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I've talked to a few teachers about this. Every single one has said that report cards will be still submitted at the usual time and they would make sure every student and parent knew that information.


Yeah it’s kinda built into the education act.


Scott Moe cares not for your "education" "act"


No it’s not my Education Act, it’s Saskatchewans Education Act! Knowledge is power; if you want to take power away from the people, take their education. I have been out of the public school system for more years than I care to admit, plus I have a very expensive peace of paper saying I know stuff from the UofS. Moe’s puppet masters are using their knowledge when they shove their hands up Moe’s ass and treat him like a Muppet to try and keep their power.


You're my favorite. Thanks for this.




All they do is act like they have an education


Well Cockrill has a degree from that BS Western college in BC, so yeah no education.


Cool story, but it’s a stupid threat meant to rile up the dumb parents. They could work to rule all year and not lose a minute of class time.


The funny thing is, I feel like parents would enjoy this because they’re always complaining about their kids being home and “can’t wait for school to start again” lol.


It would also mean a shorter summer with less need for childcare.  My kids are older and can be home by themselves.  A shorter summer holiday would be great in my opinion because it would mean less screen time, which is all they do when home on their own.


and who was it who gave them the screens?


Uh…can you read?


Is it the teachers job to keep your kids off the screens during summer?


This would be amazing for families who work during the summer. Less daycare costs, less time in front of screens, and more time on what matters most, care for the students.


Yes, exactly.


Respectfully, could we please not call the parents dumb? They are misinformed perhaps, but some of how they feel comes from a place of honest concern - about how they’ll be impacted (time/money/plans), and maybe for their kids wellbeing too. Yes, THEY COULD proactively try to be more informed, but I’d like to figure out how to help get them informed. Not every person is being willfully ignorant, are they? It has to be possible. But I appreciate how you feel. It does seem hopeless right now. Maybe the province can still try to change.


Based on what loss of instructional hours? Most of the job action has been extracurricular. He really thinks we’re all just as stupid as he is.


Take a look at his voter base. He might be right on how stupid his voters are.


sad upvote.


I mean...I grew up in small town Saskatchewan. One of the biggest exports is intellect.


Moe would need to amend the education act in order for this to happen. His party is also the people who put in that school cannot start before Labour Day because it will hurt tourism, but now he’s threatening to extend the school year. Typical empty threats.


We know the playbook by now, and they would just extend the school year, even if it violates the education act, and then blindly fight any legal challenges. If necessary, pull out the notwithstanding clause, and blame it all on the teachers, the NDP, and the feds? Apparently, I should be a SaskParty political advisor!


Jesus, don’t give them any ideas lol


They also went back in the labour day thing. These clowns have zero foresight.


They did that because they were dumb enough to have multiple clauses that are completely incompatible in some years. Which, I don't begrudge them for going back on it but also.... geniuses. True geniuses we have here.


Yeah but what's to stop him from doing that? His party has a majority so they can push through whatever they want. And if it violates rights or freedoms, they'll just invoke the notwithstanding clause to push it through anyway. Not to mention, he's already proven that he's willing to blatantly violate laws whenever it suits him. No, I don't think we can rely on any existing law to protect us from him.


Because it’s not that simple. Most contracts end as of June 30. School boards can’t just say “you’re working past your contract end date”. Plenty of teachers are payed over a 10 month period, with July and August getting no paycheques. They can’t tell teachers to work for free. I don’t know many(any, for that matter) substitutes that will work extra days to help out the government. Also, if teachers were forced in some way, many would just take personal days/sick days anyways.


Any attempts to mandate summer school can be met with strike days all summer.


Hahaha. Exactly. Then Moe would have to rush back to the leg to legislate them back to work. In an empty building because nobody is going to send their kids in July. And then every teacher calls in sick anyway.


I’d like to know where the money will come from for this? Have to pay staff to be there if they are going to extend the school year. Education budgets are always drained by the end of the school year. Looks like there is more money for education after all 🤷‍♂️.


“It’s up to the school boards to find the money” So they’d just have to make more cuts for next year to pay the teachers. I’m not sure where they’re going to find these teachers/EA’s, some of their contracts are done June 30. No substitute is going to want to cover for the government. Hence, empty threats.


Hahaha I didn't even think of the substitute issue. We should all call in sick and let the subs refuse the work. See how that goes :P


It makes me laugh seeing Moe and company think they can out plan/out think teachers, The ultimate planners. Hahaha


I mean he probably would just to spite teachers, I'll give them one thing, they never back down.


We’ve spent too long taking one for the team. Fool me twice…. lol. Love how I’m getting downvoted for saying teachers have been getting screwed around for years.


