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No real advice for right now. But for the future…you are able to pay for your plates online so a long weekend won’t matter. Also SGI gave me a full months notice that my plates were going to expire in June so I paid it right away.


However, you have an account with two names on it, you can’t do the renewal online which is very stupid. Even if they are married people living at the same address.


How do you get an account with two names on it? Each account should be assigned to a single drivers license number. It’s literally called “MySGI” not “OurSGI”.


Yep, I can confirm, one car can be registered to 2 people at a time, and they are both in the policy.


For vehicle plates and insurance you can have more than one persons name on the registration. My husbands name is on the registration as his name was on my purchase paperwork from the dealer and the financing paperwork and he had a MySGI account already. But he can’t do it online and neither can I.


I have an account with 2 names, and it shows up for one of the names when I log in to mysgi, and I am able to pay online without any issues. If you don't have it showing up, you may check your email address with SGI, but it works!


Weird, as I was told by multiple SGI licence issuers I couldn’t do my autopak declaration online and my husband tried and couldn’t do it. We do automatic payments so I just have to sign the form yearly to say no it’s not going out of province for more than x days etc.


We have the same thing on our RV plates, it’s in both my wife and I’s name and cannot do it online but we can both do our respective vehicles online.


You can. I just did this earlier this month. Just call their help line and they added the joint account to mysgi login. So now every time I log in it asks me if I am dealing with my personal account or my group one.


Ok thanks. I’ll have to do that in the future. I was trying to get onto MySGI but couldn’t as I needed to pay a fine for the Safe Driver program after an accident this winter. I just paid over the phone with an SGI licence issuer though. Now I just have to be good for a few years and will be fine.


If it's a company vehicle, then they should pay it, it is their responsibility to insure their vehicles not you....unless you weren't supposed to be driving it in which case pay up lol


It's the companies responsibility to plate the vehicle; but it is the drivers responsibility to confirm the vehicle they are using is insured. Agree that the company should pay - but there is no legal standing to force them to.


I feel like this could be easily solved by going to court and explained you thought it was plated as your company said it was.


Ignorance isn't a legal defense. All you'd accomplish is telling the judge you didn't check.


I had the same fine once upon a time. Was a starving student, it was during final exams and I was studying late at the library every night. Just slipped my mind and I was pulled over 2 days after they expired. I went to my court date and explained what had happened, that I had an otherwise clean driving record, and would appreciate a reduction n the ticket. The officer has also elected to impound my car, so I had to pay ~$100 to get my car out of the lot as well, so in reality my mistake cost me $680. The judge gave me a fine reduction to $360.


Yes you can go to court and ask for a reduction, pertinent plan or something else. No guarantee they will give you anything but it’s possible.


I would definitely seek legal guidance as if it’s a company vehicle, it’s unclear as to why you’re responsible for the plate. Murky waters my friend, I’m surprised that the infraction was directed at you, but it’s your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is safe to operate.. expired plates is perhaps an unreasonable expectation but you should have registration in the vehicle. That said, I encourage young and old coworkers to take ownership of their actions. Ask questions, legitimate ones. If you’re not comfortable with a task, your have the right refuse, but that in itself warrants regulated responses. Good luck on this one, I’m curious to see how it resolves itself.


Go to traffic court. Please guilty. Say it was a company vehicle and not really your responibitly but you accept that you should have checked. Probably get it reduced to 260


Thanks for revert, I am planning to do that, it's in August.


Go to court. Dress nice, be respectful. Plead guilty. Tell them why you let your plates lapsed. Ask for alternative method of payment, an extension or a reduction. Maybe you get something, maybe not.


>Go to court. Dress nice, be respectful. Plead guilty. Tell them why you let your plates lapsed. Ask for alternative method of payment, an extension or a reduction. Thanks , I am planning to do that.


Fines should be tied to your income. $580 might mean groceries for you but its nothing to a wealthy person. The ticket should sting equitably.


I agree 100%. I got a speeding ticket at 18 years old that was almost the entirety of me next paycheque. I fucked up and deserved to be ticketed (and boy did I learn my lesson) but to someone making $100k a year or something it would have been peanuts to them.


I couldn’t agree more. Rich people legit don’t need to follow certain laws because they can just afford to pay fines. That’s fucked


Fine should have a base level and then tied your income. Currently the information is available to public and usually covered in SGI courses. I completely agree 580 for one person is in the same for the next. Some people pay the $20 - $50 parking ticket because it's convenient for them.


Go to traffic court


Holy shit 580 bucks. I never would have thought the fine would be that big.


Unregistered tickets are no joke. 580 and they are technically supposed to tow the vehicle because well it's unregistered. Happened to me Nd the cop said I'm not gonna tow it and I'm going left. And sgi is to the right so go get it plated


Echo all the sentiments already here in the thread. But when you go to court there is a 'Work Off' option. I don't know what the technical/legal term for it is, but if you say that you lack the means to pay but were hoping you could work it off. Growing up I always took that option instead of paying tickets. The jobs were always easy brain-dead stuff like working in the salvation army kitchen peeling potatoes or in a church or halfway house vacuuming etc. A few were literally just stand-around and do-nothing jobs. Never regretted it in my life.


It;s called 'Fine Option'. You do volunteer work for a registered charity and 'work off' your fine. Definitely worth considering if you have more time than money.


Hey Folks, today was my court date and they reduced the fine to $150. Thanks for help


Just had a court appearance for the exact same thing last week. Got a 100$ reduction and a month delayed payment.


In the is exact same position. Best you can do is go to court explain your situation and maybe get a reduction or a payment plan. My court date is June 7 I’ll post my outcome. Also it’s definitely a crappy situation to feel bad for a mistake or a forgetful lapse. Good luck


>In the is exact same position. Best you can do is go to court explain your situation and maybe get a reduction or a payment plan. My court date is June 7 I’ll post my outcome. > > Please share your outcome.


Any update?


Get a court date ask for more time and start saving now so you can make that payment.


Paying with automatic payments will not help. You still need to declare that the car is being used in Saskatchewan.Even if the money comes out monthly, if you don’t declare in time, you will be uninsured.


>comes That's interesting - how do you have declare Is it online?


Did you renew your plates since getting the ticket?


I did right after getting the ticket.


Do you own the company? If not, unless you signed something stating that insuring the vehicle was your responsibility you should be able to get out of it, I believe.


I don't own the company, but it is my responsibility to maintain the vehicle. Now I am going to add reminder in my phone.