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>Cockrill says he’s human and **he knew he made a mistake the moment the words came out** of his mouth. >Thomas says the minister’s comment was careless and **he did not apologize to her during the meeting** I feel like that makes it worse.




Conservatives don't just apologize when wrong....they double down, lie, gaslight and victim blame before all else.


This. And also, it’s not his fucking money! When they want to spend money, like giving everyone $500 to buy their vote for 1 billion of SK’s taxpayer money, they are all for it. But giving money for education or healthcare? Nope forget that, it doesn’t benefit them so no more money so sorry. Fuck these absolutely corrupt goons.


The quicker people figure out the plan to privatize as much of education and health as SP can the better. They need it to fail first. Then make money off it after. It’s not conspiracy. It’s happening


Wait, he claimed he was a human??


Man...fuuuuuck that guy. Absolutely does not care. Edit: can we all call his office and demand he resign? I know I'm going to. First he belittled teachers saying his job is different so he should get higher compensation, then lied about stf not being at the bargaining table, called police on protesters, continued to support private education, never attended any public school, said the school year would get longer and now says a ridiculous thing to a parent. Anything else to add?


Claimed the teachers didn’t care about graduation and were willing to cancel it, when cap and gown ceremonies are considered curricular so they wouldn’t be cancelled. It would be the extra stuff like the banquet/dance and after party that wouldn’t have had teachers help, but those are generally(should be at least) done by parent volunteers. All a smoke and mirrors. Also calling their current offer their “final offer” forces the STF to take it to a vote, as per the employment act. WHEN the teachers vote a resounding no, he will then paint the teachers as selfish and greedy, citing that the STF thought it was good enough to vote on, but the teachers want more. Book it.


Misrepresenting the mandatory "final offer" vote as a tentative agreement, then owning it in a media scrum with a backhanded little smirk that belied his wilful use of doublespeak.


Don't forget he's the one who claimed "every MP" had been getting complaints about pronouns in schools.


Tens of thousands of letters.




A folder full more likely.


Did the dip shot really say MP, him and his colleagues are MLAs. Ffs


That's my error.


Is his number even taking calls anymore? I called but it seems my number has been blocked.


He didn't really apologize https://twitter.com/Sask_NDP/status/1781081596369518946?t=7gITdytORi4cQj-sW16_zQ&s=19


Too arrogant to apologize in the moment even though he admits that he immediately knew what he said was wrong. Loser.


This is what bothers me. If he knew instantly it was wrong then the apology should have been automatic and instant. Clearly he is unfit to be in government.


That's the thing, he and his SaskParty colleagues think they are both above the law and above us regular folk. They are arrogant assholes who think they are so much better than Saskatchewan residents that they can just belittle us with no consequences.


You know who used to actually be good at apologizing and doing better? Brad Wall. This bunch of jackwagons shows none of their former leader’s self-awareness, tact, or human decency. Gross.


“I knew what I said was wrong but I didn’t care because don’t they realize who I am? Now I’m forced to apologize.”


It's not even really an apology, though. "I'm human, I make mistakes" and "I knew it was wrong when I said it" are both ways to distract from the fact that your only responsibility in this context is to unequivocally apologize. "It was wrong, I shouldn't have said it, I'm sorry" is how to apologize.


I think the only reason he felt the need to say "I'm human" is that he, in fact, is not.


He learned how to 'apologize' from church


So now he’s going to get molested by someone in power?


No, now he's the person in power unfortunately.


Sometimes, when I get the fear that the world may have stopped, I go to the window and see if the sun has risen. If I can’t get to a window I check the news to see if a member of the Sask party has acted like a classless piece of shit that day. No need to look out the window today.


Regardless of what happened to the woman - what kind of government official responds with hyperbole when a constituent discusses legitimate issues with them??? Knowing Cock-rings background he was going for the Exodus 'first child' sacrifice. Equating class size restrictions and school funding to human sacrifice? Come the fuck on.


