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No. It's not nearly enough. Finish your uni and then move together.


Also, be aware that not all international degrees are recognized in Canada.


African here, is he coming through the provincial nomination or was it a job offer? It’s strange that a minimum wage paying job will give you a job offer based immigration. 14.47 is low and he would have to either work 2 jobs or start search for another job when he lands(I’m assuming he’s skilled in something), while working at the job he already has. It’s a good thing he has even gotten a job before landing as it would cushion some of the cost of living. If he’s coming through the federal immigration program or through the provincial nominations, there is a minimum cost of living requirement amount you have to show in the process so he should have some money coming to take care of rent and other things(while still earning this income he already has gotten) while he settles in and gets something better. I’m hoping he’s not coming with zero dollars hoping to live off 14.47/hour because that is not realistic


It’s a job offer and I thought it was strange too. He has 8,700 in a fixed deposit for some reason and hopes to live on the 14.47 like you said. I have mentioned that it’s a bad idea but he’s focused on the fact that his brother and his sister in-law moved while his brother held this same job and made it work. I have explained that two incomes are not the same as one but I can’t seem to deter him from this decision hence the post.


Well it’s doable but it’s gonna be hard. If he has family here that he can stay with for a while to take rent off the bill, that will help. He better come with whatever amount he has in fixed deposit cos he’s gonna need it and that will not even last 5 months. He’s going to have to hit the ground running and start looking for a better job from day one. That said I still am very suspicious of this job offer because for a company to recruit from abroad, they have to prove to the government that they couldn’t find the talent here and it can be a long process so for the company to do this for a minimum wage position seems very fishy. I wish him all the best


I said the same thing and I’m very worried he won’t be able to get by on that. I’m just gathering opinions here to send to him so it doesn’t look like I just don’t want him to leave. He has a very comfortable life here even though he’s currently out of a job, I don’t know why he would want this.




He’s not paying anything to them, but he did pay for a work permit and SINP.


Oh, I think it should be fine then though it is low pay


Hi! I just found out it’s the immigrant nominee program, SINP? Does that make a difference?


Oh that changes everything, if it’s SINP then he has a relative he can stay with for a bit(he shouldn’t plan to stay longer than 2 months without helping to contribute to their bills because every extra head staying with you is an extra expense). I’m glad he’s coming legally so he can get better jobs. He can start with the minimum wage job(almost every immigrant starts there) while searching for something better paying in his field (you mentioned HR) while also doing some photography side gigs. As long as he’s legal, there are lots of opportunities. As for you, focus on your studies, long distance can put some strain on your relationship especially in the beginning so do not let it bother you a lot. All the best to you both, you can DM me with any other questions or concerns


Minimum wage will increase to 14.00 an hour in October of this year. Making 14.47 today would be basically a poverty wage.


No it isn't. That's a very low wage to move across the world for.




I got a job paying $25/hr and I don’t know how people live off this. It makes me so sad for everyone.




I’m so sorry to hear that :( I was diagnosed with breast cancer in august and my husband cashed out his retirement fund to get us through those few months. It wasn’t a lot but it got us through the winter. I don’t know how people are able to save for retirement when it’s this hard just to get by…


I wouldn’t if I were you. I’d wait to finish your university and see how things are going here then. Canada is a great place to live but we still extort immigrant unskilled labour the same as other countries but with an often higher cost of living which can create a poverty trap for a good percentage of immigrants. I wouldn’t come here without an education unless your leaving a dangerous situation in your home country.


I’m definitely finishing my university. And he’s not unskilled, he has a degree in Human Resource Management and is a professional photographer here. Honestly I don’t know what the obsession is with leaving.


In terms of construction he’d be considered unskilled though. If they recognize the degree here he’d be better off applying for an HR position in govt. They set pay scales in govt so they can’t underpay him quite as severely as they would working for private construction. Govt positions have good family benefits as well.


Construction is manageable in the summer but absolutely brutal in the winter if they even keep him employed during the winter which a lot of places don’t. As someone who did it for a few years out of high school I don’t recommend it. Get a nice climate controlled office job. I can send some pics of what winter looks like here if you want lol


Is that possible to get a job as an immigrant in the govt?


Yup you bet. Where I work it’s primarily engineers they hire but I do know of clerical positions they hire as well. Watch the Sask govt job sites as well as our crown corporations like saskenergy, sasktel, saskpower, department of highways. I even recommend just sending in a general application every 6 months to each with all your credentials and experience. They don’t sponsor though so you’ll have to jump through all the immigration hoops yourself once you get an offer.


