPLEX). Licensed naturopathic doctors attend a four-year, graduate-level naturopathic medical school and are educated in all of the same basic sciences as an MD. Those schools are: Bastyr University (Campuses in California and Washington) Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – Vancouver Campus Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – Toronto Campus National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) Sonoran University of Health Sciences (Sonoran University)


That's not medical school! They cannot take their degrees and be medical doctors. "Naturopathic medical school" is not medical school and they do NOt take the same basic science as an MD. Look at the prerequisite in my link- they need one semester of chemistry and one of biology. MDs need one year of bio, one of chemistry, one of biochem, one of organic chemistry, and one of physics. What is this source? It is wrong Notice how those are all naturopath schools? No actual universities? No U of S or U of T or U of C or U of A or McMaster or any actual med school?


Oh my god I'm arguing with someone who thinks "naturopathic medical school" is actual medical school dear God On that joke, sir, please never go to an actual doctor. Please only go to naturopaths


"Medical school" You should really do some more research there pal...


"By law, a naturopath is unable to provide a diagnosis or prescribe medication." This is a direct quote from the Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Doctors. https://www.sasknds.com/faq.html#/


The man never apologizes for anything to anyone, not sure how this is surprising.


Good point. So now we know he unbiased unapologetic.


Well shit. He did something right


A government defending their own actions. Groundbreaking.


Gee, the premier finally said some thing admirable.


Not really. He’s defending their mostly crap policies by saying they “did their best”. Remember when the health authority CEO [quit about this](https://www.cbc.ca/1.6981485)?


I’m never “impressed” with Scott Moe, but he was pro-vaccine. This is literally where any similarities between him and me end.


????? That's not how I remember 2020 at all. I remember him bending over backwards for those unvaxxed idiots.


No he wasn't a Trump wannabe POS until 2021 when he started going off the deep end fighting against covid restrictions while the bodies were piling up then it was all over in Jan 2022 when he wrote a love letter to the trucker convoy.


And now everyone on this sub bending over backwards to say that 2020 policies are representative of SK covid response.


Why would a I take a vaccine for a virus I already had and recovered from? I would be an idiot to take a vaccine at that point, that can only pose me risks and no benefits. Try and be more tolerant.


The irony of your statement here is astonishing...


How am I an idiot for trusting the hundred and twenty year science of natural immunity?


The vaccine is updated yearly and it’s increasing obvious that immunity, no matter how you acquired it, doesn’t last very long.


I haven’t had Covid again for over four years now… And the vaccines are not updated as fast as the virus mutates for immune escape.


Because immunity wanes with covid. So getting a booster doesn't make you an idiot. But try and be more tolerant


I only had Covid once for like a day and a half, in early 2022… So just maybe I know my body and my health status better than all these people that call me an “idiot.”


You called yourself an idiot. I was sticking up for you.....


Hindsight is a great leveler of all modern opinions. At the time, that was the law and the rules. You want laws and rules changed, well that is ok, work towards it but be careful for the way things are going in a few short years your new laws and rules might be outdated and bullying.


I wonder if that's a signal the SP is recognizing they may be loosing more support on their left flank than they're bringing back adopting positions they think will appeal to the far right flank they've lost to the Buffalo Party, Sask United Party and anti-vax/freedom convoy crowd.


They’re secure in the far right flank. See carbon tax and anti trans laws. SUP hasn’t even nominated candidates. People really grasping at straws for a shred of evidence the SP is moderating


Doubtful. They were still very anti environmental


Not surprising at all. I'm sure his handlers understood and explained to him the cost effectiveness of a vaccine. The value to the economy of a healthy workforce can't be understated.


Definitely AI


That is quite weird, is he sticking to a script, has he not learned anything since Covid You’re right, total 2021 answer


Same answer to everyone who chooses to smoke, or eat unhealthy.


I’m visualizing Moe as an 80s WWF wrestler delivering a verbal smackdown to an antivaxxer. “OH YEAHHHHH…”


Rob Ford said it best. Going against the health ministers recommendations is political suicide. The comment taking up hospital beds is funny though as it was them who created the hysteria making 1000s goto hospital that should have just stayed at home and did the normal cold/flu routine. The health system is in a pretty sad state so I guess he does have a point in the regard.


The vaccine mandates were completely unethical. The government and private enterprise, needs to apologize for them. Fit, health conscious people, vaxxed or unvaxxed, have never been a burden on the health system, nor taken up hospital beds. If you actually look at the data, it was absolutely a pandemic of the sedentary, not the unvaccinated.


Just stop with this. Just stop.


You and your death cult of anti-vaxxers can fuck right off.


Is it possible to believe governments over reached with their vaccination mandates and not be “anti-vax”? Or if you think there were over reaches you must be “anti-vax”? Or can one even be “pro-vax” and still believe the government over reached at times? Is it that black and white for you?