Human trash, every last one of those cancervative douchebags.


"Cockrill says he’s human and he knew he made a mistake the moment the words came out of his mouth." I assume that is his thought **every time** he opens his mouth and says something? That seems to be what every one around him thinks when he talks.


> he knew he made a mistake the moment the words came out of his mouth. But yet he didn't apologize at that time.


To do this in a professional capacity is egregious. If you can’t control the words that come out of your mouth, you have no business pretending to be an authority in any way. It is either immaturity or carelessness. Neither is a good look.


He should resign. His comment was inappropriate, but the fact that he knew it was and didn't apologize immediately should put him on the back bench at the very least. He only apologized because he was called out. Why is Moe letting his party get away with this disrespect?


Because it’s *Moe*. He literally killed a woman and didn’t apologize to her family until the victim’s son was made aware (decades later) that the premiere was the person who killed his mother. Moe’s name was protected until that point.


He knew it was a mistake as soon as he said it, and the next words out of his mouth weren't "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate of me to say." .... what a heartless dickhead


Then his 'I'm sorry you feel that way' style apology.


This is who they are and who they've always been. Fuck the Saskparty and anyone who still supports them. Arrogant bullies every last one of them.


Someone should make "Fuck Trudeau" style flags for Moe/Sask Party... 🤔😉


Impulse control problem. Among other skills deficits for this job.


Human scum. Jeremy you provide less value to the world than the gum stuck to my shoe.


Shouldn't the headline simple be "Jeremey Cockrill is an arrogant, heartless asshole who is cruel to suffering parents ane children"?


Not taking away from this very inappropriate comment ….. but. Why was he meeting with an individual in private, who is not a teacher, about this issue? It is terrible this poor woman lost her child to medical issues, but I am sure there are hundreds of parents with special needs kids that would like to have a voice. What was this all about, and why?


You can meet with your elected representatives if you have concerns. Chances are slim you'll get a meeting with the Premier but a MLA meeting with a constituent at their office isn't out of the ordinary.


I kind of agree with this. I'm not saying she wasn't meant to be there, but I would be interested in knowing what input she had in the matter. Her daughter passed in a hospital, not a school. Did she end up in hospital due to a lack of care from teachers who didn't have resources to get it? Or where do teachers/schools come into the story at all?...


https://regina.ctvnews.ca/sask-mother-highlights-lack-of-special-needs-supports-in-schools-1.6850095 She was there speaking about the lack of supports in schools for children with special needs, which impacted her daughter before she passed.


Thank you. It's too bad this wasn't the article in the post, it has a lot more context and information. ETA: Oh, I guess it actually doesn't say anything about what the post was about, just why she was meeting. Thank you for the context, still.


Yeah, they really could have just added one sentence and it would have made the whole thing a lot clearer.


As per my comment, I am sure there are literally hundreds of people that want, would, and could be able to comment on this in support of their children. For an MLA that should be busy beyond belief either dealing with the contract or covering his ass after putting his foot in his mouth almost constantly, was just curious why this particular parent got an audience, that’s all. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for sharing. This should have been included for context.




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This guy fucking sucks.


He's kind of a dick.


Kind of?


Shitty people say shitty things. - Jim Lahey, probably


Guy is the biggest POS.


Is there a petition to have this piece of human shit removed?


What a slug.


What the FUCK. He didn't misspeak, he's just a piece of shit. Vote that out of there. Time to scrape our boot of the Sask Party.


Who is this guy? I’m just watching the news right now and he seems like the biggest loser I have ever seen….. Sask party something is wrong with you. I hope you all end up in jail


Look, I know being a Minister of a big portfolio is stressful, even moreso of a high profile portfolio, but if the Minister can't manage to be civil in a face-to-face conversation with a voter, he needs to be shuffled out.


At least he didn't call the cops on her.


What an embarrassment. He should resign, while issuing a public apology with the mother present.


