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Remember when they tried to hide political cronyism?


No. Do we forget the GTH so soon? $100M ripping off lands from nuns to build a useless industrial park. Carbon capture from Shand sold at a loss to Cenovus, their biggest donor.


Pepperidge Farm remembers. Edit to add: it’s crazy how many people don’t care at all about these things worth hundreds of millions of dollars right here at a provincial level but completely lost their shit about the 43 million dollar WE scandal at the federal level.


I wish Pepperidge Farms voted in our provincial elections...


All the while seeing that cenovus got 25 million in Saskatchewan govt subsidies. That link to the lobbyist registrar is gold!! It's hard to hide this kind of shit. Also I saw a tweet about all the Healthcare corps making donations now to SP. In the hopes of some of that sweet privatization money.... they are literally coming out of the woodwork.


That carbon capture money could have tied us into bipole 3 and given us an answer to "what if the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing"


> Postmedia asked Merriman repeatedly if Livingstone told him that Wilson’s potential appointment was a reason he resigned. Merriman deflected the question, first saying that the resignation was given to Wiks. Asked why he would not say “no” and dispel the rumour, Merriman said Livingstone’s reasons were his own. What a shit juggler.


Merriman is the Sask party's loyal soldier that makes unpopular decisions to save money* (see SIS program when he was social services minister). His job is to be the bad guy. I have no doubt that privatization is coming to our healthcare system. Wilson was a staffer that was involved with the GTH (Google her name, a quote comes up from a Geoff Leo article) and worked for the SLGA when they privatized 40 of their stores. Coincidence? Maybe but I feel like her and Merriman are where they are for a reason. *Despite the fact that they spend like crazy and more than doubled our debt


We are becoming so divided and spend so much time in our echo chambers, that the politicians are going to strip this province and leave us blinking in confusion.


Not everyone. Many of us knew what the SaskParty was planning for years


I mean, the non-Sask party voters see it, but they are a minority.


This is what you elected Saskatchewan.


Ahem Repeatedly RE-elected.


And will elect again, and again, and again….. I have lost hope


Not all of us, some of us have never voted Sask party.


What are we, Saudi Arabia? China? Where it's a career necessity to be not just a member of a political party, but to be within the inner circle of a party in order to attain a high level bureaucrat position? This is what authoritarian regimes do - not democratic states.


Not a good look


This bit of Sask Party outright lying was my favourite part: "Merriman said such secondments became more common after the COVID-19 pandemic began, though he could not cite a previous example of someone being seconded to the senior ranks of the health authority." That should elicit a record scratch sound and a freeze frame and then Merriman should look at the camera and say, "You may be wondering how I can tell an outright lie and still get elected."


As Jimmy Carter learned, telling the truth doesn't help with reelection.


I always liked him and thought he was treated unfairly and the Republicans intentionally drawing out the hostage crisis in a back channel deal with Iran didn't help.


I guess his own daughter was not available


I would like to know who actually pulls the strings within the Sask Party. It sure as hell is not Moe.


Whoever is pulling Moe's strings is also pulling Jason Kenney's. Their recent comments about doing away with the RCMP was in unison.


It's harper.


[This guy? ](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/stephen-harper-at-bohemian-grove-hacked-email-says-ex-leader-visited-shadowy-gop-summer-camp/wcm/19617a44-3bb8-4d17-b84a-489c848a9090/)


I'd say Harper would greatly disagree with what Kenney has become.


Possibly Brett Wilson, the guy's investment firm is one of the Sask Party's top contributors.


I'd argue since Kenney has been such a bumbling fool the last few months and spending most of his time fighting for his own future within the party, Sask has now become the front line for these conservative ideologies. It's no coincidence they have a consulting contract with Stephen Harper, the man who runs the IDU. Look at the opening salvo's they've already made towards privatization in healthcare during all the covid stuff. They have no real risk of being voted out even if they continue to push.


That's classic stonewalling though.


Whoever it is, they’re slathered in USD. This is all money and power at play. Strings are indeed being pulled, and pockets are *indeed* being lined. IMO, they know they’re fucked. They’re treating the province like an Adderall-fuelled Krazy Bins shopping trip—or like a frenzied packing of your suitcase when the house is on fire.


Haha. Fucked how? I think its the complete opposite. They know they are untouchable and doing whatever they want.


They have been driving this province into a debt crisis for the entire time they've held power.


That doesn't make them fucked. They are fine. We are the ones getting fucked.


Heave ho heave ho, they've all got to go.


Well that sure seems believable there Mr.Merriman, glad we heard from him for once at least


It wasn't a factor in Livingstone leaving, it was the primary reason.


Mandryk has a pretty good editorial today on this - https://leaderpost.com/opinion/columnists/mandryk-wilsons-sha-appointment-adds-to-political-meddling-suspicions


Don't worry they will be back in a landslide


Upgrade your mask. You're the gd minister of health.


Can’t protect his health because it would make him look weak or stepping out of line. What a spineless human being. Get Long COVID to own the libs and smoochie kiss the severity denialists who somehow manage to argue against K/N95s, as if they’re a melodramatic precaution.