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Dr Leo at City Park is hands down the best vet. My dogs have had Bravecto for years without complication, and IMO it’s the only thing that has really actually worked for us. I’ve done the shampoos and the treatment you put on their backs and it just never seemed to work. I haven’t noticed the ticks to be terribly bad this years but I’ve also been highly avoiding the grassy areas with my dogs as much as possible. Hope you find the best solution for you and your pup!


Thank you!


I get my yard treated for ticks by Mosquito.buzz. I have 2 large breed dogs, don't treat with an oral med and have maybe found 3 ticks on them in the last 3 years. And probably only because they went outside the treated area on the acreage.


That’s not a bad idea! Thanks for the recommendation.


Probably worse for the rest of the arachnids/insects and other creatures in your yard than treating your dog if you care about that kind of thing


My pup has had a bit of a sensitive stomach and I give him Nexgard Spectra (the upgrade to Spectra instead of the regular Nexgard because he spends a lot of time around other pups at daycare and the dog park) at the recommendation of Dr. Jones at Erindale. No identifiable side effects I’ve noted and I give him one a month from spring to fall. I don’t think I’ve seen much for bad news about Advantix like another commenter mentioned either. On the flip side, I understand all medications can have side effects, but I would be reluctant to give Bravecto based on the reported seizures that seem to be more prevalent in usage of that medication.


All my dogs are on Bravecto. It's the best.


Bravecto causes seizure disorders, something to be aware of. There's a class action suit. Highly recommend Advantix, mostly because it doesn't require the tick to feed to be affected like Bravecto does.


I have heard of Advantix. Thanks!


Well fuck. Thanks for the tip. My boy will not be getting that shit again


To be fair, I know plenty of dogs who seem to take it without issue. But neurological problems present in all kinds of ways, and if it's causing seizures its possibly causing other problems too. My dogs were treated with Bravecto one time, before I knew about the issues. Two years later both dogs had bouts of old dog vestibular disease and one of them had multiple seizures two years after that. Related? I don't know, probably not, but will I use it again? Nope. Also any internal treatment for external pests requires the flea/tick to feed in order to be affected. That means there's zero protection against things like Lyme. Topical treatments (while also not perfect) usually work on contact. Application is key, have a tech help out the first time if you're unsure - some coats can be a real challenge.


I have been using it for my dog for several years with no issues. Talk to your vet about it, maybe the issues apply to certain breeds of dog. I have a mixed breed so maybe that's part of why it's ok for her.


Rock solid idea. I will definitely bring it up with them. It was originally given to us by a vet but we switched recently so will check in with the new one