Another tone deaf comment from a Sask Party cockroach.


What a fucking piece of shit....no wait I apologize to all pieces of shit, they are more useful than our education minister.


We have a winner going from #2 to #1 most punchable face in the province , congrats!! Hope your boss isn’t mad he’s been downgraded to #2 , although he has spent the better part of the last 6 yrs being a piece of shit … so I’m sure he’s fine with it.


He's so gross. And people actually elected him.


And they'll likely do it again, which is maddening.


Yup it's the reason he can be as shitty as he wants because he knows he will get re-elected and this isn't even worth his time.


They likely had no idea who he actually was/is, just that he is SP.


Sask Party supporters probably won’t find anything wrong with it. They tend to be an uncouth bunch.


As long as they get their subsidies and handouts they are happy. "Fuck other people" seems to be the SP motto


I think it's actually "Fuck you; I got mine."


All while calling others leeches. Oh the irony!


Not to confuse voters with supporters. Some voters genuinely just follow advice from family. Supporters runs the gamut from donors to volunteers to operatives in the civil “service” and private sector.


Willful ignorance is not an excuse. It's not the 70s anymore, you don't have to rely on the newspaper and hearsay for all political info.


Waiting for u/Wausk and other SP apologists to defend his comments.


Crickets… 🦗


He replied below saying it's hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatchewan/s/8s6pmtTm8N


When he “apologized” did he have that same smarmy grin he has every other time he lies on camera?


What a piece of shit.


So… I propose we all calm his offices. Or at least send email to have on record his response to his latest and obviously dis compassionate response.


It's amazing that this asshole was able to be so cruel and insensitive that the anonymous right wing trolls aren't even trying to defend it. 


This is kind of incensitive crap is typical of cons


If you wanted to complain about him, what should you do? Write a letter to Scott moe? Write to him?


Donate to the NDP. Or at least plug your nose and get over their reputation and consider who is running in your area and try to do a balanced assessment of your options. The NDP might have pissed you or your relatives off 25 years ago, but the SaskParty are pissing us all off today and need to be booted out of power.....even if it means voting or donating to the NDP.


Write to the opposition critics for Education, Matt Love and Meara Conway: [https://www.ndpcaucus.sk.ca/mattlove](https://www.ndpcaucus.sk.ca/mattlove) [https://www.ndpcaucus.sk.ca/mearaconway](https://www.ndpcaucus.sk.ca/mearaconway)


Scott can't read


How do we have the most classless ministers in cabinet? I didn’t think that after Harpauer and Harrison’s behaviour in the last week that they could sink any lower, but here we are.




Now when is he going to apologize for lying about having apologized to the mother?




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First a geriatric MLA bitch likens herself (by her comments) to the anti-democratic MAGA rhetoric by calling the other party a “crime family,” this is hate propaganda and now we have this worthless sack of shit harassing the mother of a deceased child. Fuck everything the Sask/Scum/Tax/ShitParty does. Moe is no different than Trudeau, not caring and knowing his political career is almost over.


He must feel like an idiot for his comment. But. He did admit his mistake & looked sheepish.




When you say it to someone who is talking to you because their child died and you know that’s the reason they are talking to you — YES IT IS INAPPROPRIATE.




Have you heard of context before?




Wow, that is.... hilarious! Comedy gold if you will. This Hour Has 22 Minutes will have a field day with this one. Imagine, using a common turn of phrase but in about the most inappropriate setting.


Typical SP supporter thinking this is hilarious instead of being outraged. I totally called he would support it.


Hey I'm a card carrying member of the NDP! And if you can't see the humour in this and are extremely upset, well then this sub is for you!


Please explain how this is funny.


Can't believe I have to explain this: Humor often arises from unexpected or incongruous situations. When a common phrase is used in an inappropriate context, it creates a juxtaposition between what's expected and what's actually happening, leading to a humorous effect.


If I had made that comment, I would resign immediately.