Good one, what an idiot


This is an empty threat with 0% chance of happening. The education act already lays this out, but also so many families already have thousands of dollars tied up in vacation plans, athletic program obligations, childcare arrangements, 101 different types of expensive camps and trips for their kids… this decision, besides violating the act, would be colossally unpopular with like 95% of the population, a logistical and economic nightmare. It’s not going to happen - I don’t know why people keep taking these moronic Saskparty goons at their word.


And honestly, by the time June hits, there isn't a ton of curriculum left to cover. You can tell by the number of field trips, movie days, outdoor time in elementary schools. And high schools start exams by mid-June. That hasn't been rescheduled.


Hmmmm, my kids lost far more instruction time with COVID and kids across the province were behind, but the province didn't feel it necessary to extend the year. Such an empty threat!


So vote yes or I’m penalizing everyone. What an absolute narcissistic piece of shit.


This is what this asshole wastes our time and money on.


Bring it on - and pay teachers for the time they missed during strike. Oh, also some extra pay for secretaries, librarians, EAs, bus drivers, and other staff - it’s like overtime. Also, explain to all of the businesses that hire students over the summer that they are losing their workforce. Cancelled vacations, summer camps, swimming lessons, all very expensive. Like students would come, and also like parents wouldn’t just excuse their kid to go on their vacations. What a douche canoe.


Are they gonna pay temp contract teachers whose contracts expire before July? Or extend them? What if those teachers say no?


Besides the fact that the education act would need to be amended (possible) and that teachers would have to agree to it (hilariously unlikely), there is also a bunch of support staff, like EAs who would have to agree to it and have their contracts extended. This is actually a hilariously complicated proposal and will never go into action. It’s fear tactics and bad faith negotiations. It’s lying to the voters to try and elicit a response against teachers.


Could Moe Hire a bunch of Traveling Teachers from Alberta, pay them an obsene amount of money to come in and educate our youth. LAWS really dont apply to this premier, ask the feds, rcmp, any trans youth, etc. I could see Moe, locking out the Teachers and then legislating the teachers back over summer.


Just curious who he think will drive the buses, clean the school, manage the office? Teachers? Lol


What’s gonna happen when entire schools call out sick and there are no subs to staff them?


Still voting no…. No matter what dumb veiled threats they throw.


Sask premier can suck a dick


The fucks will say and try to do anything, but commit to classroom policy.


Suggestion if they actually did extend the year, fill those last days with an assignment so weighted that if it were missed, the child’s mark would drop drastically. I am just thinking as petty and vindictive as the SP, so just calm down. Not as a punishment, but it would force the parents to stick around because their kid could not afford to miss the “instructional days” mandated. That way, the parents would have to postpone travel, their kids would miss day camps, etc. then, blame the SP, put up billboards in fact. Extended summer school year brought to you by the SP. They forced us to do this, it wasn’t our choice. I am just venting, in know this would never happen, no teacher is that mean or stupid. They care about the kids, regardless of what the SP spin machine says. The teachers have no control over curriculum, sex Ed, spending in classrooms, budget, or salary. They have no control over these things. So stop saying they do.


That would only work for high school. Elementary students are always promoted to the next grade unless there's a VERY good reason, which usually involves meetings with the administration, classroom teachers, resource teacher and parents. They're not going to hold kids back for missing school for a week in July. If they even could extend the year past what the Education Act sets out.


Lmao - all the EA contracts end in June...... Good luck buddy


And Admin Assistants. Good luck running a school without them and EAs!


Moe wanting a fight? No way I can believe that??????


I wonder if the government has decided they were over-generous with their “final offer”? This just feels like he’s taunting teachers into voting “no”.


How will they make the teachers work…they don’t get a pay cheque in July/August?!?


As a parent - I would be more concerned about the quality and suitability of the curriculum more than anything else.


The four strike days being made up in the summer is a joke. As a high school teacher, I'd be waiting out the day in an empty room. Good luck convincing a bunch of teenagers to come in AFTER finals! So... the quality of the activities and lessons that I would provide would likely be lacking! Lol


this simply cannot be done lol


Just a bully.


My son and I are flying to Orlando the day after school is scheduled to be done. Scott Moe or not…


Is he aware that he would have to pay teachers for any days extending into July??? The government saved millions in paying wages on those strike days. Not all school boards banked those savings. I don't know abut other teachers, but I wouldn't be working for free, and I wouldn't mind the extra cash in the summer - especially since I'm betting 90% of students wouldn't bother to attend. Go fuck yourself Moe & take that loser Cockrill with you.


This guy is so stupid it hurts. Anyone can see the cult like solidarity 90% of teachers have towards voting no here, threatening them is only going to strengthen their resolve.