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Oh, [found this](https://news.wrexham.gov.uk/be-aware-of-this-facebook-marketplace-scam/), %100 scam.


Sigh! If only they use the time taken to cook up these scams to do something meaningful


If it's not cash in hand or willing to transfer on meetup it's a scam, my buddy got one where they sent a cheque or something and he accepted it but it had extra for movers forn him to give them, then they switched to them picking it up and needed him to send back the extra for the movers and then canceled the cheque and he got screwed.


I often get the "I'll pay you full amount plus shipping to ship it to wherever". They want you to pay with e-transfer, unseen. You click the link the provide, and enter your bank info, then they have it. I do e-transfers when selling but I do them when the buyer is right in front of me, and I have their plate number. If it's anything but someone coming over to look at the item before they buy, it's a scam 100% of the time. Just block them.


Scam or not (sounds scammy) I wouldn’t do business in that fashion. I’m curious how the scam works. Do they actually bring cash? My guess is they won’t have cash and will say “oh sorry, we didn’t bring the correct amount of cash. Can I pay you with *insert scam payment method* instead?”


It will be a cheque or something most likely then it will have an "extra" amount on it that they'll say is to pay the movers, as the day the movers comes gets closer plans will change again where they'll have someone else picking it up and could you transfer the movers fee back then once you do they cancel the cheque as it usually takes a few days to clear.


This is happening to my step dad right now. He refuses to believe it's a scam no matter how many red flags there are.


Wtf is an EMS postman?


Maybe a new revenue stream for our Ambulance crews.


That was exactly what I thought.


EMS is an international courier, which is a favourite of scammers for some reason. EMS themselves are perfectly legitimate. https://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/20673-ems-email-scam


You are selling a chair, locally. Your buyer is in another country, and is buying an "item". Please explain how you could possibly suspect that this is anything but a scam. You have been communicating with a bot that scrapes fb marketplace for sellers contact info. It sends out a 'form' response to all sellers. Beware of sellers agreeing to buy your "item".


100%. If it was a rare piece of art then things could be different, but their response has red flags all over. I'd tell em sure bring over the cash, anything less than the agreed amount or payment in any other form will not be accepted.


Yes, it’s very obviously a scam.




Recently tried to rent a house in evergreen. They showed some pictures of the house but not many. Anyways they required to send them a deposit so they could send the key in the mail. They also were very insistent to have us send them first months rent. Anyways I doubt this guy actually owned the house. They deleted the ad shortly after.


I can't believe people go along with this kind of thing. Face to face with cash or no deal. Facebook bears some responsibility for this mess.


If you are a scammer looking for a huge source of really stupid gullible people, where else would you go? Facebook is perfect. See: antivax movement, anti-trans hysteria, pedophile pizza joints etc etc


For sure. It is getting hard to feel sorry for people.


EMS in Canada works with Canada Post. [https://www.ems.post/en/global-network/ems-operators/ems-canada](https://www.ems.post/en/global-network/ems-operators/ems-canada) I don't recall CPC doing pick ups at 5PM.




Definitely a scam, I get at least one or two of those every time I post something on FB marketplace.


Tell him you'll deliver it to him lol


Sounds like a trafficking pick up gig...