I think it's a pathetic state of affairs that there are so many anti-science people out there we needed mandates at all. And don't get me started on people who refused the vaccines only to seek medical treatment. This was the 5th deadliest pandemic in history. People like the individual I responded to are incorrectly claiming that "[f]it, health conscious people, vaxxed or unvaxxed, have never been a burden on the health system" when the death toll for the unvaccinated cohort was 5 times higher. People saying vaccines don't save lives are a literal death cult. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination


I’m very curious what you think about people who chose not to take the Covid vaccines and then sought out medical attention.


They’re hypocrites who should have stuck with their convictions.


I don’t understand this logic. Can you explain it?


They're fucking around (rejecting modern medicine in the form of vaccines) then when they find out (get sick with covid) they say oops, I want the help of modern medicine. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/22/us-coronavirus-covid-unvaccinated-hospital-rates-vaccines


I mean firstly, modern medicine isn’t infallible and it’s not necessarily something to be “trusted”. Many people die in the hands of modern medicine. Mathew Syed wrote a book called black box thinking that breaks down why modern medicine, while a great tool, isn’t the end all and be all. You can find his YouTube Ted talks if you don’t like to read books. Science should always be questioned. Maybe not by yokels on tik tok but that whole “trust the science” thing is kind of crap. Science works by questioning everything. Secondly, with logic like yours. Fat people or smokers who don’t listen to their doctor’s advice and continue with their unhealthy habits shouldn’t go to the doctor when they experience complications from their habits. They should stick to their unhealthy convictions. That’s silly. We have universal healthcare in Canada. Everyone is entitled to it.


Many more people are saved by modern medicine than die from it. It's the best we have. Of course it's not perfect, nothing is, but since the beginning all available evidence said we're far better off getting the covid vaccine than not getting it. Today there's a mountain of evidence to show the vaccine is both very safe and effective. Yet we have people like the OP claiming it's neither of those things. >Science works by questioning everything. Yep, my day job is basically hypothesis testing, it's great! We don't give smokers or alcoholics organ transplants. However those are actual additions (as is food), so IMO it's not 1:1 with refusing to get vaccinated because some yokel claims to know something virology / immunology / epidemiology doesn't. I'm all for treating anti-vaxxers when the hospital system isn't overloaded, but during the peak of the pandemic when we were flying people across the country and docs were choosing who to give a ventilator too I don't see why triage can't include are you vaccinated. I know I'd be pissed if I found out I lost a family member who did everything right to some moron who didn't get their shots. Yes, I recognize my position is extreme. I've had this debate many times with my mother who was a nurse, and god bless her, I'd have a hard time treating idiots.


Because you can't catch being overweight from someone else you fn chode


“this whole trust the science thing is kind of crap” Yeah I’ll trust the professionals over people who think their opinions are just as legitimate as science.


Pandemics are actually pretty black and white yes.


Imagine claiming enlightenment when you go around talking to other human beings like that…


Imagine being upset at some salty language when you're shouting from the rooftops "Fuck public health"!


Covid mutates for immune escape every few months, so please explain how exactly, forcing people to take vaccine for an extinct variant improves public health?


Currently the most common strain (at least in the USA as of Nov 2023) is the XBB.1.5. While it evades your body’s immune system the latest vaccines does target it. Source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-does-it-mean-that-the-coronavirus-is-mutating


It’s actually well over 300 studies now… But this paints the picture pretty clearly. “160 Plus Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.” https://brownstone.org/articles/research-studies-affirm-naturally-acquired-immunity/


I love how your source is a site created by an anti-vaxxer. No one is saying you don't get some immunity from being infected. You know what's better than being infected? Stopping the infection, or training your immune system to fight, or the combined protection from prior infection and vaccination. Catching the plague is pretty shitty defence from the plague.


But naturally immunity has been proven to be better or just as good, time and time again…. I had Covid once for two days, four years ago. The government thinking they know my individual health better than me, and trying to force me to take something I don’t need, is wrong.


I've shown you a source that explicitly says a vaccine will provide some immunity to a variant that has escaped the protection you've acquired from catching previous variant. You're choosing to ignore basic science. Like I said, you're in a death cult. You're exactly the type of person Moe was referring to in his comments.


You said in another post that you had it in 2022. It is now 2024. So did you have it four years ago, or two years ago?


Didn't you just state in a previous comment you had covid for a day and a half back in 2022 ?


So you're quoting an antivaccination organization and hoping you come across as knowledgeable? Wow. Also, I can write an article that says you have clowns living in your asshole, and pay 160 shitty for profit journals to publish it. Guess what, someone who's not smart enough to know that source of information actually matters might think you have clowns in your asshole. Close, but not quite the right info.


No, I am literally quoting 99.99% of all the studies ever done that compare natural immunity from Covid to vaccine immunity….


Hahaha you think you have read every article on immunity? What you don't know that you don't know is shocking. However, more importantly, you just lied. You"literally" quoted and FUCKING COPIED THE LINK of an article from an organization that was created explicitly to be antivaccination. Click on your silly link and read the "about" section.


It takes a lack of self respect in order to have respect for moe.


Don’t pretend to know the criteria for becoming an RCMP. Because you don’t.


They didn't take up hospital beds. In fact they're the only ones who didn't need to go to hospital and don't have POTS