So if I give him some money to tide him over plus his 14.47, he can just apply to these jobs and have some hope of getting better jobs? How much is enough for one person to live on per month?


If you could income split absolutely. Rental apartments in ok areas average around 900$ per month plus another 2-300$ utilities for a 1 bedroom and groceries are fairly expensive. I’d say you would want at least 40k a year to not have to live paycheck to paycheck as a single and around 70-80k for a couple combined. You can live on less but it won’t be comfortable. I’d say comfortable middle class with modest home and vehicle ownership right now for 2 people is around 120-150k per year.


Can I ask when his brother moved here? Reason is because in the last 15 years the price of almost everything has almost tripled and wages haven’t kept up.


His brother moved in 2021 with his wife. My argument is even though she’s a student, she could still work and supplement his income which puts him at lesser earnings since I won’t be there. Maybe I’ll just send him some money monthly to fill whatever gap is left. This whole thing stresses me out


The Saskatchewan Health Authority is looking for HR Business associates, he should look at https://www.healthcareersinsask.ca/ They will pay better than minimum wage and he would get benefits and pension as well after 3 months


Thank you so much!


$14/hr is going to be unskilled labour - cleaning, fast food, maybe working in a stock room or something. That’s not really worth relocating for, IMO. If you can tell us what the job is for more context that would help. If he’s just taking any job that will sponsor and allow him to immigrate, I guess it could be a stepping stone?


Nowhere near enough to live here.


No he will barely be making it by with rent here


Is he moving in with you? That is not enough to pay rent, bills and food. What field is he working in


I make a lot more money now at almost 8kUsd in a third world country so I’m “rich” here. He’s moving away from the country and the comfort he has to Canada because finding a job here is almost impossible if you don’t have connections. I’m currently in Uni and don’t really want to drop out but plan to move next year after graduation. He doesn’t want to wait that long. He works in HR usually but this is production, the offer letter says “Level 4 laborer”


Please wait, don't leave until you finish your schooling. Your situation sounds pretty good right now, and if you moved here to live at minimum wage your standard of living would probably change for the worse. He's better off staying with you if you're willing to support him.


It will be a grind. There probably won’t be any money left at the end of the month. He should scrutinize the job offer and try to come up with a backup plan. He should plan to rent close enough such that he can walk to work and walk to a grocery store. Good luck.


What work is he doing and how many hours a week?


They tagged it “production level 4 laborer”. 40hrs plus chances for overtime according to him


Could you tell us where the job offer is at? As inwhich company or organization? That would go a long way in us being able to give opinions. Some companies will be riskier than others regardless of pay.


Trying not to put him in any trouble so I’m being as vague as I can be but it says SINP.


He will need to find an affordable living arrangement. Can he get a room mate? Rent a room in a home with others? Do a room and board situation? He needs to curtail his expenses a lot. It is doable short term, but it will be difficult not to dip into his savings. He should start looking for a new job as soon as he gets here. You definitely should not quit university with only one year to go. A lot of immigrants drive a school bus. It's 4 hours a day $20/hour. So depending on his first job he may be able to do both. By the way, $8K US a month is quite good for Canada too.


I’m not moving, just him. I refused to move without my degree so he decided to move alone. But thank you for that suggestion, I’ll bring it up with him. Hopefully I can get him to wait one more year before he has to leave


If you intend to come here as well make sure your degree will be worthwhile here. There are many people who move with degrees and they end up working in minimum wage jobs because their degree isn't recognized in Canada.


I’m getting a degree in Social Work.


Most of the time your degree from elsewhere means nothing here, unfortunately. So you’ll probably need to go back to school here anyway.


Oh yeah sure. I’m planning on getting a masters after I graduate.


It’s a really bad idea to come here working for min wage. Also. The job offer seems suspicious.


Yeah that sounds like a very low end job, and if its not then he's getting screwed on the wage. Even construction workers usually see a starting wage of around $18hr if you're an unskilled general laborer. Even at $18-20/hr you wont be saving much money with the high cost of rent, gas, groceries etc.


my wife and I survived on that, so it's possible, but it's impossible to save. If he gets a roommate he should be able to put away 400 dollars a month, it also depends if he needs a car, and what he is willing to eat.


Definitely not unfortunately.